Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87240-9 - The Occitan War: A Military and Political History of the Albigensian Crusade, 1209-1218 Laurence W. Marvin Index More information Index Adhe´mar-Jordan of Saint-Antonin 140, 141 Bellegarde, castrum of 248, 249 Adhe´mar of Poitiers 33, 265, 266 Berengar, Abbot of Saint Thibe´ry 226, 231, 235 Agenais, region of Occitania 6, 35, 37, 141, 241 Bernard Adalbert 245 Aimeric of Montre´al 68, 74, 80, 85, 98, 103 Bernard, Archbishop of Auch (deposed 1214) 3, 77 Aimery III, Viscount of Narbonne 46, 66, 76, 77, Bernard, Archbishop of Embrun 218, 220, 223 121, 137, 204, 226, 239 Bernard Navarra 287 n. 80 Alan of Rouchy 295 Bernard of Cazenac 213–14, 228, 278, 287, 291 Albi, castrum of 61 Bernard of Clairvaux 2 Albigensians see Cathar Bernard of Portella 200 Alice of Montfort 56, 63, 71, 74, 81, 89, 148, 178, Bernard IV, Count of Comminges 112, 133, 134, 271, 280, 282, 297 154, 161, 162, 165, 170, 172, 202, 203, 270, Alphonse of Artois 302 271, 274, 285, 291 Amaury of Craon 282, 292 Bernard V, Count of Comminges 298 Amaury of Montfort 137–8, 170, 171–2, 175, 206, Bernard-Raimon of Roquefort, Bishop of 209, 247, 271, 276, 280, 294, 295, 297, Carcassonne 90 298–9, 301, 302, 305, 306 Bernis, castrum of 264 Amicia of Montfort, 95, 266 Bertrand of Cardaillac 35 Anonymous of Toulouse as chronicler 12, 26, 158, Bertrand of Gourdon 35 172, 174, 229, 249–50, 259, 268, 300 Bertrand, papal legate and cardinal 264, 265, 273, Arnaud, Bishop of Agen 36 278, 280, 290, 292, 294, 297 Arnaud-Amaury, Abbot of Cˆıteaux and papal Be´ziers, castrum and population of 38, 44, 300 legate 28, 34, 41, 43, 50, 53, 54, 70, 79, 94, militia of 15 133, 145, 164, 239 sack of 28, 41–5 Archbishop of Narbonne 137, 198, 218, 225, Bouchard of Marly 63–4, 97, 121–2 226, 228, 234, 241 Bouvines, battle of 31, 32, 71, 209, 213, 224, 307 attritional warfare 12 Bram, castrum and siege of 72–3 Auterive, castrum of 115, 154 Bruniquel, castrum of 110, 111 n. 86 Avignon 241–2 1219 siege of 301 Cabaret, castles at Lastours 9, 23, 57, 60–1, 63, 64, 73, 97 Baldwin of Toulouse 14, 22, 25, 109–10, 111, 128, Cahuzac, castrum of 110, 132, 133 153, 170, 198, 205, 274 Carcassonne, castrum of 46–7, 72, 301 capture and death 199–200 1209 siege of 48–52 Bazie`ge, battle of 299, 300 Casseneuil, castrum of 36, 208 Be´atrice of Viennois 206 1209 siege of 36–7, 208 Beaucaire, castrum of 221, 234–5, 242–3, 244, 1214 siege of 209–12 264, 309 Castelnaudary, castrum of 83, 108, 110, 118 Cross Gate 256 siege of 118–21 Redoubt 245, 246 Castelsarrasin, castrum of 117, 152, 156 siege and counter-siege of 24, 245–57 Castres, castrum of 60, 67, 93 Vine Gate 250, 251, 254, 255, 256 Catharism see Cathars 324 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87240-9 - The Occitan War: A Military and Political History of the Albigensian Crusade, 1209-1218 Laurence W. Marvin Index More information Index 325 Cathars xiv, 1–2, 2, 4, 37, 68, 79, 80, 98, 109, 131, Garonne river 275, 284 141, 206, 231, 232, 302, 303, 308 Gaston of Be´arn 117, 161, 162, 165, 202 Centule, Count of Astarac 299–300 Gaucher of Chaˆtillon, Count of Saint-Pol 33, 54 consolamentum 2 Gaucher of Joigny 33 councils, ecumenical Gautier, Bishop of Autun 34 Third Lateran 2, 19 Geoffrey of Neville 207, 208 n. 57 Fourth Lateran 26, 217, 228–9, 239, 241, 243, 278 Gervase of Chamigny 271 canons of 235–6 Giralda of Laurac 22, 98–9, 103, 105 factions at 229–30 Girard, Archbishop of Bourges 263, 264 credentes 2, 79 Giraud of Pe´pieux 65–7, 73, 86, 106, Crest, castrum and siege of 266, 269 132, 134, 152 Crusade, Albigensian xiv, 10, 15 goodmen see perfects Crusades: Gregory VII, Pope 223 First 4 Guichard of Beaujeu 33 Fourth 31, 32, 55 Guilhem of Minerve 79–80, 85, 254 n. 71 Fifth 297 Guilhem of Peyrepertuse 263 Guilhem of Roquefort 67, 90, 114 Dalmas of Creixell 277 Guillem-Raimon of Montcada, Seneschal of De´odat of Barasc 206 Catalonia 170 De´odat of Se´verac-le-Chaˆteau 215–16 Guy, Abbot of Vaux-de-Cernay 24, 71, 71 n. 11, Dominic Guzman 212 79, 168, 205, 206 Dominicans, Order of 303 Bishop of Carcassonne 205, 209, 210, 248 Domme, castrum of 213 Guy, Count of Auvergne 35, 36–7 Dordogne river 213, 214, 228 Guy of Cavaillon 247, 250 Dragonet of Mondragon 257, 264 Guy of Le´vis 34, 90, 121, 139, 155, 247, 304 Dreux of Compans 132 Guy of Lucy 77, 108, 118, 122, 138 Guy of Montfort, brother of elder Simon 14, 130, Eleanor of Aragon 228, 234–5 137–8, 139, 150, 170, 205, 206, 215, 226, 229, Elias of Albaroca 287 n. 80 239, 247, 248–9, 256, 260, 272–3, 293, 295 Engelbert, Provost of Cologne 138, 145 Guy of Montfort, son of elder Simon 262, 271, England, Kings of 5, 18 272, 274, 304 Enguerrand of Boves 154 Enguerrand of Coucy 108 Hautpol, castrum and siege of 136–7 Este`ve of Servian 71 Henry, Count of Rodez 215 Eustache of Cayeux 114 Henry II, King of England 307 Henry IV, German Emperor 223 faidits 155, 177, 234, 241, 252, 269, 270, 273, 281, Herve´, Count of Nevers, 33, 34, 54, 57, 69 287, 292 Honorius III, Pope 234, 258, 278, 297, 306 Fanjeaux, castrum of 60 Hugh, Bishop of Riez 164 Figeac, town of 215 Hugh of Alfaro 114, 143, 281 Foix, castrum of 197, 226, 262 Hugh of La Mota 286 counts of 14 Hugh of Lacy 118, 247 Folquet of Marseille, Bishop of Toulouse 11, 71, 71 Hugh of Revigan 36, 208 n. 11, 73, 100, 101, 159, 168, 179, 187, 190, 196, 220–1, 228, 231, 232, 233, 260, 261, 280, 282 infantry, use and employment of 15–19 forty-day service, see service requirement Innocent III, Pope 1, 3–4, 28, 58, 62, 70, 163, 167, Foucaud of Berzy 255, 275, 299, 300 175, 222–4, 226, 236–7, 241, 243, 258 France, kings of 7 at Fourth Lateran 228–9, 230, 232, 233 Frederick Barbarossa, German Emperor 8, 18 further settlement after Fourth Lateran 234–5 Frederick, Count of Toul 155 suspension of indulgence 1213, 163–5, 197, 205 Inquisition 303 Gaillac, castrum of 110, 128, 132–3, 135 Gaillard of Beynac 214 Jacques of Vitry 138, 205 Garcias of Ort, Bishop of Comminges 155, 187 Jaume I, King of Aragon 95–6, 193, 201, 202, 203, Archbishop of Auch, 218, 233, 300 240, 266, 306 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87240-9 - The Occitan War: A Military and Political History of the Albigensian Crusade, 1209-1218 Laurence W. Marvin Index More information 326 Index Jeanne of Toulouse 302 Montgrenier, munitio or castrum and capture of Joan of England 6, 141 262–3, 270 John, King of England 6, 56, 142, 168, 196, 203, Montlaur, castrum of 72 207, 209, 213, 215, 222, 241 Montpellier, city of 198 John of Veira, Bishop of Limoges 36 Council of 217, 222 Jordan, Bishop of Lisieux, 34, 97, 99 Montse´gur 231, 302 Joris, Occitan noble and crusade adherent 270, Muret 155, 169, 177, 276 290, 298 battle of 13, 14, 177, 181–2, 187–90 deaths 191–2 knights, use of in warfare 13–14 numbers of men engaged, medieval estimates 184–5, 186 La Re´ole, town of 203, 207 numbers of men engaged, modern estimates, La Rochelle, town of 299 186 n. 109, 186–7 Lagrave, castrum of 128–9, 132 significance of battle 175–6, 194–5 Lambert of Monte´limar 265 Lambert of Thury (Cre´cy, Limoux) 34, 59, 81, Narbonnais Castle, 10, 71, 113, 221, 226, 227, 239, 168, 245, 247, 251, 253, 257 259, 260, 261, 270, 271, 273, 277, 278, 284, Languedoc 1 294, 296 Las Navas de Tolosa, battle of 7, 50, 146, 161 Narbonne, city of 46, 198, 200–1 Lastours see Cabaret militia of 15, 66, 76, 77, 81, 201 Lavaur, castrum of 3, 98, 99 New Toulouse 275, 276, 281, 282, 295, 296 1211 siege of 99–103, 108 Nicholas of Bazoches 105 1213 council of, 161, 166 Nˆımes, city of 198, 202, 248, 252, 258 Lavelanet, castrum of 145 Le Mas d’Agenais, castrum and unsuccessful siege Occitan War xiv, 6, 7, 13, 16, 37, 94, 105, 156, 174, of 203 248, 251, 257, 296, 303, 307, 308 Les Casse´s, castrum of 108–9 brutality of 21–2, 73, 301, 309, 310 Leopold VI, Duke of Austria 138, 145 Occitania 1, 2, 3, 4–6, 23, 305, 306, 308 logistics 22–4 Odo, Duke of Burgundy 33, 34, 54, 57, 60–1, 69 in Occitan War 23–4 Orange, city of 242 Lolmie, castrum of 198 Otto, Emperor of Germany 70 Lombers, castrum of 60, 61, 67, 93 Louis, Prince (Louis VIII) 3, 6, 80, 168, 169, 217, Pamiers, city of 115 224, 225–7, 297, 299, 300–1, 301, 304, 307 Statutes of 158, 159–60 Louis IX, King of France 301–2 Peir Durban of Monte´gut 272 Peire Mir 97, 99, 247 Manasses, Bishop of Orleans 169, 172 Peire of Saint Prais 246 Marmande, castrum of 147, 207, 298, 299–300 Peire-Roger of Cabaret 47, 64, 74, 81, 82–3, 85, Martin Algai 122, 124, 147–8, 150, 208 n.
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