Bibliography and Indexes

Bibliography and Indexes

343a Bibliography 1. ADLER, H.E. (1975) Fish behavior - why fishes do what they do. TFH Publications, Neptune City. 271pp. 2. ALLEN, GoR., D.F. HOESE, J.R. PAXTON, J.E. RANDALL, B.C. RUSSELL, W.A. STARCK II, F«H. TALBOT and G.P. WHITLEY. (1976) Annotated checklist of the fishes of Lord Howe Island. Rec. Aust. Mus. 30:365-454. 3c ALLEN, G.R. and J.T. MOYER (1980) Ellerkeldia wilsoni, a new species of serranid fish from southwestern Aust- ralia. Jap. J. Ichthyol. 26:329-333. 4. ANDERSON, G.R.V. (1973) A study of the systematics and biology of a group of tripterygiid fishes. MSc thesis, Univ. of Auckland. 101pp. 5o AYLING, A.M. The deadly leatherjacket. In: Guide to New Zealand1s marine worlds, part one (W & J. Doak, eds), pp 28-31. 6c AYLING, A.Mo (1976) The role of biological disturbance in determining the organisation of subtidal encrusting communities in temperate waters. PhD thesis, Univ. of Auckland. 114pp. 7c AYLING, A.M. (1978) Cape Rodney to Okakari Point, Marine Reserve Survey. 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(1966) The ecology of fishes in tidal rock pools, with a revision of the common littoral species Tripterygion nigripenne« MSc thesis, Univ. of Canterbury. 199pp. 23. DAWSON, C.E. (1980) Synopsis of the pipefishes (Syngnath- idae) of New Zealand. Rec. Nat. Mus. NZ 1:281-291. 24. DIX, T.G. (1969) Association between the echinoid, Eve- ohinus chloroticus (Val.) and the clingfish, Bellich- thys morelandi Briggs. Pac. Sci. 23:232-236. 25. DOAK, W. (1972) Fishes of the New Zealand Region. Hodder and Stoughton, Auckland. 132pp. 26. DYER, T.A. (1969) A study of the alimentary tract and diet of Pseudolabrus celidotus (Pisces: Labridae). BSc (hons) thesis, Victoria Univ. of Wellington. 64pp. 27. EGGLESTON, D. (1975) Determination of age of kahawai Arripis trutta (Bloch & Schneider). NZ J. Mar. 345a Freshwat. Res. 9:293-298. 28. ELDER, R.D. (1976) Studies on age and growth, reproduction and population dynamics of red gurnard Chelodoniohthy s kurnu (Lesson & Garnot) in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. Fisheries Research Bull. 12:77pp. 29. GAULDIE, R.W., D. PURNELL and D.A. ROBERTSON (1977) Some biochemical similarities and differences between two jack mackerel species, Trachurus declivis and T. novaezelandiae. Comp. Biochem. Physiol 58B:389-391. 30o GODFRIAUX, B.L. (1974a) Food of tarakihi in western Bay of Plenty and Tasman Bay, New Zealand. NZ J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 8:111-153. 31o GODFRIAUX, B.L. (1974b) Food of snapper in western Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. NZ J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 8:473-504. 32 o GODFRIAUX, B.L. (1974c) Feeding relationships between tarakihi and snapper in western Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. NZ J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 8:589-609. 33 c GORDON, .D.P. and W.J. BALLANTINE (1976) Cape Rodney to Okakari Point Marine Reserve - Review of knowledge and bib1iography to December 1976. Tane 22 supplement. 34. GRAHAM, D.H. (1953) A treasury of New Zealand fishes. A.H. & A.W. Reed, Wellington. 35. GRANT, E.M. (1972) Guide to fishes. 2nd ed. Dept. of Primary Industries, Brisbane. 472pp. 36o GREENWOOD, P.H., D.E. ROSEN, S.H. WEITZMAN and G.S. MYERS (1966) Phyletic studies of teleostean fishes, with a provisional classification of living forms. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 131:345-354. 37. HABIB, G. (1976) Food size preferences of the red cod Pseudophycis bacceius (Teleostei, Moridae). Mauri Ora 4:9-13. 38. HABIB, Gc and R.E. ROBERTS (1978) Proceedings of the pelagic fisheries conference, July 1977. Fisheries Research Division, Occasional Publication 15:102pp. 39. HANDFORD, C. (1979) The habitat, population dynamics and social organisation of two tripterygiid fishes. MSc thesis, Univ. of Auckland. 114pp. 40. HEEMSTRA, P.C. (1980) A revision of the zeid fishes (Zeiformes, Zeidae) of South Africa. Ichthyological Bulletin of the J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology '41:18pp. 41. HUTTON, F.W. (1872) Fishes of New Zealand. James Hughes Printer, Wellington. 42. JAMES, G.D. (1974) Caranx georgianus Cuvier 1833 (Pisces: Carangidae) in temperate Australasian waters. J. Roy. Soc. NZ 4:401-410. 43. JILLET, J.B. (1968a) The biology of -Acanthoclinus quad- ridactylus (Bloch and Schneider) (Teleostei - Blen- nioidea) I. Age, growth and food. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 19:1-8. 44. JILLET, J.B. (1968b) The biology of Acanthoclinus quad- ridactylus (Bloch and Schneider) (Teleostei - Blen- Freshwat. Res. 19:9-18. 45. JONES, G.P. (1980a) Growth and reproduction in the protogynous hermaphrodite Pseudolabrus celidotus (Pisces: Labridae) in New Zealand. Copeia 1980:660-675. 46. JONES, G.P. (1980b) Contribution to the biology of the perch, Ellerkeldia huntii (Hector), with a m hermaphroditism. J. Fish Biol. 17:197-207. 47. JONES, G.P. (1980c) Interrelationships between ecology, behaviour and life history in the protogynous herm- aphrodite Pseudolabrus celidotus (Pisces: Labridae). PhD thesis, Univ. of Auckland. 120pp. 48. JONES, G.P. (1981) Spawning-site choice by female - Pseudolabrus celidotus (Pisces: Labridae) and its influence on the mating system. Behav. Ecol. Socio- biol. in press. 49. JONES, G.P. and S.M. THOMPSON (1980) Social inhibition Pseudolabrus celidotus and a comparison with the blennioid Tripterygion varium. Mar. Biol. 59:247-256. 50. KINGETT, P.D. (1981) Factors influencing the distribution and abundance of Chrysophrys auratus in a reef system. MSc thesis, Univ. of Auckland. 51. KINGETT, P.D. and J.H. CHOAT (1981) Spatial and in the density of Chrysophrys auratus (Pisces: in a reef environment: An Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser., in 347a 52. KINGSFORD, M.J. (1981) Interrelationships between spawn- ing and recruitment of Chromis dispilus (Pisces: Pomacentridae). MSc thesis, Univ. of Auckland. 79pp. 53c KINGSFORD, M.J. and A.B. MACDIARMID. The effect of plank- tivorous reef fish on zooplankton density. Manuscript submitted to Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser„ 54o LEUM, L.L. and J.H. CHOAT (1980) Density estimates of a . temperate marine fish Cheilodactylus spectabilis (Cheilodactylidae) in a reef environment. Mar. Biol. 57:327-337. 55. LYTHGOE, T. and G. LYTHGOE (1971) Fishes of the sea: The coastal waters of the British Isles, Northern Europe and the Mediterranean. Blandford Press, London. 320pp. 56o MACDIARMID, A.B. (1981) Factors influencing the distrib- ution and abundance of two temperate reef fish Pempheris adspersa and Scorpis violaceus. MSc thesis, Univ. of Auckland. 101pp. 57. MARSHALL, N.B. (1961) The life of fishes. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London. 402pp. » 58. MARSHALL, T.C. (1964) Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and coastal waters of Queensland. Angus & Robertson, Sydney. 516pp. 59. MAY, J.D. (1979) Fish utilization of a New Zealand mangrove creeko MSc thesis, Univ. of Auckland. 83pp. 60o McDOWALL, R.M. (1978) New Zealand freshwater fishes - a guide and natural history. Heinemann, Auckland. 230pp. 61. MIDGALSKI, E.C. and G.S. FICHTER (1977) The fresh and saltwater fish of the world. Octapus Books, Hong Kong. 62. MORELAND, J.M. (1963) Native sea fishes. A.H. & A.W. Reed, Wellington. 63. MORELAND, J.M. (1975) Fishes of the rock pools. New Zealandfs Nature Heritage 44:1533-1541. 64. National Fish Survey, stage 1. New Zealand Underwater Association, Technical subcommittee. 65. New Zealand Management Division (1978) Greater need now to understand deep water stocks. Min. Ag. Fish., Wellington. 66. NORMAN, J.R. (1975) A history of fishes. 3rd ed., revised by P.H. GREENWOOD. E. Benn, London. 467pp. 67. PARISH, S. (1974) Australia's ocean of life. Wedneil, 348a Newport. 128pp. 68 PARROT, A.W. (1960) The queer and rare fishes of New Zealand. Hodder & Stoughton, London. 192pp. 69 PAUL, L.J. Snapper Chrysophrys auratus, family Sparidae: Sea Breams. Marine fish and fisheries. MAF Media Services, Wellington. 4pp. 70 PAUL, L.J. (1974) Snapper. New Zealand's Nature Heritage 2:671-676. PAUL, L.J. (1976) A study on age, growth and population 71 structure of the snapper Chrysophrys auratus (Forster) in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand.

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