AR TICLE Wongia Gen. Nov. (Papulosaceae, Sordariomycetes

AR TICLE Wongia Gen. Nov. (Papulosaceae, Sordariomycetes

IMA FUNGUS · 7(2): 247–252 (2016) P'=++*9Q#"/='U=>=/=? Wongia gen. nov. (Papulosaceae, Sordariomycetes), a new generic name ARTICLE for two root-infecting fungi from Australia {1,2G5]"1,2j"]J2,3 1¡G#G"M_7#¡X]<OE/U>O ¡?=='G 2O\j\q<OE+='/OG\7/U'>G 3"&5#G"MX5?'=/GZ" LP"¨#" Abstract: 7[#L#"#"Magnaporthe garrettii and ![, was examined Key words: " # " 7 M. garrettii and M. Ascomycota [ were sister species that formed a well-supported separate clade in Papulosaceae (Diaporthomycetidae, Cynodon Sordariomycetes), which clusters outside of the Magnaporthales. Wongia gen. nov, is established to Diaporthomycetidae [Magnaporthe nor multigene analysis to other genera, including Nakataea, Magnaporthiopsis and Pyricularia, which all now contain other species one fungus-one name [Magnaporthe. molecular phylogenetics root pathogens Article info:JP+K/='UZGP></='UZP''</='U INTRODUCTION species, ![#{#et al. (2014) to be distant from Sordariomycetes _7J The taxonomic and nomenclatural problems that surround !]OK¡;*=;''K¡;*=;'/$ generic names in the Magnaporthales (Sordariomycetes, 7[#M. garrettii Ascomycota), together with recommendations for the and !["# suppression and protection of some of these names, were M#"_7J$ explained by the Pyricularia/Magnaporthe Working Group "!qJ$#5DG" established under the auspices of the International Commission # 'L !7XM'$ " # jDG on the Taxonomy of Fungi (ICTF; Zhang et al. 2016). One polymerase II (RPB1) were selected for analysis. of these generic names, Magnaporthe, was proposed for suppression by Zhang et al. (2016) because Magnaporthe is congeneric with Nakataea (Hara 1939) as the types of both MATERIALS AND METHODS genera, Magnaporthe salvinii (syn. Leptosphaeria salvinii) and Nakataea sigmoidea (syn. Helminthosporium sigmoideum) Fungal cultures and DNA extraction !{ '*>/q ´"/=';$ 5 # # Magnaporthe garrettii Magnaporthe was morphologically characterised by !5Gj >U*;>$ ! [ !5Gj 9=+'/$ having dark perithecia with long necks immersed in host # " & D J tissue, unitunicate asci, and 4-celled fusiform hyaline to pale G" !5Gj$ 5 E !{ '*>/$J E ## " U+ :\ seven species were assigned to Magnaporthe based on #E#5DG\&5DG morphology, namely, M. salvinii !{ '*>/$ _{!O_<q$#R M. grisea!O'*>>$M. rhizophila!J 5'*9;$ G#![!Oj_U=;>>$ M. poae !q K '*9*$ M. oryzae (Couch "5G#U#" { /==/$ M. garrettii and ! [ (Wong et #5DGE al. 2012). Most of these species belong to other genera, [ Magnaporthiopsis, Nakataea, and Pyricularia ]^_ !q ´"/=';$7EG 7 _7J'Q_7J? ! et al. '**=$ jOLGQ ectotrophic species, M. garrettii and ![, which infect RPB-Cr (Castlebury et al. 2004, Matheny et al/==/$qj+Q roots of some turf grasses (Wong et al. 2012). One of these qj<j XM'*9;MQ//'9j !J et al. 2009) were © 2016 International Mycological Association You are free to share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work, under the following conditions: Attribution: !""#$ Non-commercial: # No derivative works: # For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work, which can be found at Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author’s moral rights. VOLUME 7 · NO. 2 247 Khemmuk et al. Table 1. Collection details and GenBank accession numbers of isolates included in this study. Species Voucher1 Substrate Locality GenBank accession no. 2 ITS LSU RPB1 TEF1 Annulusmagnus triseptatus \OJ'/99;' 5 France ]¡**U+?= ARTICLE wood Bambusicularia brunnea \OJ';;+**T Sasa sp. K {?9?9;= {?9?*?9 {?9+=?; Barretomyces calatheae \OG_'=U=T Calathea Brazil ]/*??*= longifolia Brunneosporella aquatica &{\\;>=9 J" &"{" GM';/;/U wood Budhanggurabania cynodonticola Oj_+*;=+T Cynodon G {'U/';? {'U/'?= {'U/'?; {'U/';9 dactylon Buergenerula spartinae G7\\//9?9T Spartina - K¬';?UUU 5¡;?'?*/ K¬';?>/= K¬';?U*/ # Calosphaeria pulchella \OJ''+*** Prunus avium France G>U'=>+ Camarops ustulinoides GM7<qL_5>/ - - 5¡?>=*?' 5¡?>''/' 5¡?>'=+= Coniochaeta ligniaria Djjq;=U'U J - G'*9;99 Cordana pauciseptata \OJ'/'9=? - J &XU>/'U= Cryphonectria havanensis \OJ+=+U; Eucalyptus Russia GM?=9;;* saligna C. parasitica G7\\;9>++ Castanea JG Genome3 Genomea Genome3 Genome3 dentata Diaporthe eres \OJ'=*>U> Acer G GM?=9;+= campestre Diaporthe phaseolorum G7\\U?9=/ - - G;?U/>* Fluminicola coronata &{\\;>'> - &"{" GM';/;;/ Gaeumannomyces oryzinus \OJ/;+;/ Oryza sativa JG K¬';?UU* K¬';?U9' K¬';?>/; K¬';?U*+ Harknessia eucalypti \OJ;?/*> Eucalyptus G GM?=9;U; regnans Lecythophora luteoviridis \OJ/=U;9 - J MjU*'*9> Magnaporthiopsis agrostidis Oj_+*;==T Agrostis G {7;U?>+; {7;U?>+? {7;U?>++ {7U9*U/; stolonifera M. poae G7\\U??'' Triticum JG KM?'?9;U KM?'?99+ KM>'=?;; KM>'=?'+ aestivum Nakataea oryzae G7\\??>+? Oryza sativa K KM?'?9;9 KM?'?99> KM>'=??' KM>='?=U Neurospora crassa \q'*=/U - - GM/9U?'' Ophioceras leptosporum \OJ9*?>= 5 { K¬';?U>9 K¬';?U*= K¬';?>;/ K¬';?>=? O. dolichostomum Rotten wood K¬';?U>> K¬';?U9* K¬';?>;' K¬';?>=; \OJ''?*/U China O. commune M'==*9= Rotten wood China K¬';?U>+ K¬';?U9> K¬';?>/* K¬';?>=' $ Pinus sp. Canada GM/;?9;U G++LU] O. stenoceras GM7<qL_5'=;9 - 5¡9;U*=? - Papulosa amerospora GM7<qL_5>?9 - - 5¡?>=*+= 5¡?>''?; 5¡?>'=U* Pseudophialophora eragrostis j77L Eragrostis sp. JG {MU9*U?9 {MU9*U;9 {MU9*U'9 {MU9*U/9 CM12m9T \OJ';;+*>T Kyllinga K {?9?9>U {?9?**/ {?9+=*U Pseudopyricularia kyllingae brevifolia Pyricularia grisea 9; Digitaria sp. JG K¬';?U>' K¬';?U9; K¬';?>/+ K¬';?U*> P. oryzae >=L'+ - JG Genome4 Genome4 Genome4 Genome4 Togniniella acerosa \OJ'';U?9 5 D´ G>U'=>U wood 248 IMA FUNGUS Wongia gen. nov. for two root infecting fungi Table 1. (Continued). ARTICLE Species Voucher1 Substrate Locality GenBank accession no. 2 ITS LSU RPB1 TEF1 Wongia garrettii 5Gj>U*;>T Cynodon G KU850474 KU850469 KU850467 dactylon %![ 5Gj9=+'/T Cynodon G KU850473 KU850471 dactylon × transvaalensis %![ Oj_U=;>> Cynodon G KU850472 KU850470 KU850468 KU850466 dactylon × transvaalensis 1GM7<qPG"M"7#q#ZG7\\PG7\\GZOj_P"& 5#G"M¡GZ\OG_P\ O"G_ OZ\OJP\OJL{DGM"O\7DZ5GjP"&<"G" _ DJ GZ MP M " & \" _qZ ]P \ \ # J 5 #O\O\\Z&{\\P&"{"\\Z\qP ) \ q qLLD O"Z DjjqPG j J !GjJ$ O 5Z j7 j" " & D O DKZ MP " M \ \ \ {" \ 2 ]O#" 3 K]_\\G 4 O_\"GG T Type specimen or ex-type culture. # _7J jO' qJ 7XM' RESULTS \j [ /= 3 " ' 3 # +L'= " 5DG Molecular phylogeny '= 3 # " [ 5DG !D 7 " # q O_ X" O$ ' 3 # !'= 3$ > 3 # analyses had identical topologies and were well-supported sterile water with the thermal cycling program as follows: by bootstrap and posterior probabilities (Fig. 1). The analyses *9 :\ # ;= ;= # *9 :\ # '= +9MU/ :\ # comprised 36 taxa belonging to eight orders and two families ;= >/ :\ # ' [ E # >/ :\ in the subclass Diaporthomycetidae (Sordariomycetes). #'=\j"!{$ Camarops ustulinoides (Boniliales, Sordariomycetes) was # " " [ used as the outgroup (Table 1). The phylogenetic analysis revealed Magnaporthe garrettii!5Gj>U*;>$![ Phylogenetic analysis !5Gj 9=+'/$ # L G J +' !'==Q'=$ Papulosaceae !] \GG _$G" " that sat outside Magnaporthales. The analysis provided #"GMM7UU''!{ 7/==9$ !U>Q=*;$##M. garrettii and and then the alignments concatenated for the phylogenetic ![ in Papulosaceae, which has not yet been assigned 5DG ]O to any order of Diaporthomycetidae. Based on this analysis, 7' [ a new generic name is established here to accommodate M. "7OGJX garrettii and ![. _5 '**U9 " " E !q$ O _# !O_$ q jGEq TAXONOMY >/U " ]7j]GG # !J /==U$ " Wongia{]" j]Jgen. nov. ! M# $ " '=== OO9'>+/* maximum likelihood bootstrap replications. BI was done O ;'/ !j et al. 2012), utilizing four EtymologyP D # G " parallel MCMC chains, which were allowed to run for 10 " 7 " ! # million generations, with sampling every 1000 generations J$ [ [ #" " + === " 7 # =/+ G " DiagnosisP 5## # " trees were visualized using FigTree (Morariu et al. 2009). Diaporthomycetidae in having non-amyloid apical rings in the asci with 3-septate ascospores that have dark brown middle cells and pale brown to subhyaline shorter distal cells. VOLUME 7 · NO. 2 249 Khemmuk et al. 100/1.0 Magnaporthiopsis agrostidis BRIP 59300 Magnaporthiopsis poae ATCC 64411 Gaeumannomyces oryzinus CBS 235.32 100/1.0 Nakataea oryzae ATCC 44754 99/1.0 Buergenerula spartinae ATCC 22848 100/1.0 Budhanggurabania cynodonticola BRIP 59305 ARTICLE 99/1.0 Pseudophialophora eragrostis RUTTP CM12m9 Magnaporthales 100/1.0 Pyricularia oryzae 70-15 100/1.0 Pyricularia grisea M 83 99/1.0 Bambusicularia brunnea CBS 133599 Pseudopyricularia kyllingae CBS 133597 98/1.0 Ophioceras dolichostomum CBS 114926 100/1.0 Ophioceras commune YFM 1.00980 Diaporthomycetidae Ophioceras leptosporum CBS 894.70 97/1.0 Wongia griffinii BRIP 60377 100/1.0 Wongia griffinii DAR 80512 74/0.87 Wongia garrettii DAR 76937 Papulosaceae 67/0.93 95/1.0 Brunneosporella aquatica KHUCC 3708 Fluminicola coronata KHUCC 3717 Papulosa amerospora AFTOL-ID 748 100/1.0 Ophiostoma floccosum AU55-6 Ophiostomatales Ophiostoma stenoceras AFTOL-ID 1038 Annulusmagnus triseptatus CBS 128831 Annulatascales Thyridium vestitum AFTOL-ID 172 Thyridiaceae 100/1.0 Coniochaeta ligniaria C8 Conichaetales Lecythophora luteoviridis CBS 206.38 Cordana pauciseptata CBS 121804 Cordanales Cryptadelphia groenendalensis SMH 3767 Trichosphaeriales Cryphonectria havanensis CBS 505.63 90/1.0 Cryphonectria parasitica ATCC 38755 Harknessia eucalypti CBS 342.97 Diaporthales 99/1.0 Diaporthe phaseolorum ATCC 64802 95/1.0 Diaporthe

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