US 20090104295A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2009/0104295 A1 Kohno (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 23, 2009 (54) AGENT FOR HAIR GROWTH Publication Classi?cation (76) Inventor._ KeIlJl.. Kohno, KanagaWa (JP) (51) A61KInt. Cl. 36/48 (200601) Correspondence Address: (52) US. Cl. ...................................................... .. 424/757 THE WEBB LAW FIRM, RC. (57) ABSTRACT 700 KOPPERS BUILDING, 436 SEVENTH , . AVENUE groWtThe ailm , W 0;“' 10 {11111; asinventloln exce ent is 1:0‘air offer groWt a 1riotvfele ects agent ut notfor sihailr e PITTSBURGH’ PA 15219 (Us) effects. The agent for hair growth of the present invention is (21) A 1 NO _ 12/063 611 characterized by comprising a processed semi-mature soy pp ' " ’ bean and/ or a processed semi-mature soybean extracts and at 22 PCTFl- d._ J .30 2006 least one substance selected from the group consisting of a ( ) 1 e “I1 ’ processed Polygoni Multi?ori Radix, processed Polygoni p10‘Z Decne or processedRadix extracts, Cynanchum a processed bungei DecneCynanchum extracts, pref § 371 (OX1), erably further comprising Longan seed and/or Longan seed (2)’ (4) Date: Feb 12, 2008 extracts as active ingredients. This agent for hair groWth has no side effects When used externally or internally, it can (30) Foreign Application Priority Data notably improve hair groWth Within a short period of time; ranging from 6 to 12 Weeks, can return hair to its normal hair Aug. 12, 2005 (JP) ............................... .. 2005-261312 e010ur(f0r example from White to black) and can improve the Feb. 1, 2006 (JP) ............................... .. 2006-024532 glOSS Ofhair Patent Application Publication Apr. 23, 2009 Sheet 1 0f 5 US 2009/0104295 A1 FIG. 1 N33 nut signi?cant 5 I __ _ ?nals. NS $143.59, NS 0-4.0. NS 4 'E .421 3 (‘H c g 2 CE W m "l o I Bef. ‘raw yellow processed semi" gmature yeliow :boiled black suybean mature soybean soybean soybean 5 I p=0.6, NS p210 NS [ll-"0.7, NS {0:03, NS 4 ' ‘ F‘? ' * i1 2 3 ‘8 3 2 3 m t O Bef. Aft. Aft. Bef. Aft. Bef. Aft. Bef‘ Aft. Bef. Aft. rawP. processedli’. iraw Qbungei processed C. Longan seed ‘processed multi?ori ml?ti?ori bungei Longan seed. 5 4 [ WODOBSigni?cant p=o.o2,signi?ean: Film-signi?cant a i*—| |*—1 “6 3 I +9 0: 1 - i o ' I l I I I I Q I I Bef. ' Aft. I I Ref‘ I Afr I Beef. I Aft. icmnpmmd ‘Compound ‘compound ingedients 1 ‘ingredients 2' ingredients 3 Patent Application Publication Apr. 23, 2009 Sheet 2 0f 5 US 2009/0104295 A1 FIG. 2 Patent Application Publication Apr. 23, 2009 Sheet 3 0f 5 US 2009/0104295 A1 FIG. 3 Patent Application Publication Apr. 23, 2009 Sheet 4 0f 5 US 2009/0104295 A1 FIG. 4 Area 1 Before Area 2 Befcare Area 1 A?er Agree: 2 A?e: Patent Application Publication Apr. 23, 2009 Sheet 5 0f 5 US 2009/0104295 A1 FIG. 5 ofsensationpain hairat:root 0 ‘raw yellow processed semi“ gmature yellow . 'suybean mature soybean ‘soybean soybean 3 I .8 3 *5 2 - “5 3 a a '45‘ F’: 1 (‘g 4-1 a :6 cu In 0 'multi?ori Imulti?ori - bungei Longan seed sensationofpain 11am‘atroot ?eompound icumpounci fcumpound ingrmiients 1 ingredients 2 ingredients 3 US 2009/0104295 A1 Apr. 23, 2009 AGENT FOR HAIR GROWTH [0008] It is therefore understandable, that I am consulted by a lot of patients With hair trouble Who claim, that they have FIELD OF THE INVENTION never found a useful tonic. [0009] Patent document 1: JP 2001-238637 A [0001] This invention relates to a hair growth. More spe [0010] Patent document 2: JP 2002-053434 A ci?cally, this invention relates to a substance Which has an [0011] Patent document 3: JP H08-l275l7 A excellent hair growth effect and is very safety. [0012] Patent document 4: JP H03-2060l 9 A [0013] Patent document 5: JP H06-227946 A [0014] Patent document 6: JP H06-l0042l A BACKGROUND ART [0015] Patent document 7: JP 2002-145732 A [0002] Alopecia and thin hair are some of the most com DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION mon problems for mankind in the World. It is considered that various factors, for example, excessive activation of male Problem to be Solved by the Invention hormones, decrease of blood How to the hair follicle and excessive secretion of sebum etc. may cause alopecia and thin [0016] The aim of this invention is to offer a novel agent for hair. These factors may be cause by aging, stress or/and life hair groWth, Which has excellent hair groWth effects but not styles etc. side effects. [0003] Hair restorers, that are being suggested or put on the Means for Solving the Problem market today can, for example, consist of various herbal extracts, food extracts and vasodilator chemical compounds, [0017] The inventor of this invention found that the pro Which can eliminate the cause of alopecia and thin hair. cessed semi-mature soybean has signi?cantly enhanced [0004] Up to noW, it Was suggested that iso?avone etc. effects on hair groWth compared to the raW or fully matured contents in soybean, had an effects on hair groWth, therefore form. The processed semi-mature soybean Was obtained by soybean Was used as a component of a hair restorer. For removing the typical taste of the raW soybeans Without pul example, in the patent document 1 (JP 2001 -238637A), it Was veriZing them by excessive heating. On completion of this disclosed that food components Which contained extracts of invention, the inventor established that the processed semi millet and ginkgo leaf and iso?avones extracted from soy mature soybean plays an important role as a ingredient in the bean etc. have a positive effect on hair groWth. In the patent agent for hair groWth. document 2 (JP 2002-053434 A), it Was disclosed that a hair [0018] In the agent for hair groWth of the invention, the tonic contained iso?avone extracted from soybean and/or inventor combined the processed semi-mature soybean and kudZu. And, in the patent document 3 (JP H08-l275 17 A), it the processed Polygoni Multi?ori Radix or the processed Was disclosed that black soybean broth Was included into an Cynanchum bungei Decne to increase synergy effect on hair external hair groWth tonic and an external anti hair loss agent groWth. In here, the processed Polygoni Multi?ori Radix and as a compound. And, it Was also suggested to apply herbal processed Cynanchum bungei Decne Were made from raW medicines, such as Polygoni multi?ori Radix etc. to a hair Polygoni Multi?ori Radix and raW Cynanchum bungei groWth tonic. Decne, obtained by soaking them in dark soybean extracts [0005] In the patent document 4 (JP H03 -20601 9 A), it Was and alcohol. Further, the color and gloss of hair can be also described that dark soybean, Polygoni multi?ori Radix improved by increasing the content of Longan seed. In addi etc. Were used as external components for restoring lost hair. tion, in the agent for hair groWth of the invention, the extracts And, in the patent document 5 (JP H06-227946 A), it Was of the processed semi-mature soybean, the processed described that herbal medicine extracts, such as extracts of Polygoni Multi?ori Radix, the processed Cynanchum bungei ginseng etc. Which Were extracted With alcohol such as “Hua Decne and the Longan seed can be combined. ngjiu” (yelloW rice or millet Wine; a type of Chinese alcohol) [0019] The agent for hair groWth of the invention can be etc. Were used for promoting hair groWth. taken orally or can be added to foods or drinks. On the other [0006] Further, in regard to the Sapindaceous plant Longan hand, it also can be prepared as an external product. (Euphoria Longana (Lour.) Steud.), it is common knoWledge EFFECT OF THE INVENTION that components extracted from the ?esh of the Longan fruit With Water and/ or organic solvents had positive effects on hair [0020] In this invention the positive results of the agent for groWth and restoring hair (patent document6: JP H06- 1 00421 hair groWth is based on the use processed semi-mature soy A). And, it Was described that The Longan seed extracts have bean, processed Polygoni Multi?ori Radix, processed Cyn a moisturizing effect and can be mixed into an external skin anchum bungei Decne, and Longan seed etc. as active ingre preventive (patent document 7: JP 2002-145732 A). dients. Especially, this agent for hair groWth has no side [0007] HoWever, as mentioned above, the conventional hair effects When used externally or internally, it can notably tonics (in Japan are classi?ed into the quasi-drug tonics (a improve hair groWth Within a short period of time; ranging term of Japanese Pharmaceutical Affairs LaW)), Which have from 6 to 12 Weeks, can return hair to its normal hair colour components extracted from herbal medicines and foods. (for example from White to black) and can improve the gloss These tonics are easily obtainable, but the hair groWth effect of hair. is insu?icient. On the other hand, hair tonics, Which are clas [0021] Moreover, existing hair tonics usually are offered as si?ed as drugs (a term of Japanese Pharmaceutical Affairs capsules or tablets types and therefore not convenient to take, LaW) and are used as antihypertensive and male hormone because they resemble drugs/medication. The agent for hair inhibitor, have some hair groWth effect, but their side effects groWth of the invention has not only an excellent hair groWth are severe.
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