Nettastomatidae Kaup, 1859 - Duckbill Eels [=Nettastominae, Saurenchelidae] Notes: Nettastominae Kaup, 1859B:6 [Ref

Nettastomatidae Kaup, 1859 - Duckbill Eels [=Nettastominae, Saurenchelidae] Notes: Nettastominae Kaup, 1859B:6 [Ref

FAMILY Nettastomatidae Kaup, 1859 - duckbill eels [=Nettastominae, Saurenchelidae] Notes: Nettastominae Kaup, 1859b:6 [ref. 2586] (subfamily) Nettastoma [stem corrected to Nettastomat- by Whitley 1935a:216 [ref. 4683], confirmed by Lindberg 1971:100 [ref. 27211], by Steyskal 1980:173 [ref. 14191], by Smith 1989:568 [ref. 13285] and by Nelson 2006:123 [ref. 32486]; family name sometimes seen as Nettastomidae] Saurenchelidae Grassi, 1913:25, 27 [ref. 29912] (family) Saurenchelys GENUS Facciolella Whitley, 1938 - duckbill eels [=Facciolella Whitley [G. P.], 1938:197, Nettastomella Facciolà [L.], 1911:277] Notes: [ref. 4692]. Fem. Nettastomella physonima Facciolà, 1914. Type by being a replacement name. Replacement for Nettastomella Facciolà, 1911, preoccupied by Nettastomella Carpenter, 1865 in Mollusca. •Valid as Facciolella Whitley, 1938 -- (Blache et al. 1973:237 [ref. 7185], Smith & Castle 1982:34 [ref. 5453], Saldanha in Whitehead et al. 1986:562 [ref. 13676], Smith 1989:596 [ref. 13285], Klausewitz 1994:445 [ref. 23563], Klausewitz 1995:45 [ref. 22578], Smith 1999:1689 [ref. 24661], Smith 2003:752 [ref. 26989]). Current status: Valid as Facciolella Whitley, 1938. Nettastomatidae. (Nettastomella) [ref. 7188]. Fem. Nettastomella physonima Facciolà, 1914. Type by subsequent monotypy. Appeared first and dates to 1911, with reference to a description and with species juxta [apparently never described, not fully investigated]; subsequently Facciolà 1914:47 [ref. 1290] included physonema [original physonima]. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Nettastomella Carpenter, 1865 in Mollusca; replaced by Facciolella Whitley, 1938 who dated to 1914. •In the synonymy of Facciolella Whitley, 1938 -- (Blache et al. 1973:237 [ref. 7185], Smith 1989:596 [ref. 13285]). Current status: Synonym of Facciolella Whitley, 1938. Nettastomatidae. Species Facciolella castlei Parin & Karmovskaya, 1985 - Castle's witch eel (author) [=Facciolella castlei Parin [N. V.] & Karmovskaya [E. S.], 1985:1527, Fig. 1-2] Notes: [Zoologicheskii Zhurnal v. 64 (no. 10); ref. 17259] Nazca Ridge, 22°06'S, 81°15'W, depth 230 meters. Current status: Valid as Facciolella castlei Parin & Karmovskaya, 1985. Nettastomatidae. Distribution: Southeastern Pacific: Nazca Ridge. Habitat: marine. Species Facciolella equatorialis (Gilbert, 1891) - dogface witch eel [=Chlopsis equatorialis Gilbert [C. H.], 1891:347, Chlopsis gilbertii Garman [S.], 1899:316, Pl. 62 (fig. 2)] Notes: [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 14 (no. 856); ref. 1625] Off Ecuador, 0°37'00"S, 81°00'00"W, Albatross station 2792, depth 401 fathoms. Current status: Valid as Facciolella equatorialis (Gilbert, 1891). Nettastomatidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific. Habitat: marine. (gilberti) [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 24; ref. 1540] Off Pacific Panama, 7°21'N, 79°35'W, Albatross station 3394, depth 511 fathoms. Current status: Synonym of Facciolella equatorialis (Gilbert, 1891). Nettastomatidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific (if valid). Habitat: marine. Species Facciolella karreri Klausewitz, 1995 - Red Sea duckbill eel (author) [=Facciolella karreri Klausewitz [W.], 1995:46, Figs. 2-6] Notes: [Senckenbergiana Maritima v. 26 (nos 1-2); ref. 22578] Ras Abu Shagara, Sudan, Red Sea, 21°14.45'N, 37°15.90'E, depth 823-824 meters. Current status: Valid as Facciolella karreri Klausewitz, 1995. Nettastomatidae. Distribution: Red Sea endemic. Habitat: marine. Species Facciolella oxyrhynchus (Bellotti, 1883) - Facciola's sorcerer [=Leptocephalus oxyrhynchus Bellotti [C.], 1883:(172) 177, Fig., Nettastomella physonima Facciolà [L.], 1914:47] Notes: [Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali di Milano v. 26 (fasc. 2); ref. 13617] Straits of Messina, Sicily, Italy, Mediterranean Sea. Current status: Valid as Facciolella oxyrhynchus (Bellotti, 1883). Nettastomatidae. Distribution: Mediterranean Sea, eastern Atlantic: southern Portugal to Angola, including Madeira. Habitat: marine. (physonima) [Bollettino della Società Zoologica Italiana (3. Ser.) v. 3; ref. 1290] Straits of Messina, Sicily, Italy, Mediterranean Sea. Current status: Synonym of Facciolella oxyrhyncha (Bellotti, 1883). Nettastomatidae. Habitat: marine. Species Facciolella saurencheloides (D'Ancona, 1928) - Kamaran witch eel (author) [=Leptocephalus saurencheloides D'Ancona [U.], 1928:52, Pl. 3 (figs. 10-12b)] Notes: [Memoria, Comitato Talassografico Italiano No. 146; ref. 15917] Kamaran, Yemen, Red Sea, depth 200 meters. Current status: Valid as Facciolella saurencheloides (D'Ancona, 1928). Nettastomatidae. Distribution: Red Sea, Indian Ocean. Habitat: marine. GENUS Hoplunnis Kaup, 1859 - duckbill eels [=Hoplunnis Kaup [J. J.], 1859:19] Notes: [ref. 2586]. Fem. Hoplunnis schmidti Kaup, 1859. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Hoplunnis Kaup, 1859 -- (Lane & Stewart 1968:59 [ref. 7904], Smith & Castle 1982:19 [ref. 5453], Smith 1989:576 [ref. 13285], Smith 1999:1673 [ref. 24661], Smith 2003:752 [ref. 26989]). Current status: Valid as Hoplunnis Kaup, 1859. Nettastomatidae. Species Hoplunnis diomedianus Goode & Bean, 1896 - blacktail pike-conger [=Hoplunnis diomedianus Goode [G. B.] & Bean [T. H.], 1896:146, Pl. 43 (163)] Notes: [Special Bulletin U. S. National Museum No. 2; ref. 1848] Off Cape San Blas, Florida, U.S.A., 28°36'N, 85°33'30"W, Albatross station 2402, depth 111 fathoms. Current status: Valid as Hoplunnis diomediana Goode & Bean, 1896. Nettastomatidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine. Species Hoplunnis macrura Ginsburg, 1951 - freckled pike-conger, silver conger [=Hoplunnis macrurus Ginsburg [I.], 1951:450, Fig. 5] Notes: [Texas Journal of Science v. 3 (no. 3); ref. 1804] Off Mississippi Delta, Louisiana, U.S.A., 29°14'N, 88°35'W, depth 40 fathoms. Current status: Valid as Hoplunnis macrura Ginsburg, 1951. Nettastomatidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine. Species Hoplunnis megista Smith & Kanazawa, 1989 - megista duckbill eel (author) [=Hoplunnis megista Smith [D. G.] & Kanazawa [R. H.], in Smith, 1989:579, 614-616] Notes: [Memoirs of the Sears Foundation of Marine Research Mem. 1 (part 9); ref. 13285] Off Cristobal, (Atlantic) Panama, 9°03'N, 81°22'W, Oregon station 3598, depth 366-403 meters. Current status: Valid as Hoplunnis megista Smith & Kanazawa, 1989. Nettastomatidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine. Species Hoplunnis pacifica Lane & Stewart, 1968 - Pacific duckbill eel (author) [=Hoplunnis pacifica Lane [E. D.] & Stewart [K. W.], 1968:56, Figs. 1-2] Notes: [Contributions in Marine Science v. 13; ref. 7904] Mazatlan, Mexico (Pacific). Current status: Valid as Hoplunnis pacifica Lane & Stewart, 1968. Nettastomatidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific. Habitat: marine. Species Hoplunnis punctata Regan, 1915 - slender duckbill eel [=Hoplunnis punctatus Regan [C. T.], 1915:126] Notes: [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) v. 15 (no. 85); ref. 15006] Lagos, Nigeria. Current status: Valid as Hoplunnis punctata Regan, 1915. Nettastomatidae. Distribution: Eastern Atlantic. Habitat: marine. Species Hoplunnis schmidti Kaup, 1859 - Schmidt's duckbill eel (author) [=Hoplunnis schmidti Kaup [J. J.], 1859:20, Pl. 2 (fig. 4)] Notes: [Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften herausgegeben von dem Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein in Hamburg v. 4 (no. 2); ref. 2586] Puerto Cabello, Venezuela. Current status: Valid as Hoplunnis schmidti Kaup, 1859. Nettastomatidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine. Species Hoplunnis sicarius (Garman, 1899) - Garman's hoplunnis (author) [=Atopichthys sicarius Garman [S.], 1899:328, Pl. 66 (figs. 1, 1a, 1b)] Notes: [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 24; ref. 1540] Off Colombia/Panama, 6°35'N, 81°44'W, Albaross station 3357,depth over 782 fathoms. Current status: Valid as Hoplunnis sicarius (Garman, 1899). Nettastomatidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific. Habitat: marine. Species Hoplunnis similis Smith, 1989 - Bahamian hoplunnis (author) [=Hoplunnis similis Smith [D. G.], 1989:586, Figs. 617, 625-627] Notes: [Memoirs of the Sears Foundation of Marine Research Mem. 1 (part 9); ref. 13285] Southern Bahamas, 20°53'N, 73°26'W, Oregon station 10851, depth 287 meters. Current status: Valid as Hoplunnis similis Smith, 1989. Nettastomatidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: Bahamas and Florida (U.S.A.) to Brazil. Habitat: marine. Species Hoplunnis tenuis Ginsburg, 1951 - spotted pike-conger [=Hoplunnis tenuis Ginsburg [I.], 1951:448, Fig. 4] Notes: [Texas Journal of Science v. 3 (no. 3); ref. 1804] Off Cape San Blas, Florida, U.S.A., 28°36'N, 85°33'30"W, Albatross station 2402, depth 111 fathoms. Current status: Valid as Hoplunnis tenuis Ginsburg, 1951. Nettastomatidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine. GENUS Nettastoma Rafinesque, 1810 - sorcerers [=Nettastoma Rafinesque [C. S.], 1810:66, Hyoprorus Kölliker [R. A. von], 1853:101, Metopomycter Gilbert [C. H.], 1905:585, Muraenosaurus Osório [B.], 1909:14, Osorina Whitley [G. P.], 1951:68] Notes: [ref. 3594]. Neut. Nettastoma melanura Rafinesque, 1810. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Nettastoma Rafinesque, 1810 -- (Blache et al. 1973:236 [ref. 7185], Smith et al. 1981 [ref. 6158], Karrer 1982:62 [ref. 5679], Smith & Castle 1982:7 [ref. 5453], Asano in Masuda et al. 1984:29 [ref. 6441], Saldanha in Whitehead et al. 1986:563 [ref. 13676], Castle 1986:191 [ref. 5644], Paxton et al. 1989:113 [ref. 12442], Smith 1989:604 [ref. 13285], Gomon et al. 1994:197 [ref. 22532], Smith 1999:1690 [ref. 24661], Smith 2003:753 [ref. 26989], Paxton et al. 2006:299 [ref.

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