Valparaiso University ValpoScholar Old School Publications University Archives & Special Collections 3-17-1900 The College Current (Vol. 5, No. 2) Valparaiso College Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.valpo.edu/oldschoolpubs Recommended Citation Valparaiso College, "The College Current (Vol. 5, No. 2)" (1900). Old School Publications. 158. https://scholar.valpo.edu/oldschoolpubs/158 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives & Special Collections at ValpoScholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in Old School Publications by an authorized administrator of ValpoScholar. For more information, please contact a ValpoScholar staff member at [email protected]. .; rrent SOUVENIR NUMBER. Louisville Medical College, mtmbtr Of tbt JISSOtiation Of Jlmtritan mtdital £OIItgts. 1869 1899 modtrn ~acilitits, . 6radtd Coursts, • ~rtt 1nfirmary Dtpartmtnf, __ Tullv Equipptd Caboratorits, Unsurpasstd CliniC'al .Jidvantagts, Suptrior PraC'fiC'al 1nstruC'tion. The Thirtieth Session of the Louisville Medical College began October 3rd, 1899, and terminates the last of March, 1900, This well..-known institution is supplied with every facility for Modern Medical Teaching, and its Laboratory and Clinical Departments are complete, For announcements or other information regarding the college, address the secretary, GEO. M. WARNER, M. D., 304 South Second Street, LOUISVILLE, KY. Vol. 5· VALPARAISO, INDIANA, MARCH 17, 190 0. No.2· G. W. DO'l'Y, EDITOR which, being far removed from the ions as the New Auditor_ium, and Entered at the Valparaiso Postoffice as boarding bouse routine, were highly when completed and fully equipped econd-class mail matter. appreciated. With heartful thanks with all tbe necessary apparatus will PUBLISHED BY THE for their entertainment, the company cost about $50, oou. COLLEGE CURRENT CO., VALP ARAISO, IND returned home at one o'clock a. m. Although the work in this depart­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year ............... .................. 51.00 The following were present: ment has been for many years highly Six Months ...... ........ ............ · .50 John W. L. Smith, Parish, Ill. satisfactory to the patrons of the Get a subscription FHEE by ending THHEE James W. White, Dressor, Ill. s hool, it will now, w1th this added CASH SUBSCRIPTIONS. Advertising rate furnished on application. Clara Scott, Eureka, Utah. improvement, afford facilities unsur­ Address all communications or remittances to Frank M. Bear, :Mill Creek, Ind. pa sed by any other school in the THE CoLLEGE CUHRENT, Valparaiso, Ind. Lizzie Boss, Shreveport, La. copntry. tudents who contemplate Rebekah Society. H. F. Alexander, Curllsville, Penn. taking up the science work can get Emma Dale, Valparaiso, Ind. Among the many societies of the the c surperior adv~ntages here at Nora Dale, Valparaiso, Ind. one half the cost elsewhere. Normal Scl:wol, one of the real live Willis P. Rowe, Scales Mound, Ill. ones is the Rebekab-Odd Jfellow Agnes Olsen, Tampia, Ill. Kindergarten Notes. Society. While it may be of little Herbert Spensely,Dell Rapids, . D. The unu ually cold weather kept a value to the general school, yet t"or Laura Lauren on, Hesperia, Mich. great many vf the children at borne the students who are members of the Harry GeaTy, TalboL Ind. th; week orders represented it i · uf great pract­ Nannie Kendall, Attica, Ind. Miss Georg1ana 'omer et was call d ical and social benetit. Some of the •.r. \V. Roberts, La Grange, Ill. home on Friday by the severe illnes. objects or the society are to bring the Georgia Littleton, :Me lone, Ky. of her father. Her home i at Grand members together for acquaintance H. W. Green, Allendale, Ill. Haven, Iieh. sake; to register all members attend­ Lois Mcintyre, Tampia, Ill. A very pleasant ' urpri e party wa ing school, so that in case of sickness Ifrank Harvey, Council Bluffs, I a. given on Ja t aturday evening, to or mist"ortune tlley may be eared for Susanna Massey, Sioux l ity, Iowa. Mis. :McCandle in honor of her properly and receive thP- benefits of W. A. Iluebotter, Houston, Tex::t~. birthday, at the rooms of Mi ~e the orders; to discuss the benetictal Mary Cole, Cairo, Ill. Harm and omer. et. Tho e pre ' nt work or the orders, and keep in touch :Milton S Bolerjack, orrisCity, Ill. were Mrs. Keppel, Mi s s Ir land with the new from abroad. No Odd Hattie Lewis, Blufton, 0. Gear, Harm , omer et and M •Cand• Fellow or Rebekah student should Aliee ~iajor, Abrams, Wi . less, Messrs Bandeen, Taylor, Turn r, fai1 to attend some or the meeting Mi. s Griese1, Lowell, Ind. Lorey, Tobias, McCandle and M au m­ which are held eacl.l Friday evening stone. After a very merry tim a at 6:30 in room :3. lt is tl.le duty or A New Science Building. dainty lunch wc1 ' ' rved and after a all members of tl.lc orders to enroll '.rhe plans for a new . ci nee build­ good night ·on£5 they di p r ed hop­ with the SO'iety, as the enrollment is ing whi ·h ha · been cont mplat d for ing that hey might eel brat a birt.b­ turned o>er t(l the lodges down town. ·orne tt me, ba ve be n p rfect d by day ev ry week. On atu rday ev nina, r b. 10, the .Me sr Brown and Kinsey, and tbe ·ociety accepted au invitation to opning term. or next year, will wit­ r pre ·­ spend the evening with Mi · Anna ne the new s ienc building om­ h- Hagan, a former student of the ,.or­ pletc with apparatus ready for bu. i­ mal ancl an a tive R bekah. They ne. s. The new addition i.· one tbat took pas age on the bandw<won and ha · been needed for \'eral year on were driYen to the howe uf ?\Iiss account or the con tant growth of the Hagan four miles from town. The scienti ti d'.'partmen t. Tb tim bad ev ning "a nwonligllt and not very come wh n it hecarn cold, and as ruany of the par y had wer not been away from town for week. 1ng and w r gret t lo e hi. valuable or m0t1tbs the ride wa::, tlloroucrhly Luild a. ience building tlli · ·umm r a ·:is ~ nc . enjoyed by all. Bu the b ·t im "hi ·11 \Yill b , <.:ond to none in con­ wa' a the far end uf he rout . '!'he n ct1on with any h •lwol in tlli · hou~e -.ra • lUt'tl':!d inlo the hand. of the intruder and thev enjoyed tb m­ ·el vc ' as only young people do on . uch octa ion'. Then ~1 i.. llacran .-erved the rl'fre~l1m nt. .-lle had pa ,par tl THE COLLEGE CURRENT the art in a few weeks, cbarge exor­ tages of the· school that Manager I elegr aphy as aProfession bit.ant rates for tne time, and turn Dodge loves to speak, and it is invari­ the student out an inefficient opera Lor. ably the case when an opemtor or Its Efficacy in the Dodge Insti­ For the benefit of those of our readers an.vone gives the lP,ast study to the tute at Valparaiso, Indiana. who aspire to be operators we subjoin workings of the in ·t1tution that this a brief mention of the Dodge Insti­ is the feature be picks out a<:: its tute of Telegraphy, which is locatrd in salient one. Telegraphy is not half Of the eighty or ninety million of Valparaiso, Indiana-an institution taught here; it is taught in its en­ people in thiS country it is computed which has been long established, tirety. Teachers are employed who that more than one million gain their wlJich is progres ive and conducted on are not only familiar with the art livelihood through employment de­ correct business principles, and which themselves but who are also capable pendent upon or connected with the we can cheerfully recommend t.o of intelligently imparting their knowl­ use of electricity. Those engaged in everyone. edge to others. telegraphy and work immediately re­ The faculty consi t of five compe­ lated to it compose no small percent­ When a young mnn starts to learn tent operators. George M. Dodge, age of this number. The truth of telegraphy in a railroad officr, he has the manager, is an expe"t oprrator. this statement is readily seen when to do all the dirty work and recei ''es He bas bad some fuurLet'n years' ex­ we consider the fact, tbat there are in little or no attention. Perbap the perience, and now maintains the the United States one hundred and operator has time, and he gives him management of the local office of one fifty thousand persons employed in ten or fi ftern minntes' instruc·tion of the large com merdal teleg, a ph the transmi 'Sion of telegraphic mes­ each da.v. In nine casrs out of ten companivs. The anility of S. W. sages, a million miles of telegraph be brcomes discouragrd and gives it Wilder, assodate, is unquestioned. wire and thirty-two thousand tele­ up. If IJis determination shot1ld tri­ He has had long and Yaried ex­ graph offices, exclusive. of those main­ umph, he plods away fOl' a year or perience, and holds a position in this tained by the railway ~ompanies for two and finally finishrs- huL only in city, being operator for the Board of the regulatirm of their trains. one bnmch of the profession. Thi Trade. George A. Dodge, instructor, Little did Prof. Morse and his friends school fits the student for commercial is one of the oldest and best informed think when they sent the first mes­ as well as railway telegraphy.
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