VOLUME 4 CLARKSVILLE, TENNESSEE, APRIL 11, 1923 NUMBEP 20 CAIN SPEAKS S. P. U.LOSES OPENER FilKAPPA TO THE "Y" Bethel Wins Slow Game 7-0 SORORITY Bethel( College from Mi~cKenzie, THII) INNING Tenn., took the openingu game of Bethel-D enny, fist upi, don-1 The imemlber s(If the Y. M. C.A. A New Student Organization the season on Shearer Feld onlFri- hits. ElinIor' fies out to Tilll- hleard anl excelent address last (lay. Wet field prevenltedl the play- I on. Miarshall gets safe on Breed's Suilday whien Mr. IT. V. Cain gave 1During tihe past monIlthl we ing of the game schedu led for erori. IDenny scores. Marshall a sho~rt talk. He spoke on Acts hleard a rumorl 1'tihat a new society Thursday iandlslowedl up)thle Fi- Mteals second). Wrigiht goes (oit at 6 wilt thou have me wals being formed~lanllings1s. Thle 9: "'What (lay g-aime to a great eten~it. Al- firist. (d(1?' MIr. Redhe(adl read the scrip- truth camie out recenltly when the though the field was slow and One run~, one hilt, one error. tulle lessoni froml Acts 9. grades for March were po~sted, miuddly, both teams showved somie S. IP. IT.-Johns grounds (outto Whlat w~ilt thioui have meI (1(? and1( we saw the naimie Phi Kapp~a 11ice fieldlinlgandl the pr1ospects for short. Rennie do~ubles to left cen- Pallwas abioult thirity year's of age leadling all thle lest. F101n1 that us are not discourag~ing for tihe seir. Helnry goes out, tirdi to when lhe askedl this qufestioni. We monIlthily statemlenlt it aplpear's that rest of tihe schedule. The tigers' first, wilie Rennie goes to thiirdl. conver'- thle memllber'ship con~sists (If Misses all knlow the stor'y (f tile inablit tohitin the pinch kept Bred flies out to right. Cumlberson, D~ority, 1Durrett, Or- sio1n (f this llan. As IPall:skCed 1hem scoreless, while all Bethel's No 111n1,.onie hit, 110) Crlos. cclli, iattersonl, Nihaul, aild Mrs. thils(question11 so 11usf each(If 11s hits were bunched so as to coun t FOU"RTH INNING .A tkullson. ask it. We are it, God's hands(1, the most. Bethiel-Ried flies out to rigit. We.Ctake ipla1suriniiwIelcoiling aind are deeenli~llt 1111011Hillfor The way it went: this n~ew frateilnal group illthle all our1 blessings,5foi' life itself. FIRIST INNING P arnell goes out, short to first. Whlen we ask tis4quelstionl we WXardl goes to thir(I wheni Jests' al- Unilversitv. Even the Clii Oniegas, lows his sinlgle to go through his whlo mullst lnecessalrly see ill them have to sur~render' (111 lives enlirile- hd]forced Elinlor at secondl but lc~s. Thompson flies out to Fil- strong rivals, are glad thley have ly to (Godbefolre we call really anr- stol1eCsecond1Iiitiseif. Wright ley. organized, for, they say, the com- swer it. If ou~r lives are surren- struick out. M~itchll l fied~ out to No runs, one hlit, onle error. petition will mlake life mfore inter- delred toI God we acknlowledlge Je - (enter. 8. P. I'.-Jesty safe onl Wright's esting for' ever'yone. suis as Lordl aid subint to the will No runs, 1n0 hits, 11o errors. err'or.. Culberson, see- As far as we 1ha1eU'been l111e 1to of God. One hlas but11lo(, 1o(k at S. P. U.-Jennie safe oak, flies out to le o11(. Finley strikes out. Jesty go- dliscover, thiis Inew society inltends the life ofi Paul and( uwill at onc(e Wrights error'. H enry gets safe to petit ionl Alpha Pil, one of tihe see thlat hiis was aI surrendoer ed on1 Minti, ILenlnie going to third. in~g to secondlwhen. lParniell drops tile hall. Jesty goes to third 011 oldest and strongest sororities in life,.lie1had(1sen the lighlt froml heinry out stealing' seconid. Leni- (atchers error)l. Thompson grounlds thec coun~tr'y, whlich Mirs. Atkinson Hea veil, le hidao5(hleard the iec 1miakes second out in at tempted were' cut to second. blecausle a ilelthel (If while iln volice of Jesius. Thlere two) squeeze play. lBredsingles 1but1 No 1111ns,110o11its. three errors. (Uoucier College. Baltimlolre. A reasonls for Pauls (conversion1; lie is left 011 fir's(; when Jests fies r'oom lil thie Castle lois beenl wasconsiostlolS(f 111issill, and1 hle (lut to center. FIFTh INNING u riled over to the I Kapilas caught a.,1isionilof Jesus. These No I'll 115, oneChit, one err'or. and( fr'om thle soIunlds5heard iln that are tlhe only reasonls for thle 11011 SECO(NID INNING 11. tol rigid. Rennie goes in for da y vicinlity we im~a ginle this 1(10111is I'Woruoiii ll (of to sur rendl~erin1g Beth el-hied l gi 0111(1out to -jhna(11111..a~ 1i for Rennie. Eli- beingJgconlver'tedl into a Cl eoplatr's' their lives. Tley mullst become short. Parnell stiikes out. Ward n1o)1sin~gles, but goes out (In Mar- dlen !Success fo youl conisciouls (If thIi ir sill, an11(Imust heats out a. lilt to short. Thoimp- shllI's fieldler's (choice. Marsha1ll (atchl a. visi(Inl (f the sinn~er's Lord son l ties (outto Henry. stealss5conlld. AVright strikes out. andl lSavior. No runs, onielilt.,11(1errorsl. M'Iitchiell flles out to Finley, Who The sulrrendoeredl life is a life (If S. 1'. IT.-Ciii erson groundus made a sl)ectacullar' catch. CIII OMEGAS usefulness, coInltetment and~ vic- out1 to third'~. Finley walkas 1)1t1is One 1111,two hits, 110 errors. tor'y, and til erilan who lhas sur- ouit interfering with M~arshall. S. 1P. 1.-McLeaii andl Hall fly rendered to Christ is sure of sal- GIVE LUNCHEON rI:hp.1 1 1 5 1 gets safe on Mai'slall's (lit to righlt. Rienn~ie goes (lut. i)en- vation. Let 11s ask ourselves the err,'bu, lit goes5 out 011 McLeari's ill' to Marshall. quiestioll, "What would thou1 Ihave fielder's choice. No runs, no hiits, no errors. Memphis Alumnae Interested No runs1, 110 hits, oInCelror. (Contilned on page 3) aill t hat is wvorthl while in life, if Anl evenit(If great. interest of nlot life itself. host week-and all evenlt that Mr. Cain gave a filletalk and Y.M.C.A. COMMITTEES STANDING OF lilakes us realize that Mtenltdmis is the fellows all enjoyed it. not over' tangibhe, but still neal' at (iomie-was thle(Chi Omega lunch- ANNOUNCED THE GROUPS eon. The luncheon was given to ALPHA PHI c'elebrlate Founlders' a)y, and tile Riepor'ts for tile past. mlonthl's hIono~rees of the occasion were the The newly elected 1' . .A work show a general Ilixull of tihe mlemb~ers (of Kappa Beta Chlapter. EPSILON MEETS officers with the new Cabinet an- organlizationis inltile race for tihe Kappa. eta was well reprlesenit- 110un1ce the following appoint- Stylus ChlbSchlolarsh1ip Cup to edl by Mhisses Mary Frances Peniie- mlelits as cominlitteelllell The Ivey PittmanillCihapter ot be 'iveln at the endl of the year to ha ker, Irene Cl ardy, Sarahl Or- AlpIha Pi. Epsilon meIt iniits leg- Tile Cahiet-'V7est, (Gardner, theCgroup halving the highlest aver- g'ainl, Frances Edwards, lola ular ,C55ionl Wednesday afternoon, Miolins, O'Neal, Lapsley, D~avis. age. Pi'i lpia, tile IiW _sorority Smith, amnd Elizabeth Ellis. April 4, at 3 :1<i in Professor Ar- Commllittees : on tjhe camus, ihas set quite a Tile luncheon given by thle rc- iowwoodl'5 10011. The mleeti ng (ently organizedl MCemphhi s Chi Progralia Conunittee-Gardller, ". iecordi average this mon11th. Other was called to order bly the priesi- O'Nel, Ktchei. Igroups have chlanged places tiis Omega Alumnale was held at the dleit, Miss Mary Pattersoni. Af- O'NalKichel.II lonth as will be noltedl from the Hotel Chisca ando was a very bril- ter the ro(ll call, the readilig of Finance Conioittee-Mlohnlls (fmollowing table: iant affair. Covers were laid for the minutfes of the previous meet- McLeanl, Ryan. ff11iil Kappa................ 91.4 aibout thirty-five guests. Tfhe So- 1 rolrity- colors, cardinal and~c in~g, an~d tile regular blusinless (11- Attenldance ( olliiittee-Brllcei Ulimega.................88.2 str aw, were a pretty feature of the (decol- cussionf, the program was given. 1Caldwell Jesty. Sgm. im alappa........86.4 The pro(gram a~s has been (11s- Non-Fraternity (lirls.......55.4 ration s. Publicity tomlaly, was opiened with a. sec- Committee- Maddry, (Non-Frater'nity Mlen........ 80.2 The Mempis alulmlnae haod as tion (IfRoberts' Rules of Order. Rennie, Thompson. ,T KapaAlpha.......80.05 oneI (Iftheir aims at this nmeetinlg, The paragraphls devoted to "per- We ask the support of all the "'Kappa Sigmla.............. 80.02 a desire to become( better acqluant- imanienit organlizationls" was givenl c"Y" memb~ers for' these mne in l the Sigm~a. Alpha Epsilon.......78.5) ed with .the prlesent Chapter and1 (Continued 0on page 3) (Continued onl page 3) lp~erformilance of thleir' offices. Alpha Tanl Omega.........78.8 THE SOU'WESTER 'THE SOU'WESTER HONOR ROLL PERSONALS Published weekly by the students of the Sohthwesters Presbyterian University, Clarksville, Tennessee. A lexainder, Biology, I hbusics. Lapslev, Bible, Econ., History, THE STAFF M'~r. A. S. MIclhwaine, whlo has 1C. Anderson, Econ. Ma th. Managing Editor .. E. A. Mohns, Jr. been in thle hospital for the plast Assistant Managing Editor........... Ashby, Bible, History. McI nnis, Biology, Econ., Greek. week with pnieumllonia. is slowly .............. N. S. McLean Atkinson, History IN', History 1'I. Mc~teynolds, Business Manager ... J.
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