• illustrations 2.1 Guillaume-Joseph Grélot, La città di Aleppo, detail. From Commons BY-SA 4.0 International, https://creativecom Ambrogio Bembo, Viaggio e giornale per parte dell’asia di mons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/. 38 quattro anni incirca fatta da me Ambrosio Bembo nobile 3.2 Third Court of the Topkapı Palace and surrounding gar- Veneto, 1676, tavola X. James Ford Bell Library, University dens. From Seyyed Lokman, Hünernâme, vol. 1 (c. 1584). of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 12 Topkapı Sarayı Müsezi, H 1523, fols. 231v–232r. Reproduced 2.2 Frontispiece of Ambrogio Bembo’s Viaggio e giornale from Nurhan Atasoy, A Garden for the Sultan: Gardens and per parte dell’asia di quattro anni incirca fatta da me Flowers in the Ottoman Culture ([Istanbul]: Aygaz, 2002), Ambrosio Bembo nobile Veneto, 1676, tavolo I. James 259, fifg. 373. 39 Ford Bell Library, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 3.3 Etienne Dupérac, Dissigno del Torneamento fatto il lune di Minnesota. 13 Carnovale in Roma nel Theatro Vaticano (Tournament in 2.3 Villa della Torre a Fumane, Valpolicella, Provincia di the Belvedere Court), 1565. Published by Antoine Lafréry. Verona, Italy, c. 1550. Photo: Archivio del Centro di © Trustees of the British Museum. Licensed under Creative Documentazione per la Storia della Valpolicella (Renzo Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International, https://creative- Nicolis and Michele Suppi). 21 commons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/. 40 2.4 Jardin del Generalife en Granada. From Alexandre de 3.4 Ichnography of the courtyards of Villa Giulia. From Paul Laborde, Voyage pittoresque et historique de l’Espagne Letarouilly, Edifices de Rome moderne ou Recueil des palais, (Paris: Pierre Didot l’Ainé, 1806), plate xxix. G. Holmes maisons, eglises, couvents, et autres monuments publics et Perkins Rare Book Room Collection, Fisher Fine Arts particuliers les plus remarquables de la ville de Rome (Paris, Library, University of Pennsylvania Libraries. 22 1840–72; repr., London: Architectural Press, 1982), vol. 2, 2.5 Plan of Villa della Torre. Photo: Archivio del Centro di plate 205. 42 Documentazione per la Storia della Valpolicella (Renzo 3.5 Karabali Garden. From Salomon Schweigger, Ein newe Nicolis and Michele Suppi). 23 Reyssbeschreibung auss Teutschland nach Constantinopel 2.6 View of Cairo, detail. From Pellegrino Brocardo, Ragguaglio und Jerusalem (Nuremberg, 1608), 127. University Library del viaggio da Ragusa al Cairo di m. Pellegrino Broccardi Heidelberg, http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/schweig da Ventimiglia, 1556. Vatican Library, ms Vat. lat. 6038, pp. ger 1608. Licensed under Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 136–37. © 2017 Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. 25 DE, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/de/ 2.7 Plan of Villa Beccadelli, Šipan. Image: Nadja deed.en. 43 Aksamija. 26 3.6 Giovanni Francesco Venturini, Veduta delle fontane 3.1 Bird’s-eye view of the Topkapı Palace. From Wilhelm della cordonata, e scale che ascende al vialone delle fon- Dilich, Eigendtliche, kurtze beschreibung und Abriß der tanelle (Waterstairs of the Villa d’Este), c. 1683–91. From weitt berümbten keyserlichen stadt Constantinopel (Kassel: Le Fontane del Giardino Estense in Tivoli, published by Wilhelm Wessel, 1606), plate between pages 17 and 18. Giovanni Giacomo de’ Rossi. © Trustees of the British University Library Ghent. Licensed under Creative Museum. Licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Gharipour, Gardens_FinalP.indb 7 7/14/17 10:49 AM 4.0 International, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ 5.2 Jacques Androuet du Cerceau, Château de Gaillon. From by-nc-sa/4.0/. 43 Les plus excellents bastiments de France, 1576–79. © 3.7 Cornelius Loos, Kiosk of the Sultaniye Garden, 1710. © Trustees of the British Museum. 85 Nationalmuseum Stockholm. Reproduced from Alfred 5.3 Jacques Androuet du Cerceau, Château de Gaillon: Design Westholm, Cornelius Loos. Teckningar från en expedition till of the Hermitage and the White House. From Le premier Främre Orienten 1710–1711 (Stockholm: Nationalmuseum, volume des plus excellents Bastiments de France (1576; repr., 1985), 62–63. 45 Farnborough: Gregg International, 1972). 86 3.8 Fountain of the Dragon, Tivoli, Villa d’Este. Photo: Simone 5.4 Charles Percier, Pierre François Fontaine, and Jacques Kaiser, 2008. 46 Charles Bonnard, Plans of the Remains of the Villa Madama 4.1 Jacques Androuet du Cerceau, plan of château de Blois. and the Villa Sachetti, 1809, detail. 87 From Premier [et Second] volume des plus excellents bas- 5.5 The frescoed loggia at Villa Madama, designed to link the timents de France . (Paris, 1576–79). © École nationale living space with the extensive gardens. Photo: Jill Sinclair, supérieure des beaux-arts de Paris. 61 2010. 88 4.2 Jacques Androuet du Cerceau, plan of château de 5.6 John Robert Cozens, Rome from the Villa Madama, Fontainebleau. From Premier [et Second] volume des plus 1791. Courtesy of the Whitworth, The University of excellents bastiments de France . (Paris, 1576–79). © École Manchester. 89 nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Paris. 64 5.7 Unknown artist, Baqi Chaghanyani Paying Homage to 4.3 Girolamo Porro, L’Horto de i semplici di Padoua, 1591 Babur near the River Oxus (Darya Amu), in a.h. 910/a.d. (repr., Padua: Editoriale Programma, 1986). University 1504. From an illustrated Persian translation of Zahir of Michigan Library. Licensed under Creative Commons al-Din Muhammad Babur’s Baburnama, pre-1605. The CC-BY 4.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ Walters Art Museum. 90 by/4.0/. 66 5.8 Bishndas and Nanha, Babur Supervising the Laying Out of 4.4 Château and garden of Touvoie or Touvois, Saint-Corneille. the Garden of Fidelity. From an illustrated Persian trans- Cadastre napoléonien, cote PC\278\003, section 1–249, lation of Zahir al-Din Muhammad Babur’s Baburnama, c. année 1836. © Archives départementales de la Sarthe 68 1590. © Victoria and Albert Museum, London. 92 4.5 Jacques Androuet du Cerceau, plan of château de 5.9 Ram Das, unnamed painting. From an illustrated Saint-Maur-des-Fossées. From Premier [et Second] volume Persian translation of Zahir al-Din Muhammad Babur’s des plus excellents bastiments de France . (Paris, 1576–79). Baburnama, c. 1590. © Victoria and Albert Museum, © École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Paris. 68 London. 96 4.6 The Third Court of the Topkapı Palace. From the 5.10 Unknown artist, Babur Riding a Raft from Kunar Back Hünernâme manuscript, 1584, fols. 231b–232°. Topkapı to Atar. From an illustrated Persian translation of Zahir Sarayı Müzesi, inv. 1524. Photo: Walter B. Denny. 70 al-Din Muhammad Babur’s Baburnama, pre-1605. The 4.7 View of the Topkapı Palace and the Bosphorus. From the Walters Art Museum. 97 Hünernâme manuscript, 1558, fol. 159v°. Topkapı Sarayı 6.1 Chaharbagh Street in Isfahan. Plan by Nader Ardalan and Müzesi, inv. H 1523. Photo: Walter B. Denny. 72 Laleh Bakhtiar. 102 5.1 Contemporary aerial view of the château de Gaillon. 6.2 Pascal Coste, drawing of Naqsh-i Jahan Square, 1839. Image Photo: Olivier Cambus, 2014. Image source: Wikimedia source: Wikimedia Commons. 103 Commons. Licensed under Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 6.3 Reconstruction of Haravi’s garden. Drawing by: Manu Unported, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Sobti and Mohammad Gharipour. 105 deed.en. 84 viii • Illustrations Gharipour, Gardens_FinalP.indb 8 7/14/17 10:49 AM 6.4 The Villa Medici in Fiesole. Photo: Dibata Mazzini. Image 6.19 A 1669 image from the Shahnama by Muhammad Zaman source: Wikimedia Commons. Licensed under Creative depicting Siawash in his royal garden. The Metropolitan Commons BY-SA 3.0 Unported, https://creativecommons. Museum of Art, Gift of Alexander Smith Cochran, 1913, org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en. 106 13.228.17. 119 6.5 Claude-Joseph Vernet, Villa at Caprarola, 1746. 6.20 Giovanni Battista Falda, drawing of the Belvedere Philadelphia Museum of Art. Purchased with the Edith H. Courtyard in Rome, seventeenth century. Published in Bell Fund, 1977. Image source: Wikimedia Commons. 107 Rome by Gio. Giacomo de Rossi. Image source: LUNA 6.6 Engraved map of Boboli Gardens, Florence, eighteenth Commons. 120 century. Image source: Wikimedia Commons. 107 6.21 Aerial view of Villa Lante near Viterbo in central 6.7 Zayanderud River in Isfahan. Photo: Sahar Hosseini. 108 Italy. 121 6.8 The Hezar Jarib Garden in Pascal Coste’s drawing of a 6.22 Babur Gardens. Photo: Jim Kelly. Image source: Wikimedia general map of Isfahan, 1840. Image source: Wikimedia Commons. Licensed under Creative Commons BY 2.0 Commons. 109 Generic, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ 6.9 Pascal Coste, drawing of the exterior of the Hasht Behesht deed.en. 121 Pavilion, 1867. Image source: Wikimedia Commons. 110 6.23 Shalimar Gardens in Srinagar, Kashmir. Photo: Mehreen 6.10 Pascal Coste, drawing of the interior of the Hasht Behesht Chida-Razvi. 122 Pavilion, 1867. Image source: Wikimedia Commons. 111 6.24 Humayun’s mausoleum garden in Delhi. Photo: Mehreen 6.11 Ali Qapu Palace in Isfahan. Photo: Darafsh Kaviyani. Chida-Razvi. 122 Image source: Wikimedia Commons. Licensed under 6.25 Eugène Flandin, drawing of Allah Verdi Khan Bridge, also Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 Unported, https://creati- known as Si-o-seh Pol, 1851. Image source: Wikimedia vecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en. 112 Commons. 123 6.12 Water fountains in Villa Lante. Photo: Jeff from 6.26 Taj Mahal. Photo: Mehreen Chida-Razvi. 125 Sacramento, CA. Image source: Wikimedia Commons. 6.27 Pascal Coste, drawing of the Chaharbagh School, 1839. Licensed under Creative Commons BY 2.0 Generic, Image source: Wikimedia Commons. 126 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en. 113 6.28 Khwaju Bridge. Photo: Alireza Javaheri. Image source: 6.13 Water chain in the Villa Farnese.
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