We are grateful to the following for their kind support: The Department of Classics, Memorial University The Scholarship in the Arts Fund, Office of the Provost, Memorial University The Office of the Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences, Memorial University The Memorial University Classics Association Monday May 8th Afternoon / Après-midi Lundi 8 mai 12:00 - 18:30 Registration / Inscription (Arts Atrium) 12:30 - 15:30 Heads' Meeting / Réunion des directeurs (Dean's Boardroom, A5014) 15:30 - 18:30 Council Meeting I / Réunion du Conseil I (Dean's Boardroom, A5014) 19:00 - 20:00 Brewery Tour / Visite de brasserie Quidi Vidi Brewery 35 Barrows Road This programme is available as an iCalendar (.ics) file / Ce programme est disponible sous forme de fichier iCalendar (.ics) (http://www.mun.ca/classics/cac2017/CAC2017_MUN.ics) 1 Tuesday May 9th Morning / Matinée Mardi 9 mai 7:45 - 16:15 Registration / Inscription (Arts Atrium) 7:45 - 8:30 Breakfast / Petit-déjeuner (Arts Atrium) 8:15 - 8:30 Welcoming Remarks / Mot de bienvenue: Mark Joyal, President / Président (Arts Atrium) 8:30 - 10:30 Session 1 1a 1b 1c 1d Presidential Panel / Panel Présidentiel Re-examining Greek Words / Archaeology / Philosophy I / Texts and Text-Editing / Réexaminer les mots grecs Archéologie Philosophie I Textes et édition de texte A1043 A1045 A1046 A1049 chair/président: chair/président: chair/président: Mark Joyal chair/président: John Thorp Reyes Bertolin Cebrian Guy Chamberland Patrick Baker Allison Glazebrook Thierry Petit Christopher Tindale Le premier 'Ruler's Dwelling' de L'édition de textes épigraphiques The Importance of being duserōs : l'Âge du Fer à Chypre: un bâtiment Platonic Silence grecs à l'ère du numérique characterization in Lysias 4 prépalatial sur l'acropole d'Amathonte C. Michael Sampson Gaétan Thériault David Rupp Michael Korngut L'agalma aux époques Fact and its Artifice: papyrological Field Work of the Canadian Big Ideas in Plato's Symposium : a hellénistique et romaine: du sacré anxieties Institute in Greece: 2106 textual analysis au profane ? Cillian O'Hogan David Stephens Marica Cassis Suma Rajiva The Implicit Meaning of Ἄξιος in From Late Antiquity to Byzantium Good imitations or cheap knock- Mass Digitisation of Manuscripts Thucydides' History of the in Anatolia: tracing continuity at offs? Sophists and second-best and its Implications for Classicists Peloponnesian War Çadır Höyük rulers in Plato’s Statesman Cynthia Damon Jody Cundy Michele George Rowan Ash Beyond Variants: some digital Preliminary Results of a Study of Schemes of Romantic Friendship: desiderata for the critical THEAS AXION and THAUMA in Vitamin D Deficiency in the an interpretation of ἑταιρίστριαι in apparatus of ancient Greek and Pausanias’ Periegesis Hellados Ancient Roman Population Plato’s Symposium Latin texts 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break / Pause Café (Arts Atrium) 11:00 -12:30 Session 2 2a 2b 2c 2d Roman Crime and Conflict / Gardens of Imagination / Re-examining the Greek Past / Medicine / Crime et conflit chez les Les jardins de l'imaginaire Le passé grec sous examen Médecine Romains A1043 A1045 A1046 A1049 organizer: Victoria Austen-Perry chair/président: Alban Baudou chair/présidente: Sheila Ager chair/présidente: Arden Williams Victoria Austen-Perry Matt Gibbs Chelsea Gardner Amber Porter Sexual Intercourse as a Cure for Who has the time? Cultivating the Unrest, Strikes, and Subjugation: Go to...Hades? A re-examination of Epilepsy in Boys: an investigation garden space in Virgil, Georgics collective violence and professional the sanctuary of Poseidon at of Aretaeus’ Treatments of Chronic 4.116-148 associations Tainaron Diseases 1.4.14-15 Lisa Hughes Gaius Stern Jonathan Vickers Chiara Graf Mapping out the Visual Hippocratics at Play: Derridean Livia's Crimes and what Augustus Horseback Heroics: equestrian Vocabulary in the Dionysian signs and uncontrolled bodies in suspected acrobatics in archaic Greece Theatre Garden the Prognosticon. Katharine T. von Stackelberg Patricia White Jonathan Reeves Marie-Pierre Krück Livy's Portrayal of Agrarian I want YOU: coercion and Garden of Lamentation: Elisabeth Les migrations discursives de l'idée Conflicts during the Struggle of cooperation in the hoplite of Austria's Achilleion d'autopsie the Orders katalogos 12:30 - 14:30 Lunch / Déjeuner Showcasing the Local: Classics in St. John's / Les Études classiques à Saint-Jean A1043 Bernard Kavanagh, Some Latin Inscriptions from St. John's, Newfoundland Ágnes Juhász-Ormsby, John Thomas Mullock's Classical Collection in the Episcopal Library of St. John's Tana Allen and Milorad Nikolic, Teaching Classics in ultima Thule Presentation of local graduate student projects 2 Tuesday May 9th Afternoon / Après-midi Mardi 9 mai 14:30 - 16:00 Session 3 3a 3b 3c 3d Rethinking the Local in the Ancient Greek World I / Greek Tragedy / Reception I / Christians and Pagans / Repenser l'histoire local en Tragédie grecque Réception I Chrétiens et Païens Grèce ancienne I A1043 A1045 A1046 A1049 organizers: Hans Beck and chair/président: John Harris chair/président: Jonathan Burgess chair/président: Peter O'Brien Alex McAuley Hans Beck Florence Yoon Jennifer Phenix Seamus O'Neill Apuleius of Madaura and the The Tragic Child and the Beautiful Evil: Pandora's image and Going Local in Ancient Greece Hellenic Foundations of Christian Detachment of Eurysaces influence Demonology Alex McAuley Adriana Brook Kathryn Mattison Mark Mueller The Other Side of the Stone: the Modern Productions of Sophocles' Initiatory Paradigms and the Making the Insider the Outsider: local dynamics of proxenia in Ajax and the Athenian Soldier's Ending of Sophocles' Electra Exploring the Infidel as Heretic Euboia Experience Sheila Ager Kristin Lord Robert Weir Timothy Perry Divine Geometer: The A Local World on the Edge: The Morality of the Bystander in How Ben Jonson read his Lucan Christianization of Euclid in a late Megara and its frontiers Sophocles’ Antigone and Electra and his Seneca medieval manuscript 16:00 - 16:15 Coffee Break / Pause Café (Arts Atrium) 16:15 - 17:45 Session 4 4a 4b 4c Rethinking the Local in the Ancient Greek World II / Greek Comedy / Roman Self-Representation / Repenser l'histoire local en Comédie grecque Autoreprésentations romaines Grèce ancienne II A1043 A1045 A1046 organizers: Hans Beck and Alex chair/président: Jarrett Welsh chair/présidente: Alison Keith McAuley Salvatore Tufano George Kovacs Brahm Kleinman New Approaches to Local Elite Communication, Individual Historiography: the Boiotian The Telephos of Aristophanes Objects, and Scipio Aemilianus example Pam Hall (respondent) Emmanuel Aprilakis John Fabiano Tertium Praefectus? : elite self- Local Knowledge Cultures, XOPOY Identity in Menander's representation and the urban Newfoundland and Greece Dyskolos. prefectures of Nicomachus Flavianus the Younger Olayiwola Gabriel Ologbonde Melanie Racette-Campbell The Role of Philia in Menander's Augustus’ Res Gestae : Republican Dyskolos masculinity completed 19:00 - 21:00 Public Event / Évènement public The Fluvarium Pippy Park, 5 Nagles Place Mark Joyal, CAC President In Altum, In Gelidum : 350 years of Classical learning in the New Found Land reception to follow / suivi d'une réception 3 Wednesday May 10th Morning / Matinée Mercredi 10 mai 7:45 - 16:15 Registration / Inscription (Arts Atrium) 7:45 - 8:30 Breakfast / Petit-déjeuner (Arts Atrium) 8:30 - 10:30 Session 5 5a 5b 5c 5d Revealing Gendered Violence in Spaces in Between: Roman the Academy / Latin Literature I / ideology and iconography / Homer / Exposer la violence sexiste dans Littérature latine I Idéologie romaine et Homère le monde académique iconographie A1043 A1045 A1046 A1049 chair/présidente: chair/président: chair/présidente: chair/présidente: Allison Surtees Melanie Racette-Campbell Jonathan Edmondson Bonnie MacLachlan Fiona McHardy Mariapia Pietropaolo Alban Baudou Jessica Romney Ending Bullying and Harassment Amor, Umor, Ulcus : the Lucretian Les pignora imperii , symboles de la The Use of Geographical Space in in the UK Classical Workplace aesthetic perspective on love puissance romaine the Iliad and Odyssey Judith Hallett Karen Klaiber Hersch Susan Dunning Warren Huard Misappropriating Feminism: Statius’s Silu . 5.1 and Private The Association of Herakles and Virgil's Anti-Epithalamium strategies, costs and remedies Deification in the Imperial Period Dionysos in Homer Christina Doonan Marion Durand Pauline Ripat Jonathan Burgess Punching Up or Tearing Down?: how women professors experience Heraclitus and Marcus Aurelius' The She-Wolf and the Spoils The Traditionality of Odysseus' and cope with gender bias from Meditations of War Wanderings students Patricia Dold Alison Keith Aara Suksi Epicurean Philosophical The Autobiographies of Faux Feminisms: a case study of Perspectives in [Virgil] Andromakhe and Phoenix in the people and policy Catalepton 5 Iliad: the rhetoric of hyperkinship 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break / Pause Café (Arts Atrium) 11:00 -12:30 Session 6 6a 6b 6c 6d Connectivity in an Imperial Latin Literature II / The Roman Military / Archaic Greek Poetry / Context I / Littérature latine II L'armée romaine Poésie grecque archaïque Empire et connectivité I A1043 A1045 A1046 A1049 organizers: Elizabeth Greene and chair/présidente: chair/président: Ian Storey chair/président: Matt Gibbs Lindsay Mazurek Kathryn Mattison Jody Michael Gordon Carol Merriam Benjamin Kelly Shane Hawkins Preserving and Creating The Emperor’s (In)visible Discrepant Experiences in Roman Songs I Will Not Sing for You: Take a Waulk on the
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