Acknowledgments T his puhli c1tion W8S made possible hy an Historic Preservation Ed ucarion G rant from Hisroric Landmark s Foundation of Indiana, the Indiana Hum,miries Counc il and the Narion81 Endowment for the Humanities. Durable Goods: HI5lORJC LA"ID,\NIRKS FOUNDATION OF INDIANA Indiana Humanities Council In partnership with the National Endowment for the Humanities . ,. 1, . '\00 .. , . " , Published by: (photo courtesy of Martin Blakley) West Central Neigh borhood Associatio n PO. Box 13151 Fort Way ne, Indiana 46867 -3151 (260) 385-9378 c C) \V IV W. wcstcentra lne ighborh w Restoring ~ < l0 ""r-­ Historic Brick ~ '-0 ...2 CX) '-0 '" -q­ ..£....c c::." 'vtJ1J -eG Streets z ~ C ARCH, Inc. l0 ~ c;~17 43 7 E. Berry Sr. t:: ...--. c: E1'l9\ Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802 ~ x ;; (260) 426 -5117 U dS:3 ARCH~ .-_....__... ._. " . w\Vw.archfw . ( ) I }~ .. , .... '''~' .... CI' 0. (.;OtTImonllY Heftlage 0 :3o..:LL~ ~ rst step towa rL1 restoring a brick street to its prop­ A nother way to get sa lvaged l)[[cks at little or no cost The Benefits er integrity is to conduct a survey of the overall condi­ is to be aware of utility work be ing do ne o n concrete tions of the street, curbs and guttering. It may be that o r asphalt streets. Sometimes excavati on work is of more than JU St the street needs to be repa ired and a requ ired, a nd if below the paved surface is a n old brick comprehensive repair of street, the pavers wi ll be dug out a long with the rest of Restoring Brick Streets all elements needs to he the street. Don't forget, [00, that vvhen repairing a done. If a street has street, mos t of the existing pavers can be saved to be only a few patches [0 be put hack into the street. Many cities and towns across the United S tates are leveled or concrete or recogni zi ng the valuable resources they have in the ir aspha lt to be removed , historic brick streets. The streets help to define the it is easy enough to do historic character of older Area filled in with asphalt spot repairs. However, (photo by Jill Downs) neighborhoods, and their it may be the case that a durability speaks for street has so many areas to be repaired that it is better themselves. In some com­ to remove and re- Iay the entire sec tion of street. munities, ordinances have been enacted to protect It is a lso poss ible thar a bri ck the integrity of their street may have lost muc h of its original materia l due to streets and others have ill-conceived patching or its developed comprehensive historic surroundings have brick street restorati on Volunteers help to clean dis<lppea red that it may nor salvaged bricks plans. An added benefit be worthwhile to repa ir the (phOIO by Jill Downs) of restored brick streets is street CI t a ll. This street that they often spur potentia ll y may become a increased rede\'elupment so urce of sa lvaged brick (photo by Jill Downs) Possible funding sources acti vity and historic home pavers for use in other Utility cut repaired with concrete (photo by Jill Downs) rehabilitation in the immediate area. streets. include: Based upon the results of the assessment, develop a 1. Munic ipa l gm'ernment street repa ir funds Street Assessment plan for phased restoratio n, beginning with the worst o r most important street(s) first. The remain ing streets 2. Federal Tr,lnsportation Enhancement Br ick streets req uire res toration due to a few factors. should be prioritized after these. program funds Over time, the base that the bricks lay on may dete­ riorate to the puint that it can no longer support the 3. Community Development Block G rant we ight of the bricks. Financial Considerations (CDBG) funds This res ults in ,1 eol­ 4. County Econo mic Development Income lapse and appears as The initi <l l C(lst to repa ir a brick street is high, bu t Tax funds a sunken section of \'v hen it is compared over time to that of severa l street. Frequently, pavings llf the same street in asph,t1t, the cOSt i, Cll mpa­ 5. Other munic ip,t1 funding sources this area then gets rable. T he most ex pensive cll mponent of brick street 6. G rants filled in wi th repair is lahor. l-kmy communities have saved on this Collapsed area of brick street asphalt. O ther expense by organizing ,I vlliunteer work fmce to he lp 7. O ther donations (photo by Jill Downs) times, utility cuts in with the repair efforr . Costs may a lso be saved by sa l­ 8. R,lffl es Cl nd other lik e fund -ra ise rs brick streets get repaired with asphalt or concrete. vaging hrick pavers relther than purchasing them from a 9. Specia l tax assess ment fo r those affected While th is generall y results in <1 level surface, it also suppl ie r. O ne wa y to d() this is [() S,lcrifice a brick compromises the historic appearance of the street. street or a ll ey to provid e pa\'ers for anothe r. by the pmject Coordinating Efforts Basic Brick Street taken out of the street will be salvageable for reuse, so d ,urplus supply will need to be Brick street restoration takes th e coordination of Construction on hand. many entities including several departments, such as There are four compon ents that constitute a brick street. 3. Remove bricks from area. Pry out the first street, engineering, a nd right-of-way, within a munic­ They are: row by hand using pry bars then use a back ipal government. hoe to carefully pop out the rest. Do not cut 1. Grout - The fi nished brick surface should the bricks - leave a "toothed" edge. It is also best to consult with utilities provide rs [0 be grouted with sand or with a dry mixture determine whether any underground utilities may of sand and Portland cement in a 2: 1 ratio. 4. Scrape bricks of any caked-on dirt or n eed replacing or upgrad ing prior to restoring a brick It is brushed into place with a stiff push broom. concrere and swck them (no more than 5 street. It would be deuimental to fix the street only 2. Brick paver layer (4 inches) - A typ ical brick layers high or a [Owl of 350 bricks) on (0 have it be torn up in a few years to lay a new paver is about 8.5 in. X 3.5 in. X 4 in. About pallets, alternating the course of each layer, sewer line. 4.5 [05 bricks are n eeded to cover one square for reuse. foot of area. Volunteers cleaning Volunteers can be recruited to do many jo bs related bricks after removal to brick street restoration. T hey can help clean and from street (photo stack salvaged bri cks for future use, and they can by Jill Downs) remove, clean and stack bricks from a street to be repaired. They can also help re-lay the bri cks and brush in the grout. 5. Using a backhoe, excavate the repair area to Brick Storage a depth of one foot from the top surface of the street. This will allow room for the 6-inch Brick pavers should be stacked no more than fi ve lay­ concrete base, th e 2-inch layer of sand, and ers high (or no more than 350 bricks ) onto pall ets. (photo by Jason Swisher) the 4-inch brick layer. Reverse the course of each layer. W rap th e pallets in shrink wrap to keep the bricks from falling off the 6. Pour the concrete base (6 inches). Using a 3. Sand layer (2 inch es) pallet when being transported. If using wooden pal­ stiff garden rake or 2 x4s as screed boards, 4. Concrete base (6 inches) - Cuncrete is the lets, it is best to store the stacked brick pavers in an level the concrete to a comistent 6 inches most durable base for a brick street. indoor facility. below the top surface of the street. Let the concrete solidify before moving to the next step. Repair Process 1. Dete rmine size of aree) to be repaired. 2. Calculate n umber of bricks an d volume of sa nd and concrete n eeded for area. Application of th e concrete layer The wooden Example of "toothed"edge after structure used here is helping to assure a uni­ Cleaned. salvaged bricks stacked on a wooden palle t Remember that removing bricks form depth of concrete from the street surface (photo by Jill Downs) nut every brick (photo by Jason SWisher) (photo by Jill Downs) 7. Add the sand layer (2 inches). Using 2x4s as 10. Mist the street surface with warer ttl fini ::. h screed boards, level the sa nd with the crown nf se tr! ing the grout. Salvaged Brick Pavers the street. Compact the sand with C1 tamper llr plate compactor. Suppliers Gavin Historical Bricks (John Gavin) Iowa City, Iowa (319) 354-5251 Chicago Antique Brick, Inc. Screeding of the sand layer (photo by Jason Swisher) Chicago, IL 60608 8 Add the bric k layer. T he pave rs should be laid Completed repaired brick surface (photo by Jason Swisher) (312) 666-3257 closely toge ther and wi th the raised name or lu gs [email protected] on the side-not the top () r bottom.
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