4040 yearsyears ofof coveringcovering SouthSouth BBeltelt Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 Thursday, June 16, 2016 Email: [email protected] www.southbeltleader.com Vol. 41, No. 20 Graduation issues available Extra copies of the Leader’s June 2 gradu- ation issue are available at the newspaper Locke to install long-awaited sidewalks office, located at 11555 Beamer. Graduates from Dobie, Clear Brook, South Houston and By James Bolen sidewalks, it is believed she was on that side of mitted to building sidewalks and making other with the City of Houston, including street and Clear Horizons Early College high schools Harris County Commissioner Gene Locke is the street only because the other side has none. infrastructure improvements to enhance the lives sidewalk improvements near NRG Stadium in and Lutheran South Academy are featured. planning to install sidewalks in multiple areas of A similar incident took place on Hall Road of Precinct 1 residents.” advance of the 2017 Super Bowl. the South Belt community that residents, civic and Sagebluff in October 2013 when a 14-year- Sidewalk construction is generally the respon- The commissioner recently visited the South Catholic Daughters party groups and school offi cials have been requesting old Dobie freshman was struck by a vehicle as sibility of the developer, rather than a municipal- Belt area to see the streets fi rsthand and agreed Catholic Daughters from St. Luke the for more than a decade. she was walking to her bus stop. The student suf- ity. Following Young’s death, however, several in they pose a public safety issue. He has assured Evangelist church will once again sponsor its The primary areas to be addressed are along fered lacerations to her kidney and liver and a the community, led by the Sagemont Civic Club, the Leader the funds are already in place and has annual Summer Games party and luncheon Hughes Road from Sagecanyon to Sageyork and concussion. petitioned city and county offi cials to take action. assigned county staff member Lawrence Bell to Wednesday, June 22. The event will begin at Hall Road between Sagecanyon and Sagepark. Investigators said the lack of sidewalks played While offi cials saw a need for the sidewalks, oversee the project. 10:30 a.m. in the social hall, 11011 Hall Road. The current lack of sidewalks on these roads has a role in the accident, as the girl was forced to their actual construction was met with several While the sidewalks may not be complete by There will be games, prizes, door prizes and contributed to at least two serious auto-pedestri- walk in the street due to puddling on the sides of barriers. One of the main roadblocks was that the the beginning of the school year, Locke said they raffl e ticket opportunities for prizes. Included an accidents involving students – one of which the road. areas in question cross jurisdictions, as they are will be done by the end of the calendar year. is a homemade lunch with desserts and a was fatal. “Sidewalks are essential not only for mobility, on the city/county line. Pasadena Independent School District Super- drink. Cost is $12. The public is invited. Frazier fourth-grader Ruth Young was killed but also for safety, especially for our children,” Community members have now found an ally intendent Dr. DeeAnn Powell is pleased with the Profi ts go for the scholarship program, chari- in August 2005 when she was struck by a school Locke said. “It’s tragic that a student had to lose in Locke. development. ties, and special events. For tickets, call 830- bus while crossing Hughes Road at Sageburrow her life in a horrifi c accident that could have been Since replacing the late El Franco Lee in Jan- “Student safety is our top priority,” Powell 860-9663 or 281-734-3184. to go to class. While that stretch of Hughes has prevented with sidewalks. That’s why I am com- uary, Locke has actively pushed joint projects said. “We’re absolutely thrilled.” Lariaettes hold car wash Beltway work causes road closures The Dobie Lariaettes will hold a car wash Street sweeper crashes in ditch Saturday, June 25, in the McDonald’s parking Ongoing construction projects to widen Belt- length of the project. lot at 11323 Fuqua. Pre-sale tickets are $5 and way 8 from Beamer Road to Highway 288 are The third project also calls for replacing the can be purchased from any current Lariaette. responsible for multiple road closures in the existing Beltway 8 Ship Channel toll bridge. The Drive-ups will also be welcome, and dona- coming weeks. new bridge will also be four lanes in each direc- tions will be accepted. While the majority of the closures will be tion, rather than its current two. The work is ex- west of the immediate South Belt community, pected to cost roughly $1.5 billion, with around Care Partners meet area residents should be aware of them when $900 million going toward just the bridge. making travel plans. Closures Interfaith Care Partners Ministry group at Initiated by the Harris County Toll Road Au- One U-Turn lane at Beltway 8 and Beamer St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church, 10727 thority, the widening is broken down into two will be closed from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. through Fri- Hartsook St. (near Almeda Mall), a gather- separate projects. The fi rst project will widen the day, June 17. The closure will impact both the ing for persons with Alzheimer’s, dementia or beltway from Beamer to Wayside, while the sec- eastbound and westbound frontage roads. memory loss, meets the third Friday of each ond project will widen the beltway from Way- One U-Turn lane at Beltway 8 and SH-35/ month from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Gatherings side to Highway 288. Telephone Road will be closed daily from 9 a.m. consist of a continental breakfast, arts and The projects will provide four lanes in each to 5 p.m. through Monday, July 11. The closure crafts, exercises, entertainment, a singalong, a direction for the entire length of the endeavor. will impact both the eastbound and westbound devotional break, lunch and ends with a game. While some stretches of the beltway already frontage roads. Those who have a family member or know have four lanes in each direction, other parts cur- At least one inside lane on the eastbound of someone with these challenges, are wel- rently have only two. frontage road from Cottingham to Wayside will come to attend. All services are provided free Both contracts have been awarded to Pulice be closed daily from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. through of charge. An initial interview must be con- Construction. The fi rst project from Beamer to Friday, June 17. ducted by Interfaith Care Partners staff to wel- Wayside is expected to cost roughly $96 million, At least one inside lane on the westbound come new participants into this program. and the second project from Wayside to High- frontage road from Cottingham to FM-865/Cul- The next gathering will be held in the Moth- way 288 is expected to cost around $77 million. len will be closed daily from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. er Cabrini Center at the church on Friday, June The two projects are in addition to a third en- through Friday, June 17. 17. For information or to register a loved one, deavor that will widen the beltway east of Inter- At least one inside lane on the westbound call Interfaith Care Partners at 713-682-5995 state 45 from the Gulf Freeway to Highway 225. frontage road from SH-288 to Kirby Drive will or visit www.interfaithcarepartners.org. Once again, the tollway will be widened from be closed continuously until Wednesday, Feb. Band seeks musicians two to four lanes in each direction for the entire 22, 2017. The Pearland Community Band is seeking Emergency crews are shown above extracting a street sweeper from the ditch on Beltway Martin to hold pair of public meetings musicians to join the group of music loving 8 between Beamer Road and Blackhawk Friday, June 10. The driver reportedly crashed folks with a wide variety of musical skills and through a guard rail after swerving to avoid a stopped car. The driver of the stopped car Houston City Council Member Dave Martin or Baptist Church, located at 2300 Rodney St., talent. Their current membership ranges in age subsequently left the scene of the crash. The driver of the street sweeper suffered minor and the Department of Public Works and Engi- from 6 to 7:30 p.m. (presentation at 6:15 p.m.). from high schoolers to retired senior citizens. injuries, police said. Photo by Marie Flickinger neering will host a pair of public meetings in the Improvements will be done in Freeway Manor Rehearsal meetings are held each Tuesday from coming weeks to discuss upcoming construction North and South and Gulfway Terrace Phase 1. 7 to 9 p.m. at Pearland’s Robert Turner High projects in the Edgebrook area. Again, the project includes new pavement, School located at 4717 Bailey Road. For more Arlington Heights reconstruction of sidewalks and driveways, new information, contact Director Bobby Wren at Annual July 4 parade, fireworks set A meeting on the planned reconstruction of street lights, storm drainage improvements and 832-654-0906 or email bobbywren@hotmail. streets in the Arlington Heights area will take necessary underground water and wastewater com. The annual South Belt Independence Day for a trophy, in which case, entry is $25.
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