Historisation of Central Europe Ed. Karla Vymětalová Zdeněk Jirásek Opava 2014 Tato publikace je výstupem projektu „Historizace střední Evropy jako téma pro rozvoj lidského potenciálu v oblasti výzkumu, inovací, vzdělávání a zapojení současných a budoucích vědecko-výzkumných pracovníků do mezinárodních VaV aktivit“ (č. CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0031), který byl financován z Evropského sociálního fondu a státního rozpočtu ČR v rámci Operačního programu Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost. Webové stránky projektu: projekty.slu.cz/historizace „Historization of Central Europe“, a subject matter sustaining the development of human potential in research, innovation, education and integration of current and future research workers in international scientific and research activities. Odborní recenzenti: Prof. PhDr. Ivo Barteček Prof. PhDr. Jana Burešová, CSc. © Autors, 2014 © Slezská univerzita, 2014 ISBN 978-80-7510-098-6 HISTORISATION OF CENTRAL EUROPE CONTENT Zdeněk Jirásek .....................................................................................................7 Historisation of Central Europe Marie Gawrecká ............................................................................................... 11 Relations between Migrations and National Identities in Central European Regions during the Second Half of the 19th Century (Vztah migrací a národních identit ve středoevropských regionech ve druhé polovině 19. století) Marián Hochel ....................................................................................................29 „Glory to the Victors!” Iconography of Napoleon’s Military Campaign 1805 and of the Battle of Austerlitz in Memorial medallions of the first French Empire („Sláva vítězům!“ Ikonografie Napoleonova válečného tažení roku 1805 a bi- tvy u Slavkova na pamětních medailích I. císařství ve Francii) Olga Čadajeva .....................................................................................................77 The Deposition of Patriarch Nikon from the Foreign Perspective (Pád patriarchy Nikona ze zahraniční perspektivy) Jaromíra Knapíková ...........................................................................................97 Cultural identity of the Lichnowsky Family at the Intersections of the 19th and 20th Century (Kulturní identita knížat Lichnowských na křižovatkách 19. a 20. století) Hana Komárková ............................................................................................ 111 The Jewish Pogrom as the Consequence of the Economic Decline of the Community in the Middle Ages (Židovský pogrom jako důsledek hospodářského úpadku obce ve středověku) 3 HISTORISATION OF CENTRAL EUROPE Zdeněk Kravar .................................................................................................. 133 The First Silesians behind the Wheel. The Beginnings of Motoring in Central Europe with Austrian Silesia as an Example (První Slezané za volantem. Počátky automobilismu ve stření Evropě na pří- kladu rakouského Slezska) Andrea Pokludová ........................................................................................... 157 Guardians of the Nation in Action. Reconstruction of the Background of the Population Census in Opava in the Years 1880-1930 (Strážci národa v akci. Rekonstrukce pozadí sčítání lidu v Opavě v letech 1880-1930) David Radek ..................................................................................................... 175 The Fall of Heinz Dompnig. A Contribution to the Crisis of the Structures of Power after the Death of Matthias Corvinus (Pád Heinze Dompniga. Příspěvek ke krizi mocenských struktur po smrti Matyáše Korvína) Dušan Segeš ...................................................................................................... 195 West is West and Centre is East. Cold War broadcasting to East-Central Eu- rope: Radio Free Europe and the B.B.C. in the 1950s and 1960s (Západ je Západ a stred je východ. Rozhlasové vysielanie do stredovýchod- nej Európy v období studenej vojny. Rádio Slobodná Európa a B.B.C. v 50. a 60. rokoch 20. storočia) Marek Starý ....................................................................................................... 215 Decline of a Nobleman from the Perspective of the Bohemian Land Law in the Early Modern Period. Indirect Reflection of the Social Perception? (Úpadek šlechtice očima českého zemského práva v raném novověku. Zpro- středkovaná reflexe společenského vnímání?) Dušan Škvarna ................................................................................................. 235 A Slovak Intellectual and a Slovak Intelectualism in the 19th Century: Types of Identities. (Slovenský inteluktuál a slovenký intelektualismus v 19. storočí. Tipy identit. ) 4 HISTORISATION OF CENTRAL EUROPE Pavel Šopák ....................................................................................................... 251 Museums of Czech Silesia 1814-2014: The Re-Construction of Identity (Muzea českého Slezska 1814–2014: re-konstrukce identity) Martin Štoll ....................................................................................................... 283 Do you Like Smetana? Movie Poll as a Direct Diagnostic Tool of National Identity (Máte rádi Smetanu? Filmová anketa jako přímý diagnostický nástroj národní identity) František Švábenický ..................................................................................... 297 Imaginary Travelling. Natural Films up to Year 1918 (Imaginární cestování. Přírodní filmy před rokem 1918) Karla Vymětalová ............................................................................................ 315 The Fate of an Intellectual in the 1st Half of the 20th Century (Theodor Hopfner, classical Philologist) (Osud intelektuála v první polovině 20. století (Theodor Hopfner, klasický filolog)) Marína Zavacká ............................................................................................... 335 „…and all Delegates understood him“. To the Post-war Return of Hungarian Language to the Public Space („... jeho slovám rozumeli však všetci delegáti“. K povojnovému návratu ma- ďarčiny do verejného priestoru) 5 HISTORISATION OF CENTRAL EUROPE 6 HISTORISATION OF CENTRAL EUROPE HISTORISATION OF CENTRAL EUROPE1 Zdeněk Jirásek In 2007 – 2011 the research project Silesia in the history of the Czech state and Central Europe was solved at Faculty of Philosophy and Science, Silesian University in Opava. The research team was first lead by prof. PhDr. Dan Gawrecki, CSc., then by the author of this paper. Owing to the project the extensive final monography Slezsko v dějinách českého státu (i.e. Silesia in the history of the Czech state) 2 was published as well as many other mon- ographies, research papers, articles, etc. Many international contacts were es- tablished or extended, several conferences or workshops were held and a lot of copies or excerpts were made in archives or libraries abroad. The project enabled to create a remarkable concentrated potential for further historical research. The significance of the results was highlighted in the final assess- ment of the project. The research project Silesia in the history of the Czech state and Central Europe was evaluated with the highest mark A. The research project enabled to create a lot of potential possibilities for further working on the up-to-then research and make good use of the up-to- then results. The aim was to do it on the sufficient institutional grounds to guarantee the appropriate support of the research project. It was a lucky mo- ment that the continuity could have been ensured due to the new invitation 1 This article was written within tasks of the Historisation of Central Europe which was co-funded from the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic. 2 Slezsko v dějinách českého státu, Vol. 1, Od pravěku do roku 1490, Praha 2012, 708 ps., Vol. 2, 1490 – 1763, Praha 2012, 595 ps. 7 HISTORISATION OF CENTRAL EUROPE for research projects to be funded from the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic. Thus a concept emerged for the project Historisation of Central Eu- rope, which was a three-year project and a continual follow-up to the above- mentioned research project.3 The project leader was the author of this paper and the three co-ordinators were Robert Antonín, later substituted by Mar- tin Čapský, Jiří Knapík, later substituted by Karla Vymětalová, and Martin Pelc. Other team investigators were Veronika Čapská, Marie Gawrecká, Mar- ian Hochel, Irena Korbelářová, Jaromír Olšovský, Dalibor Prix, Pavel Šopák, Miloš Zapletal, and Rudolf Žáček. Administration or the project support was ensured by Zuzana Bergrová, Marek Bumbálek, Denisa Řezníčková, and Iva Volná. The project Historisation of Central Europe primarily dealt with the de- velopment of culture which was seen not only as linked to the art, but which was seen in its broadest sense, i.e. as an agent shaping and forming life style. A great attention was paid to cultural transfers and varying forms of com- parison of impacts and perception of historical facts in particular geographi- cal and political regions, or in respect of national communities or national wholes. Such was the main line which determined the directions of the re- search. The second line of the project was to establish, or extend international collaboration. It meant involvement of the existing international contacts of the Institute of Historical Sciences and their extension. An attention was fo- cused primarily on Germany, Poland, Slovakia,
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