5 57 7 T TH H T The poster of the winning feature film at the 57th National Awards 2010, Kutty Srank. at the 57th National Awards film The poster of the winning feature NATIONAL FILM AWARDS 2009 FILM AWARDS NATIONAL NATIONAL FILM AWARDS 2009 FILM AWARDS NATIONAL N DirectorateDirectorate ofof FilmFilm Festivals,Festivals, MinistryMinistry ofof InformationInformation & Broadcasting,Broadcasting, GGovernmentovernment ooff h e A IIndiandia presentspresents tthehe oofficialfficial cataloguecatalogue ofof yyhehe 557th7th NationalNational FFilmilm AAwards.wards. p T o I s O t e N r A o f L t h F e I w L i M n n i n A g W f e A a R t u D r th2009 e S f i l 2 m 0 a 0 t t 9 h e 5 57 7 t h N a t i o n NATIONAL FILM a l A w a r d s 2 0 1 0 , AWARDS K u t t THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE y S r a n k . THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE T THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE H E O F F I C I A L C A T A L O G U th E OFFICIAL PRODUCERS 57 20 OF THIS CATALOGUE NATIONAL FILM 0 Visit us at Siri Fort Auditorium Complex, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi-110049 Delhi-110049 Kranti Marg, New August Complex, Auditorium Siri Fort us at Visit AWARDS 9 57th2009 NATIONAL FILM AWARDS THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE The National Film Awards were constituted in 1953 to recognise and acknowledge the best of Indian cinema in each given year, in all Indian languages. These are Awards given not only for the artistic worth of the films but also for their social value and relevance. Apart from the films themselves, the best contribution in each of the disciplines of film mak- ing are awarded to the contributing artists and technicians. National Film Awards Catalogue Team Kaushalya Mehra, Molly Gambhir, Kishi Garg, Svetlana Naudiyal National Film Archives of India photo/information source Films Division information source D A V P printing and publishing A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S Press Information Bureau information source Prasar Bharati information source Photo Division photo source Film Federation of India film stills source Printed at Brijbasi Art Press Ltd. O F F I C I A L C A T A L O G U E editor BHUPENDRA KAINTHOLA editorial assistance (english) SAGORIKA SINGHA editorial assistance (hindi) SUNIL MISHRA art direction ANUJ MALHOTRA NS Media Films Pvt.Ltd. official photographer (jury pages) GAUTAM VALLURI co-ordinator MANJU KHANNA design expertise AMIT KUMAR HARI RAM Brijbasi Art Press Ltd. t All views expressed in this publication are those of the writers alone, and the editor, or the publisher does not necessarily endorse them. All the images are held under copyright by their respective owners or the production houses. The Directorate of Film Festivals is an organisation that was set up to promote a culture of healthy cultural, social and ideological exchange through the medium of cinema. It was established in 1973. Throughout the years, it organises various film festivals, retrospectives, and film related events that help in introducing the general public to the idea of good cinema. You can email us at [email protected] A STILL FROM THE SWARNA KAMAL WINNING FILM ‘KUTTY SRANK’ FILM WINNING KAMAL SWARNA FROM THE STILL A contents tc nknklkgc QkYds iqjLdkj 11 About Dadasaheb Phalke Award nknklkgc QkYds iqjLdkj % vc rd lEekfur 14 Dadasaheb Phalke Award Past Recipients nknklkgc QkYds iqjLdkj p;u lfefr 17 Dadasaheb Phalke Award Committee nknklkgc QkYds iqjLdkj fotsrk 2009 18 Dadasahab Phalke Award Winner 2009 DADASHAB PHALKE AWARD Qhpj fQYe fu.kkZ;d eaMy v/;{k dk vfHker 22 Feature Film Jury Chairperson Overview fu.kkZ;d eaMy lnL; ¼Qhpj fQYe½ 24 Feature Film Jury Members xSj&Qhpj fQYe fu.kkZ;d eaMy % v/;{k dk vfHker 36 Non-Feature Film Jury Chairperson Overview fu.kkZ;d eaMy lnL; ¼xSj&Qhpj fQYe½ 38 Non-Feature Film Jury Members flusek ij loksZÙke ys[ku v/;{k dk vfHker 42 Chairperson of Best Writing on Cinema : Overview fu.kkZ;d eaMy lnL; ¼flusek ij loksZÙke ys[ku½ 43 Best Writing on Cinema Jury Members PAGES MEMBER JURY A STILL FROM THE SWARNA KAMAL WINNING FILM ‘LAHORE’ FILM WINNING KAMAL SWARNA FROM THE STILL A t iqjLdkj % ,d ut+j esa 46 Awards : at a Glance loksZÙke Qhpj fQYe 48 Best Feature Film bfUnjk xka/kh iqjLdkj % funsZ’kd dh igyh loksZÙke fQYe 50 Indira Gandhi Award for Best Debut Film of a Director yksdfç; ,oa LoLFk euksjatu iznku djus okyh loksZÙke fQYe 52 Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment ujfxl nÙk iqLdkj % jk”Vªh; ,drk ij loksZÙke fQYe 54 Nargis Dutt Award for Best Film on National Integration lkekftd eqíksa ij loksZÙke fQYe 56 Best Film on Social Issues loksZÙke cky fQYe 58 Best Childern’s Film loksZÙke funsZ’ku 62 Best Direction FEATURE FILM AWARDS FILM FEATURE loksZÙke vfHkusrk 64 Best Actor loksZÙke vfHkus=h 66 Best Actress loksZÙke lg vfHkusrk 68 Best Supporting Actor loksZÙke lg vfHkus=h 70 Best Supporting Actress A STILL FROM THE SWARNA KAMAL WINNING FILM ‘3 IDIOTS’ FILM WINNING KAMAL SWARNA FROM THE STILL A t loksZÙke cky dykdkj 72 Best Child Artist loksZÙke ik’oZ xk;d 74 Best Male Playback Singer loksZÙke ik’oZ xkf;dk 76 Best Female Playback Singer loksZÙke Nk;kadu 78 Best Cinematography loksZÙke iVdFkk ¼ewy½ 80 Best Screenplay (Original) loksZÙke iVdFkk ¼:ikarfjr½ 82 Best Screenplay (Adapted) loksZÙke iVdFkk ¼laokn½ 84 Best Screenplay (Dialogue) loksZÙke /oU;kadu ¼yksds’ku lkm.M fjdkWfMZLV½ 86 Best Audiography (Sync Sound) FEATURE FILM AWARDS FILM FEATURE loksZÙke /oU;kadu ¼lkmaM fMt+kbu½ 88 Best Audiography (Sound Design) loksZÙke /oU;kadu ¼vafre fufeZr VªSd iqulaZ;kstu½ 90 Best Audiography (Re-recording of Final Mixed Track ) loksZÙke lEiknu 92 Best Editing loksZÙke fuekZ.k ifjdYiuk 94 Best Production Design A STILL FROM THE SWARNA KAMAL WINNING FILM ‘PUTTANI PARTY’ ‘PUTTANI FILM WINNING KAMAL SWARNA FROM THE STILL A t loksZÙke os’kHkw”kk ifjdYiuk 96 Best Costume Design loksZÙke esdvi dykdkj 98 Best Make-up Artist loksZÙke laxhr funsZ’kd ¼xhr½ 100 Best Music Direction (Songs) loksZÙke laxhr funsZ’kd ¼ik’oZ laxhr½ 102 Best Music Direction (Background Score) loksZÙke xhr 104 Best Lyrics fu.kkZ;d eaMy dk fo’ks”k iqjLdkj 106 Special Jury Award loksZÙke fo’ks”k izHkko 108 Best Special Effects loksZÙke u`R; funsZ’ku 110 Best Choreography FEATURE FILM AWARDS FILM FEATURE loksZÙke vlfe;k fQYe 112 Best Assamese Film loksZÙke caxyk fQYe 114 Best Bengali Film loksZÙke fgUnh fQYe 116 Best Hindi Film loksZÙke dUuM+ fQYe 118 Best Kannada Film loksZÙke dksad.kh fQYe 120 Best Konkani Film A STILL FROM THE SWARNA KAMAL WINNING FILM ‘KESHU’. FILM WINNING KAMAL SWARNA FROM THE STILL A t loksZÙke ey;kye fQYe 122 Best Malayalam Film loksZÙke ejkBh fQYe 124 Best Marathi Film loksZÙke rfey fQYe 126 Best Tamil Film AWARDS fo’ks”k mYys[k 128 Special Mention FILM FEATURE iqjLdkj % ,d ut+j esa 132 Award : At a Glance loksZÙke xSj Qhpj fQYe 134 Best Non-Feature Film funsZ’kd dh igyh loksZÙke xSj Qhpj fQYe 138 Best Debut Non-Feature Film of a Director loksZÙke ladfyr fQYe 142 Best Compilation Film loksZÙke i;kZoj.kh; fQYe 144 Best Environment Film lkekftd eqíksa ij loksZÙke fQYe 146 Best Film on Social Issues fu.kkZ;d eaMy dk fo’ks”k iqjLdkj 148 Special Jury Award AWARDS FILM NON FEATURE loksZÙke y?kqdfYir fQYe 150 Best Short Fiction Film A STILL FROM THE SWARNA KAMAL WINNING FILM ‘BILAAL’. FILM WINNING KAMAL SWARNA FROM THE STILL A loksZÙke Nk;kadu 152 Best Cinematography loksZÙke /oU;kadu 154 Best Audiography loksZÙke lEiknu 156 Best Editing loksZÙke ik’oZ Loj 158 Best Narration/Voiceover fo’ks”k mYys[k 160 Special Mention NON FEATURE FILM AWARDS FILM NON FEATURE flusek ij loksZÙke iqLrd 164 Best Book on Cinema fo’ks”k mYys[k 166 Special Mention loksZÙke fQYe leh{kd 168 Best Film Critic BEST WRITING ON CINEMA BEST WRITING 11 D A D A S A H A B P H A L K E A W A R D Dadasaheb Phalke Award is given nknklkgc QkYds iqjLdkj Hkkjrh; flusek to a film personality for his/her ds fodkl esa vizfre ;ksxnku ds fy, outstanding contribution to the growth and development of Indian fdlh ,d fQYedkj dks fn;k tkrk gSA Cinema. The award comprises of blds varxZr iqjLdkjLo:Ik Lo.kZdey] a Swarna Kamal, a cash Prize of ` 10]00]000@ rFkk ,d ’kkWy iznku ` 10,00,000/- ( Rupees Ten Lakhs) fd;k tkrk gSA and a shawl. D A D A S A H A B P H A L K E A W A R D 13 Dadashab Phalke Profile nknklkgc QkYds P H A L K E (1 8 7 0 - 1 9 4 5) To honour the Father of Indian Cinema, Dhundiraj Govind Phalke, the National Film Awards named its most prestigious and coveted award of Indian Cinema after him. He is the man who made the first Indian Feature film, Raja Harishchandra in 1913. Popularly known as Dadasaheb Phalke, he then went on to make 95 films and 26 short films in a span of 19 years. The Dadasaheb Phalke Award was introduced D A D A S A H A B D A S H B in 1969 by the government to recognise the contribution of film personalities towards the development of Indian Cinema. The first recipient of this award was Devika Rani Hkkjrh; flusek ds firkeg /kqafMjkt xksfoUn QkYds ds lEeku esa LFkkfir ;g iqjLdkj mudh Le`fr dks fpjLFkk;h cukus ds fy, vkjaHk fd;k x;k gSA mUgksaus 1913 esa igyh Hkkjrh; fQYe jktk gfj’pUæ dk fuekZ.k fd;k FkkA os nknk lkgc QkYds ds uke ls tkus x;sA mUgksaus viuh 19 o”kksaZ dh lfØ;rk esa 95 fQYeksa ds lkFk gh 26 y?kq fQYeksa dk fuekZ.k Hkh fd;kA Hkkjr ljdkj us 1969 esa nknklkgc QkYds iqjLdkj dh LFkkiuk muds vlk/kkj.k ;ksxnku ds çfr viuk vknj O;ä djrs gq, dhA igyk nknklkgc QkYds iqjLdkj nsfodk jkuh dks çnku fd;k x;k FkkA 14 Dadashab Phalke Award Past Recipients fiNys o"kksZa ds nknklkgc Q+kYds iqjLdkj fotsrk 1.
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