MEFRA – 132/2 – 2020, p. 449-462. The Temple of Jupiter Stator in Carthago Nova and the Sertorian War Religious worship and civil war* Juan GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ J. García González, Newcastle University – [email protected] Over twenty years ago, a late Republican temple dedicated to Jupiter Stator came to light on the outskirts of Cartagena (Murcia, Spain). The aim of this article is to demonstrate that there is a connection between this structure and the Sertorian War, as well as between the cult of Stator and the civil wars of the 1st cent. BCE. Moreover, this paper draws attention to some important aspects of the religious relationship between Rome and the provinces, such as the military background that seems to be consistently attached to the worship of Stator both in Italy and beyond, its close association with the fights between and subsequent coexistence of Romans and Sabines, and the role of this attribute of Jupiter in the civil struggles that characterized the end of the Roman Republic. Cartagena, cult place, Jupiter Stator, Aquinius, Metellus Pius, Sertorius, Romulus, Catiline’s conspiracy Il y a plus de vingt ans, un temple de la fin de l’époque républicaine dédié à Jupiter Stator fut mis au jour dans la banlieue de Carthagène (Murcie, Espagne). L’objectif de cet article est de démontrer qu’il existe un lien entre cette struc- ture et la guerre sertorienne, ainsi qu’entre le culte de Stator et les guerres civiles du Ier siècle av. J.-C. En outre, on attire l’attention sur certains aspects importants de la relation religieuse entre Rome et les provinces, comme le contexte militaire qui semble être constamment attaché au culte de Stator en Italie et au-delà, son association étroite avec les combats entre Romains et Sabins et leur coexistence ultérieure, et le rôle de cet attribut de Jupiter dans les luttes civiles qui ont caractérisé la fin de la République romaine. Carthagène, lieu de culte, Jupiter Stator, Aquinius, Metellus Pius, Sertorius, Romulus, conjuration de Catalina INTRODUCTION meant that it enjoyed special importance between the 3rd and the 1st centuries BCE. The worship of Jupiter Stator has been the The intention of this paper is to explore a novel subject of intense debate among modern scholars and significant case study, that of the temple of because of its relevance to the monarchical and Jupiter Stator, recently discovered by archaeolo- Republican traditions of Rome. The characteristics gists in Carthago Nova. The ensuing discussion will of the cult to Stator, as well as its protective conno- seek to demonstrate its connection with the victory tations in times of war, whether external or civil, that the senatorial armies secured in the Sertorian * Early versions of the argument of this paper were aspects of the site and gave me permission to reproduce presented at conferences held at Zaragoza and Madrid the plans of the temple. Juan Manuel Abascal Palazón in May 2018 and April 2019. I would like to thank the kindly allowed me to use the picture provided in fig. 3. participants in those events for their questions and reac- Amy Russell, Estela García Fernández, David Espinosa tions. I am very grateful to Federico Santangelo for further Espinosa and David García Domínguez read sections discussion and for his comments on previous versions of of this paper and offered valuable insights and advice. this paper. Rafael González Fernández, one of the archae- Finally, thanks are due to the anonymous referees and ologists involved in the discovery of the temple of Jupiter the Editor of MEFRA for their thorough and constructive Stator in Carthago Nova, helpfully clarified my doubts on feedback. The Temple of Jupiter Stator in Carthago Nova and the Sertorian War 450 Juan GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ Fig. 1 – Location of the Temple of Jupiter Stator (Cabezo Gallufo). From Amante Sánchez et al., 1995, p. 534, modified with the assistance of Denís Paredes Roibás. War, as well as showing the importance of different bay of present-day Cartagena (Murcia, Spain), aspects of the cult to Stator, such as the role that this south of Santa Lucía District, at the foot of a hill deity played in the spatial and temporal contexts of known as Cabezo Gallufo (fig. 1). military crisis in Italy and the Empire, and its ethnic The aedes, measuring 10.45×5.79 m, consists connotations and association with the subjugation of a double rectangular structure comprising two of the Sabines. The final section of this paper will rooms, separated by a wall, which were erected at discuss how Stator acted as a guarantor for good different times. The original building, to the left Roman citizens in confronting internal seditions. of the plan below, had only one altar dedicated His worship during the period of the civil wars of to offerings (see I, II and III in fig. 2). The second the late Republic became the source of inspira- room, to the right, erected later in time, had three tion for Cicero to gather the Senate in the temple podia, while an inscription on the pavement indi- of Jupiter Stator on the day he delivered his first cated the divinity to whom worship was rendered: speech against Catiline. Iuppiter Stator (see IV in fig. 2). Thissacellum was added in the final phase of the site after successive DESCRIPTION AND CHRONOLOGY restorations of the first room. The entrance was OF THE TEMPLE longitudinal and transversal, giving access to both chambers. In 1993 archaeologists discovered a small As the inscription found on the site shows, Roman religious complex on the outskirts of the second cella was commissioned by a freedman ancient Carthago Nova.1 The site is located in the whose name was Marcus Aquinius Andro (fig. 3): 1. Martín Camino 1994, p. 13-14; Amante Sánchez et al. 1995; Antolinos Martín – Noguera Celdrán – Soler Huertas 2010, González Fernández – Martín Camino – Pérez Bonet 1996; p. 213-215. 451 Fig. 2 – Building phases of the Temple of Jupiter Stator (I-IV) and placement of inscription (arrow). From Amante Sánchez et al., 1995, p. 548. Fig. 3 – Inscription of M. Aquinius Andro dedicated to Iuppiter Stator preserved at the Museo Arqueológico Municipal de Cartagena. Picture by Juan Manuel Abascal Palazón. The Temple of Jupiter Stator in Carthago Nova and the Sertorian War 452 Juan GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ M(arcus) Aquini(us) M(arci) l(ibertus) Andro / Iovi ical field, the appearance in Spain of other similar Statori de sua p(ecunia) qur(avit) / l(ibens) m(erito).2 inscriptions on pavement, such as those of El Burgo Employing his own capital, he dedicated the temple de Ebro (Zaragoza), Itálica (Sevilla) or Mazarrón to Jupiter under the title of Stator, often trans- (Murcia), leads us to ascribe that of Stator to lated as “the Stayer”, i.e., “one who establishes or the late Republican period.7 The archaic form upholds.”3 It is not possible to determine a precise quravit,8 the abbreviation in -i of the nominative difference of chronology between the different Aquinius,9 or the lead ingots belonging to the gens phases of the temple, but at least the mosaic and Aquinia discovered in Cartagena10 also refer to late the second room of the temple were sponsored by Republican chronologies. Therefore, the ascrip- Aquinius Andro. tion of the aedes Iovis Statoris of Carthago Nova to Archaeologists have also found a ritual deposit the Sertorian War (82-72 BCE), or at least its final at the entrance of the aedes which is related to the phase, within this possible framework that encom- last stage of the building: up to 669 animal skeletal passes approximately sixty years, is fully plausible. remains have been discovered, most of them astra- gals of ovines.4 This finding has been associated with a religious banquet of foundational character THE AQUINII AND THE METELLI: TWO families LINKED BY THE Sertorian WAR probably carried out by the family members and relates. Given the status of the devotee, the nature Leaving aside the chronology, we must rely on of the dedication, the location of the structure on other sorts of arguments if we are to firmly esta- the outskirts of Carthago Nova and not within the blish a relationship between the bellum Sertorianum city-walls, as well as the short period of worship, a and the temple in Carthago Nova. This twofold clear private component can be inferred concerning aedes is a unique case in the Iberian Peninsula and the cult rendered to Stator in the temple. no other dedication to Jupiter Stator has been To give a chronology to this unique aedes, the found in Spain; given its exceptionality, the erec- only one dedicated to Jupiter Stator known so tion of this sanctuary on the outskirts of Cartagena far on the Iberian Peninsula, we have different must have required a strong motivation. dating features. Modern authors tend to point to a Q. Metellus Macedonicus, after celebrating his broad chronology between the last third of the 2nd triumph in 146 BCE, sponsored the construction century and the first third of the 1st century BCE (133-66 BCE).5 It is important to note that, after this period, the cult of the temple stopped and the structure was no longer in use by the second half Benidorm and Cap Negret, Alicante (Bayo Fuentes 2014, st of the 1 century BCE. p. 99, 110); Libisosa/Lezuza (Uroz Rodríguez – Uroz Sáez From an archaeological point of view, the 2014, p. 201-201); Ilici/Elche (Ronda Femenia – Tendero amphorae fragments of the Dressel 1a, Lamboglia Porras 2014, p. 223-225; also Mañá C2b); Valentia/ Valencia, destroyed in 75 BCE during the Sertorian War 2 and Mañá C2b types and the pottery fragments (Ribera i Lacomba 2011, p.
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