FuelingFueling growthgrowth andand innovationinnovation MicrosoftMicrosoft inin thethe InformationInformation SocietySociety Thomas Lutz Geschäftsleitung Microsoft Österreich MicrosoftMicrosoft BusinessBusiness GroupsGroups Windows O/S Office Tablet PC SharePoint, Project Windows Media Professional Product Support Great Plains LiveMeeting bCentral Navision MS CRM Windows Server MSN Network SQL, Exchange… MSN Access Developer tools Premier support and consulting Training, Certification, and Press Pocket PC Xbox Pocket PC Phone Edition Consumer hardware and software Windows Powered Smartphones PC and Online games Windows Embedded TV Platform in EMEA PartPart 1.1. ContributingContributing toto GrowthGrowth AsAs partpart ofof thethe ITIT industryindustry PromotingPromoting openopen partnershipspartnerships soft Micro SupportingSupporting keykey initiativesinitiatives MakingMaking locallocal investmentsinvestments in EMEA ContributingContributing toto GrowthGrowth 1.1. AsAs partpart ofof thethe ITIT industryindustry PromotingPromoting openopen partnershipspartnerships soft Micro SupportingSupporting keykey initiativesinitiatives MakingMaking locallocal investmentsinvestments in EMEA EMEAEMEA :: 1/31/3rdrd ofof thethe ITIT marketmarket Source : IDC 2003 IDC forecast IDC forecast IDC forecast CY2003 CY2003 CY2003 Turnover Turnover Turnover 421 B$ 287 B$ 163 B$ 48% of 33% of 19% of worldwide market worldwide market worldwide market 1,8% growth 2,9% growth 2,3% growth vs 2002 vs 2002 vs 2002 Industry growth ‘silver lining’ after 2001-2002 downturn Contributing to growth in EMEA ITIT inin WesternWestern EuropeEurope :: aa hugehuge impactimpact inin thethe past,past, poisedpoised forfor growthgrowth againagain Annual revenue growth rate (%) TLC IT 16 14 12.0 10,8 12 10,1 10 7.9 8.6 8 6.7 5.6 6 3.7 4 1.3 2 1.3 0 -2 -1.5 -4 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Source: EITO in cooperation with IDC Market value 2003: 607 billion Euro in EMEA RealityReality afterafter thethe ..comcom hypehype z InternetInternet scopescope isis expandingexpanding 50% of E.U. citizens are online Almost 70% have become regular mobile users Computer power is still growing according to Moore’s law z AA profoundprofound usageusage evolutionevolution Internet used as a primary source for all contents E-mail has become a basic business tool Remote working is no longer exotic z GovernmentsGovernments areare leadingleading thethe movemove e-Europe 2005 programme Lisbon 2010 agenda in EMEA EmergingEmerging countriescountries fuelfuel momentummomentum IT Spending 2003 Western Eastern Middle- 7% Europe Europe East & 6% Africa E.Europe 87% GDP 1,4% 3,9% 2,9% MEA growth W.Europe Total IT 2% 12% 9% spending Packaged 3% 14% 14% Software PC 2,3% 13,8% 8,9% business Growth rate forecast vs 2002 Source : IDC 2003 Contributing to growth in EMEA SoftwareSoftware isis everywhereeverywhere Entertainment Creativity Communication Productivity Embedded Control in EMEA MicrosoftMicrosoft :: major,major, notnot dominantdominant EMEA Market 2002 2003 2004 Total IT market 278 B$ 287 B$ (+3%) 305 B$ (+6%) Software part 58 B$ 60,3 B$ 64 B$ (21%) z Microsoft 3 % of total IT 15 % of software Hardware Software MS estim° Services IT Spending in 2002 Source : IDC in EMEA ConstantlyConstantly openingopening newnew choiceschoices Choice of Purpose SERVICES E-Services Choice of SOFTWARESOFTWARE YESTERDAY : Network Internet A few major vertically Alliances integrated players SERVICES HARDWARE Choice of SOFTWARESOFTWARE Platform TODAY : • The top 10 companies in the HARDWARE software segment account for only Choice of SERVICES 31% of the market Vendor • New alliances get forged to embed SOFTWARSOFTWARE software in many forms of solutions C B E • The notion of service gets more and A HARDWARE more diversified Vendor Vendor Vendor 19751975 19851985 19951995 20052005 in EMEA ContributingContributing toto GrowthGrowth AsAs partpart ofof thethe ITIT industryindustry 2.2. PromotingPromoting openopen partnershipspartnerships soft Micro SupportingSupporting keykey initiativesinitiatives MakingMaking locallocal investmentsinvestments in EMEA MicrosoftMicrosoft OpenOpen PartnershipPartnership modelmodel Developers Application Vendors Consulting & soft Micro Integration Hardware Vendors Professional Services Training Centers Resellers in EMEA MicrosoftMicrosoft--basedbased partpart ofof theirtheir revenuerevenue Developers Application Vendors 45% Consulting & soft 33% Micro Integration 50% Hardware Vendors Professional Training 80% Services Centers Resellers in EMEA FuelingFueling 1.51.5 millionmillion jobsjobs inin EMEAEMEA 51.000 with Application Vendors 35.000 in 12.000 Consulting & soft Direct Micro Integration employees 400.000 44.000 with Developers Hardware Vendors 205.000 in 2000 in Professional 1.300.000 Training Services Resellers Centers in EMEA FuelingFueling economiceconomic opportunitiesopportunities inin AustriaAustria 96% of MMicrosofticrosoft Austria results come out of revenues from Austrian partners The partner network of Microsoft Austria spans across app. 3.000 partners, who do system integration, Consulting, Software Development, Sales, Service and Support. Every Euro Microsoft Revenues leads to 7 Euro Revenue at Austrian partner companies, i.e. over 85% of value remains in the country. This „Microsoft Eco-System“ secures a Third of whole IT employment and a third of Tax Revenues out of the Austrian IT Branche Microsoft fuels 72.000 IT- based jobs in Austria! (source: IDC, 2004) in EMEA ContributingContributing toto GrowthGrowth AsAs partpart ofof thethe ITIT industryindustry PromotingPromoting openopen partnershipspartnerships soft Micro SupportingSupporting keykey initiativesinitiatives 3.3. MakingMaking locallocal investmentsinvestments in EMEA 5353 locallylocally staffedstaffed subsidiariessubsidiaries 1985 Norway 1985 Denmark 1993 Russia 2002 Ukraine 1983 UK 1983 Germany 1993 Poland 1993 Czech Rep.1995 Slovakia 1983 France1991 Austria 1993 Hungary 1994 Slovenia 1999 Bulgaria 1987 Portugal 1996 Croatia 1996 Romania 2002 Yugoslavia 1985 Spain 1993 Turkey 2003 Malta 1999 Tunisia 2003 Malta 2002 Cyprus 2000 Algeria 1995 Egypt 1998 Lebanon 2002 Kazakhstan 2001 Jordan 1999 Pakistan 1998 Kuwait 1996 Nigeria 1998 Kuwait 2003 Qatar 1996 Ivory Coast 1996 Saudi 1998 Abu Dhabi 2003 Bahrain 2001 Oman 1995 Kenya 1997 Mauritius 1998 Namibia 1992 South Africa in EMEA FromFrom researchresearch toto solutionssolutions Microsoft research Centre, Cambridge, UK Operations Centre, Dublin, Ireland Business Solutions Development Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark Development & Localisation Centre, Dublin, Ireland Dublin, Ireland European Microsoft Innovation Centre, Aachen, Germany European e-Business Acceleration Centre Sophia Antipolis, France, with HP and Cisco Share sustainable growth in EMEA ContributingContributing toto GrowthGrowth AsAs partpart ofof thethe ITIT industryindustry PromotingPromoting openopen partnershipspartnerships soft Micro 4.4. SupportingSupporting keykey initiativesinitiatives MakingMaking locallocal investmentsinvestments in EMEA MicrosoftMicrosoft AustriaAustria -- CitizenshipCitizenship frameworkframework Responsible Security and Internet Business Practices Knowledge Economy Safety Economic Opportunity Interoperability and Tech Innovation • EU Grants Advisory Open Standards • IE 7 Launch • WKO Cooperation • 3rd party proof of concepts Gov Framework • Desktop AV, A-Spyware • New World of Work iLab Fraunhofer Institue • Windows Vista (!) Innovation (Academic) • MidMarket • Academic Alliance Partner references Public Policy Imagine Cup • Europ. Forum Alpbach • IP-Value Campaign • Parlam. Roundtables • MBS goes University (WU) • IP Value Studies Digital Inclusion • ÖPA Roadshow B2B Promotions: • PiL Events Series (EDU) • WKO Security Check • BMBWK partnerships Workplace • IT Pro, DPE Roadshow • Innovation & Education Conf • Great Place To Work • RSA Conference Vienna • UP Projects (CA) Corporate Governance • ECDL Barrierefrei Consumer Education • Seniorkom • Business Simplicity • Sicher-Im-Internet II • Neunerhaus • Diversity: Women in IT New: Children Safety in EMEA PartnershipPartnership withwith AustriaAustria PublicPublic AffairsAffairs Information Society Bessere IT Sicherheit: Sensibilisierung, Information, Produkte, Initiative „Sicher im Internet“ Höhere Medienkompetenz: Software, Trainings für benachteiligte Bevölkerungsgruppen Mehr Transparenz: Shared Source, Office XML, Datenschutz Audits ARGE Breitband, IKT Masterplan für Österreich Economy WKÖ Partnerschaft: Junge Wirtschaft, Experts Group Security, incite KMU Portal mit Erste Bank, Heller Consulting, GfP u.a. Sicherheitsportal mit Bank Austria Neues Partnerprogramm für 3.000 österr. Partner Public Sector Government Security Program mit BM.I für ges. öffentl. Bereich BMBWK „Partners in Learning“: IT Zertifikat, School Agreement Technologiepartnerschaft mit AUVA: MoU, .NET Projekte in EMEA EE--GovernmentGovernment -- ReferencesReferences z BM.I.BM.I. –– öösterreichweitesterreichweite InfrastrukturInfrastruktur Windows Server 2003/Office 2003, von 1.500 auf 500 Server, 32.000 Benutzer Einsparung über 7M € pro Jahr! z Fundamt.atFundamt.at –– SuchenSuchen && Finden,Finden, 2424 xx 77 Österreichweiter Internetservice auf Basis Microsoft .NET Framework z BMFBMF –– OnlineOnline BerechnungBerechnung LStLSt//EstEst auf Basis Microsoft IIS, ASP.NET z NNÖÖ LRLR –– FamilienpassFamilienpass ohneohne MedienbruchMedienbruch Moderne .NET Webapplikation für über 100.000 NiederösterreicherInnen
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