The Fifth Estate R A D I O T E L E V I S I O N C A B L E A T E L L I T E Broadcasting May30 HEAD o e BLASS WARNER BROS. TELEVISI A Warner Communicate Ztt9£ -Tv 1IMxVw 5C47T `1C-6 7ZT HOC)i srs-inv il O6/AGN )171 +70£71 Z TT9£ THE KATZ RADIO GROUP Is pleased to announce that it now represents all 19 radio stations in the PARK COMMUNICATIONS RADIO GROUP The Park Radio Group, 14th largest in the country based on Duncan's American Radio, reaches a potential 41,385,872 listeners...17 percent of the American radio audience. KEZX AM /FM WNAX AM Seattle Yankton KJJO AM /FM Minneapolis KWLO AM KFMW FM Ipa,Waterloo KWJJ AM /FM WHEN AM Portland WRHP FM S racuse WPAT AM /FM New York City WTVR AM /FM r Richmond WNCT AM /FM Greenville WDEF AM /FM Chattanooga Station signal coverage KWJJ AM /FM KJJO AM /FM WTVR AM /FM Portland, Oregon Minneapolis -St. Paul, Minnesota Richmond, Virginia REPUBLIC RADIO REPUBLIC RADIO CHRISTAL RADIO WPAT AM /FM WNAX WNCT AM /FM New York City (233 counties in parts of 7 states) Greenville, N. Carolina KATZ RADIO KATZ RADIO KATZ RADIO KEZX AM /FM KWLO /KFMW Seattle, Washington Waterloo, Iowa REPUBLIC RADIO CHRISTAL RADIO WHEN /WRHP WDEF AM/FM Syracuse, New York Katz Radio Group. Chattanooga, Tennessee BANNER RADIO The best. KATZ RADIO WI 114 No 22 f Broadcasting May 30 No shortage of comedies on network fall lineups...page 19 CBS wins 1992 winter Olympics bid. page 24 Top 100 post revenue and profit margin gains...page 27 FALL LAUGHS o CBS and ABC announce their new IN LIEU OF Commercial broadcast networks plan to fall prime time schedules, which include offer original episodes of canceled series, specials abundance of new and returning comedies. and documentaries to fill their respective summer PAGE 19. schedules as writers strike continues. PAGE 35. CHARTING CABLE PROGRAMING O Particularly strong group of new cable services and programing ideas creates demand for shelf space on cable systems that is fast becoming acute. PAGE 39. Rundown of current services begins on PAGE ao. NOT UP TO SPEED D Network radio's second quarter has apparently hit major stumbling block, with sales pace sluggish compared to same period last year. George Segal (left picture, cen er) stars in ABC's 'Murphy's Law' this fall, and Candice Bergen (right picture, second left) stars in PAGE 44. 'Murphy Brown' on CBS. MARCH ON MOSCOW o Fifth Estate converge on Soviet UNDER THE ARCH O Noncommercial radio executives Union for Reagan- Gorbachev summit. PAGE 23. meet in St. Louis to debate public radio's future and discuss results of CPB- funded study. Among latter's OLYMPIC BID D CBS wins rights to carry 1992 winter findings: More than 80% of U.S. population does not Olympics in Albertville, France, for $243 million. tune into public radio. PAGE 45. PAGE 24. HOW MUCH CLOUT? D Former vice presidential CHANGES PROPOSED O CPB urges withdrawal of candidate, Geraldine Ferraro, and Larry Speakes, proposed Senate amendments to 1991 -93 CPB former White House press secretary, are among reauthorization bill that call for rerouting CPB group discussing TV's political clout. PAGE 54. national programing money directly to public stations. CPB says support of proposal by PBS and ROUND ONE D Briefs are filed urging U.S. Court of NAPTS is "breach of faith." PAGE 25. Appeals in Washington to reverse FCC's action last year repealing fairness doctrine. PAGE 60. TOP 100 0 Leading companies of Fifth Estate collectively generated more than $172.5 billion in PRODUCER FOR THE '80's E Steven Bochco, CO- revenue during 1987- increase of almost 14% over creator and executive producer of Hill Street Blues 1986, according to BROADCASTING'S ninth annual and L.A. Law, many agree, has done much to survey. PAGE 27. influence network television. PAGE 79. INDEX TO DEPARTMENTS Business 57 Fates & Fortunes 75 Law & Regulation 60 Satellite Footprints 56 Cablecastings 53 Fifth Estater 79 The Media 54 Stock Index 43 Changing Hands 56 For the Record 62 Monday Memo 17 Syndication Marketplace ... 38 Closed Circuit 7 In Brief 80 On Radio 44 Technology 50 Datebook 15 In Sync 52 Programing 35 Where Things Stand 10 Editorials 82 Journalism 49 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS: Blackburn & Co.. Inc. 56 o Frank Boyle & Co. 53 D Broadcast Investment Analysts, Inc. 75, Cover 3 0 Chapman Associates 62 o Donald K. Clark. Inc. 58 D Classified Ads 68 -74 D Coral Pictures Corp. 14 0 General Electric 11 D Goldman, Sachs & Co. 65 D Katz Radio Group, The Cover 2 D King World 28 -29 D Knight- Ridder 36 -37 D Lorimar Syndication 4 -5.8 -9 D R.A. Marshall & Co. 59 D Media General Broadcast Services, Inc. 39 D Media Venture Partners 55 D Motor Racing Network 44 D National Association of Broadcasters 6 o Professional Cards 67 o Cecil L. Richards, Inc. 57 0 Select Media Communications 18 D Services Directory 66 0 Warner Bros. Television Distribution Front Cover o Worldwide Church of God Cover 4 1 4 radcasf iag (ISSN 0007 -2028) is published 52 Mondays a year by Broadcasting Publications. 1705 DeSales Street. N.W Washington. D C. 20036. Second -class postage paid at Washington. D.C.. additional offices Single issue $2 except special issues $3 50 (50th Anniversary issue $10). Subscriptions. U S and possessions one year $70. two years $135. three years $190. Canadian and r, international subscribers add $20 per year U S and possessions $235 yearly for special de very. $100 for first- class. Subscriber's occupation required. Annually: Broadcasting O Cablecast iag irk.* $110. Across the Dial $6 95. Microfilm of Broadcasting is available from University Microfilms. 300 North Zeeb Road. Ann Arbor. Mich. 48106 (35mm. lull year $55) Microfiche of radcasting is available from Bell 8 Howell. Micro Photo Division. Old Mansfield Road. Wooster. Ohio 44691 ($37'yr.). Postmaster please send address corrections to Broadcasting, 1705 DeSales N.W Washington. D.C. 20036. THS OF MAN. 2. OFF -NETWORK COMEDIES WILL ALWAYS OUTPERFORM FIRST -RUN COMEDIES IN STRIPPING. If it weren't for the brilliant foresight of a few "She's the Sheriff." E ry :)ne of them has all entrepreneurs in 1492, present day mankind the ingredients for st ppi g success. Credible might still be afraid of falling off the earth's edge. ratings. Saleable dem s. Highly recognizable Today, an equally invalid bias held by some stars. Network budge s. And consistently television executives well -written episodes keeps, them from that will hold up under reaching new oppor- the stress of the five - tunities, too.The myth day -a -week micro- is that when stripped, scope of syndication. an off-network com- So the next time you edy will automatically need a comedy for A Iur IiANIlon PIn1In1 hon A Witt/Thomas PRnduchon beat a first -run comedy. str'pping, take a good Well, just as Columbus proved the nay - close look at Lorimar s armada of first -run sayers wrong back then, Lorimar is set to do hits. You'll discover the same today. Witness our first -run com- an exciting new 121 MAR edies "Mama's Family," "It's a Living" and world of profits! S Y N D I C A T I O N Now you can find out how other radio stations have generated additional revenue through successful pro- motions with the National Association of Broadcasters new publication: Successful Radio Promotions: FROM IDEAS TO DOLLARS Written for NAB by Bill Moyes of promotions can be mixed and 10. Sports Promotions The Research Group (author of matched, switched from one cate- 100,000 Touchdown Megarate$: How to Get Top gory to another or applied from Football Parties Dollar for Your Spots and host of one time of year to another. All 11. Store Traffic Builders the Megarate$ videotape), this promotions have proven successful The Great Dollars Drop book features interviews with 52 for the station managers and sales Scan and Win general managers and general sales managers interviewed. managers of radio stations who In all, there are over 70 promo- fions to choose from. have achieved considerable success Here's A Small Sample of over the last few years as sales the Types promoters. of Promotions Put Successful Radio Covered Promotions to Work For Over 70 Performance -Rated 1. Clients Event /Incentives Your Station Promotions To Choose Action Auction $10,000 Free Advertising Promotions are one of radio's From distinct selling propositions. They 2. Contests are what make your station stand Successful Radio Promotions de- The Hidden Car Keys scribes proven promotion cam- out from your competitors. They The Dining Experience can be fun, paigns in detail so you can put exciting and profit- 3. First Promotions them to use for your own station -Quarter able. Successful Radio Promotions Super Sports Club features without having to re- invent the promotions that are The Almanac almost every wheel. Each promotion is rated on adaptable to station. Order your a scale of "1" to "10" in these 4. Holiday /Seasonal Promotions copy of this new book key areas: Station Birthday Celebration today. Salute to Summer The response of the clients when NAB Member Price: $30.00 presented with the opportunity 5. Listener Events Nonmember Price: $60.00 to get involved with the For Businesswomen Only promotion. The Listener Appreciation Here's How To Order Concert How good the promotion was To order your copy of Successful for the client's business.
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