Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2010 Reuniting the Mind and Body: Anish Kapoor's Cloud Gate and Phenomenological Experience Traci McDowell Matthews Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For more information, please contact [email protected] THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF VISUAL ARTS, THEATER AND DANCE REUNITING THE MIND AND BODY: ANISH KAPOOR‘S CLOUD GATE AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL EXPERIENCE By TRACI McDOWELL MATTHEWS A The i ubmitted to the Department of Art Hi tory in partial fulfillment of the re.uirement for the degree of Ma ter of Art Degree A0arded: Spring Seme ter, 1010 Copyright 4 1010 Traci McDo0ell Matthe0 All Right Re erved The member of the committee approve the the i of Traci McDo0ell Matthe0 defended on March 30, 1010. __________________________________ Karen A. Bearor Profe or Directing The i __________________________________ Michael D. Carra co Committee Member __________________________________ Stephanie Leitch Committee Member Approved: _____________________________________ Adam 9olle , Chair, Art Hi tory _____________________________________ Sally E. McRorie, Dean, College of Vi ual Art , Theatre and Dance The Graduate School ha verified and approved the above-named committee member . ii Dedicated in loving memory to Ann Melville McDo0ell, 0ho taught me never to fear big 0ord and al0ay encouraged me to a k: What does it mean? and to Gregg Shafer Matthe0 , 0ho e love and upport never 0aiver. My luckie t day 0a the day our path cro ed. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I 0ould like to ackno0ledge the upport of the faculty 0ithin the art hi tory department. Dr. Richard Emmer on 0a in trumental in my deci ion to return to full time tudy. I am mo t thankful for hi encouragement. Dr. Karen Bearor ha been con i tently upportive in her role a the i advi er. I feel .uite fortunate to have the mentor hip of omeone 0ho e kill and opinion I tru t, and I remain grateful for her 0illingne to tep in at the la t minute and guide thi project. Dr. Michael Carra co ha provided key in ight –angle I 0ould not have con idered, book about 0hich I 0ould not have kno0n. Dr. Stephanie Leitch ha challenged me to engage more fully the craft of 0riting, and I am a more con cientiou becau e of her example. Dr. Lauren Weingarden ha al0ay encouraged my educational goal and ha been ever upportive of my 0riting project . Finally, Dr. Adam 9olle and Dr. 9ack Freiberg made fund available under unorthodox circum tance , and con e.uently I had a mo t enlightening field trip to Chicago. My time in that 0onderful city continue to influence my project choice . I al o 0i h to ackno0ledge Kathy Braun, graduate advi er extraordinaire, 0ho e organizational kill keep u all on track. Thank you. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................ vi ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... ix CHAPTER ONE: Introduction........................................................................................................ 1 CHAPTER TWO: Cloud Gate Contextualized in Art Critical Di cour e .................................... 11 CHAPTER THREE: Selected Work by Kapoor in Light of Ne0 Generation and Ab tract Modern Influence ...................................................................................... 11 CHAPTER FOUR: The Embodied Subject: Memory, Whiteout, and Cloud Gate ....................... 39 CHAPTER FIVE: Conclu ion ...................................................................................................... AA APPENDIX: Figure ..................................................................................................................... A9 BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................... 81 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH ........................................................................................................ 88 v LIST OF FIGURES 1. Ani h Kapoor. Cloud Gate, 100C. Poli hed tainle teel, DD x 33 x CC ft. Millennium Park, Chicago, Illinoi .. .................................................................................................................... A9 1. Ani h Kapoor. Aerial vie0 of Millennium Park, 100C. Chicago, Illinoi 0ith Cloud Gate, the Crown Fountain, and The Jay Pritzker Pavilion, Grand Lawn, and BP Bridge. .............. D0 3. Ani h Kapoor. Cloud Gate, 100C. Poli hed tainle teel, DD x 33 x CC ft. Millennium Park, Chicago, Illinoi . ........................................................................................ D1 C. Frank Gehry. The Jay Pritzker Pavilion, 100C. Millennium Park, Chicago, Illinoi . ............ D1 A. Arche National Park, Moab, Utah. ........................................................................................ D3 D. Ani h Kapoor. Cloud Gate, 100C. Looking into the omphalo . Poli hed tainle teel, DD x 33 x CC ft. Millennium Park, Chicago, Illinoi . ............................................................... D3 E. Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky.. ............................................................................ DC 8. Robert Morri . Untitled, 19DA/E1.Mirror plate gla and 0ood object , 3A.98 x 3A.98 x 3A.98 in. The Tate Gallery, London .............................................................. DC 9. Ani h Kapoor. 1000 Names, 1980. Mixed media, pigment, dimen ion variable. In tallation: tudio of the arti t, London ................................................................................. DA 10. Ani h Kapoor. 1000 Names, 1981. Earth, pigment. Stedelijk Mu eum, Am terdam. ............ DA 11. Ani h Kapoor. Hole in )essel II, 198C. Poly tyrene, cement, earth, acrylic, pigment, 100 x 1EA x 1EA cm. Private collection, S0itzerland ............................................................. .DD 11. Ani h Kapoor. Mother as Mountain, 198A. Wood, ge o, pigment, 1C0 x 1EA x 10A cm. Walker Art Center, Minneapoli , Minne ota. In tallation: tudio of the arti t.. ..................... DD 13. Phillip King. Rose,ud, 19D1. Fibergla on 0ood, 1C8.A x 1DE x 1A8.E cm. Mu eum of Modern Art, Ne0 York ........................................................................................................... DE 1C. Phillip King. And the Birds Began to Sing, 19DC. Acrylic and metal object, 1803 x 1803 x 1803 mm. The Tate Modern, London. .................................................................................... DE 1A. Ani h Kapoor. Adam, 1988G89. Sand tone and pigment, 119 x 101 x 13D cm. The Tate Gallery, London ...................................................................................................................... D8 vi 1D. Ani h Kapoor. It Is a Man, 1989G90. Sand tone and pigment, 1C1 x 11E x 11C cm. Mu eo National Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid. ............................................................ D8 1E. Barbara Hep0orth. Family o. Man, 19E0. Bronze in nine part , edition of 1 group plu C individual et of each figure. Complete group at York hire Sculpture Park (on loan from the Hep0orth E tateIJ The Donald M. Kendall Sculpture Garden at Pep iCo, Purcha e, Ne0 York. ........................................................................................................................................ D9 18. Ani h Kapoor. Untitled, 1998. Fibergla , 1C3 x 33A x 1D1 cm. In tallation: KAni h Kapoor,L Hay0ard Gallery, London ....................................................................................................... D9 19. Barbara Hep0orth. Pendour, 19CE. Plane 0ood 0ith colour, dimen ion variable. Hir hhorn Mu eum and Sculpture Garden, Wa hington D.C. ................................................................. E0 10. Ani h Kapoor. Cloud Gate, 100C. Poli hed tainle teel, DD x 33 x CC ft. Millennium Park, Chicago, Illinoi ...................................................................................................................... E0 11. Ani h Kapoor. Taratantara, 1999. Baltic Center for Contemporary Art, Gate head, 1000 ... E1 11. Ani h Kapoor. Marysas, 1001. PVC and teel, dimen ion variable. In tallation: Tate Modern, London ...................................................................................................................... E1 13. Alexander Calder. La Grande )itesse, 19D9. Painted teel, AC x C3 x 30 ft. Calder Plaza, Grand Rapid , Michigan ......................................................................................................... E1 1C. Alexander Calder. Flamingo, 19EC. Painted teel, A3 x 19 x D0 ft. Federal Plaza, Chicago, Illinoi ...................................................................................................................................... E1 1A. Ani h Kapoor. Memory, 1008. Cor-Ten teel, 1C.A x 9 x C.A m. In tallation vie0: Ani h Kapoor: Memory, Solomon R. Guggenheim Mu eum, Ne0 York, October 11, 1009GMarch 18, 1010 ................................................................................................................................... E3 1D. Ani h Kapoor. Memory, 1008. Cor-Ten teel, 1C.A x 9 x C.A m. In tallation vie0: Ani h Kapoor: Memory, Solomon R. Guggenheim Mu eum, Ne0 York, October 11, 1009GMarch 18, 1010 ................................................................................................................................... E3 1E. Ani h Kapoor. Memory, 1008. Cor-Ten
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