ISSN 1994-4926 半年刊 2007年6月創刊 第九卷 第二期 2015年12月出版 JOURNAL OF MACAU UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Semiannual, Started in June 2007 Vol.9 No.2 December 2015 二 一五年 第九卷 第二期 JOURNAL OF MACAU UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE OF MACAU UNIVERSITY OF JOURNAL Vol.9 No.2 December 2015 No.2 December Vol.9 半年刊 Semiannual Vol.9 定價: 20元澳門幣(人民幣/港幣) 編輯委員會 Editorial Board 編委會主席:劉良 澳門科技大學學報 Chairman of Editorial Board: Liu Liang Journal of Macau University of Science and Technology 主編 :許敖敖 Chief Editors: Xu Ao Ao 主辦單位: 澳門科技大學 Organizer: Macau University of Science and Technology 編委: 劉良、許敖敖、祈務晨、余秋雨、張志慶、姜志宏、方泉、林偉基、 編委會主席: 劉良 戴龍基、黎曉平、蔡亞從、唐澤聖、陳乃九、龐川、孫立雲、孫建榮 Chairman of Editorial Board: Liu Liang Editorial Board Members: Liu Liang, Xu Ao Ao,Keith Robert Barclay Morrison, Yu Qiu Yu, Zhang Zhi Qing, 主編: 許敖敖 Jiang Zhi Hong, Fang Quan, Lam Wai Kei, Dai Long Ji, Li Xiao Ping, Tsoi Ah Chung, Chief Editors: Xu Ao Ao Tang Ze Sheng, Chan Lai Kow, Pang Chuan, Sun Li Yun, Sun Jian Rong 編輯: 《澳門科技大學學報》編輯部 Editor: The Editorial Department, Journal of Macau University of Science and Technology ● 電話: +853-8897-2173 Tel: +853-8897-2173 ● 傳真:+853-2888-0022 Fax: +853-2888-0022 ● 電郵:[email protected] E-mail: [email protected] ● 地址: 澳門科技大學 澳門氹仔偉龍馬路 Address: Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa, Macau 出版及總發行:澳門科技大學 Publisher & Distribution: Macau University of Science and Technology ● 電話:+853-8897-2166 Tel: +853-8897-2166 ● 電郵:[email protected] E-mail: [email protected] ● 地址: 澳門科技大學 澳門氹仔偉龍馬路 Address: Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa, Macau 封面及版式設計:高鴻 王港 Graphic & Layout Designers: Gao Hong, Wang Gang 印刷: 700本 Print Run: 700 出版日期:2015年12月 Issued Date: December 2015 國際標準期刊號: ISSN: 1994-4926 規格: 21cm×29.7cm Size: 21cm width by 29.7cm height 版權所有,翻印必究 All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior consent of the publisher. 目 次 【人文與藝術】 論化妝品名翻譯的品牌策略 …………………………………………………… 陳季敏(1) 內地學生與澳門學生在交往過程中存在的問題——基於紮根理論的探索性研究 ……………………………………………………………………… 汪 菲,程文麗(10) 在多媒體環境下認知學習策略的選擇和學習者漢語水平的關係研究 ……………………………………………………………………… 張 艷,韋 衛(17) 敘述城市的隱喻:香港粵語電影對澳門的想像與構建 ……………………… 余思亮(26) 回歸本土,回歸家庭——由近代澳門文學中的女性形象著眼探討澳門華人文化身份 建構危機與出路 …………………………………………………………… 田 媛(32) 【教育改革與教學研究】 論通識教育是大學語文教學實踐理性的本體 …………………… 李 開,蕭寶鳳(37) 【法學】 風險社會下澳門有組織犯罪之演變發展與防控對策 ……………………… 文立彬(48) 【管理與旅遊】 銀行服務系統的評估與建議——以澳門某商業銀行為例 ………………………………………………… 李 新,卜慧美,李 誼,何錦明(56) 中國房地產價格與空氣污染指數關係的研究——基於環境庫茲涅茨曲線的實證分析 ………………………………………………………… 李婉君 ,宋 宇 ,陳頌泓(68) 中國設備製造業研發投資對財務業績的影響:採用二階段回歸法… 張靜華,易宇揚(82) 利率與銀行風險承擔: 以中國上市銀行為例 …………… 朱順和,楊文捷,陳 怡(95) 國有股權、規模和銀行績效:來自中國商業銀行的證據(1998~2011) ……………………………………………………………………… 趙世勇,何舒睿(105) 探討“局內人身份”的前置與後置變數 ……………………………………… 何 麗,潘 雯,趙灵萍,程月圓,李軍華(121) 澳門的盛事感知,目的地形象和目的地忠誠度關係之研究 ……………… 徐 曄(133) 【醫藥學】 Cu2+螯合紫外分光光度法測定煙樨中總黃酮及其抗氧化初步研究 …………………………… 梁健生,許世強,程春松,劉智祖,盧智鷴,張志鋒(142) 【信息短文】 校園活動 …………………………………………………………………………… (9,67) 學術活動 …………………………………………………………… (25,31,149,150) 國際交流 ……………………………………………………………………………… (47) 科研進展 ………………………………………………………………………… (55,149) 大學建設 ……………………………………………………………………………… (94) 學生活動 ……………………………………………………………………… (120,132) 兩岸四地 ……………………………………………………………………… (141,150) 大師講座 ……………………………………………………………………………… (148) Contents Humanities and Arts A Study on Trademark Translation of Cosmetics ………………………………………… Jimin CHEN (1) The Existing Problems in the Communication Process of Mainland Students and Macao Students: Based on the Exploratory Research on the Grounded Theory …… Fei WANG, WenLi CHENG (10) An Investigation of the Relationship Between Language Learners' use of Cognitive Strategies and Their Language Proficiency in a Multiple Media Learning Environment …………………………………………………………………………… Yan ZHANG, Wei WEI (17) Narrative Metaphor in Hong Kong Cantonese Movie About Imagination and Construction of Macao ………………………………………………………………………………………… Sileong U (26) The Cultural Identity Crisis and Exploration of Future Developments in Macao Female Literal Works …………………………………………………………………………………………Yuan TIAN (32) Pedagogic Experience General Education is the Nature of Practical Rationality in College Chinese Teaching …………………………………………………………………………… Kai LI, Baofeng XIAO (37) Law Evolution and Countermeasure of Macau Organized Crime Under The Risk Society ……………………………………………………………………………………… Libin WEN (48) Management and Tourism Evaluation and Suggestions to Banking Service System: A Case Study of a Commercial Bank in Macau ……………………………………………………………Xin LI, Huimei BU, Yi LI, Jinming HE (56) The Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Chinese Real Estate Prices and Air Pollution Index: Based on Environmental Kuznets Curve ……… Wanjun LI, Yu SONG, Songhong CHEN (68) Impacts of R&D Investment on Financial Performance of China Equipment Manufacturing Industry: Using 2SLS Method ………………………………………………… Jinghua ZHANG,Yuyang YI (82) Interest Rate and Bank Risk-taking: Evidence from Chinese Listed Banks ………………………………………………………… Shun-Ho CHU ,Wenjie YANG, Yi CHEN (95) State Ownership, Size, and Bank Profitability: Evidence from Chinese Commercial Banks, 1998-2011 ……………Shiyong ZHAO, Shurui HE (105) Exploring the Antecedent and Outcomes of Employee Insider Status …………………………… Li HE1, Wen PAN, Lingping ZHAO, Yueyuan CHENG, Junhua LI (121) A Study on the Interrelationships Among Event Perception, Destination Image and Destination Loyalty in Macao ………………………………………………………………………… Ye XU (133) Medicine Determination of Total Flavonoids Using Copper Ion Complex UV Spectrophotometer and Preliminary Study on the Anti-oxidation Activity of Pluchea indica (Linn.) Less. …………… Jiansheng LIANG, Shiqiang XU, Chunsong CHENG, Chichou LAO, Chihan LOU, Zhifeng ZHANG (142) 第 9 卷 第 2 期 澳 門 科 技 大 學 學 報 Vol.9 No.2 2015 年 12 月 30 日 Journal of Macau University of Science and Technology Dec 30, 2015 1 A Study on Trademark Translation of Cosmetics Jimin CHEN ( Department of General Education, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau, China ) A Astractt: With the improvement of people’s living standard and their pursuit of high-quality life, cosmetics have become popular products in today’s consumer market. A good translation of a product’s name has an undoubtedly direct impact on the selling of the product. This paper discusses different examples from the cosmetic market and attempts to investigate the reasons for successful and unsuccessful trademark translations from the perspective of skopos theory and Venuti’s foreignization and domestication. It also analyses the general characteristics of naming Chinese and foreign cosmetics and tries to find out their influence upon their translations, and finally figures out possible reasons behind the popularity of different cosmetics in the market. eywordst: Skopos; Foreignization; Domestication; Cosmetics; Trademark translation 論化妝品名翻譯的品牌策略 陳季敏 (澳門科技大學通識教育部,澳門) 摘要:隨著人們生活水準的提高及對生活品質的追求,國內化妝品市場高速發展,化妝品名的翻 譯亦是品牌策略的重要組成部分。本文運用Hans Vermeer的翻譯目的論及Lawrence Venuti的歸化 和異化翻譯理論,針對國內外各類化妝品名翻譯的實例,進行分類和個案的分析研究,闡述原品 牌的創意理念、消費群定位、文化背景等,探討化妝品名翻譯的成功方法及翻譯對於品牌策略的 重要影響。 關鍵詞:目的論;異化翻譯;歸化翻譯;化妝品;商標名翻譯 0 Introduction women of different ages due to their pursuit of beauty and high-quality life. There is no denying that consumption drives the With the opening-up of China and the economy in every society. Women consumers are by development of global economic integration, lots nature in the majority of consumer market. Dress, of foreign products have been exporting to China. personal adornment as well as cosmetics are three of By the end of 2009, foreign investment and joint the main products on which a woman loves to spend venture enterprises on cosmetics have the proportion most of her money. Nowadays Cosmetic products of nearly 80% in Chinese market (Zheng, 2010) [1], have been one of the indispensable necessities for Received 8 Sep. 2015; Revised 18 Sep. 2015 * Corresponding author: Jimin CHEN Annie, Lecturer of Department of Greneral Education, Macau University of Science and Technology; MA in Translation Studies, University of Macau. E-mail: [email protected]; Tel: 00853-66947914 2 and “only 20% cosmetics is made in China” (Liu, translation rather than “equivalence” between ST 2011) [2]. The figures not only indicate the high and TT (Nord, 1997, p.35) [4]. In this sense, the popularity of foreign cosmetic products in China, purpose or the intention of cosmetic trademarks is the but somehow raise concerns about the causes of same for consumers all over the world, which is to such phenomenon, such as the marketing strategy, attract buyers and to sell the products. Adopting the the advertising hype, etc. In fact, the translation skopos theory to analyze the trademark translation of the name of cosmetics is considered one of the of cosmetics can clearly show the intention of the keys to successful sales of foreign products. A good translation and find out different aesthetic standards name of a product will immediately catch people’s and consumption views between different cultures. attention initially and gradually induce them to get Furthermore, L.Venuti proposed his definitions to know about the product and finally buy it. This is of domestication and foeignization in his work the publicity and brand effect which are influenced Translator’s Invisibility published in 1995. Both by social, cultural and psychological factors. This terms developed from a paper by a German translator paper takes a look at different trademark translations called Schleiermacher. He (1995) claimed that the of both Chinese and foreign
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