AFRICA WEST AREA LOCAL PAGES AFRICA WEST AREA LOCAL PAGES AREA PRESIDENCY MESSAGE Pioneers—Anchored by Hope Part Two By Elder Marcus B. Nash First Counselor, Africa West Area Presidency Marcus B. Nash n the first part of this article pub- My second and third suggestions reckless adventurers, nor were they I lished in last month’s issue of the follow: isolated families or groups of families. Liahona, I shared some wonderful, They were literally villages on the simple stories about pioneers in Remember their unity. march, villages of sobriety, solidarity, the early days of the Church and Second, we must remember that and discipline unheard of anywhere some who still live among us. After the pioneers in general were unified. else on the western trails. Few sharing those stories, I wrote that Historians have observed that the [other] emigrants gave a thought to I have three suggestions for how western migration of the Latter-days people coming after them. Not so those pioneers’ faith and hope can Saints was different from any of the the Mormons. The first thought of the help anchor us in today’s tumultu- other migrations of the American pioneer company was to note good ous world. My first suggestion was West. Quoting Wallace Stegner: campgrounds, wood, water, grass, to to remember their stories and pass “The Mormon migration . dif- measure distances and set up mile- them along to others, especially the fered profoundly from [others]. posts. They and succeeding compa- rising generation. These were not groups of young and nies bent their backs to build bridges BY GLEN S. HOPKINSON MARY FIELDING AND JOSEPH F. SMITH CROSSING THE PLAINS, MARY FIELDING AND JOSEPH F. February 2017 A1 and dig down the steep approaches of wife Laura, and their son Juan Amado did not realize that there are also pio- fords. They made rafts and ferry boats to learn about their lives in the Church. neers here in Otavalo, and they are my and left them[, all] for the use of later Brother Muñoz was one of the earliest parents! This fills me with joy.”6 companies. .”1 converts to the Church in Otavalo. Here in Africa, Brother Kenneth K. The reason for this difference was When he was a boy between 10 Andam grew up Christian but was that the members of the Church came and 13 years old, Brother Muñoz was unable to find answers to his ques- to build up Zion, and in practical given a copy of the Book of Mormon tions, especially about the nature of terms, Zion is “every man esteem[ing] written in Spanish. He did not speak God. He met and married his wife, and his brother as himself, and practic[ing] Spanish but felt a profound power although he started attending church virtue and holiness before [the Lord].”2 and spirit when he held the book in with her, he did not continue because Yes, Zion—a society with people of his hand. He hid it in his home, for he they did not teach truly about the one heart and one mind, dwelling in knew that his brothers would destroy nature of God. When his wife asked righteousness, with no poor among it. From time to time, he would take him why he stopped attending, he told them3—was and is to be the result of the book from its hiding place, just to her: “The day I find the true Church, “every man seeking the interest of his hold and feel its power. I shall never turn back.” By 1983, his neighbor, and doing all things with an Enduring significant adversity and search for truth had intensified, and eye single to the glory of God.”4 opposition from both family and his one of his co-workers gave him a This sense of community and mutu- community, he joined the Church and copy of a book titled Articles of Faith ally shared responsibility produced a became one of the first missionaries by Elder James E. Talmage of the unified effort to follow God’s prophet. called from the village of Otavalo. Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of That is a major reason they succeeded He returned from his mission and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- as they did and is an important part married a returned sister missionary, day Saints. As he read the book, he of the legacy they pass to us. They and together they raised a faithful, recognized it was Christian and that whisper that we too will prosper gospel-centered family. He helped to it clarified most of his questions. through the Lord’s power only to the translate the Book of Mormon into his He borrowed other books from his degree we act as one with a sense of native tongue, Quechua, and helped co-workers and read them all and was community and mutual responsibility translate the temple ordinances into convinced this was God’s true Church. in following the Lord’s prophet. Quechua. When he informed his wife, she told After listening to Brother Muñoz’s him that she had been baptized into Pass on the same spirit. story, I turned to his son, who was the Church in 1978 when she was a Third, we are responsible to “instill weeping. Once he collected himself, girl but had fallen away. After taking in our children and grandchildren the he said: the lessons from the missionaries, he same spirit that drove the footsteps of “I have always appreciated the early was baptized, and his wife was rebap- the pioneers.”5 A simple lesson of how pioneers who crossed the plains with tized a year and a half later. They this is done can be seen in the Muñoz their handcarts in North America. Their have taught the gospel to their four family of Otavalo, Ecuador, in South faith and devotion and dedication have children, and all of them have contin- America. In March of 2013, I met with inspired me and touched me deeply ued to be faithful to the Lord and His Brother Juan José Muñoz Otavalo, his throughout my life. But until today, I Church. A2 Liahona AFRICA WEST AREA LOCAL PAGES BY CLARK KELLEY PRICE THE MARTIN HANDCART COMPANY RESCUED BY VOLUNTEERS, COMPANY HANDCART THE MARTIN Brother and Sister Muñoz and Each of us can be such a pioneer. commandments. Avoiding the Brother and Sister Andam teach us Elder M. Russell Ballard observed: temptations and evils of the world that we pass along a pioneer legacy “Packing a few belongings into requires the faith and fortitude of a real of faith by being a pioneer, that is, by wagons or handcarts and walking modern-day pioneer.”9 opening, showing, living the gospel 1,300 miles [2,090 km] isn’t the way President Thomas S. Monson, way for others to follow, including most of us will be asked to demon- recently asked: “Can we somehow our children and family. When we strate our faith and courage. We face muster the courage and steadfastness consistently exercise our faith in the different challenges today—different of purpose that characterized the pio- Lord and anchor our souls with hope mountains to climb, different rivers to neers of a former generation? Can you in Him, we become, as Moroni said, ford, different valleys to make blossom and I, in actual fact, be pioneers? I “sure and steadfast, always abounding as the rose.8 . Our struggle is found know we can be. Oh, how the world in good works, being lead to glorify in living in a world steeped in sin and needs pioneers today!”10 God.”7. Then, like Reddick Allred (and spiritual indifference, where self-in- May each of us resolve to be a Brother Acquah in jail), we will min- dulgence, dishonesty, and greed seem pioneer, to go before and open up ster to those who are lost on the trail to be present everywhere. Today’s the way for others who are buffeted of life, and they—including those in wilderness is one of confusion and by a world steeped in sin, confusion, future generations—will learn from us conflicting messages. We must . and doubt. May we remember the the power and peace of such a life. not become casual in keeping God’s pioneers and their stories, remember February 2017 A3 that they came to build Zion in a great! So let us remember that there are wonderful Latter-day Saints of West united effort, and then accept the no small things in great endeavors. Africa, and I love to be with you. That responsibility to instill such faith in I have visited the humble room each of us may be a pioneer for the all we meet—especially in the rising where Joseph William Billy Johnson thousands, even millions, who will generation—and to do so through first held meetings connected to the follow is my prayer and great desire. ◼ offering our own “living sacrifice”11 of Church in Ghana—and marveled a life moved by faith in the Lord Jesus that from that small beginning not so NOTES 1. Wallace Stegner, The Gathering of Zion— Christ and anchored by the hope of long ago we now have a temple. Our The Story of the Mormon Trail (1992), 11. good things to come through Him. story as the Lord’s covenant people in 2. Doctrine and Covenants 38:24. 3. See Moses 7:18. Remember, parents have the solemn West Africa has only begun! If we as 4. Doctrine and Covenants 82:19.
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