': Ly AUG 231944 VOL. XI No. 1] AUGUST, 1931 20c The Copy 0ëonMotorist $2.00 The Yea? N A T I 0 N A L F 0 R E S T N U M B E R "Your National Forests", by Arthur M. Hyde, Secretary of Agriculture "The National Forest Today", by R. Y. Stuart, Chief Forester "National Forests in Oregon and Washington", by C. J. Buck, Regional Forester "Thirteen Million Acres of Recreation", by John D. Gut hrie, Assistant Regional Forester THE SPA OF CANADA °cAr1 ADA With 1/our Car c'lbotn-d/ I II ¶ y"rrrr' A Leisurely Spot from the Lenora St. Dock in Seattle on the palatial Canadian Pacific liner For Perfect Golf SA'LPrincess kathleen" any morning at 9 o'clock ... on the "Princess Marguerite" any four-and-a-half hours from Seattle via night at 11:30... for a delightful cruise ABOE'TBellingharn and Sumas over smooth roads, the through sheltered waters to Canada. Vic- toria, Vancouver Island and Vancouver offer "Spa of Canada" welcomes you to golf, tennis, every type of outdoor recreation and activity swimnhllig and a famous hot springs pooi. for a week-end, a week or a month. And you'll find that it's very easy to take your car alongroom for 50 automobiles on each RATES: of these big liners. Call or write for the new From $35 to $55 per week, $6 to $10 per day, "Motor Tours to Canada" folder! including meals and room. HARRISON HOT SPRINGS Canadian HOTEL harrison Rot Springs, B. C. Pacific 1i1 W. H. DEACON. GENL AGENT PASSR DEPT. OPEN ALL THE YEAR 'ROUND lLl8 A B,o,dw.y Ork OldgPordsnd BRd,y 0637 INTERNATIONAL CIRCUIT TOUR UNDER two flags, this tour is supreme among Puget Sound trips. From fhe forest, lake and mountain land of the Olympk Peninsula to the Old World Charm of Victoria, B. C. the island beauty of the San Juan group - all these famous spots are readily ac- cessible by fine highways and fast Black BallFerries at a special rate attractive to ev- ery traveler. 0jse O'tyi"° of Plan to fake the International Rids Passagean Arm of Puget Sound Circuit Tour on your trip to Pugef Sound this summer. It Write for new folder, "Touring Puqet Sound" complete with Map, Mileage offers you a most desirable Table and Details of Puget Sound Water Trips. and complete holiday. There is scenery unsurpassed there BLACK BALL LINE are excellent golf courses and PUGET SOUND NAVIGATION CO. fishing grounds, fine hotels General Office MA 2222 Uptown Office and resorts, everything that Colman Dock : SEATTLE : 1306 Fourth Ave. the traveler could desire. Pa ific Highway, Lane County, Goshen-Walker SectionCon- The Oregon Motorist (rete paved in1 921. From photograph taken May 9.1931. A Monthly Motor Magazine Exploiting the Scenic Wonders of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. The Playground of a Nation. Published Monthly by the Oregon State Motor Association Publication Office Executive Office 44 Tenth Avenue West Terminal Sales Building Eugene, Oregon Portland, Oregon Phone 1663 Phone AT. 5257 J. E. SHELTON, Editor. Entered as Second Class Matter, December 7, 1923, at the Postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, Under the Act of March 3, 1879. 20 Cents Per Copy $2.00 Per Year Vol. XI. August, 1931 No. 11 IN THIS ISSUE Page Your National Forests 3 Concrete Facts The National Forests Today 5 Forest Recreation in Oregon and Washington 7 Worth Remembering Thirteen Million Acres of Recreation 9 Editorial 12 A Warning to Truck Owners and Operators-----13 'I'his port]and cement concrete road is in first class condition after ten years of perfect service.Its appear- Rules and Regulations Governing Mechanical First Aid and Towing Service 21 ance proves it will give equally satisfactory service for Where to Get Mechanical First Aid and many years more.Maintenance costs of such concrete Towing Service .. 22 pavements in Oregon have averaged46.00 per mile Official Stations of the Association 23 and 24 annually for eight years past.The combination of long life and small upkeep expense makes the annual cost of concrete road transportation much lower than OFFICERS B. McDaniel - President when less satisfactory surfacing is used. W. R. McDonald Vice-President C. Stettler --------------------Treasurer J. E. Shelton Secretary and General Manager The experience of many states proves that the only * * * hope for reducing highway costs lies in the construction DIRECTORS of a reasonable mileage of concrete pavement every year Multnomah CountyExecutive Board B. McDaniel W. R. McDonald C. Stettler Phil Metschan C. E. Francis J. A. Crittenden Ralph Coan District District T Dr. R. G. MossSt. Helens5. C. E. Gates Mediord Phil Elker Salem6. Frank Prince - - Bend J.A. McLean Eugene7. A. B. Robertson, Condon Edgar McDaniel N. Bend 8. W. C. Perkins, LaGrande Ray Conway Public Relations Department A. E. Shearer Touring Department Myer C. Rubin Legal Department PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION W. C. Findlay Advertising Manager C. H. Gunther. Manager Membership Department 146 Fifth Street PORTLAND, OREGON HEADQUARTERS OFFICE .1 Nal lonal Ocqanization to improve and extend Gte uses oeo7 crete Terminal Sales Building-------------------------Portland, Oregon offices in principal cities ) ** * BRANCH OFFICES I3aker Eugene Pendle ton PORTLAND CEMENT Bend Klamath Falls Ontario ('oquille LaGrande Salem Corvallis Medford * S U TOURING BUREAUS CONCRETE Albany Roseburg Hood River The Dalles FOR PERMANENCE / Spend Your Vacation at Taft Nearest Beach to Portland. Breitenbush Mineral CRADDOCK'S Springs Modern Duplex Cottages Finest on the Pacific Coast. 160 Acres Natural Forest Phone 6-X-18. Taft, Oregon 50 Single Cabins;12 Double; R. H. Craddock AAA Member.Ida M. Cracidock 50 Tenthouses. New Modern Bathhouse Swimming Tank with Natural Rot Water RATES: Tenthouse, furnished except dishes, bedding and cutlery, per week $ 0.00 Single Cottage, per day, $1.50; per week 9.00 Double Cottage, fully furnished, per day $2 to $4.50 Per week $12 to $23.00 In The Heart of Santiam National Forest 72 Miles East of Salem. Every Service For Your Automobile rrow Towing Service 471 ALDER STREET, PORTLAND. "Any Car Washed in 15 minutes for $1.50" 143 EAST 11TH AVENUE, EUGENE. - Official A. A. A. - 15th Street Auto Laundry Official Station An Entire Block of Automotive Service. Finest and Latest Equipment To Handle BRoadway 1566. 15th and Davis Sts. Any Kind of a Wreck. PORTLAND, OREGON. We Do All the Towing for the Oregon State Motor Association. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. Call, Eugene, 507. Call, Portland, BEacon 4712 o_\ 0Th9 9Q,vu' a the telephone isyour Qj-+gQ 9viiviy guardianon any t }Lvj motor trip dLA L1tL * o4X ro m In Emergencies REMEMBER that you are only as far from help as the nearest TELEPHONE Along the highway--- ML Oj tLL&M Watch for the public telephone signs A-. nO (goJ Y-kiL9. OLQL cxt4 THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE uivM Q4jtj2. j AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY The Oregon Motorist Published Monthly by the OREGON STATE MOTOR ASSOCIATION VOL. XI EUGENE, OREGON, AUGUST, i9iNo. ii 6IJour Nati4Dnal Forests National Forests containing a wealth of By ARTHUR M. HYDE scenic appeal, a wide variety of recrea- Secretary of Agriculture tional opportunity, and a great heritage in forests and water. And blessed, also, be- FORESTS within a State are cause of the practice of conservation coming to be regarded more and through forestry by the nation. NATIONALmore as distinct assets by the peo- The practice of conservation which is not ple of that State. This is particularly true withholding from use, but wise use with an of some States in the South and more eye to consequences, is fundamental to recently of some States of the northern tier national prosperity. Indeed, it may easily of the Middle West which have encouraged prove a determining factor in national the acquisition of suitable forest lands as existence. National Forests. The people of Oregon By a fortunate accident of place and and Washington are particularly blessed time, the making of National Forests began in having within their borders twenty-two in the western half of the 1'nited Stalec. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WASHINGTON, 0. C. Editor Oregon Motorist, Portland, Oregon. June 13, 1931. Dear Sir:I know of no better way in which theOregon Motorist can serve the membership of the Oregon State Motor Association than by acquainting it more fully with theNational Forests of the State. Oregon's Forests together with those of its neighbor States one of the greatest glories of the Pacific States, as well as a naturalare a great national heritage. They Constitute at once nannla ,,4 fl _I_ - - - -- - - - resource of inestimable wealth. For the aood of th v, vdLiofl Enese ,-orests must be prestrvod on all lands not required for other needfl uses, know those magnificent Forests is to jove them; and to protect,preserve and To rightly use them, whether they be public or private, should be thedesire of all good citizens. By creatingsmong your readers a more thorough knowledge and appreciation of the Forests protection. you are helping to solve the problem of better forest Sincerely yours, Secretary. Had the civilization of the American continent started use of this land, not alone in from the Pacific side ;had the the interest of the Government lie of the continent and of all as land owner, but in the inter- its physical conditions been re- est of the nation for which the versed, so to speak, bringing Government acts as trustee? the earliest settlement to the The second question is,- How littoral of the Pacific,there is much more public usefulness no telling what irremediable can be derived from this land destruction might have been if many varied usesgo on wrought before the United simultaneously by fitting them States came to the stage of de- together in the right pattern? velopment that made possible 'Fhis process of adjustment and effective forest conservation.
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