Against Apartheid

Against Apartheid

REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITIEE AGAINST APARTHEID GENERAL ASSEMBLV OFFICIAL RECORDS: FORTY·THIRD SESSION SUPPLEMENT No, 22 (A/43/22) UNITED NATIONS New York, 1989 •••1Copy AVIUlbl. NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capilallelters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference 10 a United Nations document. 26 Ootober 1988 Sir, I have the hono,~r to send you herewith the annual report of the Special Committee againlt Ae.rth~ which wa. adopted unanimously by the Special Committee on 26 October 1988* The report on recent developments conoerning relations between South Africa and Ilrael il annex~ to it. This report i. submitt.d to the General Assembly and the Socurity Counoil in aocordanoe with the ~e1evant proYtBionB of General ADsembly resolution 2671 (XXV) of 8 Deoember 1970 and 42/23 A to H of 20 November 1987. Acoept, Sir, the assuranoe. of my hiqhe.t consideration. (Signed) JOBeph N. GARBA Chairman of the Speoial Committee against AParthei~ His Exoellency Mr. Javier Perez de Cueliar Secretary-General United Nations New York, Now York -i11- CONTBNTS Paug,raphe !'.~~. I. INTRODUCTION •••••••••••••••••.••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 - 4 1 11. RBVIBW or DEVELOPMENTS IN SOUTH AFRICA ••••••••••••••••••••• !S - jO 1 A. General political conditions ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• !S - 1.5 1 B. Repre••ion ot the popUlation ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16 - 36 3 C. Resiltance to !2!rtheid •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 37 - 52 7 D. Aggression, de.tabilization and state terrorism •••••••• 53 - 60 11 Ill. BXTBRNAL RELATIONS OF SOUTH AFRICA AND INTERNATIONAL ACTION AGAI NST APARTHEI D •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 61 - 123 13 A. General .•••••...........•..••...•....•.••..•.•.••.•.•.• 61 - 63 13 B. Boonomic relations ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 64 - 79 13 C. Military build-up ar.d collaboration •••••••••••••••••••• 80 - 86 17 D. International aotion against South Atrioa •••••••••••••• 8 - 123 18 IV. REVIEW or THE WORK OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ••••••••••••••• 1~4 - 182 25 A. Resolutions adopted by the General ASlembly at its forty-.econd .ee.ion on the item entitled "Polioies of apartheid of the Government of South Africa" •••••••••• 125 - 126 25 B. Statements made at meetings of the Security Council ••• 127 - 129 25 C. Aotivities ot the Special Committee against the polioies and practices of the apartheid r'gime •••••••• 130 - 168 26 D. Encouragement of ~rld-wide action against apartheid.. 169 - 179 33 B. Co-o~eration with other United Nations bodies and other organizations ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 180 - 182 36 V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 183 - 194 37 Annexes I. Report on recent development. concerning relations between South Africa and Iar••l ••••••••••••.•...••.••..••.•••••.••••••••••••••••••.•.•••.•. 48 11. Composition ot the SUbsidiary bodies of the Special Committee against Apartheid and ot the Intergovernmental Group to Monitor the Supply and Shipping of Oil and P~troleum produots to South Afrioa •••••••••••••••• S2 -iv- • CONTENTS (continued) I Pdge Ill. Selected excerpt. from .tat~ment. iS8ued by the Special Committee ••••• 53 IV. Conference. and .eminarl of9ani••d or '1liated by the Special Committ.e 62 V. Ob••rvance of the International Dayl of Solidarity by the Special Committ.. ••••••...•.•.•••.••.•.••••••••.•••••...•.•.•••••••••••••••••• S5 VI. Lilt of documentl of the Special Committee •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 67 -v- I. INTRODUCTION 1. The Speoial Committee a~ain.t APartheid, ettabliahed by the General A••embly by re.olut ion 1761 (XVII) ot 6 November 1962, la now compo.ed ot the foll\)wing 18 Member Statoll Algeria India Somalia G~rman Democratic Indonesia Rudan Republio MahyBia Syrian Arab R~public Ghana Nepal Tdnidad and TOhago Guinea Niger ia Ukrainian Soviet Socialist H~1ti Peru Republic Hungary Philippinea 2. At its 612th meeting, on 7 January 1988, the Speoial ~ommitte. unanimously ro-.leot~d Major-General JOleph N. Oarba (Nigeria) as it. Chairman and Mr. Guennadi I. Oudovenko (Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republio) and Mr. Jai Pratap Rana (Nepal) al its Vice-Chairmen. Mr. Yve. L. Augult. (Haiti) W.I eleoted a8 Vioe-Chairman and Mr. Arif anahid Khan (India) re-elected al ~apporteur. 3. The Speoial Committee also re-eleoted Mr. James vtctor Gbeho (Gha~a) •• Chatrm~n ol its Sub-Committee on the Implemfmtltion of United Nations Re.olutions and Collaboration with South Afrioa, Mr. Tewtik Abad. (Algeria) a8 Chairman of its Sub-Committee on Petitions and Information, Mr. Manuel Rodrigu_z (peru) 18 Chairman ot the Taak Force on Politi~al Prisoners, Mr. Nasroldi~ A. M. Idris (Sudan) a8 Chairman of the Task Forc~ on Women and Children under Apartheid and Mr. OBelok~ Obaze (Nigeria) a8 Ch~irman of its Task Force on the Legal ABpeota of Apartheid. (For the names of the memhers of the subsidiary bodies of the Speoial Committee, yee annex 11 to the present report.) 4. The Special Committee decided unanimously to submit the present report to thL General AAsemhly and the Seourity Council. The report on recent development~ concerning relations between South Afrioa and Israel is contained i·' annex I. 11. REVIF.W OF DEVELOPMENTS IN SOUTH AFRICA A. General political ~nditions 5. During the period under review, the South African raciet regime has escalated its repression of activists and mass-based organizations that have been in the forefront of peaceful opposition ~o apartheid. In doing so, it has demon~trated its determination to sma~h any peaceful organized opposition to its rule in ordet to establish "security" and "normality" in the country. In Preloria'g view, these conditions seem to be neoessary for the implwmentation of its programme of "constitut:onal reform", which is nothing but another manoeuvre to further entrench apartheid. M5ny of the actions undertaken by the regime in the last 12 months suggest a two-track polioy involving, on the one hand, coeroion and, on the other, att1mptB to co-opt: sectors of the blACk majority population. The pretoria r'gime l' remains intransigently opposed to necessary change. 6. Parallel with the internal luppr••,ion, Pretoria hi' "tepped up ita terroriat activltie. abrold. A••a••ination ~nd maimin~ ol important memhers of th~ African National Convreaa of South AtticI (ANC), carried out ev~n in We.tern olpitals, aim at wea~enlnv the national liberltion movementa and It undermining their Btlnrting within the internation.l community. 7. In a aweeping offenMive a~ainat re.iltance to it. rule, on 24 February 1988 Putoria impol..d .evue re.trictiorlll on the activi tie. of 1.7 leading anti'-apartheid organil.tiona and 18 individual, committed to pe.oetul torm. ot .tru991e, and on the ConQre•• of South African Trade Union. (COSATU). Signifio.ntly, the.e meaaureD were .dopted in the context of the prolon~ed .tate of emervenoy, whioh givel almost unlimited power. to the 8.ourit~' torceN, alloW' luthoritiea to criminalile almost any political activity and to impolo draooni.n -evulationa on the foreign and domeatic media. The.. reltrictlonl, amounting to virtull bana, were adopted ahGad ot billl tabled in Parliament that would, among other thing" ourtail striotly the bona fide aotivitiel of trade union. and entorce more rividly re,id,ntial ..vrevation. 8. In impaaing the,e te.triction., Pretoria appear. to be trying to aohieve two di,tinct but related goal.. rir.tly, oonfronted with the challenge of the right-wing Con.ervative party, the r'vime i. attempting - unlucce••tully until now - tu woo baok white voter. in.t••d of addre••in9 it.elf to the aapiration. of the black majority. 9. Secondly, the r'gime il attempting to a'lrt a popular boycott ot n.tion-wide munioipal eleotion., goheduled tor 26 October 19R8, of black ,epr.lentative. to officially .anotioned "oommunity counoile". Organization. now b.nned, such I' the United Oemocratic Pront (UDP) and the Alanian people'. Organization (AZAPO), have rejeot.d the election. and vowed to organi•• a p.aoeful boycott ()f them. Such boycott. hive been effective in the pa.t. !/ 10. It appear. that pretoria il adopting repre••ive and reformist .trateyie. a. part of it. overlll policy of coercion and co-option in the implementation of which the National Seourity Management Syatem playl a oentral role. 1/ The fir.t .tep in thl. policy, the c~loulated luppre••ion of all forme of oppolition to apartheid, leem. to be an effort to oon,olidate the r'gime', control 1n tho country Ind i. oonnected with the growing power of the .ecurity apparatul in the conduot of th9 affair. of the country. 11. The re-e.tabli.hment of control il central to the .e~ond .tep, that t., the manipUlation of the chronic plight of black. in order to defuse their resi.tlnce and to oo-opt them. The r'gim. ha., through the Joint Management Committe.s, embarked on major "upgradinv ,cheme." in and infra.truct.un in town,hip. ~'nown for their mUitance, .uch a. Mamelodi outlide Pretor11, AltKandra outlide Johannelburg and New Brighton port. Ili.abeth. The ultimate goaL of the.e let lmel, •• official. expre., it, is to "win the hearts and mind. of the mllle.". Authoritie. se.m to th.t a It.ndard ot living will defu.e reeistanoe and oreate a moderate blaok opinion favourable to the "gime, or .t. leut to bl.-ok leadere who may partioipate in the propoRed National St.atutory Council, 12. The third .tep in Pret~ri.'a polioy of oo-option il to introduce politioal "reforml" in order to win lome lupport ba.e Il'IIOng blaok. IncS to galn llgiUm.oy for the r'gime. It ahould be reoalled that the majority of town'hip administrative .truotur•• have ooll.p.ed mainly a. a ,elult. of the upriling ancS the ongoing rent -2- boycott. The r'gime .eem. to be .eeking to e.tahl i~h a credible Idminhtntive mlchinery, thu. the October municipal tlectionl .ppear to be • key element 1n thi. proce•• of "politic.l t8form". Thl ellctld councillor, will form anl1e~ •• to Ileot 9 ot the 15 rlprl.ent.~ivl' to thl Nation.l Statutory Counoil, the fOLum which wilt play an Idvi.ory role in the preplr.tion of • new con,titution for blaok.

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