25C «M0 « S9NJ' BOOK MJCHICAN The Lowell ledger ••••••BBaaaaaBMBBaaaaaMagBaag^MBBaBaaaaaBsasBBBsaaB Cy—b™ Volume 15, Issue 10 Serving Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 Wednesday, January 15,1992 Along Main Street Lowell begins transition from conventional to Vista Schools are asked to replace a bus at seven years of use. Despite the purchases Lowell still is not on a replacement Larry Mikulski, Director of Transpoitation at Lowell schedule. This becomes evident when Mikulski indicates that Schools will tell you that doesn't happen at very many the school is still maintaining buses with over 160,000 miles schools. to keep them on the road. HlBel "Lowell Schools is currently replacing buses after 11 years "The buses we purchased are expected to last 12 years. That of use," Mikulski said. "Most schools don't have the money is quite an improvement compared to just seven years ago," he to replace a bus after seven years." said. Lowell Board of Education member Chris Van Antwerp applauded the school systems concern for safety through the Declare your party: life of a bus. "That cannot be overemphasized. You can't put LIBRARY BRANCH CLOSINGS a price on safety." Only registered voters who AtMonday night's January Board meeting, Lowell's School All 17 branches of the Kent County Library System will be Board approved the purchase of three 71 passenger buses and declare party can vote in primary closed Friday, January 31,1992 for staff in-service training. one 48 passenger bus. Michigan will conduct ics However, only registered This includes the Lowell and Alto branch. The 71 passenger buses were purchased from Hoekstra first Presidential Primary in voters who are willing to de- Truck Equipment Inc., and Woodland International Trucks over a decade on Tuesday, clare a party will have the TLC FAMILY WORKSHOPS PLANNED Inc. for a total price of $129, 828. March 17. opportunity to participate in The 48 passenger lift bus was purchased from Hoekstra The Presidential Primary this elimination process. The TLC Family Celebration Workshops for parents will Truck Equipment and Woodland International Trucks, Inc. will decide which presiden- If a registered voter is a be held February 1,9 am. to 12 noon at the Middle School. for a total of $47,323. tial candidates, Michigan del- Republican he or she must Workshops will focus on educational and parenting issues. egates attending the 1992 na- Lowell Schools received a discount of $933 on the pur- declare so by Feb. 18. Free baby-sitting. Infonnation is available at all Lowell tional Democratic and Repub- chase of the buses because it was one of the first schools to Registered Democratic Schools or contact Mrs. Pierce or Mrs. Dorough at the High lican Party conventions, will voters have up to the same begin to make the transition to the Vista style bus from the School. support. day as the Primary, to declare conventional bus. Technically, this is not an which party. Mikulski admits that the cost for the 71 passenger is a little LOWELL FAMILY MEDICAL election since no one is being Lowell City Clerk Betty more than the standard 68 passenger, but he adds that the cost CENTER OPEN HOUSE elected to an office. It is a Morlock said registered vot- per passenger drops by $40. voting process or caucus to "By spending a little more were actually saving in the long The Lowell Family Medical Center, Drs. Paul R. Gauthier, screen out potential candi- Primary, con'td., pg. 2 run," Mikulski said. D.O. and James C. Lang, D.O. invite their patients and the dates. Lowell community to an open house celebrating the opening of their new offices at 147 N. Center St, Wednesday, Jan. 29 Posthumus applauds school anti-drug effort from 2 to 4 p.m. Breakfast kickoff held for SKI CLUB PASSES STILL AVAILABLE "Together Lowell Cares" program Attention elementary students and parents. Ski Qub passes Michigan Senator Dick ing, promiscuity and violence are still available. Call Marsha LaHaye at 897-7190. Posthumus highlighted a To- are all part of a crisis of char- gether Lowell Cares break- acter in our nation's youth. ACADEMIC BOOSTERS CLUB MEETING fast for Drug and Alcohol A committee on Children, Awareness week which runs Youth and Families discov- The next meeting of the Academic Boosters Club will be Jan. 27 through Feb. 1. ered that: Monday, January 20, in room A1 of the High School. Please The charge of "Together • One-third of all high join us to support "academics" at the High School. Lowell Cares" is too offset school students get drunk at the negative influences of least once a week. KENT COUNTY drugs and alcohol.. • The average age for first LIBRARY STORY TIMES On Saturday, Feb. 1, "To- time drug use is now 13-years gether Lowell Cares" will old. Kent County Library System offers a series of monthly conclude its week of drug and • Suicide is now the lead- story times for pre-schoolers, suggested age 3 1/2 to five. alcohol awareness in Lowell ing cause of death among ado- Registration is necessary. Schools with a family celebra- lescents. For more infonnation, call your local branch, Lowell, tion. • Teen pregnancy has risen 897-9596 or Alto, 868-6038. The family celebration will 621 percent since 1940. now offer parents a series of work- accounting for over one mil- shops, which will focus on lion pregnancies a year. 85 LOWELL AREA FIRE DEPARTMENT FORM- various educational issues re- percent of teenage boys who ING EXPLORERS POST lating to parenting. The pur- father these children eventu- pose of the celebration is to ally abandon them. The Lowell Area Fire Department is now fonning a explore issues related to chil- • Teen homicide has in- Explorers Post for anyone interested in learning about the fire dren and education. creased 232 percent since service. You must be at least 14 years of age and have The sessions offered will 1950. Homicide is the leading completed the eighth grade or be IS years old and not yet 21. include single and step cause of death among minor- There will be a sign-up meeting at the Lowell Area Fire parenting; learning disabili- ity youths between the ages of Station, 315 South Hudson St. on Thursday, Jan. 23, at 7 p.m. ties, attention deficit hyper- 15 and 19. A parent must come to meeting. N active disorders. Public Act I believe these problems For more information call Tom, 897-7607 weekdays 25, Toughlove; school im- are a part of a much larger between 3 and 7 p.m. provementandoutcome based issue; the lack of character education and home issues and values in our nation's / that impact education. youth/ Posthumus said. OFF THE BLOTTER Dick Korb, Director of The Michigan Senator said Community Education, will it is efforts like "Together be the kick-off speaker for the Lowell Cares" which can off- Arrested on a warrant issued out of a Kent County Court series of workshops. set the negative influences. December 31, was Brenda Deible, 27, of Lowell. A $3 donation per family "While parents and Kenneth Clayton, 33, of Orleans was taken to the Kent is requested. Babysitting will churches are struggling to do County jail on a bench warrant for traffic violations, Decem- be provided in the Middle this, our schools must be a ber 29. School Gym by High School part of the process," he ex- Lowell police investigated 28 accident complaints in the Teens Involved shidents. plained. "Education has for month of December, 1991, three ofwhich resulted in injuries. Senator Dkk Posthumus was the guest speaker at the kkk- off breakfast for Together Lowell Cares." Speaking at the breakfast, its object the formation of Main Street, cont'd., pg. 6 Posthumus said dmgs. drink- character" The Lowell Ledger-Wednesday, January 15,1992-Page 2 The Lowdl Ledger-Wednesday, January 15,1992-Pagc 3 vice were held Monday Ernest (Retha) Poll ()f James McPherson and Leslie survived by his brothers, Charles (Charlotte) of Boyne from Grandville United Meth- Hastings; 17 grandchildren Graham; One daughter sur- odist Church, with 23 great-grandchildren; spe' viving, Mrs. Richard (Dor- City, Robert (Daryl) of Obituaries Lowell, Gerald (Linda) of Rev. Kim Gladding cial sister, Mamie Mulder of othy) VanVoorhis of Read- officiating. Interment Grand Rapids; brothers, w ing; six grandsons and six- Niles, Jack (Bea) of Tacoma, oming Events (ieorgetown Cemetery. Me- (Marian) Poll of Kentwood BRAFFORD- Ray A. GRAHAM - Ruth A. Gra- teen great-grandchildren. She WA, and Roger of Lowell; morial contributions to: Sud- Jay (Ann) Poll of Ada, Robert Rrafford, aged 74» of Saranac, ham, 97, of Reading Ml died was preceded in deadi by one twdaunts, Alice Harrison and den Infant Death Syndrome (Katherine) Poll ^f Caledonia Notices in The Ledger's Reformed Church, 1151W. EVERY SECOND Assembly of God at 897- Phone 897-8545. THURS. JAN. 23: The died January 8, 1992. He is Monday, January 13,1992 at son; one sister, two brothers Jeny Heath; Donna Keech; sister-in-law. May Poll f "Coming Events" are free Main, Lowell. 9:30-10:45 THURSDAY: Lowell VFW 7047. Lowell Area Fire Depart- survived by his wife, Edith; Marshall Manor of Marshall, and one grandson. Funeral several nieces and nephews. Foundation. 0 Alto; brothers-in-law of charge to any non-profit Nursery provided. Auxiliary No. 8303 meets LOWELL LIBRARY ment is forming a Explor- children, Gary and Sammie MI. She was a former resi- Services will be held Thurs- Funeral services will be Herschel (Joan) Chase of organization in the Lowell at 3:30 p.m. at the VFW EVERY THIRD SUNDAY HOURS-Open Mon.
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