ACADEMIA ROMANA INSTITUTUL DE ISTORIE "N. IORGA" REVISTA ISTORICA Fondator N. Iorga .....,mittr..,:.-15.- ....5,1"---.:--:.,. RN& 0119011111IT .00... IbIl47" n 2x=1, - . ...._ _..,; 1kkkkk I mA4.9IF. ---... .,.. ...,..t Iniri1_1 ;11 111 I - :1 q-,11 : VW` - /Pt 119MONNAUM .!. .$4 Serie nou5, Tomul XIV, 2003 Nr. 1-2 ianuarie-aprilie www.dacoromanica.ro ACADEMIA ROMANA INSTITUTUL DE ISTORIE N. IORGA" COLEGIUL DE REDACTIE CORNELIA BODEA (redactor ,sef), IOAN SCURTU (redactor 'ef adjunct), NAGY PIENARU (redactor responsabil), VENERA ACHIM (redactor) REVISTA ISTORICA" apare de 6 ori pe an. La revue REVISTA ISTORICA" parait 6 fois l'an. REVISTA ISTORICA" is published in six issues per year. REDACTIA: NAGY PIENARU (redactor responsabil) VENERA ACHIM (redactor) IOANA VOIA (traduceitor) MIHAELA VLADULESCU (tehnoredactor) Manuscrisele, cartile §i revistele pentru schimb, precum i orice corespondentd se vor trimite pe adresa redactiei revistei: REVISTA ISTORICA", B-dul Aviatorilor, nr. 1, 011851- Bucure§ti, Tel. 212.88.90 www.dacoromanica.ro REVISTA ISTORICA SERIE NOUA TOMUL XIV, NR. 12 lanuarieAprilie 2003 SUMAR CONFLICTE iN SISTEMUL TOTALITAR ROMANIA $1 CRIZA DIN 1968 ADRIAN POP, Preliminarii ale interventiei militare a Tratatului de la Var§ovia in Cehoslovacia 5-28 EUGEN DENIZE, Ocuparea Cehoslovaciei (august 1968) reflectata de Radiodifuziunea Romana.. 29-40 OVIDIU BOZGAN, FrantaRomania 1964-1968: Spre un parteneriat strategic? 41-74 CRISTIAN TRONCOTA, Securitateai serviciile secrete sovietice (1965-1989)................. 75-98 DIPLOMATIE $1 COLABORARE EUROPA INTERBELICA NICOLETA EPURE, Atitudinea Micii intelegeri fata de agresiunea Italiei impotriva Etiopiei.......99-128 RADU TUDORANCEA, Ezitarile Greciei fata de intelegerea Balcanica in perioada 1934 1936 si_pozitia Romaniei. 129-138 CEZAR MATA, Generalul Douglas MacArthur in Romania. 0 vizita de informare . 139-152 CULTURA, IDEOLOGIE $1 POLITICA FLORIN MOLLER, Fractura §i continuitate in cultura politica romfineasca. Transilvania versus Vechiul Regat. 153-166 DUMITRU TOMONI, Interfere* culturale intre Banat §i Ardeal in a doua jumatate a secolului al XIX-lea. Legaturile Asociatiunii cu Banatul (1861-1896).... 167-178 ALEXANDRU MAMINA, Afectivitatea romanticilor din perspectiva psihologiei analitice 179-188 RALUCA TOMI, Revolutia in conceptia liderilor politici romanii italieni inaintei dupa 1848 .. 189-207 Revista istoricr, torn XIV, nr. 1 - 2, p. 1 - 303,2003 SOCIETATE: 1NTELECTUALII STUDII DOCUMENTARE www.dacoromanica.ro SOCIETATE: INTELECTUALII- STUDII DOCUMENTARE LIVIU DRONCA, Victor Jinga-rector al Academiei de inalte Studii Comercialeai Industriale din ClujBrasov (1942-1965) . 209-212 CRISTIAN VASILE, Intelectualii iclerul monahal ortodox. Asociatia Rugul Aprins", 1945-1948 . 213-226 MIHAI SORIN RADULESCU, In cautarea identitatii: arhitectul Nicolae Ghika-Budesti, _formatia si implinirile sale. , 227-234 N. ADANILOAIE, N. Stoleriu-un invatator erou in primul razboi mondial. .235-238 ADRIAN-SILVAN IONESCU, Barabas Miklos si eleganta bucuresteana .239-248 OPINII OANA RIZESCU, Legatura lui Mihai" idreptul de stramutare al taranilor aserviti. Cenzura obiceiului prin hotarare domneasca in Tara Romaneasca in secolul al XVII- lea . 249-264 CONSTANTIN SERBAN, Cine a fost Tihomir, tatäl lui Basarab I zis intemeietorul? .265-272 VIATA ST1INTIFICA Carti publicate de cercetatorii Institutului de Istorie N. lorga" in anul 2002; Al XX-lea Simpozion National de lstorie si Retrologie Agrara din Romania, Slobozia, 8-12 octombrie 2002 (Constantin Mocanu); Conferinta internationala Oracle XX, KO InBad Honnef,14-17 noiembrie 2002 (Adrian-Silvan lonescu); Stagiu de documentare in Ungaria (Viorel Achim); Din preocuparile filialei Cluj a Comisiei de Heraldicai Sigilografie a Academiei Romane (1995-2001) (Nicolae Edroiu); Liste des Themes du Congres Sydney (adoptée par l'Assemblée générale du CISH le 2 septembre 2002). 273-284 NOTE $1 RECENZ1I ** * 0 istorie aevreilor dinRomania in date, vol.1, De la inceputuri peind la 1919;vol. II,De la 1920 pdna la 1944, ed. Hary Kuller, Bucuresti, Edit Hasefer, 2000, 374 + 296 p. (Simona Stdnescu); M. ORHAN BAYRAK, IstanbulTarild,Istanbul, inkilap Kitabevi, 1999, 200 p.+16 il. (Adrian Tertecel); CONSTANTIN BURAC, Tinuturile Tärii Moldovei pane: la mijlocul secolului al XVIII-lea, Bucuresti, Edit. Academica, 2002, 111+650 p.+26 hãrti (Andreea Atana.siu); EUGEN DENIZE, Romdnii intre Leu fi Semiluna. Rdzboaiele turco-venefiene ci influenla lor asupra Tarilor Romdne (secolele XV-XV1), Targoviste, Edit Cetatea de Scaun, 2003, 168 p. (Paul Cernovodeanu); ADRIAN-S1LVAN IONESCU. Penel fi sable. Artisti documentaristi ci corespondenli de front in Razboiul de Independengi (1877-1878), Bucuresti, Edit.Biblioteca Bucurestilor, 2002, 256 p.+il. (Horia111. Serbdnescu); PETRU NET, Istoria Politiei de Frontier& Repere legislative, Bucuresti, Edit Adco, 2002, 206 p. (Adrian Nastasia); FLORIN PINTESCU, DANIEL HRENCIUC, Din istoria polonezilor din Bucovina (1774-2002), Suceava, 2002, 252 p. (Florin Anghel); CORNEL I. SCAFE$, HORIA VL. SERBANESCU, CORNELIU M. ANDONIE, IOAN I.SCAFE$, Armata Romeind in Reizbond de Independenla 1877-1878, Bucuresti, Edit. Sigma, 2002, 440,, p.+il.(Adrian-Silvanlonescu);VASILII POLIEKTOVICI ALEKSANDROV, Letopisepd tulcean, Bucuresti, Edit. Kriterion, 2002, 286 p.+15 foto. (loan Babici); ALEXANDRU ZUB, Oglinzi retrovizoare: istorie, memoriei morale,* in Romania. Alexandru Zub in dialog cu Sorin Antohi, Iasi, Edit Polirom, 2002, 216 p. (Cristian Vasile); BERNARD WASSESTEIN, Disparitia Diasporei.Evreii din Europa incepand al 1945, Iasi, Edit. Polirom, 2000, 259 p. (Simona Stdnescu) 285-303 www.dacoromanica.ro REVISTA ISTORICA NEW SERIES TOME XIV, NOS 1 - 2 January - April 2003 SUMMARY CONFLICTS IN THE TOTALITARIAN SYSTEM- ROMANIA AND THE 1968 CRISIS ADRIAN POP, Preliminaries to the Military Intervention of the Warsaw Treaty in Czechoslovakia.. 5-28 EUGEN DENIZE, The Occupation of Czechoslovakia (August 1968) Reflected by the Romanian Broadcasting Company. 29-40 OVIDIU BOZGAN, France-Romania, 1964-1968: Towards a Strategic Partnership?........ 41-74 CRISTIAN TRONCOTA, TheSecuritateand the Soviet Secret Services (1965-1989)......... 75-98 DIPLOMACY AND COLLABORATION INTERWAR ROMANIA NICOLETA EPURE, The Little Entente's Attitude Towards Italy's Aggression Against Ethiopia.. 99-128 RADU TUDORANCEA, Greece's Hesitations Towards the Balkan Entente in 1934-1936 andthe Stand Adopted by Romania.. .129-138 CEZAR MATA, General Douglas MacArthur in Romania. An Informative Visit . 139-152 CULTURE, IDEOLOGY AND FOLITCS FLORIN MOLLER, Break and Continuityinthe RomanianPoliticalCulture: Transylvania Versus the Old Kingdom . 153-166 DUMITRU TOMONI, Cultural Contacts Between the Banat Province and Transylvania in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century Through the Transylvanian Association for Romanian Literature and Culture of the Romanian People (1861-1896) .167-178 ALEXANDRU MAMINA, The Sensitivity of Romanticists in Points of Analytic Psychology .179-188 RALUCA TOMI, The Concept of Revolution in the Thinking of the Romanian and Italian Leaders Before and After the Revolution of 1848 .189-207 Revista istoricr, tom XIV, nr. 1 - 2, p. 1 - 303,2003 SOCIETY: THE INTELECTUALS DOCUMENTARY STUDIES www.dacoromanica.ro LIVIU DRONCA, Victor Jinga-Rector of the Academy of Higher Commercial Studies of Cluj-Brasov (1942-1945) 209-212 CRISTIAN VASILE, The Intellectuals and the Orthodox Monarchal Clergy. "Rugul Aprins" Association, 1945-1948 213-226 MIHAI SORIN RADULESCU, In Search of an Identity : Architect Nicolae Ghika- Budesti, Professional Background and Achievements 227-234 N. ADANILOAIE, N. Stoleriu-A Heroic Teacher in World War One- 235-238 ADRIAN-SILVAN IONESCU, Barabás Miklos and the Bucharest Elegance 239-248 OPINIONS OANA RIZESCU, Michael the Brave's Law Concerning the Serfs and the Serfs' Right to Change Residency. Censorship of the Custom by Decision of the Prince in Seventeenth-Century Wallachia.. 249-264 CONSTANTIN $ERBAN, Who Was Tihomir, the Father of Bessarab I, Called the Foregoer?.. 265-272 SCIENTIFIC LIFE Books published by researchers of "Nicolae lorga" History Institute in 2002; The Nineteenth National Symposium of History and Agrarian Retro logy of Romania, Slobozia, 8-12 October 2002 (Constantin Mocanu); The Oracle XX International Conference, KO ln Bad Honnef, 14-17 November 2002 (Adrian-Silvan lonescu); Documentary trip to Hungary (Viorel Achim); From the activity of the Cluj Branch of the Commission of Heraldry and Sygillography of the Romanian Academy (1995-2001) (Nicolae Edroiu); Liste des Themes du Congres de Sydney (adoptée par l'Assemblée générale du CISH le 2 septembre 2002) . 273-284 NOTES AND REVIEWS * ** 0 istorie a evreilor din Romania in date, vol. I, De la inceputuri pana la 1919; vol. II, De la 1920 pcina la 1944 (A History of the Jews in Dates, vol. I, From the Beginnings to 1919, vol. II, From 1920 to 1944), Ed. Harry Kuller, Bucharest, Edit. Hassefer, 2000, 374+296 pp. (Simona Steinescu); M. ORHAN BAYRAK, Istanbul Tarihi, Istanbul, Inkildp Kitabevi, 1999, 200 pp.+16 ill. (Adrian Tertecel); CONSTANTIN BURAC, Tinuturile Tara Moldovei pana la rnijlocul secolului al XV111-lea (The Moldavian Lands Until the Mid-Eighteenth Century), Bucharest, Edit. Academica, 2002, 111+650 pp.+26 maps (Andreea Atanasiu); EUGEN DENIZE, Romônii intre Leu si Semiluna. Reizboaiele turco- venefiene ci inlluema lor asupra Teirilor Romeine (secolele XVXVI) (The Romanians Between the Lion and the Crescent. The Turkish-Venetian Wars and Their Impact on the Romanian
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