INSIDE MONDAY ... EDITORIAL CARTOONIST PAUL BERGE LOOKS AT THE FUTURE OF WELFARE!! (PAGE IO) ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS Monitor UWM's The Post examines Cimltrs Dintchev progress on the No Ouarter, the new drops one in at OFCCP agreement release by Jimmy Page the buzzer as the regarding former faculty and Robert Plant of ted basketball team ends members. (Page3T Zeppelin fame* (Page 61 their preseason. (Page 8) The UWM Post November 14, 1994 Established 1956 Volume 39, Number 22 Marker dedicated after missing for 19 years Arts & Entertainment: tor of Veterans Education and and Chairman of Vietnam Veter­ Veterans for Peace Medal for By Michelle Jung Ferron Training Services. The theme of ans ofAmericaNational Commit­ EducationalExcellence. Last June, a missing memorial his visit was, "Vietnam: Let the tee on Post-traumatic Stress Dis­ Bentley had many messages marker was discovered in a corri­ Hearing Continue." order and Substance Abuse for to teach today's students. He told delivers six years. In 1968, he received a dor on the third floor of the Uni­ Bentley lives in Scarborough, his personal story about how the By Miriam Clarke versity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Maine. He served two tours of Master's degree in Education in world around him at mat time Rehabilitation Counseling. Student Union. This marker was duty in Vietnam with the 599th shaped his beliefs and encour­ Ferron At his presentation in the Fire­ dedicated to University of Wis­ CombatEngineers, 1967-1969. He aged his decisions. One influen­ Driver side Lounge on Nov. 9, a film consin-Milwaukee students who isamemberof the Board of Direc­ tial factor was movies and how EarthBeat! served in Vietnam. It is likely this tors ofthe International Associa­ presentation entitled "Beyond they portrayed what it was to be Vietnam: Lessons Unlearned," a man. He said that many movies marker has been in some student tion of Trauma Counselors and a Bycornparingthewritingand sing­ was shown. This audio visual was tended to lean on Americans as organization's possession for the past member ofthe NationalBoard ing talents of Ferron to those of Bob produced and narrated by last 19 years. The University had of Directors for Vietnam Veterans Dylan,TracyChapnian,andk.dlang, Bentley, and received the 1992 Marker CONTINUED ON 3 • agreed to place the marker on the of America. He was also afounder something is lost: her uniqueness. lawn south of Mellencamp Hall, Ferron is, indeed, comparable to but this installation never took They are not forgotten many artists who are ableto combine place. poetic lyric wifhrawvocals and emo- Officer KennethNieman ofthe trv^emusic.Butwhattruryincludesher University PoliceDepartmentun- in the ranks ofthe best are the things dertook a UWM Archives search, that set her apart: haunting vocals, and discovered references ofthe inspiredfyrics andthemysticelement location of the marker in Cross­ that turns music into art roads, a UWM student newspa­ Driver is Feiron's latest release, per, and The Vietnam Vet, app­ her sixth. The disc soothes, it has a lication ofthe Wisconsin Veter­ sense of contentment about it that ans Union campus group. During makes it perfect for late nights and the Student Association Execu­ quiet afternoons. That isn't to clas­ tive Committee meeting on Aug. sify it as mellow. Quite the opposite. 24, 1994 support was expressed The music accompanying her lyric is for the rededication and place­ strong and confident It compliments ment of the marker. This request the singing of Ferron without assert­ was granted by UWM Chancel­ ing itself as important or negating its lor John Schroeder. influence on the flow ofthe album. The rededication took place Allthemusic andryrics were writ­ on Wednesday. It began with a ten by Ferron. Distinctly autobio­ UWMpopcornforumledby Steve *Post photo by JanzSchemeling graphical, the words speak clearly of Bentley, recipient of the 25th Candles surround the Vietnam veteran's memorial marker as it is dedicated a woman who has achieved great Gamaliel Chair in Peace and Jus­ Wednesday after being lost for 19 years. success and great power, all on a tice, who is also Executive Direc- personal level. Sports: Everything she sings of is not so optimistic. As an artist, Ferron is not afraid of confronting the darker as- Panthers swimmers cut down Wheaton pectsofltfeandtove.Apartofherown ond meet in a row," Clark said. By Steve Zimmerman Both of the women's divers Winning the middle dis­ ability to tap into the mystic element "That's a tough triple to repeat." scored wins against open races, tance events was sophomore is her combining ofhope and realiza­ A mix of new and experienced Senior captain Sue Serwe racking up 26 points without any Bill Nelson, he paced the 100 tion of truth. "Love Loves Me" is the swimmers powered the Univer­ blitzed the field witha55.33 time opposition. free (48:36) and the 200 free best example of this. She sings, Our sity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee inthe 100 free and won again with, Junior Leigh Ann Mrotekwon (1:47.61). heroes are the ones that die while over Wheaton College Nov. 12 at a 25.64 inthe 50 free. the 3 -meter board, posting 243.83 UWM placed second, third doing what they have to do andL've the Klotsche Pool. Both the Freshman Dani Conradt took and Melissa Titterington fol­ and fourth in the 400 freestyle done some things Lean't deny just to men's and women's swim teams firstinthe 200 butterfly (2:26.66) lowed with 234.90. Titterington medley, falling less than two have my evening lass with truth. All defeated a Crusader team much- and second in the 200 individual wonthe l-meterwith220.13 and seconds off the leader's pace. of this against a quick-paced, polka- improved over last year's. medley (2:24.55) to lead aUWM Mrotekhad 219.08. Nelson, Sunn, Jeff Wright and Ikebeat^miinisoentofWaiTenZevon. "They're a much stronger two, three and four finish. She For the men, seven event vic­ Dave Cliff combined for the Raisednear Vancouverto awork- team than they were a year ago," also finished fourth in the 200 tories paced a 117-88 win over runner-up spot (3:23.94) ing-class family and currently resid­ said UWM coatch*bave Clark. breaststroke (2:50.18). the Crusaders as three Panthers Diver Jason Van Roo led ing near Seattle, Ferron is at once "Last year, we destroyed them, "Sue Serwe woninthe 50 and posted two wins apiece. the Panthers from the 1 -and 3 - extremely guardedofherpersonallife even swimming around with out 100 free, that was very nice, very Junior captain Ben Bellie meter boards as Wheaton con­ and open aboutit There isno attempt line-up a little bit. This year, I solid," Clark said. "Dani Conradt won the 200 individual med­ ceded the two events. He to bide the events of her life, just a went with a straighter line-up and won inthe 200IM and the 200 fly, ley (2:00.09) with room to added 30 points to his previ­ reluctance to speak of it outside her they were closer." that's just a greatjob. She's come spare and also took the 200 ous score at Northwestern music. That tells volumes. Five wins in the freestyle a long way." backstroke crown (2:00.09). with 254.85 in the 1 -meter and Driveris one of fhebest albums of events propelled the women's Overall, the freshmen on the "Ben Bellile did a good job, he scored 297.83 at the 3- the year. It speaks loudly about the team to a 126-96 victory. Fresh­ roster are making contributions coming back after being out meter. Scott Chapman and human experience, beyond gender, man Shelly Campbell won three right away, and performing well with an arm injury," Clark said. Chad Gibson took second and race, orientation or religion. Ferron events as the Panthers domi­ in the early going. He teamed with Jeff Sunn, third in both dives. captures the ehisivemoment of emo­ nated. The Brookfield Central star "They're making a huge con­ Mike Burmeister and Mark Next up for the Panther men tion in her songs; •crystallized and scored her sixth win of the young tribution," Clark said. "They're Gorzek to swim away with the is a dual meet with MCC foe open to inspection For anyone who season with first places in the learning more and doing more 400 medley relay (3:40.07), Loyola Chicago Friday at the cares aboutwhatlivingreally is,Driver 200-meter freestyle (2:03.09), 500 every day. They're getting into winning by over eight sec­ Klotsche Pool. The women's isamust free (5:26.66) and the 1,000 free better and better shape, and gain­ onds. Burmeister also wonthe and men's teams travel to Ferron will be at Shank Hall, (11:02.87). ing more and more confidence. 200 butterfly (1:58.66) while Chicago, 111. Nov. 22 for a dual 1434 N. Farwell Ave., on Thursday, "Shelly Campbell wonthe 200, They're going to keep getting Gorzek won the speed event, meet against Northeastern Il­ Nov. 17. Call 276-7288 for ticket 500 and 1,000 events for the sec­ better and better." the 50 free (22.40). linois. information. mmnmnwif—mr I——I The UWM - compiled by Chad Sirovina Walk to fight Forum discusses information Course teaches credit strategies hunger in city issues on superhighway Responsibility is an issue for people of all ages. "Putting Consum­ "The Information Superhighway and *U',W willbeheldfrom 11:30 ers in Charge: CreditEducationStrategies,"heldDec.7,1994 from The St. Vincent de Paul Soci­ a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov.
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