P.A.C. NO. 216 (FOURTH LOK SABHA) SIXTIETH REPORT AppROpRS 41 'ON ACCOUNTS *AILWAYS), AND AUDIT REPORT (RA:LWAYS) 1968 LOX SABXSA SECRETARIAT N Ern .DELfiI. LIST OF AUTHORISED AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF LOK SABRA SECRETARIAT PUBLICATIONS S1. Nunc:of A@nt Nnme'of A&cnt No. %? Et. No. - . I ANDHRA' PRADESH xn. Ch~rlca~Lem~& Com- 30 pany, ror, Mahatma I. ;~ndhri ~nivcrshy Geneivl 8 Gandhi Road, Opposite r Coopcratlve Stora Ltd., Clock Tom, Fort, W.ttoir(vi~ptnam). Bombay. 3. G.R.Lnkshmipathy 'Cherty The Current Book House, 60 and Sons, Gend My- Mwti Lane, Raghunath chants md News Agents, DPdaji Sttett, Bombay-:. Newpet, Qmndragiri, Chinoor District. Deem Book Stall, FCE 65 won Coliego Road, P00nr-4. 3. Wutgn Bod; .Depot, PM Mls. Ushr Book Depot. S Bpypy, Gauhau. 8jlA Chim Razar,l(knn KouS c. Girgnurn Road, Bombay-z BR. Mla. Peoples Book House, 16 Opp. Jaganmohan Palace, Mysoex. 5, Vijrg Stores, Station Road, AnmJ, 17. Information Ccnrre, 6. New Ordq Boot 63 Govemmcnf of hbsthm, Canpmy, EUtr BoJge, Tripolia, Jaipur City. Ahmedsbd-6. at. Nm& C~~WY 44 d.,3, Old fhtrt kbuse 21 ' htr~~t.G~N- 26 . % rj. Wr. MadBooL HOW 1 BB, W Lwr, (5) (f) lt~ignalin,:u It signallingtt . I3 "appointment " "apportionment" 26 compliedlr 6 "a h4adI1 "ma terali seit "ou tlayln;It tldirnentionsfl l1 speciafi cally" Commi s sionI1 "utili sation" llhoulagefl 'teirernessu 5 .t Feletn "all 2 "bogiet'" 27 It drown" 28 surplul" UsurplusN 1 (Thixi Lok Sabha,"I1Third Lok " % jabha) ;lt 3 Six" I* 2 11 1969" " 1959" sub para 2 3.31 7 I% 1,04 lakhsU I% 1.04 lakhsVt 3.53 35 19 at." tlastl ' ' "regradedu 4.3 2 !!regradingn 4.8 16 ''regrading" 4.8 lest "Appendix I 1. (not attache& 4.8 20 "f0r9cast~~ "fo;ecast' of_" 4.3< 5 sepgr3tet* "separat~~~- 4.36 6, "uotwarcl" . '~OUtwarcltt 4.43 9 It station" "stationstt 4.52 4 "Sen~ral~' llCsnt raltl 4.57' 13 Itlater" Itlatter" llOf I1 4.58 2 It the 4.58 5 fttunsll " t onnest' 4.60 10. It trainsit. 4.61 35 t9totalledt1 &&3&?3U&i -For -He a c3 129 4.61 7-8 replecernsnt" rspiecehentfi l29 .4.62, 20 . .lhlateltinll . 131 4.59 ' 6 I1tropenztl t ropenazt* . 134 4*80(b) 5 "the" ltbzn 135 . 4.82 2 11 11 at" -l39..4.85 7 "wsriantly" Nwarrantp' * 145 5.4 2 wer1 . I've are" 156 ' 5 033 6 It hop A" llhoprju 7.1 , U . "fitin,srl ftfittin,,sll 7.40 23 ~I~~II ~tin" 7.44 4.- rece1ptf1 ltreoslpt sfl 7.57 4 II hintII II Mmtt Col. 3 4 conc~rn~~ conc armedH C01.4 8 'I spct 'I "SDO~S" Col. 4/ 1 t?exercisa" It s.xerci sedtl rj .No .6 Col. 4 7 ' 11 ,slI fl Cbl. 4 10 llaxceptfl tlexc$ptll Col. 4 19 'I dimentionnl" 'ldimensionclw Read the matter in colurr9.8. 1 - 3 againstdine 3 - instead of a:%inst line 1. Col. 4 1 "startd" "started" Col. 4/ 9 "str?tionfl nstations'l 3.1i0. 37' ' Col. 4/ 6 llduoblin;lt "do~blin;~~ S.No. 38 Col. 4/ 13 llsriatiooit "variationu S.MO. 45 1 4 18 the" " ara'l Cole 4/ 53 'Ipossiblz. So" I1possible son S.No. 54 * "I 23 1,48/ 5-6 I1ixpenses bn Fuel1' Col 1 "Total Sxpensasf1 CONTENTS w COMIOSJ~I~ tm Pvswc Acwm COMMITT~I! rn . -. ~&nu'-rro~ . Cx,uvn I. Finmckl Remits of the Working of ihe * Railways . .. UAPTEK 11. PunfUSCs and Stores . CHAPTER111. Works Expditurr . C;Hlurt!a IV. Ut ,lhtian of Ascts . .. CIUP~V. Operation . .. CHAPTERVI. I?xpenditUrc LUI St.A . C~TBVI I. Othcr Tapid of Interest APPENDIX Summary of Main Gnc'uc'm*~rccommcndationn of the Committee . PART II* Minuter af the $itrings of the Public Accaunts Commincc held an :- H-10-1968(AN!. 9-10-1968 :FN and AN'. jo-lo-tp68 (FN. !AN)- 3-4-1969 % A I V.M nkxs b 2. Shri Syetl ,\h~netl .4ga .3. Shl i K. ,\nirt~~ll~t~l 4. Shri S. >I. Bar~erjec .5. Shri C. k. Ilhattachar>\:c 1;. Shri K, G. l)esi~tni~kh 7. Shri 1'. K~-irllnamtr~~t11i 8. Shri 13. );. liuntu !I. Shri S. R. Labk;cl lo. Shri li. li. Nay11 11. Shrimati Sushikt Rohatgi 12. Shri Narmtlra Kumar SaIw 13. Shri Ram Awtnr Sharma 14. Shrimati '1';trkc.shwari Sinhr 15. Shri Tayappa Hari Sonavanc. 16. Shri A. P. Ghatterjtr 17. Shri K. Damodarari 18. Shri Shanti Kothari \!I. Shri S. S. ,Mariswarn\ '20. Shri G.H.V. Momin 21. Shri N. K. XI. Swam?. 22. Shri 'T'arkcshwar Pnndrt Shri Avtar Singh Rihhv.-loi,tt Sectrtsn. Shri K. Smhariri---l'ndo. Scrtrirn . ..) INTRODUCTION - 0 . 1, the Chairmarl ol the Public Accounts Committee, as authorised by the (bmmittee, do present on tl~eirbehalf this Sixtieth Report (Fourth 1-ok Sabha) on Appropriation Accounts (Railways), 1966-67 and Audit Keport (Railways) , 1968. 2. 'I'lle .4ppropriation Accounts (Railways) . IS67 together with the .Audit Report (Railways). 1%R, was laid on the Table of the HOUK on the 13th March. 1968. 'J%e Committee examined them at their sittings held on the 8th (AN). 9th (FN R AN) and 10th (FN) October, 1W. The Committee considered and finaliwd this Repn at their sit- tin^ held on the 3rd April. 1969 (AN). Minutes of thew sittings of the Committee form Par II* of the Report. 3. A statement sl~owingthe summary of the main concl~uionslrtcom- ~~~ct)dationrof the Committee is appended to the Report. Far facility of rtferencc thex have been printed in thick typc in :he body of the Report. 4. 'The Committee placc on record their ;ipprc&rion of the usi, tmce rendered to them in the examination of these accounts b) the ( h~ptroller and Auditor Ceneral of India. 5 The Cmmittet would alw like to taxpre$ their thanks to the (:hairman and Members of the Railway Bod and qmcntatim of the Department of Supply and Deparrrnenc of Iron and Steel for the co-operation extended by them in giving information to the Committee. M. R. MMANI, Chairman. Public ,4c~ountsCommittee. 1 FINANCIAL RES~LTSOF THE WORKING OF THE RAILWAYS AUDIT PAlfACRAPH For the first time since lW7-48. the working of the Railways &ow- cd a %et defich in thc year 1966-67. Against a wrplus- of Rs. 94.19 rr- ant6ipaud it1 the Budget, the accounts clod with a net deficit of Rq. 18.47 nora. The deficit was made good by withdrawal of an equivalent amoant from the Revenue Reserve Fund. The balancc in the Revenue Rwwe Fund at the end of the year stood at Rs. 44.70 mores, while the balance in the Dcwlopent Fund was Rf. 3.57 crows. 1.2. The net ddicit was due to a .shortfa!l of Rq. 46.54 crorei in the estimated gross receipts and increase nf Rs. 15.03 rmrcs in thc anti- ,' ripa ted revenue expcnditurc. Particulars Budget Actuals Variations I. Gross Reccipts - 795 ' S4 769.00 (-126.54 Deduct. 2. (a) Kcvenuc Expcndi twc . 639.85 654.88 (-+I 15.03 3. Net Surplus D&icit (+>2as1u, (->18.27 (-140.46 . [Paragraph No. I Audit Report (Railways) ~9681. 1.3. Pointing out that the Railways had run into a deficit, the Con1 mittee enquired whether the heavy over-capitalisation in the Railways that occurred during the third five-year plan which resultecl in heavy dividend liability to General Revenues was not responsible for the deficit. I'he Financial Commissioner (Railways) stated that the ~wincipalreason was that the traffic had not .incr&sgd according to antic ipations. The working expenses had also gone up because of repeated doscs of degrnm dlowance, increase in the cost of fuel, coal and dim1 oil. He admitted that they had not been able to get in recent years the return on the capital investment that they had been making and. thcv had actuaII* reached a wsition whm the deficit might increase. -- --- -.---- - - - - -- N.B. TL r&es given under Byd! not t.ly nto ecmunl the figurb\ .)IHcv - cad Estikaafes rnd suppkcntaxy proms ns. L Forecast Mmmes Actuds hiother adopted Minirntes for goods earnings. - *. - -.- 6 - - -- -- - -- - - "1Vl1;tt upset this n(&tte .wan mainly the drought in 1W7;this 'afkctml not only the r([riccllhurf output but ahindustry: both .rl~" bawd and hvdel.powcnd. Heavv .cqjhcsring anti gt-1 tra:allk ab Jrqpd. 'f%c ineast 111 rtre industrial output fell to plus 2.6 per cent fmm plttr 5.6 per cent in tht pdaur yeat." * "W&.Hortals mtl civil cikuurburccs rim hindcrcct rail movc- 11uM." ' * ,,"Whco Qambq the bvbt khbnala fw lW7in Jutuur) '(ii, the yaitbr was Lhzt an incnart d 3.8 mill& mnam burl almady accrued tluriq the fin( ninc months of the war and Februaq ond March. which art usually bus) months, werr expected to contribute one dl- lion tomes 'more, makit% il total increase during the year of abut 5 millicni tonna. Rut Febrt~ary and March aauaH) witncmxl Y fall ot 1.4 million tonne rompatel to the previous year. so that the totai irlrrezlr ei~~ringthe year wan anlv 2.2 mill/on tonnn." 13. '?'he C'mmittee ~mit~teclout that at the time of pmentatiot~ ot the Budget in 196647, it was stated in the Explunator). Memorandum ;o 10llows:- "'l'bc pwttr of peuger trPALC has had a check during 1Y63-66, to an even perewtcnt than expected. Due note hu to tr taken of the IiLrlihd d ehia mQnq for a pouics in trntbr lo barden with .he drop in agricukural output md incomcs." The Commictec asked whether th3b frcmr ot dswght ww Mt in view while framing the Budget Estirruten tor goods earnings and it go, 011 what bmis in inmaw in guods earnings from Rs.
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