WHAT IF THE GALILEO AFFAIR NEVER HAPPENED? ABSTRACT From the 5th Century A.D. to the advent of Scholastic Aristotelianism, the curriculum in Roman Catholic universities in Europe taught a Rotating Geocentric Earth. St. Thomas Aquinas (1225 A.D.-1274 A.D.) introduced the writings of Aristotle (384 B.C.-322 B.C.) and of Claudius Ptolemy (100 A.D.-170 A.D.) in the 13th Century A.D., and the curriculum changed to teach a Non-Rotating Geocentric Earth. In this GSJ presentation, an Alternate History is presented. The famous Trial of Galileo never happened and the book by Nicolaus Copernicus was never banned by the Vatican of the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church simply ignored Galileo & his insulting book of 1632 A.D. The Roman Catholic Church Astronomers produced the Gregorian Calendar in 1583 A.D. The Roman Catholic Astronomers had abandoned the Aristotle/Ptolemy Model of Astronomy and had replaced it with the Non-Rotating Tychonian Model. This is NOT Alternate History. Johann Kepler published. That is NOT Alternate History. Isaac Newton published Principia, too. Christian Huygens contributed to the technology of the Mechanical Clock. Mechanical Time and Sundial Time demonstrate two similar but not identical paths. This is NOT Alternate History, either. The writer that is known as Voltaire (1694-1778) campaigned for Newton’s Principia as did Willem Gravesande (1688-1742). Pierre-Simon LaPlace (1748-1827) rescued Newton’s Celestial Mechanics of Universal Gravitation and Kepler’s Elliptical Orbits from disequilibrium issues in 1804A.D. Friedrich Bessel (1784-1846) discovered the first star to exhibit Stellar Parallax in 1838. The Famous “failed” Michelson-Morley Experiment occurred in 1887. An academic contest to celebrate King Olaf II of Sweden’s 60th birthday in 1888 stumped Henri Poincare who nonetheless was declared the winner. Albert Michelson received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1907 by the Royal Academy of Sciences of Sweden, while Albert Einstein was employed in the Swiss Patent Office. That is NOT Alternate History. Alternate History has Roger Joseph Boscovich (1711-1787) rejecting the Copernican Model of Astronomy as presented by Newton’s Principia. Page 1 Alternate History has the Jesuit Astronomers of the Roman Catholic Church continuing the legacy of the Gregorian Calendar Reform which replaced the Julian Calendar even as Protestant Europe protested (no pun intended) vigorously. Alternate History has the Roman Catholic Church Astronomers reviewing the curriculum before St. Thomas Aquinas endorsed Aristotle. Alternate History has the Roman Catholic Astronomers RETURNING (before 1600 A.D.) to the Geocentric Rotating Earth Model, a.k.a. the Egyptian System. Alternate History has the Roman Catholic Church Astronomers learning of the existence of the Pythagorean Astronomer in Plato’s Academy in Athens, Greece who influenced Aristarchus of Samos (310 B.C.-230 B.C.). Dedicated to:Gerald. E. Aardsma, Juan Carlos Gonstizaga Aguirre & Milenko BernadicCvitkovic (Sin Embargo,No Se Mueve), Dr. Russell Arndts (1935-2010), Gordon Bane (1932-2015), Jeremiah Bannister, Dr. Robert Bennett & Dr. Robert Sungenis (Galileo Was Wrong), Dr. Gerardus Bouw, Malcolm Bowden, Father Fernand Crombette (1880-1970), Pastor/Author Dean Davis (In Search Of The Beginning), Rick Delano, Danny R. Faulkner (Answers In Genesis),Jeffrey Foy, Kennedy Hall, Patrick Holmquist, Nigel Howitt, Karl Keating,Ernst Mayr, Steve Mirsky (Scientific America), Bill Nye, B.S. Mechanical Engineering & (The Science Guy), David Palm, K.C. Paul of Kolkatha, India who witnessed the Astronomical Conjunction of the planet Venus & Polaris (The North Star) while on field maneuvers with the Indian Army in the Year of 1962. A.D., Steve Mirsky (Scientific America), Bill Nye, B.S.M. in Engineering & (The Science Guy),Phil Plait, Michael Rechtshaffen, Nathaniel Richards, Dr. Yasser Shaban (Verses of Deus), Simon Shack (Tychonos), Michael Shermer (Scientific America), Katheryne Thomas, & the polled & surveyed 25%-33% of the World’s population who reject the Copernican Model of Heliocentricity KEYWORDS Brainless Minions of the Einsteinians, Scholastic Aristotelianism Page 2 WHAT IF THE GALILEO AFFAIR NEVER HAPPENED? Shortly after the sack of Rome by Alaric in 410 A.D. & before the Vandals conquered & colonized North Africa in 479 A.D., an official of the Roman Empire in the Roman city of Carthage wrote a treatise on the proper education of High-born male Roman children. His name was Martianus Capella & his writing is entitled De Nuptiis Philologiae et Mercuriior The Marriage of Philosophy and Mercury. There were seven wedding gifts, so another title is De Septem Disciplininis or On The Seven Disciplines.There were two honored guests who were present but not allowed to speak because they represented slave labor: Architecture & Medicine. The seven disciplines which did speak at the wedding feast were: Grammar, Dialects, Rhetoric, Geometry, Arithmetic, Astronomy, & Harmony (Music). De Nuptiis Philologiae et Mercuriireached Europe & became a textbook in the curriculum of Medieval European education of the high-born male children even as the Roman Empire itself collapsed as the Soviet Union collapsed in 1992 A.D. The discipline that is known as Astronomy taught a Rotating Geocentric Earth that was orbited by the celestial objects: the Moon, the Sun, and the planets (Mars, Jupiter, & Saturn). The planets Mercury & Venus were assigned ‘Heliocentric’ orbits around the Sun. In 1573 A.D. Valentin Naboth published a Cosmography model of the Geocentric Earth with the planets Mercury and Venus in ‘Heliocentric’ orbits around the orbiting Sun, ‘Capellian’ by reviewers of Naboth’s model. Another official of the Roman Empire in North Africa wrote about Astronomy also. His name was Macrobius Theodosius (370 A.D.-430 A.D.) who wrote Commentarii in Somnium Scipionis(Commentary on the Dream of Scipio) about Somnium Scipionis. The Dream of Scipio was written by Cicero (106 B.C.-43 B.C.) as the sixth book of De re Publica which was written in the style and manner of Plato’s Republic. In the Somnium Scipionis, Scipio Africanus the Elder appears to his grandson & tells him of the Universe and his destiny (Wikipedia). “Beneath this (the constellations) there lie seven, which turn backwards with a counter revolution to the heavens,…which men on Earth call Saturn’s Star. Next is that bright radiance…which is called Jove’s Star (Jupiter). Then one fiery Red…which you call Mars.” “Next lower down the Sun…chief and ruler of the other lights (the constellations)…he illumines the whole and fills it with his light. With him, Venus & Mercury keep pace as satellites in their successive spheres. And the lowest zone of all, the Moon revolves lighted up by the rays of the Sun.” Earlier in the dream, “and least of them all was that planet which farthest from the heavenly sphere & nearest to our Earth was shining with borrowed light…” (Wikipedia). Page 3 There are two “Theodosius” in Late Antiquity. One of them was Proconsul of Africa in 410 A.D. The other was Praetorian Prefect (Commander of the Praetorian Guard) of Italy in 430 A.D. Academic authorities do not agree upon which Theodosius wrote in “Commentary of the Dream of Scipio”. Neoplatonism Philosophy included the Pythagorean, the Epicurus, and the Peripatetic (Aristotle) of the Classical Greek Era. Cicero mentioned Heraclides & Democritus which means that Aristotle’s campaign to obliterate their writings & legacies proved unsuccessful. The Cosmography Model of Heraclides assigned two movements to the Earth: Rotation & Revolution. Heraclides assigned ‘Heliocentric’ orbits to Mercury & Venus as the natural satellites of the Sun, also. The assigned movement of the revolution of the Earth did not survive the transmission of ideas from Athens, Greece in 340 B.C. to North Africa in 400 A.D. Within Medieval Europe before St. Thomas Aquinas initiated Scholastic Aristotelianism, the Astronomy Model of Martianus Capella & Macrobius Theodosius was known as ‘The Egyptian System’. Ironically, the Alexandrian-based Claudius Ptolemy seems to be absent before Scholastica Aristotelianism. The Egyptian System was clearly of Heraclidean origin, not of Aristotle or Ptolemy origin. Twenty-four year-old author Aryabhata of India seems to have borrowed the ideas of the Neoplatonic Philosophers of North Africa in his writings of 500 A.D. The Ancient Cosmology of India is strikingly different from the Zoroastrian Cosmology from which the Pythagorean Model originated. Also, the Ancient Cosmologies of India & Greece would be strikingly different. Ancient India used Father Sun & Mother Earth as the Divine Marriage of the Cosmos. Both Father Sun & Mother Earth had a servant each. Mother Earth’s servant was the Moon. Father Sun’s servant was Mercury. Orbiting the Divine Parents & their servants were the planets Venus, Mars, Jupiter, & Saturn. Aryabhata adapted Neoplatonic Natural Philosophy to Indian Cosmology. The planet Venus joined Mercury as a servant of Father Sun. Borrowing from Hipparchus of Nicea (190 B.C.-120 B.C.), Aryabhata adapted the eccentric center. Hipparchus proposed that the orbit of Mars revealed that the earth was NOT the radial center of Mars’ orbit. Earth was located upon the eccentric center. The radial center of Mars’ orbit was simply a point in geometric space. And, if so, Mars, then Venus, Jupiter, & Saturn can be assumed to behave identically or nearly so. Aryabhata assigned this radial center of the orbits of the planets to be the Sun. All of the planets join Mercury & Venus in ‘Heliocentric’ orbits, but this is NOT the Heliocentricity of Aristarchus of Samos (310 B.C.-230 B.C). (Many Internet sources disseminate confusion &ignorance). Aristarchus achieves Heliocentricity by two different methods. Indeed, Aristarchus MAINTAINED & CONTINUED the ‘Heliocentric’ feature of Mercury & Venus that Heraclides proposed. Page 4 However, a different causal agency assigned ‘Heliocentric’ orbits to Mars, Jupiter, & Saturn in the Aristarchus Model. So far, Aryabhata proposed that the Sun has two natural satellites (Mercury & Venus) & that the eccentric orbit of Mars is actually an illusion when viewed from Earth.
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