" " 195 6 • rl!/ethodijt LADIES' COLLEGE CLAREMONT W.A. MET HOD I-S T LAD I E S' COL LEG E C I a r e m 0 n t - W.A. 1956 SCHOOL OFFICIALS 3 E DITORIAL . 5 ST AFF NOTES 7 SCHOOL CALENDAR 8 PUBLIC EXAMI NAT ION RESULTS . 10 MUSIC E XAMI NATION RESULTS 12 SCHOOL ACTIVITIES 14 CLUBS 27 SPORTING L'_ CTIVITI ES .... 33 ORI GINAL CONTRIBUTIONS 47 OLD GIRLS' ASSOCIATION NOTES 60 PARENTS & FRI ENDS' ASSOCI ATION NOTES ..... 62 December, 1956 THE COLLEGIAN 1956 PREFECTS Dial~e Eddington (Captain) Wendy ScanIon (Head of the Boarding House) Jan Waddy Arlene Sutton Janet EIsey Rita Kennedy Jill Sainken Barbara Nicholls Elizabeth Small Phillippa Ethel'ton Dorothy Erickson HOUSE OFFICIALS ATHENS .. Arlene Sutton (Captain), Joan Harri (Vice-Captain) ROME ... Jan Waddy (Captain), Lesley MacDonald (Vice-Captain) SPARTA . Janet Elsey (Captain), Janice Ricket (Vice-Captain ) TROY . Wendy Scanlon (Captain), Nancy Lohoar (Vice-Captain ) HOUSE PREFECTS Wendy Scanlc n Rita Kennedy PhiJlippa Etherton Dorothy Erickson Janet EIsey Rosemary Armstrong Eliza beth Small Loi Shepherdson "COLLEGIAN" STAFF Editor: Phillippa Etherton Sub-Editol" : Rosemary Armstrong Committee : E lizabeth Small, Wendy Scanlon, Diane Eddington, Margo Patroni. Toni Clayton, Dhano Young DATES FOR 1957 1st Term: February 12th - May 9th 2nd Term: May 28th - August 21st 3rd Term: September 17th - December 11th b THE PRINCIPAL AND PREFECTS St a nding : R . Kennedy, B . N i cho lls, J . El sey, P. Etherton , E. Small , J. Sainken, D. Erickson. Sitting : J . W addy, D . Eddingto n ( Ca pta in ), W . Shepherd, Esq ., W . Scanlon ( Senior H o use Prefect) , A, Sutton. D ecember, 1956 THE COLLEGIAN EDITORIAL Spring was the time. Pilings of gr ey clouds m assed acr oss the Above. Great pilings ; light behind them producing gr eying gloom to the ear th: in tha t spri ng, gloom most v. inter-like. F l ung against it brave and brazing and bea utiful was an almond tree in spring blossom ; a gnarled, moss-covel'ed, black and gr eening -brown tree. holding t o the gl oom and the cl ouds, throwing to the gr ey ne and the m a es , Oinging t o the winter-lighL and the pilings, Outtering, Oick ering, v iv id. v ital cling ing clutchings of blossom. A gainst that high cei ling, hea ped and heaped with shifl­ ing. charg ing storm-clouds, tiny pe tal s of whiteness reached up­ wards, striving, fighting against continuous gr ey complet eness. Joyful banner' of blossom, thrown against heaviness of climbing growing gloom of gr eyness ; beautiful beauty or blossom inging into the emptiness of gl oom . Surely the white against the grey is symbolic: beauty against filth ; love against hat e; s:mplicity against vice; Light against Dar kness; happiness against hor r or; good against evil; l iving against oblivion ; l aughter against despair; sight again. t blindness ; l earning against ignor ance ; co-existence against w ar ; Ideals against leality; kindnEss against elfishness ; justice against wl'ong ; chal' ity against malice; friendship against coercion ; res t against fear; smiles against depression; help against cruelty; and [le:Jce again t torment. The blossom is symbolic of all the beauLY, the kindness , the happiness, and the love in l)ur lives. The gr ey clouds in spring may pass away, but the g rey clouds of hate, g r ee d, w ar, inju tice, cruelty ; the clouds of fea r and of the unknown, r em ain. The up­ r eaching fragr ant pet als can stl' ive upwards, but the vast clouds threaten down to the earth. The blo som , S I) exquisite, is enhanced by the gl oom ; but the g loom in its vastness, the clouds in their (;omplet eness dominate and oppress the blossom of the tree . B r ave whi te purity, little and (ragi:0, batt les into t he gl oomy multi tudes of gr ey oppres ive depth ; fi ghting the most unequal battle o f all liv ing. T H E COL LEGI AN D ecembe1 ', 1956 Dux of Sc hoo l - 1955 :J)ia ne {:ddinljlon School Capt ai n - 1956 December, 1956 THE COLLEGIAN At the end of this year Miss S. Corr, B.A., will terminate her long period of service wi th the College. Miss COlT has been for over 30 years a dominant figure in the life of the school and has influ­ enced its growth as Senior Mistress of the College, and as Acting Principal during Miss Walton's absence on leave, and for the years 1951-1952. Miss Corr has ulways stood for high standards of conduct and good manners and the school owes much to her insistence on these things. She has taken English, History and German to Leaving Certificate standard, and because of this, and because she has been form mistress of the VIth form for such a long time, she has influenced the lives of all senior girls passing through the Col­ lege. All present and former pupils will wish Miss Corr many years of happy retirement. Miss W. Storman, B.A., became Senior History Mistress at the beginning of the year. Miss M. Swan, M.A., Dip.Ed., Senior English Mistress, and Miss O . Robinson, Art Mistress. To each of these we bid hea:ty welcome, also to Miss Sandow, who has been a part time mathematic teacher, and is to become more closely associated with the school next year. Mrs. J. Moore has been with us for one year, teaching standard V and standard VII [or certain subjects, and taking charge of the choirs during t he absence on leave of Mr. Buss. She has exercised a fine influence on all her students. Miss D. Coops and Mr. S. Rooke have been with us for a year as Science teachers. Miss J. Hartrey, B.Sc., PhC., came in Septem­ ber to take Senior Physics and Chemistry. Mrs. L. Hanziicek returned to the staff in the second term. Miss Yewers has taken H ome Science and Mrs. Meathrel part time work in Latin. We regret to report the sudden death during the second term vacation of M·rs. A. L. J ack. Mrs. Jack was a diligent house mistress who gave much help with the boarders' films, and the Junior Red Cross Society. At the end o[ the year we will say farewell to Miss S. Brody, B.A., Mrs. V. Edwards, and Miss N. Chalker. Each has served the school well and will be much missed. Miss Brody, as Senior Biology teacher has had splendid successes with her examination classes, and her work fot' school basketball has raised the standard of this sport each year. Mrs. Thompson came into the House during third term to fill the vacancy caused by Mrs. Jack's death. Miss I . Hamilton will visit England during 1957. THE COLLEGI AN December, 1956 14th February School resumed. 16th February- Parents and Friends' Association Annual Meeting. 18th Februal'y- New Girl' Concert. 25th February- Interschool Tennis Competitions began. Boarders' Film Evening. 26th February- Music Club. 1st March- Old Girls' Association Annual Meeting. 9th March- Boarders' Weekend. 14th March Interesting Address at Assembly by the Reverend Selvaretnam. 17th March- Tennis Afternoon with P.L.C. Boardel's' Film E\·ening. 18th March Music Club. 24th March- Tennis afternoon with St. Hilda·s. 28th Mal'ch- School Communion Se1'vice at Methodist Church. Claremont. 29th March Easter Vacation commenced at 12.30 pm. 3rd April- School resumed at 11 a.m. 7th April- Parents and Friend,,' Tennis Afternoon. 8th April Music Club. 14th April- Old Gi rls' Association Sports Day. 20th April Boarders' w0ekend. 23rd April- Shakespeare Day Interhouse drama competition in which Sparta proved triumph. 25th April- Anzac Day Parade held at Scotch College. 26th April Junior School Examinations began. 27th April-M.L.C. defeated Leederville Technical School in debating. 28th April- Public Schools' Rowing Regatta. 5th May Hockey and Social Evening with Wesley College. 8th May Visit by Senior Girls to I<winana Refinery. 10th May Term ended at 12.30 p.m. 29th May- School r'esumed for 2nd Term. 31st May- Pa!"e nts and Friends welcome to New Parents. 3rd June- Music Club. 9th June- Film Evening for Boarders. 14th June P.e. v M.L.C. in ba ketball and hockey. M.L.C. lost to Modern School in debating. 15th June- Half-yearly Examinations commenced. 22nd June- Very successful Prefects' Dance held in School Hall. Boarders' weekend. 23rd June- Junior Form Dance held in School Assembly Hall. 24th June- A.S.e.M. World Day of Prayer. 28th June- P.L.e. versus M.L.C. in hockey and basketball. 29th June- M.L.C. defeated Hale School in debating. 30th June- Boarders' Film Evening. 5th July- M.L.e. versu St. Mary's in Basketball. 6th July- Junior School Concert. December, 1956 THE COLLEGIAN 8th July- Music Club. 12th July- P.M.S. v M L.C. in hockey and basketball. 13th July- Mid-term- Boarders' long weekend. O.G.A. Younger Set Dance held in School Hall. 19th July- M.L.C. versus P.C. in hockey and basketball. 20th July M.L.C. defeated P.C. in debating. 21st July- Boarders' Film Evening. 26th July- Sl. Hilda's versus M.L.C. in hockey and basketball. 28th July Boarders' Birthday Party. 29th July- Music Club. 2nd August- St. Mary's versus M.L.C. in basketball. 3rd August- M.L.C. defeated St. Hilda's in debating. Boarders' weekend. 9th August- M.L.e.
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