TMEC | Annual Report 2016/17 CONTENTS President’s Report Connecting Tasmanian Manufacturers – Ray Mostogl .....................................................5 to the World .......................................................20 CEO’s Report Portal Profile: – Wayne Bould....................................................6 Currawong Engineering Pty Ltd .................21 Energy Report Combined Experience – Ray Mostogl .....................................................7 Delivers Product Improvements ................22 Occupational Health and Safety Report METS Ignited Encourages – Peter Walker .....................................................8 Collaboration ....................................................23 Land Management Report Ensuring Mining Sector Innovation ..........24 – Cassie Arnold ...................................................9 Industry Challenged to Take a Advanced Manufacturing Report New Look at ‘Safety’ ......................................25 – Kelly Elphinstone .................................. 10 - 11 Diversity and Inclusion: Environment Report Good for Business ............................................26 – Mark Wright ....................................................11 2016-17 Financials .................................. 27 - 32 Emergency Response Report – Ben Maynard .......................................... 12 - 13 Board of Directors ................................... 33 - 36 Simulated Work Environment Opens its List of Members ........................................ 37 - 38 Doors to Training Opportunities ........ 14 - 15 Productivity Improvers: More Than a Name ..........................................15 Creating a Blueprint for Mental Health and Wellbeing ......................16 Minister for Health Launches Industry Blueprint ..........................................17 Recognition for Tasmanian Women in Resources ........ 18 - 19 3 TMEC | Annual Report 2016/17 Front cover: Pictured are Jovana Weiss (Cement Australia, Railton Mine Manager) and her team of mine operators and diesel mechanics. The Tasmanian Minerals and Energy Council aims to be the organisation recognised for leadership, effective issues management and cooperative action for the State’s minerals, manufacturing and energy industry. Our mission is to promote the development of a safe, profitable and sustainable minerals, manufacturing and energy sector, which operates within community standards. ACN: 009 554 616 ABN: 19 009 554 616 Telephone: (03) 6223 8600 Email: [email protected] Website: www.tasminerals.com.au 4 TMEC | Annual Report 2016/17 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Members and support from State Government and the industries themselves. A number of the other Board Sub-Committees such as Ray OHS, Environment, TMERC, Energy and Land Access Mostogl, Committees were all active and made sound progress President with a number of strategic items which are outlined later in this report. Thank you to all of the participants. This commitment is over and above the “day job” but I am sure all will agree the opportunities to leverage off each other’s experience and knowledge helps to make this a Our industry was again represented during 2017 in areas value adding process. we all prefer to not be experiencing. One workplace fatality and a number of very serious workplace injuries One of the highlights for the year for the Council was the for our industry shows there is still work to be done. hosting of three dinners with each of the State’s political parties. It allowed some frank discussions to be had While there can never be an offset for the above both ways which always helps each other understand facts, there continues to be much improvement work some of the constraints we need to work within to underway to make the workplaces of the mining, ensure Tasmania Inc is at the forefront of what we do. minerals processing and advanced manufacturing workplaces safer and free of fatalities one day. This This year’s event has cemented the Advanced extends to the great work around mental health as Manufacturing Conference as a very effective segue our businesses and the broader industry get on with into the one and a half days of Minerals and Processing implementing elements of the TMEC Blueprint for conference items. Mental Health and Wellbeing. TMEC was able to convince the National Women in The prices which are derived from the markets for our Resources Organisation to hold their annual awards products showed an across the board improvement, outside of a capital city for the first time and Launceston albeit off a low base and only small improvements. was that city in 2017. Again, the Committee did TMEC and Tasmania proud by arranging a wonderful awards The biggest mover in the portfolio of TMEC participants night together with a very informative workshop earlier has been with the ever-increasing support under the in the day. It was a great opportunity to hear and learn banner of Advanced Manufacturing. This has been the what good looked like. In Tasmania, our industry shows most substantive activity for the Council this year and a female participation rate of 10-12%, which is clearly it is pleasing to see the growth in number of businesses not representative of the communities we live in, nor the and the early signs of benefits flowing back. The re- markets who benefit from what we produce. establishment of the Simulated Work Environment (SWE) in the Burnie Manufacturing Centre of Excellence I would like to thank my fellow Directors for your has provided a great focal point. contribution and wise counsel throughout the year. Thank you to both past and present Directors and look I fully expect the benefits of a collective and forward to seeing what 2018 has in store for us all. collaborative approach to pushing the Advanced Manufacturing agenda in Tasmania will become a source Finally, gratitude to Wayne Bould and Alison Hilder who of even more interstate and international wealth to fuel certainly do the heavy lifting to keep TMEC’s governance, this economy. It’s not without a lot of hard work and finances and reputation exactly where we need it to be. collective efforts by our Directors, Executive, Committee 5 TMEC | Annual Report 2016/17 CEO’S REPORT • reliable cost competitive supplies of energy on an ongoing basis for major industrials and small Wayne businesses alike; Bould, • intra/interstate transport, coastal shipping reform Chief and international shipping; Executive • planning approval reform and sovereign risk issues from red and green tape; Officer • collaboratively working with TFGA and FIAT to consult on the redrafting of the Tasmanian When writing my 2015-16 report to you, I must have Aboriginal Heritage Act; taken the pink “premonition pill” when I said – “No • collaborating with the State Government to develop doubt, 2016-17 will provide us with more unforeseen the Advanced Manufacturing group challenges, more opportunities for us to improve our social and political visibility, and to improve how we do • continually trying to educate both Government/s our business. I firmly believe we are up for whatever battle and Media to understand what drives our businesses confronts us and very much look forward to working with ability to remain competitive, their critical our talented Board to represent our industry’s interests as success factors and their individual performance strongly and as strategically as we can”. idiosyncrasies. Looking down the track for 2017-18… On the financial/secretariat front, we maintained tight “The future belongs to those who see possibilities before rein on our costs, and ensured that we have delivered they become obvious.” on our budget and grown our cash reserves. Alison and - John Scully John Stanton have worked hard at furthering our forum/ conference model – to the extent that we banked a It would be fair to say that the year gone has seen modest income from each of the events we undertook our “leaders” – Federal and State - scrabbling to find this year. It is really great to work with people who aren’t answers to issues which have been in the making for blinkered and are positively flexible. I am sure you will some time – and the making has been in their hands… agree that our events were well constructed, thought Let’s face it – we have been consistent in alerting them provoking and provided a valuable opportunity for open to the looming issues for some time, and we have been communication and networking. patronised and derided in response. We also took some very big steps in embedding our We are in the midst of a perfect storm – a storm without commitment to the Tasmanian Government vis-à- a magic escape window – a storm which I believe we vis the development of a collaborative Advanced must weather together – not looking to allocate blame Manufacturing group in Tasmania. Paul Sturzaker to others, not sitting back and expecting “someone worked with State Growth to build a very high-quality else” to provide the leadership and find the solution. web-space at tasmanianmanufacturing.com.au which It’s a storm we must all collaborate together to showcases Tasmanian manufacturers capabilities in weather – all Tasmanian politicians (regardless of Party, a consistent manner. Paul Sturzaker did a great job in Jurisdiction or House), all Industry Peak Bodies, all helping to get the Advanced Manufacturing group off the major employers – every Tasmanian…..Gas, Electricity, ground, and I sincerely thank him for his efforts. Kent Freight Equalisation (cost to market), Wages,
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