SOLIDARITY ROUTE Gdańska Organizacja Turystyczna Ul. Uczniowska 22, 80-530 Gdańsk The peaceful Solidarity revolution - our biggest national success - began in Gdansk. tel.: (+48) 58 305 70 80 tel./fax: (+48) 58 301 66 37 It was the beginning of the fall of communism, e-mail: [email protected] not only in Poland but in all of Europe. www.visitgdansk.com We are delighted to invite you for a walk along the route through SOLIDARITY, places and ideas. TOURIST CARD YOUR WAY THROUGH GDANSK TABLE OF CONTENTS START 1 2 GDANSK GLOWNY GDANSK MONUMENT TO RAILWAY STATION SHIPYARD THE FALLEN SHIPYARD WORKERS OF 1970 PAGE 5 PAGE 7 PAGE 8 5 4 3 ST. NICOLAS ST. BRIDGET’S EUROPEAN CHURCH CHURCH SOLIDARITY CENTRE PAGE 11 PAGE 10 PAGE 9 6 7 8 ST. MARY’S DARIUSZ KOBZDEJ KING CHURCH ROCK MONUMENT JOHN III SOBIESKI MONUMENT PAGE 12 PAGE 13 PAGE 14 11 10 9 ANNA OPERA BAŁTYCKA MONUMENT TO ANTONI BROWARCZYK WALNTYNOWICZ TRAM STOP AND THE VICTIMS MONUMENT OF MARTIAL LAW PAGE 16 PAGE 17 PAGE 15 12 13 14 THE FIRST HEADQUARTERS HEADQUARTERS NATIONAL OF THE INTER-COMPANY FOUNDING COMMITTEE OF NSZZ “SOLIDARITY” NSZZ “SOLIDARITY” DELEGATES CONGRESS PAGE 18 PAGE 19 PAGE 20 16 15 TOURIST CARD JOHN PAUL II WALESA FAMILY YOUR WAY THROUGH GDANSK PARK APARTMENT IN ZASPA PAGE 22 PAGE 21 Solidarity Route 3 START photo: Gdansk Tourism Organisation 4 Solidarity Route GDANSK GLOWNY RAILWAY STATION Podwale Grodzkie 1 street The railway station’s building was erect- ed in 1900, in a style called the Gdansk version of the Dutch renaissance. It was the scene of the December rebellion events - workers’ strikes that spread across the Polish seaside between 14 and 22 December 1970. The workers were pro- testing against food price rises. On 15 De- cember 1970, a column of strikers walked in front of the Gdansk Glowny Railway Station. On that day Kazimierz Stojecki - a shipyard worker - died under the cater- pillar tracks of an armoured personnel carrier. The militia troops and army used firearms to shoot at the workers. 41 peo- ple died during the December rebellion: 18 of them in Gdynia, 16 in Szczecin, 6 in Gdansk and 1 in Elblag. The experience that the workers gained, and the memory of those killed in December 1970, paid off in August 1980. “December was grey and gloomy, while August was cheerful and joyous”, recalls Jerzy Czarnecki, one of the shipyard workers. 1 | 2 | 3 Walk through the tunnel to cross the street, turn left and continue towards pl. Solidarnosci. After about 10 minutes, you will reach the old gate to the shipyard, the European Solidarity Centre and the Mon- ument to the Fallen Shipyard Workers of 1970. Solidarity Route 5 1 photo: Zenon Mirota / ESC Archive Collection of European Solidarity Centre 6 Solidarity Route GDANSK SHIPYARD Solidarnosci Square In Communist Poland, Lenin’s Gdansk lowed these tragic events, people secretly Shipyard was the largest manufacturer brought flowers and candles at the gate, of ships in the country. It dates back to which the officers of the Security Service the 19th century. Before it opened, Jan (SB) immediately removed to blot out the Klawiter’s shipyard was located there, memory of the victims that was uncom- but the Cesarska Shipyard and Schichau fortable for the authorities. In 1980, during Shipyard gave rise to the current one. the August strike that broke out to protect After WWI, an international company Anna Walentynowicz, a democratic op- was formed here that included capital position activist who was laid off, Gate 2 from Poland (20%) and Gdansk (20%) but became a symbol. People spontaneously also from Great Britain and France (30% decorated the gate with flowers and hung each), and the shipyard was named The a painting with the Black Madonna of Cze- International Shipbuilding and Engineer- stochowa and a photo of Pope John Paul ing Company Limited. During WWII, the II. It was a meeting place for strikers and shipyard was fulfilling orders for Krieg- their families. Crowds of Gdansk residents smarine, the navy of the Third Reich. Af- came here to support the protesters. On 31 ter the war, the two plants, the old Gdansk August 1980, Lech Walesa climbed Gate 2 Shipyard (formerly Cesarska Shipyard) and announced the end of the strike and and Schichau Shipyard, were combined signing of the Gdansk Agreement. During to create one state-owned enterprise - martial law in Poland, Gate 2 was rammed Gdansk Shipyard. In the 70s and 80s, in by a tank. After 1989, it became an impor- its glory days, it had around 17 thousand tant memorial. employees and covered an area of ap- On 18 January 2019, the funeral proces- proximately 70 hectares. Today, the area sion of Gdansk Mayor Pawel Adamowicz of Gdansk Shipyard takes up an important walked through Gate 2. space in the memory of Poles and Europe- ans, who saw the workers’ strikes in the 70s The building, today called the OHS ROOM, and 80s and the birth of the Independent was put up at the end of the 19th centu- Self-governing Labour Union “Solidarity”. ry and served as torpedo storage. In the The workers’ strikes and the formation of 1960s, it was rearranged to form a training Solidarity are one of the most important building and later a shipyard’s conference events in the modern history of Poland and room and museum were created here. the whole world because they contributed During the December rebellion, the OHS to the fall of the communist empire and Room was the scene of the negotiations the recuperation of full freedom in many between the shipyard’s Council of Dele- countries. gates and the management. At the end of the 70s, the building was modernised. The main entrance to Gdansk Ship- In 1980, the OHS Room witnessed the ses- yard leads to the HISTORICAL SHIPYARD sions of the International Strike Commit- GATE 2. Today, you can go through with- tee (MKS) that represented the protesting out a problem but just several years ago, workplaces. Key negotiations with the rep- guards checked documents, and unwel- resentatives of national authorities were come visitors were not let in the facility. conducted here. The representatives of On 16 December 1970, this place was the the government agreed to the strikers’ de- scene of drama. The army opened fire mands, and on 31 August 1980, they signed on the protesting workers in front of the a historic agreement. The first independ- gate. Two shipyard workers lost their lives: ent labour union in the Eastern Bloc was Jerzy Matelski and Stefan Mosiewicz. 11 formed then - the Independent Self-gov- people were injured. In the years that fol- erning Labour Union “Solidarity”. Solidarity Route 7 2photo: Stefan Kraszewski / ESC Archive / Collection of European Solidarity Centre MONUMENT TO THE FALLEN SHIPYARD WORKERS OF 1970 Solidarnosci Square It was the first monument in Communist months of intense works, on 16 December Poland commemorating the victims of 1980, in the presence of the representa- the communist regime. The demand for tives of Solidarity, the Catholic Church, the honouring the people killed in December communist authorities and thousands of 1970 was first made in 1971 by Henryk Le- people from across the country, the Mon- narciak - a shipyard worker and partic- ument to the Fallen Shipyard Workers of ipant of the strikes. The authorities ini- 1970 was unveiled. The monument is com- tially agreed to the workers’ demand but prised of three 42-metre crosses with an- eventually they backed away. The only chors nailed to them - the sign of hopes thing that the strikers could do was to keep crucified during the workers’ strikes in 1959, bringing flowers and candles to Gate 2. In 1970 and 1976. The monument features August 1980, the International Strike Com- bas-reliefs with scenes from the shipyard mittee made the construction of the mon- workers’ lives and a quote from “You Who ument one of its demands. After a mass Wronged”, a poem by Czeslaw Milosz. celebrated on 17 August in the same place that the shipyard workers died, a wooden The monument became a memorial to, cross was embedded in the ground and a and symbol of, Poland’s route to freedom. mock-up of the monument was put in the The figures that paid a tribute to the vic- OHS Room. A shipyard engineer, Bogdan tims and everyone who contributed to vic- Pietruszka, is the author of the monument tory over communism here include Pope concept. John Paul II, U.S. presidents - Ronald Rea- gan and George Bush senior - and Prime The project was accepted by the Inter- Minister of the United Kingdom Margaret national Strike Committee and on 1 Sep- Thatcher. In 2005, the leaders of European tember 1980, the Social Committee on the countries signed the foundation act for the Monument was established. After three European Solidarity Centre. 8 Solidarity Route photo: Renata Dąbrowska / ESC Archive / Collection of European Solidarity Centre EUROPEAN3 SOLIDARITY CENTRE Solidarnosci Square 1 The European Solidarity Centre (ECS) is a the boards which the strikers wrote their 21 cultural institution that commemorates the demands on in August 1980 and hung them peaceful Solidarity revolution, cultivates its on Gate 2. Today, they are considered to be memory, supports freedom movements, in- one of the most important documents of the itiates a debate on the modern world’s prob- 20th century - they are listed in the Registered lems and educates on how to think and act Heritage of the UNESCO’s Memory of the World together. The ECS was created in 2005 thanks Programme.
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