MAGNIFICENT PUNJAB BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS PUNJAB BOARD OF INVESTMENT & TRADE THE ROUTE TO PROSPERITY WWW.PBIT.GOP.PK THE ROUTE TO PROSPERITY ii MAGNIFICENT PUNJAB MAGNIFICENT PUNJAB PUNJAB BOARD OF INVESTMENT & TRADE THE ROUTE TO PROSPERITY PUNJAB BOARD OF INVESTMENT & TRADE iii TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF MINISTER PUNJAB 2-3 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN PAGE Budget 2014-2015 SALIENT FEATURES 4-5 INITIATIVES TAKEN BY GOVERNMENT PAGE QUAID E AZAM SOLAR PARK GROUND BREAKING 8-12 SAHIWAL COAL FIRED POWER PLANTS NANDIPUR POWER PROJECT INAUGURATION AZADI CHOWK FLYOVER ORANGE LINE METRO LAHORE RAWALPINDI & MULTAN METRO RUYI MASOOD APPAREL PARK QUAID E AZAM APPAREL PARK GRANT OF GSP PLUS STATUS TO PAKISTAN HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR PAGE THE PUNJAB ENERGY INVESTMENT CONFERENCE 14-18 UK-PaKistan EnErgy ConfErEnCE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND CLOTHING CONFERENCE PAKISTAN GERMAN BUSINESS FORUM PaKistan-tUrkey BUsinEss forUm 2013 OIC AMBASSADOR CONFERENCE TDCP EXPO PBIT & UKTI COLLABORATION DIPLOMAcy & DELEGATIONS PAGE THE CHIEF MINISter’S VISIT TO BERLIN 20-24 CHIEF MINISter’S VISIT TO UK CHIEF MINISter’S VISIT TO INDIA PartiCiPation in WaiPa sUmmit, Kazan 2013 JaPan ExtErnal tradE organization (JEtro) SWEDISH DELEGATION CHINESE AMBASSADOR SUN WEIDONG VISIT OF CHINESE DELEGATION CNTAC MEETING WITH CHINESE DELEGATION YANTAI VISIT OF IMF DELEGATION DELEGATION: GUANG ZHOU INSTITUTE OF ENERGY CONSERVATION BRITISH HIGH COMMISSIONER MR. PHILIP BARTON DELEGATION OF PIBIC AND ROYAL ENERGY PARTNERS VICE MINISTER NETHERLANDS Us PaKistan BUsinEss CoUnCil (UsPBC) moU signing With Canada-PaKistan ChamBEr of CommErCE H.E. MR. PETER CLAES VISIT OF KILER HOLDINGS MANAGEMENT ACUMEN PAKISTAN SIGNS MOU WITH PBIT THE ROUTE TO PROSPERITY MAGNIFICENT PUNJAB PAGE DEPARTMENTS IN FOCUS 28-101 ENERGY DEPARTMENT MINES & MINERALS DEPARTMENT INDUSTRIAL ESTATES WALLED CITY AUTHORITY TOURISM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF PUNJAB LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT LIVESTOCK & DAIRY DEPARTMENT PUNJAB INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BOARD COMMUNICATIONS & WORKS DEPARTMENT LABOUR DEPARTMENT TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT WOMEN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HIGHER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PAGE MADE IN PAKISTAN 102 BrazUCa- for World CUP 2014 INTERVIEWS MR. IRFAN ELAHI, PAGE 104-111 CHAIRMAN P&D MR. MOHAMMAD JEHANZEB KHAN, SECRETARY FINANCE AND ADDITIONAL CHIEF SECRETARY ENERGY MR. YEYI, CHIEF COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVE DONGFANG ELECTRIC CORPORATION PUNJAB BOARD OF INVESTMENT & TRADE 01 Message from the Chief Minister Punjab I would like to congratulate Punjab Board of Investment & Trade for making the effort to compile a publication on the achievements of the Punjab government over the past year and development initiatives being taken for the future. i take pride in the fact that this is a result of multiple agencies and departments of the government of Punjab which have collaborated with the Punjab Board of Investment & Trade. A welcome sign of increased communication and cooperation within the government. Punjab has been firmly put on a path of high economic growth and is moving up quickly on the ladder of progress. the energy crisis that our country is currently suffering from has been the major cause of concern for businesses. Considering that energy is the backbone of the economy, it has been given key priority by the Punjab government. much work has been done in the other sectors that also form the crux of the economy like transport, infrastructure and industrial development. today Punjab, being at the centre of economic activities is the epitome of the continuous efforts of its people and the government to reach high standards in education, medical facilities, roads and mega infrastructure of science and research. this publication highlights the efforts of the government of Punjab over the last year. It is evident that the Government of Punjab is striving towards increasing the prosperity of the people of the province. Even though the challenge is great, i strongly believe in our capability that we can accomplish what was not achieved earlier and continue to move steadily towards a brighter future for our people. MIAN SHAHBAZ SHARIF CHIEF MINISTER PUNJAB THE ROUTE TO PROSPERITY 02 MAGNIFICENT PUNJAB Message from the Chairman PBit has taken this initiative to document the milestones reached, the initiatives taken and the economic indicators of the Punjab government over the last one year. Punjab province along with the rest of Pakistan is facing multiple issues such as the energy crises, rising unemployment, security threats, increased regional competition for exports. the government’s focus over the last one year has been on accelerating domestic and foreign investment in the country, increasing development expenditure, export promotion, facilitating private sector investment, generating employment opportunities, restructuring of public sector corporations and expansion of social safety network and last but not the least, solving the energy issue on a war footing. in this connection numerous steps have been taken to address the various issues faced by the industry at this point such as easing material imports, increasing expenditure and developing international linkages to improve labor and manpower skills, negotiating increased market access for our products, establishing sEz’s to encourage the manufacturing sector, and ground breaking of new coal, hydel and solar power facilities to resolving the energy problem. most importantly, the government has made efforts to create a positive economic vibe which would lead to uniting all the stakeholders to come together on one platform and work for the collective betterment of the province. Creating this unified vision and a roadmap towards collective improvement would be invaluable for progress and for the encouragement of new ideas, incorporation of global trends and industry best practices. through this publication, we hope to highlight all of the above and more. in the end, i think it is imperative to point out that the results achieved today will help us pave the way for a better future of this industry and through that ‘a better future of Punjab’s economy’. We all have the same goal in mind; the key is to work together to fulfill that goal. in the end, i would like to thank the staff & the officers at Punjab Board of investment & trade for their tireless efforts in order to achieve the vision & goal of the Government. SYED MARATIB ALI CHAIRMAN PBIT PUNJAB BOARD OF INVESTMENT & TRADE 03 Budget 2014-2015 SALIENT FEATURES the gdP growth rate will gradually be increased from current 4.8 percent to 8 percent in next four years, and next year gdP target is 5.5 percent. two million youths (male and female) will be imparted technical training in next four years and rs. 6 billion has been allocated in the next budget for the purpose. Welfare and developmental projects worth rs. 263 billion launched or being launched in Southern Punjab. rs. 17 billion for 1,000mW Quaid-i-azam solar Park being established in Bahawalpur that would add 100mW electricity into the system by this year end. a sum of rs. 31 billion has been allocated for setting up coal power plants in rahim yar Khan and muzaffargarh. rs. 2.5 billion for electricity conservation awareness program. 600 million tonnes of iron and chromites reserves found in Chiniot district and the government has tasked a consortium of three world renowned companies to estimate the total worth of the reserves. the 18-month project will cost rs. 1.47 billion. another project of rs. 130.80 million launched to benefit from iron reserves at Kala Bagh and this project will be completed by end of Q1 2014-15. total of rs. 273 billion for education sector and rs. 48.31 billion for developmental projects in education sector. rs. 11 billion for Punjab Education Endowment fund, rs. 2 billion for danish schools, and rs. 7.50 billion for Punjab Education foundation. total of rs. 121.80 billion for health sector. Under the Public health sector rs. 17.11 billion for drainage and drinking water schemes. rs. 5 billion for provision of safe drinking water projects rs. 1.50 billion for population welfare. rs. 14.97 billion for agriculture development and farmers’ welfare. rs. 5 billion subsidy in fertilizers prices. rs. 4.67 billion for Punjab irrigated agricultural Productivity improvement Project. rs. 1.62 billion for increase in export of fruit and vegetable and rs. 240 million for the project of supply Chain improvement of selected agricultural and livestock Products. rs. 1.87 billion for conversion of 20 agri tube-wells from electricity/diesel to bio-gas that will ensure rs. 4 billion saving under the fuel charges. With an initial allocation of rs. 20 billion, metro bus projects would be started in multan and faisalabad during the next financial year. Punjab expects to generate rs. 150 billion from the existing taxes and rs. 60 billion from non-tax heads. THE ROUTE TO PROSPERITY 04 MAGNIFICENT PUNJAB Over view of Budget 2014-2015 SIZE OF TOTAL BUDGET RS. 1,349.404 ALLOCATION OF BILLION RS. 699.95 BILLION FOR SERVICE DELIVERY TO CITIZENS DEVELOPMENT BUDGET INCREASED FROM RS. 290 BILLION TO RS 345 BILLION (inCrEasE of 18.9%) CAPITAL BUDGET AMOUNTING TO RS. 304.453 BILLION INCLUDING REPAYING REPAYMENT OF LOANS, ADVANCES BY GOVERNMENT TO AUTONOMOUS BODIES AND WHEAT PROCUREMENT OPERATION SIGNIFICANT REASONS FOR INCREASE IN SIZE OF CURRENT EXPENDITURE RS. 29.1 BILLION increase in allocation for ‘Pension’ RS. 10.5 BILLION increase in operational budget for ‘Police’ RS. 7.9 BILLION for ‘ad-hoc relief’ to civil servants RS. 6.5 BILLION for maintenance and repair of roads, irrigation network and public buildings PUNJAB BOARD OF INVESTMENT & TRADE 05 THE ROUTE TO PROSPERITY 06 MAGNIFICENT PUNJAB INITIATIVES TAKEN BY GOVERNMENT PUNJAB BOARD OF INVESTMENT & TRADE 07 INITIATIVES TAKEN BY GOVERNMENT QUAID E AZAM SOLAR PARK GROUND BREAKING solar technology is comparatively a newer form of technology, even in developed nations, and venturing into this particular field was a huge challenge for a country like Pakistan.
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