ffir*f6{ aa eRgrqo, furq=erra gcfr, Boqo,dfdt qllO ,s'33 /33-tl ffi6' uio- : q-flfr, 3o . 2o21 tqT t, Tq a-{ {irfi6/+sd qfforfl. g0Y0 dEFi\F I frsq:- Proposed protected forest rand to be diverted for Entry/Exit approach to Bpcl Retail Outlet on Ba beru-Tindwari-Su merpu r Road (SH-134), tn Km No. 4, (CH No. 3.153 to 3.188 RHS), At Khasra No. - 291, Vi[age: - Mirgahani, Tehsir: - Banda, District: - Banda (u.p). Regarding permission for non-forestry use and without feling of trees in proposed 0.218504 ha. protected forest Land. q<r{'- Ministry of Environment, Forest & climate change Integrated Regional office Lucknow Letter No. 9B/Upt06l 16412020tFCl 1092, aatea_t e.lZ.ZOZi. rI+{q. srtYffi {ffid qa em liEqm rorq q',-{aT+r q qrlrfud fi d ,t{ qndl q Tts ,a, a ffio sUqe sFrd iTd d frEsR er1omr fu F-frrfu? e*qft, (E_payment portal A^ uw o{ r<ft< Fnr-drgq qh) q{ 6aTq-€nr trflq q, qh-q]l=: qdffit o1 na er-arcrRo 03-03 t \'ffi € qG 6{ 3rJqd.r qr.q q oo- * qg*.1 cr:lr**;'ffi nfr'd t- fu Status of Compliance Legal status ofthe forest land shall As pe r compliance I, Bharat p-rolerm aorporation Limited, Tenitory Kanpur hereby undedakei that as per Forest (Protection) Act, 19g0 legal status of the forest land will not be chansed. Compensatory aflorestation shall be As per compliance 2, Bharat Fet.ol"um Co.poration taken up by the Forest Department Limited, Territory Kanpur hereby under.takes lor plantation 218 that the of rrees in cost incurred in plantation of2lg trees by the Forest (Mungus Forest Area in Tindwari Depaltmenl has been submimed lo lhe Foresl Range. Banda Forest Division, Department by the BpCL. District Banda) at the cost of user agency. As far as practicable a rnixlure of local indigenous species will be planred and monoculruie of a species has to be avoided. Revised CA scheme for Plantation of 21 g plants shall be submitted to this office and cost for the same shall be Thc cost of Compensatory As per compliance:, gn;.at pet.oGum Corporation afforestation at the prevailing wage Limited, Territory Kanpur hereby undertakes that the rates as per com pensatory cost of compensatory afforestation at the prevailing alForestalion scheme and the cosr wage of rates as per compensatorl aflorestation has survey, demarcation been and erection of submitred ro CAMPA Fund by the BpCL permanent pillars and challan if required on the copy fbr the same has been attached. CA land shall be deposited in advance. with the Foresl Depanment by the project authority. The CA will be maintained for l0 years. The scheme ma; include appropriare provision for anticipated cost increase for works scheduled for 4 The State Government shall charge As per compliance 4, Bharat Petroleutn-orporation the Net Present Value Q,,trPV) for the Limited has been subrnitted the payment for the Net 0.218504 ha. Forest area to be Present Value (NPV) of the diverted forest land at the diverted under proposal this from the rates approved by the ministry and challan copy user agency as per the orders of the receipt for the same has been attached. Hon'ble Suprerne Couft of India dated 3011012002, 0l/08/2003, 28/0312008, 2410412008 and 09/05/2008 in IA No. 566 in Wp (C) Nq. 20211995 and as pcr guidelines issued b1 lhe Minisrry vide letters No. 5-l/1998-FC (pt. ) dated 1810912003 as well as letter No. 5-2l2006-FC dated 03/10/2006 and 5-312007-FC dated 0510212009 in this regard. 5 Additional amount of the NpV of the per petroteu* ] As compliance 5. Bharat Corporarion direned lorest land. iian1. becoming I L;mirea. Terrirorl Kanpur. herebl undenakes rl)at rhe due after finalization of the same by additional amorrnt of rhe NPV of the direned loresr the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India ] land. il an1. becoming due after finalization of rhe on receipt of the report from the lsame by rhe Hon'ble Supreme Coun ol India on Expert Committee, shall be charged receipt ofrhe repon from the Expert Conrrrittee, *ill by State Government flrom the User be paid to the Srare Covernmenr b1 rhe Bp( L. Agency. The User Agency shall furnish an undertaking to this effect. I 6 Greenery will be maintained by user ] As pcr compliance o. Bharat FaroG*n Corporalion agency around Periphery petrol (2npx1 of I Limit'-'d. Territorr hereby undenakes thal the pump. greenerl r,r ill be rnaintained b1 BpCL around ] Periphery of petrol pump. 7 The complete compliance of the FRA, 2006 shall be ensured by way ]FRA. 2006 uill be subrnined in prescribed lorrnar of prescribed certificate from the belore final approrat ofproposat. concerned District Collector. I ] 8 User Agency shall use the land iA between entry and exit for plantation I Limired. Terrirory Kanprrr hereby undenakes rhar ir and conservation of trees the same *ill use the land berrieen entrl and plantarion | exir lor I shall be demarcated by 2 feet wall. land conserration ofrrees the same will "-be dimarcared-- - *'* by 2 feet uall. I 9 Plantation shall also be done along l^' mm (.,rooration the inside boundary olFuel Starion. Limitcd. Terrilorl Kanpur.her.ebl ] undenakes rhar rhe i plantation I will also be done along lhe inside boundarv' of Fuel Starion. I 10 No violalion of FCA certificate from 'iA A concerned DFO shall be provided. certificate has beer anached i II Certificate of DFO certifying that the I-\s pcr cornprrance ffi.r, proposed RO is not in close Officer cerril-ying rlral rhe proposed rerail outler is nor I proximity of any exiting RO in in close proximiti of any eriring rerail ouller is ] accordance with MORTH guidelines auachcd. dated 24-07 -2013 has to be provided. I 12 The boundary of the diverted fore"st Aspercomffi land shall be suitably demarcated on Limited. TerritorS Kanpur hereby undenakes lhal rhe ground at the project cost, as per the boundarl of lhe direned loresr land will be suirablv I directions of concerned the demarcated on ground at lhe projecl cost, as pe, th'e Divisional Forest Offi cer. .r]irections of the concerned Dir isional Forcsr O_L1icg1 l3 The period of diversion under this pel pEroteLun i As compliance 13, Bharat Corporation l approval shall be co-terminus with Limited, Territory Kanpui hereby undertakes that the the period of lease to be granted in period of diversion under this approval will be co_ lavour o[ lhe user agenc) or the terminus with the period of lease to be granted in pro.lect life, whichever is less. lavour of rhe BPCL or rhe project lile, wh]cherer is less. Any other condition that the Ministrv As per compliance 14, Bharat petroGum Corporation of Environment, Forests Climate & Limited, Territory Kanpur hereby undertakes that to Change may stipulate from time to follow any other condition that the Ministrv of time in the interest of conservation, Environment, Forests Climate protection & Change may and development of stipulate from time to time in the in;rest forests & wildlife. ;f conservation, protection and development of forests & wildlile. All the funds received from the User As per compliance I5, Bharat petroieum Co.po.atlon Agency under the project shall be Limited, Territory Kanpur hereby undeftakes that the transferred/deposit to CAMpA fund only entire amount has been submitted to cAMpA fund thorough e-po(al thorough e-portal (http://parivesh.nic.inl) and challan lor the same has been attached. The compliance report shall be As per compliance I6, AII the uploaded on compliancelepor.t will e-portal be uploaded on only thorough e_portal tidrro :- sqi-ffTTsri ({o os cfut 0 r q-{Aq, VJb" (\'{o*e-m.1 q;I stffiF, &ryzsm fm..fiEr YET6-{ scl[_r______/3rlH,q ft{i6 | Y7 qfrftfr- q,qT,flq {rTffi, d-fl T{ eqr,T, d-q] ol c+d ssfl r{<ftd q7 d mq t q+cTef fq 3{TscT6 flffi tg nfudr ," (g+odo frs) S;T frqEro, fr-d-o"zttto Tf,. d-qT orddq guafrq & qiei qa gtrdr, 6riGr q=[r6 ?ad\ /zz-l ftqio': eiEr: wrqfr ,2021 Hqt t, )t T{ g{EtiD, fuf,qeulqEd, qr{ BEq, Proposed protected forest Iand to be diverted for Entry/Exit approach to BpcL Retail outlet on Baberu-Tindwari-sumerpur Road (sH-13a), rn Km No.4, (cH No.3.153 to 3.188 RHS), At Khasra No. - 291, Village: - Mirgahani, Tehsil: - Banda, District: - Banda (U.p). Regarding permission for non-forestry use and without felling of trees in proposed 0.21g504 ha. Protected forest Land. Ministry of Environment, Forest & climate change lntegrated Regional office Luckno'a-, L:r,.ief No. 8B/U P/06/164/ 2O?o / FC/ ro9z, dated-16.12.2020. q-drc. lqt-qf, T{Etr-d q+ gm y5qcr q:sa1 q,lflIi-d flq{6 $ ii q.{ Tft d nr qrn-a u-q}q qi e-,Erfu'+ sryft n sFrd prdT qr-nRr portal d f$-tq* ergcrfir tg ffileo G-payment g er;=1 1.- :-qr r$-e (3rm-tqrf.l cft) \q ?ETq-ddT cr q qa ai rmia-fto 04_04 q,?d rir. ^or)q 1a r \\'''nrfl lrrc'6{ 3Eq cI{ sxgr d €6q Or q++et G sTrq{{6 6;ffi FE ffiC i _ Sr. No. Conditions Status of Compliance 1 Legalstatus ofthe forest land shall remain m".. unchanged. Corporation Limited, Territory Kanpui. ncie.-.. undertakes that as per Forest (Proieciion ) jr,, i 1980 legal status of the forest lanci wiii lrot i., changed.
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