r ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ The Society of American Archivists ; January 1987 Conference Marks Important Step Nominating Committee in Archival Education Selects Candidates Approximately 35 participants representing different areas of the archival community will gather in Savannah, Georgia, SAA’s Nominating Committee has selected the following candidates for office: from February 12-14, 1987, to attend a three-day Education Conference sponsored by SAA. The purpose of the conference will be to help reach a VICE PRESIDENT (becomes President in fall of 1988) consensus concerning continuing education priorities, and to formulate strategies for providing educational opportu­ Frank B. Evans, National Archives nities. Participants will base much of their work on Larry J. Hackman, New York State Archives findings from the recently completed SAA survey of edu­ cational needs as they learn more about what archivists COUNCIL (3-year terms) perceive as their most pressing needs, and the best ways to meet those needs. Lewis J. Bellardo, Jr. Georgia Historical Society Among those attending the Savannah conference will be Maygene Daniels, National Gallery of Art archival educators and recent graduates from education pro­ Max J. Evans, Utah State Historical Society grams, representatives from several regional archival asso­ Charles H. Lesser, South Carolina Department of ciations, members of the SAA Education Advisory Commit­ Archives and History Archie Motley, Chicago Historical Society tee, SAA task force and selected committee representatives, as well as SAA officers and staff members. Mary Jo Pugh, Consultant Fred Stielow (University of Maryland) is now analyzing returns from the survey, which was sent to a random sample NOMINATING COMMITTEE (1-year terms) of 250 SAA members; a selected group of archival educators, managers, and resource allocators; and a sample of members James E. Fogerty, Minnesota Historical Society of 35 regional archival associations. The survey requested H.T. Holmes, Mississippi Department of Archives (Continued on page 3) and History Kathleen Marquis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology SAA Announces New Sister M. Felicitas Powers, Archdiocese of Baltimore Education Officer Carol A. Rudisell, Stanford University Sharron Uhler, Hallmark Cards SAA is happy to announce that Tim Ericson has joined the Society as its new education officer. In this capacity, Ericson will develop and administer SAA’s archival educa­ Three new Council members and three Nominating tion initiative. His first major task will be to coordinate Committee members will be elected from the groups the educational conference scheduled for mid-February listed above. Candidates for Council and the Nomi­ in Savannah, Georgia (see article above). nating Committee will not be paired on the ballot. Ericson brings to his new post a wealth of experience Additional nominees may be placed on the ballot by a in archival education. Most recently, he conceived and petition signed by 50 members of the Society. Anyone developed the Fall 1986 Midwest Archives Conference planning to initiate a petition should contact the SAA office by February 1, 1987, in order to assure all program, featuring nine grant-funded workshops. Ericson comes to SAA from the State Historical Society of Wis­ candidates of equivalent exposure on the printed ballot. The deadline for receipt of petitions in the executive consin, where he was Map Curator. Prior to that position, he served as Project Archivist in the State Historical director’s office is February 20, 1987. Ballots will Society’s 20-month cooperative collection development be mailed in March. If you have not received your project. In addition, he was University Archivist at the ballot by April 17, you should contact the SAA office. University of Wisconsin-River Falls for ten years, the last Nominating Committee members for 1987 were four of which he also served as Director of the Area Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler, chair, Francis X. Blouin, Jr., Research Center. Susan Davis, David Klaassen, and Trudy Peterson. (Continued on page 3) From the Executive Director’s Desk SAA Announces Council will hold its winter meeting Education. Nearly every profes­ respond to the need for education. January 30 to February 1, in Wash­ sional association I am aware of is The annual meeting, SAA’s publica­ ington, D.C. involved in expanding and coordina­ tions, and various special workshops go far to satisfy the desire for edu­ ting continuing education opportuni­ Deanna Schmidt joined the SAA cation. The Society’s existing NEH- ties for its members, and SAA is no staff in November as Program Assis­ funded projects in conservation and exception. Since there are several tant to Lisa Weber and Tim Ericson. automation both include expanded new developments to report in this She comes to SAA from the Minnea- educational opportunities for archi­ area, I’d like to take a moment to polis/St. Paul area, where she was vists. The new emphasis on coordi­ put that topic into perspective. most recently the Continuing Profes­ nating and strengthening continuing The Society has two grants, the sional Education Coordinator for the education opportunities is thus an first from NHPRC and a matching Minnesota Society of Certified Public grant from the Mellon Foundation, extension of what SAA is already Accountants. to help it establish a permanent doing. But the educational initia­ education office, examine existing tive is also important because it The National Historical Publications continuing education opportunities represents an effort to bring all of and Records Commission has awarded for archivists, coordinate these these endeavors into a single, coor­ the Society a grant of $32,631 in opportunities where possible, dinated program that will serve not support of the second year of SAA’s strengthen the curricula and teach­ only large numbers of the Society’s Archival Education Project. ing materials that are available, and members but all archivists. The offer new specialized and advanced challenge will be to devise the best Council recently approved the estab­ courses. kind of responses to the needs that One reason professionals' create exist. lishment of an Archival History and join an association is education: The appointment of Timothy L. Roundtable. Persons interested in the need to enhance their knowledge Ericson to be the new Education the roundtable, and in receiving a roundtable newsletter, should write and skills. Today, with the archival Officer (see story in this newsletter) field undergoing such rapid and pro­ underscores the commitment that the or call Michele F. Pacifico, National found change, continuing education Council and I have to this project. Archives and Records Administration, becomes ever more important if indi­ Tim brings to this new assignment NAAP-Room 404, Washington, D.C. vidual archivists are to retain and his long involvement in archival edu­ 20408, (202) 523-3214. increase their professional under­ cation programs, a sound approach to standing and skills. So although what SAA can and should do, some Update No. 1 to MARC for Archives education may be important for every intriguing ideas, and strong leader­ and Manuscripts: The AMC Format association, it seems particularly so ship abilities. is now available from SAA. This for one that is as much on the front Tim’s first major task will be to update incorporates AMC Format lines of change as SAA is. coordinate the SAA educational con­ changes published in Update Nos. Furthermore, since there is no ference to be held in Savannah in 11 and 12 of MARC Formats for single, obvious career path for mid-February (see the related story Bibliographic Data. The cost of archivists, and since many people in this issue). One of the objec­ the update is $2 to members and $3 bring to the field the need to grasp tives of this conference is to work (Continued on next page) modern archival techniques, SAA can toward a consensus about what SAA make a major — and unique — contri­ must do in the area of professional bution to the profession. Working continuing education — and how to through SAA, archivists can help to begin. This conference will be build common understandings and informed by a recently completed 8ÄJ Staff provide some common training experi­ survey of archivists’ educational Donn C. Neal Executive Director ences. They can enable those without needs, a survey that invited the Membership Assistant opinions and suggestions of 600 Bernice E. Brack the requisite training and skills to Bill Burck Managing Editor acquire them. They can share new individual archivists — SAA mem­ Sylvia Burck System Administrator ways of comprehending the profession bers and non-members alike. Al Correa Publications Assistant Tim Ericson Education Officer with colleagues. And, because archi­ As the next year or so unfolds, we Patricia Palmer Program Coordinator vists have a responsibility to care expect that the Society will make Toni Pedroza Administrative Aide about the standards of the profes­ some major progress in the area of Deanna Schmidt Program Assistant education. This is certainly the goal Troy Sturdivant Publications Assistant sion, SAA members can utilize con­ Lisa Weber Program Officer tinuing education to strengthen and of those members who have been Julia M. Young Editor, The American underscore the importance of those leading this effort, and the pieces Archivist standards, and perhaps even to estab­ are now in place to get going. As lish them. always, your comments and sugges­ The Society of American Archivists Because the Society exists to tions on how SAA can do a better 600 S. Federal, Suite 504, Chicago, Illinois 60605 serve its members, it must therefore job of serving you are welcome. (312) 92241140 2 January 1987 SAA Newsletter S AA Announces CG AP Makes No Small Plans (Continued from previous page) The Committee on Goals and Priori­ planning groups. Areas that could to nonmembers. Those purchasing ties (CGAP) met in Cambridge, be covered include archives man­ the AMC Format manual will auto­ Massachusetts, on October 17 and agement training, automated records, matically receive the update.
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