NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION Technical Memorandum 33-585 Volume AI, Addendum 1 Mariner Mars 1971 Tel evision Picture Catalog Sequence Design and Picture Coverage P. E. Koskela N73-29 8 61 / (NASA-CR-133614) MARINER MARS 1971 TELEVISION PICTURE CATALOG: SEQUENCE DESIGN AND PICTURE COVERAGE, VOLUME 2, Unclas ADDENDUM 1 .(Jet Propulsion Lab.)/41-&6G p G3/30 11480 RBC $10.50 CSCL JET PROPULSION LABORATORY CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PASADENA, CALIFORNIA July 1, 1973 TECHNICAL REPORT STANDARD TITLE PAGE I 1. Report No. 33-585, Vol. II 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. Addendum 1 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date July 1, 1973 MARINER MARS 1971 TELEVISION PICTURE CATALOG SEQUENCE DESIGN AND PICTURE COVERAGE 6. Performing Organization Code 7. Author(s) P. E. Koskela 8. Performing Organization Report No. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. JET PROPULSION LABORATORY California Institute of Technology 11. Contract or Grant No. 4800 Oak Grove Drive NAS 7-100 Pasadena, California 91103 13. Type of Report and Period Covered Technical Memorandum 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION Washington, D.C. 20546 W14. Sponsoring Agency Code 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstract This addendum to the Mariner Mars 1971 Television Picture Catalog, Volume II, contains data for the Mariner 9 TV pictures taken after Rev 262. Some of the data presented in Volume II is brought up to date. The new provisional mapping pole is discussed, and tables provide the latitude and longitude with respect to the new pole, prime meridian, and rotation rate for the centerpoints of all the Mariner 9 TV pictures. 17. Key Words (Selected by Author(s)) 18. Distribution Statement Mariner Mars 1971 Project Unclassified -- Unlimited Planetary Surfaces 19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price Unclassified Unclassified 6-97 I p Z , id or. I HOW TO FILL OUT THE TECHNICAL REPORT STANDARD TITLE PAGE Make items 1, 4, 5, 9, 12, and 13 agree with the corresponding information on the report cover. Use all capital letters for title (item 4). Leave items 2, 6, and 14" blank. Complete the remaining items as follows: 3. Recipient's Catalog No. Reserved for use by report recipients. 7. Author(s). Include corresponding information from the report cover. In addition, list the affiliation of an author if it differs from that of the performing organization. 8. Performing Organization Report No. Insert if performing organization wishes to assign this number. 10. Work Unit No. Use the agency-wide code (for example, 923-50-10-06-72), which uniquely identifies the work unit under which the work was authorized. Non-NASA performing organizations will leave this blank. 11. Insert the number of the contract or grant under which the report was prepared. 15. Supplementary Notes. 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Insert the price set by the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information or the Government Printing Office, if known. _7 j NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION echnicaMemorandum33-5 Technical Memorandum 33-585 Volume //, Addendum I Mariner Mars 1971 Television Picture Catalog Sequence Design and Picture Coverage P. E.' Koskela ""'Nd JET PROPULSION LABORATORY CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PASADENA, CALIFORNIA July 1, 1973 I Prepared Under Contract No. NAS 7-100 National Aeronautics and Space Administration II PREFACE The work described in this report was performed by the Mission Analysis Division of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. JPL TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 33-585, VOL. II, ADD. 1 iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Important up-date contributions were made to this Addendum by the Volume II co-authors M. R. Helton, L. N. Seeley, and S. J. Zawacki. Sections IVA to IVD and Tables 6-5 to 6-8 were abstracted from the work of F. M. Sturms, Jr. H. Ling coded the algorithm used to prepare Table 6-9. The continued support of M. Martin and T. Sesplaukis in supplying SEDR data in various formats, R. Rackus for his continued layout and design efforts, and M. Rackus for her continued expeditious vendor coordi- nating are all much appreciated. iv JPL TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 33-585, VOL. II, ADD. 1 CONTENTS I Introduction . 1-1 6-1 Surface Feature Locations.......... 6-3 6-2 TV Picture Index ................ 6-4 II Mariner 9 Extended Mission ............ 2-1 6-3 Calendar Date Versus Day Number .... 6-18 A. Post-Sun Occultation Mission 6-4 Pictures in Final SEDR Files Deleted Description ................... 2-1 and/or Added Since Publication of B. Sequence Summaries and TV Picture VolumeII ..................... 6-20 Coverage and Data ............... 2-2 6-5 Mars Prime Meridian Angle from Earth Node . 6-29 III Up-Dates to Data in Volume II ........... 3-1 6-6 Corrections to Latitude and IV Latitude and Longitude Corrections for Longitude for New Pole New Mars Coordinate System ............ 4-1 (-80 ° < Lat < 800) ............... 6-35 6-7 Corrections to Latitude and A. New Mars Pole ................. 4-1 Pole B. Correction Formulas for New Pole .... 4-1 Longitude for New ° ° 6-36 C. Correction Tables for Mariner 9 Data (80 < Lat < 89 ) ............... for New Pole .................. 4-2 6-8 Corrections to Latitude and Pole D. New Mars Prime Meridian and Longitude for New 6-37 Rotation Rate .................. 4-3 (-890 < Lat < -80 ° ) .............. E. Mariner 9 TV Pictures Referred to 6-9 Mariner 9 TV Pictures Referred to Meridian and New Pole, Prime Meridian and New Pole, Prime 6-38 Rotation Rate .................. 4-3 Rotation Rate .................. V TV Picture Coverage and Data .......... 5-1 VI Tables and Figures ................... 6-1 TABLES 5-1 Sequence Summary, Revolution FIGURES Numbers 416-451 - Extended Mission . 5-51 5-1 Rev 529, Picture No. 9A, North Pole ... 5-50 5-2 Sequence Summary, Revolution 6-1 Index Map .................... 6-2 Numbers 458-676 - Extended 6-2 TV Pictures Added to SEDR Files ..... 6-22 Mission .................. .... 5-53 6-3 Geometry of Mars Pole Corrections .... 6-28 JPL TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 33-585, VOL. II, ADD. 1 v/vi ABSTRACT This addendum to the Mariner Mars 1971 Television Picture Catalog, Volume II, contains data for the Mariner 9 TV pictures taken after Rev 262. Some of the data presented in Volume II is brought up to date. The new provisional mapping pole is dis- cussed, and tables provide the latitude and longitude with respect to the new pole, prime meridian, and rotation rate for the centerpoints of all the Mariner 9 TV pictures. JPL TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 33-585, VOL. II, ADD. 1 vii ZIA viii JPL TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 33-585, VOL. 11, ADD. I SECTION I INTRODUCTION This addendum to the Mariner Mars 1971 Television have been deleted from or added to the SEDR files since Picture Catalog, Volume II, Sequence Design and Picture the publication of Volume II is also provided. The reader Coverage, provides tables, plots and data for the post solar can use this list to up-date the data in Volume II1, thereby occultation portion of the extended mission. Data from obtaining a final record of all the Mariner 9 TV picture data. Rev 416 to the final picture received from Mariner 9, taken on Rev 676, are included. No TV pictures were taken during All plots and data contained in Volume II (and Sec- Revs 263 to 415. tion II of this addendum) are based upon the standard areocentric coordinate system discussed in Reference 1. A brief discussion of the objectives of the Mariner 9 Section IV contains a discussion and formulas for adjusting extended mission is given in Section II. Descriptive latitudes and longitudes from the former pole to a new pro- Sequence Summary Tables, along with orthographic and/or visional mapping pole. Tables provide the latitude and mercator plots and numerical data for all the extended longitude, with respect to the new pole, prime meridian, mission TV pictures are presented also. and rotation rate, for the center points for all the Mariner 9 TV pictures. In addition to providing a record of what took place on this final portion of the mission, some of the data contained The mission of Mariner 9 came to an end on 27 October, in Volume II is updated in Section III.
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