LEADING JAPANESE WE PUBLISH LOCAL D A ILY ON AND WORLD’S ISLAND OF HAWAH LATEST HAPPENINGS NO. 9081 VOL. XXXV HILO, H AW AII, T. H., M OND AY, OCTOBER 20, 1941 Development Firm Kazan, Soviet Russia, Back in the News FASTER WORK Bonds To Be Issued EXCHANGES IN TOKYO, Oct. 20 — The seven­ teenth North China Development E X P E C T e OF Company’s bonds totalling 40,000,- DUTIES HELD f f i ™ M E « W 000 yen will be issued on October 21 at an interest rate of 4.2 per­ cent redeemable within ten years. BYNEWSOIDNS OF U5.-JAPAN TENSE STATI NEW CABINET It was understood that the fresh bond w ill wholly be used fo r the POLITICAL OBSERVERS BE­ YUKIO TOMEOKA, JIRO IMA- Overthrow of Russian Forces Will Brings LIEVE SO SINCE TOJO HOLDS development of Manchuria in Nor­ MATSU PLACED ON th China. N E W L IS T NOT ONLY ONE POST U. S. Facing Germany on Two Fronts TOKYO, Oct. 20— Political ob­ TOKYO, Oct. 20— Government Claim Japanese Paper servers believe that the new To jo activities today generally was con­ Cabinet won’t publish any “politi­ SIBERIAN AID fined to the formal exchanges of cal programs” in view of the fact duties among the new cabinet TOKYO, Oct. 20—Japanese-Am­ that Japan’s national policies are i members and outgoing ministers. erican relations remain as strain­ United States sending aid to Rus­ already set and well known. A t the Navy Ministry new Navy ed as at present and “ United sia with the assurance of success, The new cabinet will, however, Minister Shigetaro Shimada at 9 States’ aid to Russia carried be­ it editorialized that the use of that execute the national policies more a. m. took over the duties from re­ yond a point is almost certain to route is beset with danger spread­ smoothly and promptly than the IN RESISTANCE tiring Navy Minister Oikawa aggravate the Pacific situation,” ing war to Eastern Asia, which si- previous Konoye cabinet, these ob­ while the new Foreign Minister declared the Japan Times and Ad- j tuations Japan couldn’t overlook. servers said, because Tojo, being TROOPS FIGHT IN MOZHAISK Shigenori Togo, after completing I vertiser in an editorial comment- I It asserted on the other hand that Premier, Army General and head ON VYAZMA-MOSCOW the exchange of duties this noon I ing on the Russo-German war re­ asserted on the other hand that of two other important cabinet RAILWAY with outgoing Toyoda at the Fo­ lative to the United States. with the collapse of Russia, Ger­ posts, has unconditional support of reign Minister’s official residence If the United States means to many would extend her domination all circles including the army and LONDON, Oct. 20—Moscow ra­ this afternoon, assumed formal offer effective and adequate aid over the Europea.n continent as navy and financial and political dio heard here acknowledged the charge of the Overseas post which to Russia, improvement of the Pa­ well as advance her influence to quarters. Nazi forces were driven into a new he concurrently holds. cific relations must be desirable, the Pacific thereby bringing the The same observers added that wedge south from Moscow, how­ The new Railway and Communi­ the Times said, adding, “ Such ad­ United States facing Germany on As reports from Berlin continued to tell of amazing gain* as far as domestic problems are ever, claimed that the Red Army cations Minister Ken Terajima justment must he based on cor­ both the Atlantic and the Pacific. against Russia more and more importance was attached to the city concerned he will consult four heavily counter-attacked in the took over Minister Murata’s duties rect appreciation of Japan’s poli­ of Kazan, selected as the emergency capital of the Soviet Union. “This is exactly the situation cabinet bureaus or board of lead­ Kalinin area. while Premier Tojo in the capaci­ cy in the peace structure of East Its selection indicated that Stalin had no intention of surrendering which American statesmen hope to It said that reenforcements ty of Home Minister called on the Asia.” ers, namely. Chief Secretary of European Russia and withdrawing to a hideout behind the Urals. avert by effectively aiding Rus­ from Siebria over Mongolia is bol­ Home Ministry this morning. The journal warned, “The im­ the cabinet Naoki Hoshino, Direc­ Kazan is the center of a highly developed industrial region, hous­ sia,” the Times said, adding, “ ’The stering Red troops in Mozhaisk, At the Information Bureau, for­ portance of friendly Japan must tor of the Cabinet Legislative Bu­ ing all kinds of war plants. It is some 600 miles east of the original collapse of the Russian fighting mer president of the information be clear when the United States reau Eiichi Moriyama, Chief of 100 kilometers west of Moscow on “Stalin line” and 450 miles east of Moscow. Fairly early in the machine has the possibility of the Vyazma-Moscow railway. board Ito gave way to the new ap­ means to aid Russia so effectively the Planning Board Lt. Gen. Hei- Russo-ISazi war part of the U. S. embassy staff in Moscow was completely frustrating American pointee, Masayuki Tani. as to make the American plan suc­ ichi Suzuki and President of the removed to Kazan and for a while much importance was attached plan of aiding Britain against eGr- ITALO-GERMANS Meanwhile, it was announced cessful and when such aid is to Information Board Masayuki Ta- to the city. Then as the Russians appeared to stall the Nazi drive many.” ni. LEAVE AFGHANISTAN the Local Affairs Bureau home of- it was temporarily forgotten. Now it is back in the news. flow across the Pacific and throu­ , FRENCH PRESS REFRAINS PESHAWAR, India, Oct. 20 — that Yukio Tomeoka, director of gh Vladivostok.” In concluding, the editorial hin­ Apparently indicating Algo-Russi- fice was named Chief of the Me­ Vladivostok Route Risky ted that the United States would FROM PREDICTING JAPAN’S an pressure against Afghanistan tropolitan Police board succeeding Headquarters At Mentioning Vladivostok as prac­ profit by reconsidering her Pacific FUTURE similar in Iran, Kabul radio heard Iwao Yamazaki. Room 8, County Bldgr. tically the only channel for the policy. VICHY, Oct. 20—Hesitation to here announced that the Italo-Ger- Jiro Imamatsu, governor of the predict the future course of the mans started evacuating Afghan­ Wakayama prefecture was ap­ Headquarters for the $54,- Empress Visiting Japanese policy keynoted the istan. pointed director of the Police Bu­ 931.00 goal conununity chest French press reaction of the form­ reau home office replacing Sei- campaign, which was launched Shrine October 23 kichi Hashimoto, the announce­ ation of the Tojo government, the yesterday heade^ by Carl Han­ Temps noting the Tokyo crisis Yukio Kunihiro ment added. TOKYO, Oct. 20— It was an­ son, w ill be in Room 8 of the was left confused of impression nounced that the Empress will Vacationing in Hilo OCTOBER 22, DATE FOR ooimty building. while the Debais said that accur­ FIRST CABINET MEETING visit the Yasukuni sftrine on Oct­ RACKETEERS MORE ACTIVE The drive includes the United ate interpretation of the events is TOKYO, Oct. 22—It was under­ ober 23 at 10 a. m. The Empress Vacationing in Hilo for two IN TIMES OF GREAT Service Organizations which has impossible. stood that the first regular m.eet- was originally scheduled to visit weeks since Saturday is Yukio EMERGENCY been granted 20 percent of "'^he Both underlined that the Nip­ the shrine on October 18. Kunihiro of Honolulu. He is a ne­ ing of the new Tojo cabinet will be total donations. pon - American negotiations ap­ phew of Mrs. Charles Mitamura held on October 22 despite ex-Pre- BEAUMONT, Tex., Oct. 20 — Beneficiaries of the campaign ELEVEN ARE REPORTED peared unbroken, the Temps stat­ of Hilo and is connected with the mier Konoye’s illness which will The oillegger is not dead. Instead, are the Boy Scouts, the YMCA, MISSING AND TEN Fingerprints Made ing, “It is premature to assume Libby, McNeill & Libby in Hono­ necessitate some delay in the for­ like his recently-ressurrected cou­ the Salvation Army, the Father INJURED grave complications are no longer lulu. mal transfer of Premiership to sin the foodlegger, he has been Louis Boys’ Home, the Girl Simple with Iodine avoidable.” Young Kunihiro was connected Tojo. dormanta—waiting only a rise in Scouts, the Salvation Army WASHINGTON, Oct. 20— The with the Farrington Governors Tojo is expected to take over oil prices and a favorable dark Girls Home, the Waiakea Social Navy announced last night that BUTTE, Mont. (U P)—The fed­ football team in his high school the duties from Home Minister night. Settlement, the YW CA and the 1,630 ton destroyer Kearny arriv­ eral bureau of investigation has HBC Club Meeting career. He is located at the home Harumichi Tanabe in a formal ce­ In the seven years since the USO. ed in port with eleven men miss­ recognized a simplified finger­ Tonight is Cancelled of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mitamu­ remony in the Home Ministry this Connally hot oil act became law, The drive is to be concluded ing, ten injured, however, the na­ printing process developed by Pat­ ra. morning. Later, Tojo is scheduled a few hardy oil racketeers have on October 25, Saturday, how­ me of the port was not disclosed. rolman Edward Molthen, identiti to attend a farewell luncheon for cation officer for the Butte police There will he no meeting of the risen defiantly to sneak a thous­ ever, any donation after the Sino Ambassador Chu Min Y i pri­ department.
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