The Great Lakes RED BOOK 1937 A list off over 1500 Vessels off the Great Lakesf together with the name of Owner, Captain and Engi­ neer, off each Vessel, Shipbuilding, and Repair Yards Compliments of CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK CLEVELAND, OHIO Rockefeller Office: Superior A ve, and West 6th St. OPPERSl ► e oal A finish for every surface, and a full line of high quality Marine Paints, Varnishes and Enamels conveniently available at THE KOPPERS COAL all chief lake ports. COMPANY General Offices Koppers Building, Th e S h e r w i n -W i l l i a m s Pittsburgh, Pa. Cleveland, O. 601 C anal R oad, N. W. Buffalo, N. Y. 37 P earl St. Branches in Other Chicago, 111. 333 North Michigan Ave. D etroit, M ich. 1960 M ilw aukee Ave., E. Principal Cities 4 5 A LIST OF OVER 1500 VESSELS OF THE NACO GREAT LAKES with the name of ANCHOR CHAIN OWNER, CAPTAIN ^EN G IN EER And of EACH VESSEL JOINING LINKS Complete Port Directory Complete Shipyard Directory Assure Extreme Strength And Season of 1937 Durability Copyrighted 1937 The Penton Publishing Co. To find the name of owner, captain or engi­ neer, refer to the name of the vessel in the alphabetical list. Following the name of each vessel is a number. The number re­ fers to the fleet to which the vessel belongs, and will be found preceding owner’s name in fleet list. Shipyard Directory follows NATIONAL MALLEABLE AND Capacity of Ore Carriers. STEEL CASTINGS COMPANY Published by General Offices The Penton Publishing Co. CLEVELAND Cleveland, Ohio 7 Index to Lake Fleet THE ROOT & McBRIDE CO. We make a study of your special A Vessel Fleet No. A lpena ............... 103 requirements and know how to Vessel Fleet No. A lpena ............. 293 Abernethy, John...... 164 A m aranth ........ 277 provide what you need in the Acadialite .............. 123 Amazon ........... 121 Acadian ................... 33 Am erica ........... 13 following lines. Ace ........................... 179 Am erica ........... 15 Achilles ................... 19 Am erica ........... 103 For Officers, Passengers and Crews Aclipson ................... 140 A m erican ....... 56 Bleached Linen Damasks for Table Cloths Adams, Cuyler........ 265 Amership ......... 6 Basco Damasks and Napkins Adele ......................... 80 A narco ............. 224 Colored Damasks for Table Cloths Adriatic ................... 213 Angeline ........... 51 Cotton, Part Wool and All Wool Blankets A driatic .................. 248 Ann Arbor No. 3.... White and Colored Sheets Aetna, ....................... 198 Ann Arbor No. 4.... Mosquito Netting Curtain Materials Affleck, B. F ........... 218 Ann A rbor No. 5.... Face Towels Dresser Scarfs Agnes P ..................... 35 Ann Arbor No. 6.... Bath Towels Rugs Agoming ................ 126 Ann A rbor No. 7.... Roller Towels Carpets Aid ............................. 36 Anticosti ......... 33 Dish Towels Linoleums A labam a ................ 103 A ntietam ......... 279 Bed Spreads Cocoa Mats Alabam a ................ 137 A rcturus ........... 213 Pillow Cases Wash Cloths Albatross ................ 254 Argenteuil ....... 35 Pillows Oil Cloth A lberta ..................... 40 Ariel .................. 257 Mattresses and Springs Combs Alfred ....................... 127 Ariel .................. 274 Ducks and Canvas Soaps (nee Wm. Le Baron A rizona ............. 103 Steamer Rugs Brushes Jenney) A rkansas ......... 103 Comfortables Cook’s Caps Algocen ................... 2 A rlington ......... 30 Cheese Cloth Aprons Algonac ................... 274 Arnold, Fanny. 30 Draperies Algomah ................... 134 A rrowhead ....... 274 Laundry Bags—made from duck Algomah II ............ 134 Arvida ............. 33 Algonquin .............. 119 A shcroft ........... 33 We are always prepared to submit Algonquins ............ 233 Ashley, J. S...... 121 samples promptly. Algorail ................... 2 A shtabula ......... 103 Phone or write us when you are ready. Algosoo ..................... 2 A shtabula ....... 209 Algosteel ................ 2 Aspen ............... ,,277 T elephone M Ain 4405 Alice ......................... 219 Assiniboia ....... 40 Allan, Sir Hugh.... 182 Atacas ............... 36 Allan, No. 2............ 30 Athabasca ......... 40 THE ROOT & McBRIDE CO. Allen, Justine C..... 147 Atlas .................. 5 Wholesale Distributors Allen, Martha E ..... 147 Atterbury, W. W. 104 Contract Dept. Alligator Boyle .... 36 Atwater, Wm. C..... Alligator Eadie .... 36 (see Kulas, E. J.) 1250 West 6th St. Cleveland, Ohio Alligator Quaile...... 36 A u b e .................... 246 Alligator Serpent.... 36 Aubrey ............. 5 Vessel Fleet No. Vessel Fleet No. Augustus, A. A 121 Becker, B. H 16 Aurelia ..................... 45 Becker, John A 168 A urora ....................... 56 Beechbay ................... 268 Aviso ......................... 225 Belgium ................... 102 Aycliffe ..................... 112 Bell, Sir Isaac L»..... Aylmer ..................... 267 (see Blanche) Bellechasse .............. 35 Bennington ............ 260 B Berryton ................... 235 Berthier ................... 35 B-7 ....... 99 Berwind, Edward J. 17 B. S. L ..................... 163 Bess, Earl .............. 163 Back Bay ................ 260 Bessie M...................... 91 Save By Mail Badger State .......... 86 Bethlehem .............. 17 Badger State .......... 99 Bielman, Jr., C. F. 191 At Ohio’s Oldest, Larg­ Baie St. Paul 163 Bienville ................... 148 est Savings Bank Baird, Frank B 281 Bigwin ....................... 119 Baker, Fannie L 168 Billings, Frank 121 You can bank your money Baker, George F 218 Binnings, J. R 114 by mail with the Society for Ball Bros.................... 265 Birchton ................... 146 Savings just as safely, conven­ Baltimore ................ Black, Clarence A. 218 iently, and privately as in per­ (see Patricia Black Rock ............ 273 son. McQueen) Blanche ..................... 128 Write for complete informa­ Barbara Jo ............ 227 (nee Sir Isaac Lo­ tion, or send first deposit in Barkhamstead ........ 221 thian Bell) shape of post office or express Barlow ....................... 90 Blanche ..................... 164 money order, check or bank Barnes, Andrew M. 82 Block, Joseph .......... 121 draft. (nee I. L. I. No. 102) Block, L. E ............... 121 Resources Over $100,000,000 Barnes, Richard J... 82 Block, Philip D 121 (nee I. L. I. No. 101) Bluebell ..................... 267 Member Federal Deposit Barnum, George G. Blue Cross .............. 18 Insurance Corporation (see Hennepin) Blue River .............. 18 Barrallton ............... 90 Boardman, John W. 120 B arrie ....................... 33 Boeckling, G. A 15 Barth, L. L .............. 56 Boland, John J 19 Bartelme, M. J 198 Boland, John J. Jr. 19 Batchawana ............ 35 (nee H. P. Werner) Bastican ................... 33 Booth, J. R ............... 162 Incorporate* t6-t9 Batavia ..................... 156 Bos, C. J .................. 283 Battle, James ........ 64 Bowden, W. A 35 Society for £001055 Baxter, Jas. Jr 155 Bowman, A. F 247 in the Citg of Cleveland Bayfield ................... 80 Bradley, Carl D 22 Bayton ... 235 Brandon .................. 260 Beauharnois ............ 141 Brazil ....................... 122 Beauvais, Ernest E. 95 Bremmer, E. R 162 Beaverton ................. 33 Brentwood ....... 33 11 Vessel Fleet No. Vessel Fleet No. Bricoldoc ................... 208 CG-153 279 Brighton ................... 246 CG-173 279 Britamette .............. 23 OG-192 279 Britamlube .............. 23 CG-219 ..................... 279 Britamoco ................. 23 C. G. No. 2271........ 274 Britam oil ................ 23 Cadillac ..................... 51 Britamolene ............ 23 Cadillac ................... 68 Britt, Thomas ........ 198 Cadwell, C. W 262 The ELGIN System makes a B rittania ................ 68 Cahill, Toby .......... 164 B ritannic ................. 181 Cahotte ..................... 163 boiler self-cleaning, permitting Britten, Fred A....... 60 Calcite ..................... 22 Brockton ................... 260 Calgadoc ................... 208 long periods between washouts. Brookton ................ 235 Calgarian ................. 33 Brown Brothers .... 116 California .............. 103 Brown, Fayette .... 213 Callender, D. E 198 Sludge and mud are removed Brown, H. H ............. 213 Calumet ................... 213 Brown, J. J. H....... 24 Calverley, Jr 121 while the boilers are in service. Brown Beaver ........ 281 Cam bria ................... 17 Brulin ....................... 206 Campbell, J. A 213 Deconcentrators insure: Bruxelles ................. 163 Campbell, Peter G. 71 Bryn M awr ............ 218 Camrose ................... 33 No Mud No Sludge No Scale Buckeye State ........ 86 Canadian ................. 33 Budd, Ralph .......... 105 Canadiana .............. 59 Better Circulation Clean Boilers Buffington, E. J ..... 218 Canadoc ..................... 208 Bug, G. L .................. 261 Canatco ..................... 31 B ulkarier ................. 32 Canfield, Capt. A. 274 Bunce, E. M............. 176 Canmore ................... 33 Elgin Chemical Treatment Bunsen, R. W. E ..... 218 Canopus ................... 213 B urger ....................... 85 Cape Trinity .......... 33 ELGIN Balanced Chemical Treatment Burke, Joseph P ..... 235 Caribou ................... 72 Burton ....................... 273 Carillon ..................... 35 and ELGIN Service prevent scale, cor­ Bush ......................... 36 Carl ........................... 242 Busse, Fred A......... 47 Cartierdoc .............. 208
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