FROM THE DIRECTOR The Owner’s Manual By: Ben Carter Planning has begun for the rest of Summer.me sure brings a the year including monthly slowdown to an.que car ac.vity mee.ngs, the Fall tour, and the Published by The Lone Star and Lone Star Packards is no annual holiday Party. We need Packards exceP.on. The summer of 2011 volunteers to helP in all of these has been the driest and hoTest areas, esPecially the Fall tour. We anyone can remember. Two of our are discussing staying close to members aended the naonal Houston in the The Woodlands- Summer 2011 meet in Galena, Ill., and a third Conroe-SPring area where there is was scheduled, but his airline Plenty to do and see and a flight was canceled. Lone Star Plethora of good restaurants. It is College/Conroe contacted me also an area that is easy to get to In This Issue aer seeing our website for many LSP members. Members reques.ng us to bring some of who live in this general area can our cars to an an.que car show at sure helP with sugges.ons and their new camPus. I told them contacts. We are looking at the that a one-week no.ce was way dates of November 11, 12, and 13 too short but that I would email but that could change dePending our members in the area to see if on the ac.vi.es that we can anyone could Par.ciPate. I drove arrange. Please contact me or a modern car to suPPort the show one of the other officers with your and Keith Barker, who lives just 10 ideas to helP make the 2011 tour minutes from their camPus, interes.ng and fun. decided to take his beau.ful 1930 725 five-Passenger sedan. The best Part was right aer he FROM THE EDITOR arrived, along came Gary Stevens Is your Packard’s Picture included in his 1947 modified Clipper Taxi in our Lone Star Packards website? that we saw at Salado. Gary As you can see from Ben’s ar.cle, drove all the way from Rosharon. we can make a Posi.ve imPression While we were enjoying a hotdog for our club and for the Packard in the air-condi.oned lunchroom, brand by having a great website. a gentleman who was there with Doug Carlson has created a suPer his wife saw my Lone Star Packard site, but we need more Photos of shirt and introduced himself as our members’ cars. Please send David Teas. He said he is working Doug your digital Photo or a high- Ft. Lauderdale An.que Car Museum on a 38 Packard in SPring, TX. He quality Photo that can be added. st also said he was a member of our 1527 Packard Ave. (SW 1 Avenue) club some 25 years ago. I invited HapPy Packarding, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33315 them both to join our club and I Mike Grimes 954-779-7300 think they might. Visit: www.an.quecarmuseum.org 2 PAC Na0onal Meet 2011 PAC Na0onal Meet 2011 By Mike Rigsby, Execu.ve VP, PAC Inc. Photos by Tommy & Carol Baccaro The 2011 Naonal Meet was held during the week of July 11 at the Eagle Ridge Resort in Galena, Illinois, with some 250 PeoPle in aendance along with about 75 Packards. All but two Packards were cars that were new to me. There were more early Pre-war Packards on disPlay than in the Past. Also there seemed to be more 21st Series CliPPers than in the Past. Everyone’s favorite Packard seemed to be John and Peggy Stewart’s 1925 143 245 Touring Packard that they drove from Longview, Texas. They had this car at Salado back in APril. This year there was one required driving tour to qualify for judging; of course driving to the judging site in downtown Galena was eleven miles one way, so that could be considered another driving tour. We also had bus tours and river cruises. The weather was great the whole .me excePt right at the end of the judging day when a light mist began falling for a short .me. But since judging was over, that was not a Problem. Several blocks along Main Street in Galena were blocked so we were able to disPlay Packards along curbs on both sides of the street. The cars to be judged were on one side of the street and disPlay cars were along the other. During the judging, Main Street was crowded with local folks as well as tourists. Cameras were everywhere. Friday was another grouP tour day, but most of us stayed around the hotel or wandered through Galena. Then Friday night we had the awards banquet. Great food and great fun. The vendors set uP their wares inside the hotel and conducted sales Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Part of Thursday. There were fewer vendors this year than in the Past for whatever reason. However, the selec.on of Parts seemed to be as good as usual. We really need to suPPort our vendor friends. The Board of Trustees mee.ng was held Wednesday morning during which .me mainly rou.ne business was handled. The Board apProved invitaons from several Regions to host future meets: 2012-Packards of Virginia at Williamsburg; 2013-Motor City Packards at Pon.ac, MI; 2014 at Columbus, OH. One item of imPortance to a number of PAC members, regarding the use of radial .res, came uP and referred to the Judging CommiTee for recommendaon at Hershey on October 6, 2011. Craig Handley will Provide a full account in The Cormorant News Bullen. 3 4 LSP CHAT: THE 1201 By: Carol Baccaro By: Dick Bautch “HOT enough for you?” How many .mes have you heard that this I purchased my 1935 1201 Club Sedan on January 25, 2009 from Ralph summer? Yes, it has been very hot and many Packards have sPent the Crouch in Jacksonville, TX. The 1201 (a senior Packard) comes equipped summer days in the garage while Packard owners have sPent the hot, with a 130hp, 320 cubic inch straight 8 Packard engine, weighs in at 4850 summer days indoors trying to stay cool. Some of us have taken some pounds, delivers a smooth ride on its 134 inch wheelbase, and cost $2580 really “cool” triPs. Some are s.ll in the Planning stages and some are when new. My mother made $800 per year teaching school in 1935. A new anxiously awai.ng the day they can leave their worries behind and travel. Ford was about $500 that year. This special Packard shows just 24,250 Here are just a few that I’ve heard about. Robby and Jeffrey Markman miles and is still an all-original car. The difference between the four door joined friends and drove to California for the Naonal Kaiser/Frazer meet. Club Sedan and the four door Sedan is that the Club Sedan’s body is They saw Packards galore in four different museums. Robby also toured an enclosed aft of the rear door. The Sedan design includes a window that is an.que car museum in Dallas that houses a number of Packards. Earlier itted behind the rear door so that the passengers in the rear seat can this summer Richard and Irina Mitchell vacaoned in Istanbul and easily see out the side of the car. Moscow and had a great .me. The last weekend of July they took the Club Sedan Sedan Stutz Bearcat and the 1931 Detroit Auto Show LaSalle Roadster and aended the 2011 Concourse d’elegance of America at St. John’s. August 17, headed for Pebble Beach where they show the Stutz Lancefield, the Bearcat, and the 1933 Stutz Monte Carlo. On another note, Richard said that the 1932 Packard Roadster is nearing comPle.on and restoraon has begun on the 1936 V-12 CouPe. Evelyn and Tom Timmins sPent the month of June traveling. Evelyn was kind enough to sum it uP for me and it goes something like this: “Tom and I were gone 25 days…..it was wonderful, but Generally there were fewer Club Sedans sold. I have detailed the engine we longed to be home aer about 12 days. We flew to Budapest and from compartment and plan to leave the rest of the car in its original condition. there boarded a river cruise shiP. We then sPent two weeks comfortably riding down the Danube, the Main, the Rhine, all the way to Amsterdam. I learned of this Packard from Nelson Bates while attending the Salado We made stoPs in Slovakia, Hungary, Austria and Germany. We then Meet in 2008. A few weeks after Salado, I inspected the car and then made ended uP for a week in Amsterdam. Although it rained 2 days, we did another trip to look at the car in June of 2008. I was ready to pass on the manage to see my relaves: sister, cousins, uncle, etc. Tom imProved his purchase. However, the November 2008 LSP meeting included a trip to Dutch a bit as well.” What a wonderful month of June! During the month Dick Burdick’s museum in Rosanky, and there I saw a 1980 postcard photo of July, Tommy, Anthony, and I took a “road triP”! With Tommy doing most of the car. The Tires of interest were reignited and I engaged in a three- of the driving we traveled over 2,700 miles and went through 10 states month-long negotiation to purchase the Packard.
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