AN ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY OF PHILLIP ISLAND EVANS CARGILL EVANS Alf ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY OF PHILLIP ISLAND RESEARCH ESSAY FOR HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN ARCHITECTURE AND TO CONll'.E110RATE THE CENTENARY OF OPEN SETTLE¥£NT ON PHILLIP ISLAND AND CHURCHILL ISLAND FROM 1868 TO 1968 BY MAURICE BVANS, NEIL EVANS, AND lWSALIE CARGILL DEPART~iliNT OF ARCHITECTURE, UNIVERSITY OF ~lliLBOURNE. AUGUST 1967. "), , AIM It is the intention of the authors to ~ather and record the architectural and the relevant historical information of the resort- rural couwunity of Philli Island . The study ai' building from the beginning of the Island ' s recorded history, in both its archi tectural and social si nificance till the :lllodern eriod) has this essa as its end product. SynOPSIS In order to acLieve this aim, it is necessary to establish, throu~h history, a attern, and the social f&ctors inherent i~ aDd peculiar to, Philli~ Island , in addition to the study 01' its buildin s. 'rhi s requires the presentation of facts relatinE to the settling of the land, the motivation for buildin and the resultant effects on the building form and teclmiqu-e . It is also im.ortant . to study this in context . 'rhe obvious relationshi VoIi th the mainland and its herita e is funda ental to adequate appreciation of corresponding buildin on the Island , as is the context of internal industry. ACKNOWLEDGBNENTS PRIME SOURC~S DR K. BOWDEN, Cl./l.LINS STRr:;ET, I,lELBOURNE 11R GLIDDON SR., HISTORIAN OF PHILLIP ISLAND j\lR GLIDDON JR., "INNESHOWEN", PHILLIP ISLAND STAFF, LATROBE, BAILLIEU & ARCHITECTURE LIBRAHIES STAFF, C.DNTRAL PLANS OJ~'FICE, LANDS DEPARTr1ENT STAFF, J'I10RHINGTON SHIRE OFFICE STAFF, PHILLIE ISL~~D TOWN HALL LIBRARIAN, PHILLIP ISLAND LIBRARY ~~AGEYiliNT, CHICAORY ASSOCIATION .PIUVATE DOCUkENTS & Il~FvH.lI.ATION rill McLARDY, BUILDER, PHILLIP .l. SLA.l>J"D ERS CL~ELAND, WOOLAMAII, PHILLIP ISLAND Jliili & IvutS f'lcHA]'FIE, PARK ORCHARDS lVIRS THONPSON, CARISBROOK, PHILLIP ISLAND Iv:R WEST, GENERAL STORE, PHILLIP ISLAND lJJR JENNER, PHOTOGRAPHS OF PHILLIP ISLAND 1.\1R BETTS, "RHYLSTON PARK", PHILLIP ISLAND MRS BELL, FORlViEHLY OF "RHYLSTON PARK" PHILLIP ISLAND rvnss CAlilBELL, CHURCHILL ISLAND IVlR ANDERSON, PHILLIP ISLAND .PRODUCT ION LAWSTAFF & CO. lV10DERN PRINTING CO. ANNE J. BARwICK IViEREDITH B. IvlA.rtTIN CHAPTBRS 1 INTRODUCTION 2 "BLOCKHOUSE" 3 SEALERS 4 INT~RLUDE 1828-1844 5 hcHAFFIES 6 SUBDIVISION 7 i~EST 'S STORE 8 "INNESHOWEN" 9 II'I'i0OLAlvlAI I " 10 "GLBNISLA" AND ROBERT ili"J"DERSON 11 IV,cLARDY AND B;':';NAL, BUILDEliS 12 "TU.LLOCH GHEW" 13 CHURCHILL ISLAND 14 "BR.OADviATER", "CHA11hAN DhNE", "IONA", AND liST CLAIR" 15 "llHYLSTON PARK" 16 "TELOFA" 1-wD "HANILTON HOUSE" 17 CHICKO.H.Y AND CHICKORY KILNS 18 BUILDING IVJ.ATBiUALS 19 ~VALUATION BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY. (A) HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA & VICTORIA. "AUSTRALIA" CRAWFORD tfUTCHINSON mnv. PMSS 1960 "SB1ECT DOC UJ:...ENT 0 OF AUSTRALIAN HI STORY" CLARKE OXFORD PRESS 1960 LONDON "BARLY HISTORY OF THE COLONY OF VICTORIA" VOL 2. F.P. LABILLIBRE 1878 LONDON "VICTO£lIA - THE FIRST CBNTURY" HISTORICAL COi'JHTTEE - CENTENARY COUi~CIL "VICTORIA" CAPT. H. STONEY 1856 LONDON "R:6COLLECTIONS OF SQUATTING IN VICTORIA" "::D.iARD CURR 1888 LarmON "FIRST YEARS AT PORT PHILLIP 1834-42" ROBERT BOYS 1959 ~~LBOURNE "NOTES ON AUSTRALIAN ARCHITECTURE" R. I"lENZIES 1950 JVlELBOURNE "DISCOVERY A.ND SETTLEhENT OF PORT PHILLIP" J AI1ES BONWYCK "TALES O~' OLD TI~lES" C.H. CHO~'_LEY PUB. 1903 8' (B) DETAILED HISTOHIES "EARLY HISTORY OF IVIORNINGTON PENIN.::'ULA AND WESTERN PORT" HUNT'::;R ROGERS HALLCHAFT 1966 l>lELBOURNE "HISTORY OF BRIGHTON" WESTON BATB IVl.U.P. 1963 "PHILLIP ISLAND STORY" GJDDON8T AL. (c) AUSTRALIAN ARCHITECTURE "THE EARLY AUSTRALIAN ARCHITECTS ANt THEIR WORK" l'lORTON HERlYLAN AHGUS & ROBERTSON 1954 SYm~'EY II AUSTRA1JIA 'S HOl,J:)" ROBIN BOYD M.U.P. 1961 r':ELBOURNE "THE WALLS AROUND US" ROBIN BOYD F.W. CHESHIRE 1962 lviELB0URNE "HISTORIC BUILDING~) IN VICTORIA" D. SAJNDERS JACAJiANDA 1967 .\.ELBOURNE "DATING HOuSES IN VICTORIA" BALIvIFORD ET AL. (ARTICLE IN "HISTORICAL STUDIES" 1961) (D) PRIIviARY SOURCZS (PUBLISHED OR PRINTED) LOG OF THE LADY ImLSON DIARY OF MHS McHAFFIE DIARY OF ~lli R. GALL (D) (CONT.) PRIV/l.TE DOCUMENTS OF r-JR GLIDDON (P. I. ) 11R 'w' 3ST (p • I. ) NR ANDER~ON (P. I.) :rvlRS THC~PSON (P. I • ) MORNINGTON SHIRE OFFICE PHILLIP ISLAND TOWN HALL PHILLIP ISLAND LIBRARY ~~ JENNER (P.I.) (PHOTOGRAPHS) LAXDS DEPARTJ,\iBNT. • CRlLPT I R ON I TRODUCT Ion HISTORY - AN INTRODUCTION 1. DISCOVERY OF PHILLIP ISLAND "Captain Cook in April 1770 , at Pint Hicks saw the east coast of Austral ia for t he f i rst t ime . Co ok was . uncertai n whe t her this part of Australia extended sout h to join Tasmania •..•• so f or the next 28 years , Tasmania was shown as part of the ma inland of Austra lia " (1). It was in this light that Phi llip I sland in Wes tern Port Bay was event ually discover ed as expl orers s t umb l ed upon i t whil e attem t ing to est a blish t he existence of a strait betwe en the ma i nl and and Tasmania . 1796 saw the ship "Sydney Cove " , bound for Por t Jackson f r om Ca l cutta, roun ing the southern-mos t poi nt of Van Di emen ' s Land (Tasmania) . Havin s truck a s t orm, t he vessel was f orced to r un a s hore on an island off t he coast (Ca t a i n Hamilton l a ter na ed t hi i s l and , a member of the Furneaux Group , "Preservation I s l and " ). The ma te of t h e "Sy ney Cove " set off for Port Jackson i n a longboa t wit h a crew of seventeen. Agai n. this crew was wrecked at sea. The survivors attemJt ed t h e remaining 500 mil e j ourney on foo t, with only three f inally r achi ng Port J a ckson. Go vernor Hunter , on rece iving news of the l i ght of t h e "Sydney Cove ", sent t he ves s el "Francis " to r escue Capta i n Hami lton an d his crew . This voyage of mercy having been complet ed , Hamilton reviewed his obs ervations and spe cul ated t h e exist ence of a s t rait betwe en Van Diemen ' s Land and the mainland . Governor Hunt er was i m re sed by t hi s t heor an commis ion ed an inves t i a tory expedi tion 1 d by Geo r ge Bass, a sur eon, officer , an e xperienced expl orer and na vigat or. To gether with a crew of six, Bass left Port J a ckson on De cember 3rd , 1797 i n a 28 ft. Aust ralian built wha leboat, wh i ch Hunter had put at hi s di posal. Bass had been ins tructed t o settle the specula tion as to t he exist ence of a s t rait or otherwise. Bass foll owed t h e eastern coast to t he s outh, but a f t er passing a poi nt , which was to be later nam ed Wils on ' s Promontor , on J anuary 2, 1798 , t he expedition met heavy stormy s eas . 0 r event t he a l ready leaking ves sel from II st r a ining one of its l anks, " (2 ) t h ey put i nto shore to shel t er in the "lee 0 . the headlan d . " ( 2 ) On an i land nearby, Bass came a cross seven convi ct s bu t he could only as ist t hem with f ood. After t e s torm, he continued on westward t o iscover alar e break i n t he c oastlin e. On Janua ry 4th or 5t h (3), Ba ss found himself "in a very exten s ive harbour" wh ich he named Hestern Port Bay beca us e of i t s ge ocrr aphi cal pos ition in rela tion to "ever-g oth er lrnown harbour on the c oa s t." He entered the bay through t he East ern channel naming Ca pe Woolamai, and shelter ed near yl l on Philli p Island. He r e he s t ayed t o ex lore and repai r t he small craft . He n oted in hi s log t ha t fresh wa t er was di fficult t o procure a s he faun n one on the i sl and bu t a s t ream (Bass River ) was discovered to wind i nland f rom t he East er n sh ore of t he Bay . He stayed a t the islan for 12 days explori ng on f oo t an d s ke tchi ng; while doing s o he mistakenly took French Island t o b e part of t he ma inl an an sh owed t his on h i s map. Le av i ng by the East ern passage , Bass and his crew set out f or Por t J a ckson on 18th J anuary 1798, rea ching t here only a fter a per ilous jour ney on 25t h day of the same month . Although Bass ha d not prov e d that a s t r a it exist ed , t he exped it ~ o n had reinf or ced his convictions. Hav ing given his r eport to Gov ern or Hunter on his r eturn, Bass was t o f ind hims elf wi t h Capt a in Flinders of t he ve ssel "Norf ol k " s ever a months l a t er c ircumnav iga ting Van Di emen ' s Land t hus est a bl i sh ing bey ond doubt t he exi s tence of a passage .
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