(Praise of the Incense Offering) 爐香乍爇,法界蒙薰, Lu Xiang Zha Re Fa Jie Meng Xun Incense Heats up in the Cencer, the Fragrance Premeats All Space

(Praise of the Incense Offering) 爐香乍爇,法界蒙薰, Lu Xiang Zha Re Fa Jie Meng Xun Incense Heats up in the Cencer, the Fragrance Premeats All Space

The Amitabha Sutra as discoursed by the Buddha 佛說阿彌陀經 網路視訊共修須知 Reminders for Online Dharma Service 1. 佛前上香 (如家中有佛堂) Incense offering if you could. 2. 為表恭敬莊嚴,在家修持者可穿著海清縵衣 Wear black (and brown) robe to show your sincerity. 3. 準備好經本,處於安靜的環境,保持平和的心 Download Sutra. Have a serene surroundings and peaceful mind. 4. 法會進行時,專心修習經文,勿言談,勿吃零食 Please no talking and eating during service. Focus on Sutra only. 5. 課誦開始 Chanting starts. 6. 跟隨法師禮佛三拜 Follow venerable monks to make three full bows. 1. 爐香讚 (Praise of The Incense Offering) 爐香乍爇,法界蒙薰, Lu Xiang Zha Re Fa Jie Meng Xun Incense heats up in the cencer, the fragrance premeats all space, 諸佛海會悉遙聞, Zhu Fo Hai Hui Xi Yao Wen Buddhas in all universes are aware, 隨處結祥雲, Sui Chu Jie Xiang Yun Everywhere, there gathers auspicious clouds. CopyRight: International Buddhist Progress Society Page: 1 Of 57 Print Date: 10/02/2007 The Amitabha Sutra as discoursed by the Buddha 佛說阿彌陀經 誠意方殷,諸佛現全身。 Cheng Yi Fang Yin Zhu Fo Xian Quan Shen Be sincere and solemn, Buddhas appear in the midst of fragrant clouds. 南無香雲蓋菩薩摩訶薩 (三稱) (Please repeat the following sentence three times) Nan Mo Xiang Yun Gai Pu Sa Mo He Sa Homage to the Bodhisattvas of the incense clouds. 2.南無本師釋迦牟尼佛(三稱) (Please repeat the following sentence 3 times) Nan Mo Ben Shi Shi Jia Mou Ni Fo Let’s take refuge in our teacher, Sakyamuni Buddha. 3.開經偈 (Sutra Reading Anthem) 無上甚深微妙法, Wu Shang Shen Shen Wei Miao Fa This is the most supreme, profound and wonderful teaching. 百千萬劫難遭遇。 Bai Qian Wan Jie Nan Zao Yu One can hardly catch a glance of it in a trillion kalpas. 我今見聞得受持, Wo Jin Jian Wen Dei Shou Chi Now, I have learned and I will adhere to them. 願解如來真實義。 Yuan Jie Ru Lai Zhen Shi Yi I pledge to understand the truth discoursed by the Tathagata. CopyRight: International Buddhist Progress Society Page: 2 Of 57 Print Date: 10/02/2007 The Amitabha Sutra as discoursed by the Buddha 佛說阿彌陀經 4. 佛說父母恩重難報經 Fo Shuo Fu Mu En Zhong Nan Bao Jing (The Filial Piety Sutra as Discoursed by Buddha) 如是我聞: Ru Shi Wo Wen Thus I have heard, 一時佛在舍衛國, Yi Shi Fo Zai She Wei Guo Once Buddha was at Shravasti, 衹樹給孤獨園, Qi Shu Ji Gu Du Yuan In the garden of the Benefactor of Orphans and the Solitary, 與大比丘二千五百人, Yu Da Bi Qiu Er Qian Wu Bai Ren together with a gathering of great Bhikshus, twelve hundred and fifty in all, 菩薩摩訶薩三萬八千人俱。 Pu Sa Mo He Sa San Wan Bai Qian Ren Ju and with all of the Buddhisattvas, thirty-eight thousand in all. 爾時,世尊引領大眾, Er Shi Shi Zun Yin Ling Da Zhong At that time, the World Honoured One led the great assembly, 直往南行, Zhi Wang Nan Xing on a walk towards the south. 忽見路邊聚骨一堆。 Hu Jian Lu Bian Ju Gu Yi Dui CopyRight: International Buddhist Progress Society Page: 3 Of 57 Print Date: 10/02/2007 The Amitabha Sutra as discoursed by the Buddha 佛說阿彌陀經 Suddenly they came upon a pile of bones beside the road. 爾時,如來向彼枯骨, Er Shi Ru Lai Xiang Bi Ku Gu At that time, The World Honoured One turned to face them, 五體投地,恭敬禮拜。 Wu Ti Tou Di Gong Jing Li Bai placed his five limbs on the ground, and bowed respectfully. 阿難合掌白言: O Nan He Zhang Bai Yan Ananda put his palms together and asked the World Honoured One, 『世尊!如來是三界大師, Shi Zun Ru Lai Shi San Jie Da Shi “The Tathagata is the Great Teacher of the Triple Realm, 四生慈父,眾人歸敬, Si Sheng Ci Fu Zhong Ren Gui Jing the compassionate father of beings of the four kinds of births. He has the respect and reverence of the entire assembly. 以何因緣,禮拜枯骨?』 Yi He Yin Yuan Li Bai Ku Gu What is the reason that he now bows to a pile of dried bones? 佛告阿難:『汝等雖是吾上首弟子, Fo Gao O Nan Ru Deng Sui Shi Wu Shang Shou Di Zi The Buddha told Ananda, “Although all of you are my foremost disciples, 出家日久,知事未廣。 Chu Jia Ri Jiu Zhi Shi Wei Guang CopyRight: International Buddhist Progress Society Page: 4 Of 57 Print Date: 10/02/2007 The Amitabha Sutra as discoursed by the Buddha 佛說阿彌陀經 and have been members of the Sangha for a long time, you still have not achieved far reaching understanding. 此一堆枯骨,或是我前世祖先, Ci Yi Dui Ku Gu Huo Shi Wo Qian Shi Zu Xian This pile of bones could have belonged to my ancestors from former lives. 多生父母。 Duo Sheng Fu Mu They could have been my parents in many past lives. 以是因緣,我今禮拜。』 Yi Shi Yin Yuan Wo Jin Li Bai That is the reason I now bow to them. 佛告阿難: Fo Gao O Nan The Buddha continued speaking to Ananda. 『汝今將此一堆枯骨分做二分, Ru Jin Jiang Ci Yi Dui Ku Gu Fen Zuo Er Fen “These bones we are looking at can be divided into two groups. 若是男骨,色白且重; Ruo Shi Nan Gu Se Bai Qie Zhong One group is composed of the bones of men, which are heavy and white in colour. 若是女骨,色黑且輕。』 Ruo Shi Nu Gu Se Hei Qie Qing The other group is composed of the bones of women, which are light and black in colour. 阿難白言:『世尊,男人在世, CopyRight: International Buddhist Progress Society Page: 5 Of 57 Print Date: 10/02/2007 The Amitabha Sutra as discoursed by the Buddha 佛說阿彌陀經 O Nan Bai Yan Shi Zun Nan Ren Zai Shi Ananda said to the Buddha, “World Honoured One, when men are alive in the world, 衫帶鞋帽,裝束嚴好, Shan Dai Xie Mao Zhuang Shu Yan Hao they adorn their bodies with robes, belts, shoes, hats and other fine attire, 一望知為男子之身。 Yi Wang Zhi Wei Nan Zi Zhi Shen so that they clearly assume a male appearance. 女人在世,多塗脂粉, Nu Ren Zai Shi Duo Tu Zhi Fen When women are alive, they put on cosmetics, perfumes, powders, 或薰蘭麝,如是裝飾, Huo Xun Lan She Ru Shi Zhuang Shi and elegant fragrances to adorn their bodies, 即得知是女流之身。 Ji Dei Zhi Shi Nu Liu Zhi Shen so that they clearly assume a female appearance. 而今死後,白骨一般, Er Jin Si Hou Bai Gu Yi Ban Yet, once men and women die, all that’s left are their bones. 教弟子等,如何認得 ?』 Jiao Di Zi Deng Ru He Ren Dei How does one tell them apart? Please teach us how you are able to distinguish them.” 佛告阿難:『若是男子,在世之時, CopyRight: International Buddhist Progress Society Page: 6 Of 57 Print Date: 10/02/2007 The Amitabha Sutra as discoursed by the Buddha 佛說阿彌陀經 Fo Gao O Nan Ruo Shi Nan Zi Zai Shi Zhi Shi The Buddha answered Ananda, “if when men are in the world, 入於伽藍,聽講經律,禮拜三寶 , Ru Yu Qie Lan Ting Jiang Jing Lu Li Bai San Bao they enter temples, listen to explanations of Sutras and Vinaya texts, make obesisnace to the Triple Jewel, 念佛名號;所以其骨,色白且重。 Nian Fo Ming Hao Suo Yi Qi Gu Se Bai Qie Zhong And recite the Buddhas’ names, then when they die their bones will be heavy and white in colour. 世間女人,短於智力,易溺於情, Shi Jian Nu Ren Duan Yu Zhi Li Yi Ni Yu Qing Most women in the world have little wisdom, and are saturated with emotion. 生男育女,認為天職; Sheng Nan Yu Nu Ren Wei Tian Zhi They give birth to and raise children, feeling that this is their duty. 每生一孩,賴乳養命, Mei Sheng Yi Hai Lai Ru Yang Ming Each child relies on its mother’s milk for life and nourishment, 乳由血變, Ru You Xue Bian and that milk is a transformation of the mother’s blood. CopyRight: International Buddhist Progress Society Page: 7 Of 57 Print Date: 10/02/2007 The Amitabha Sutra as discoursed by the Buddha 佛說阿彌陀經 每孩飲母八斛四斗甚多白乳, Mei Hai Yin Mu Ba Hu Si Dou Shen Duo Bai Ru Each child drinks one thousand two hundred gallons of its mother’s milk. Because of this drain on the mother’s body whereby the child takes milk for its nourishment, 所以憔悴,骨現黑色,其量亦輕。』 Suo Yi Qiao Cui Gu Xian Hei Se Qi Liang Yi Qing The mother becomes worn and haggard and so her bones turn black in colour and are light in weight.” 阿難聞語,痛割於心,垂淚悲泣, O Nan Wen Yu Tong Ge Yu Xin Chui Lei Bei Qi When Ananda heard these words, he felt a pain in his heart as if he had been stabbed and wept silently. 白言:『世尊!母之恩德,云何報答?』 Bai Yan Shi Zun Mu Zhi En De Yun He Bao Da He said to the World Honoured One, “How can one repay one’s mother’s kindness and virtue?” 佛告阿難:『汝今諦聽,我當為汝,分別解說: Fo Gao O Nan Ru Jin Di Ting Wo Dang Wei Ru Fen Bie Jie Shuo The Buddha told Ananda, “Listen well, and I will explain it for you in detail. 『母胎懷子,凡經十月,甚為辛苦。 Mu Tai Huai Zi Fan Jing Shi Yue Shen Wei Xin Ku The fetus grows in its mother’s womb for ten lunar months. What bitterness she goes through while it dwells in there! CopyRight: International Buddhist Progress Society Page: 8 Of 57 Print Date: 10/02/2007 The Amitabha Sutra as discoursed by the Buddha 佛說阿彌陀經 在母胎時,第一月中,如草上珠, Zai Mu Tai Shi Di Yi Yue Zhong Ru Cao Shang Zhu In the first month of pregnancy, the life of the fetus is as precarious as a dewdrop on grass: 朝不保暮,晨聚將來,午消散去。 Chao Bu Bao Mu Chen Ju Jiang Lai Wu Xiao San Qu how likely that it will not last from morning to evening but will evaporate by mid-day! 母懷胎時,第二月中,恰如凝酥。 Mu Huai Tai Shi Di Er Yue Zhong Qia Ru Ning Su During the second lunar month, the embryo congeals like curds.

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