- Bringing Africa South Vol.3 No.329 N$1 .50 (GST Inc.) Monday january 17 1994 Martti aims Raging for the top rhino for Homewoes Namibia THE MAN WHO acted as a 'midwi(e' NAMIB IA will wel- to Namlbian come 'home' a rhinoc- independence is eros with a violent repu- seeking to advance tation this week. his political career by The white rhino, becoming the leader which has been de- for Govt ofms borne country, scribed as "psychotic" Finland. and goes under the for- Martti Ah,tisaari, b idding name of the f~er UN Spe~ , "Brutal is", is being trans- ,da,!.Represent.. vetn " fe rred from Denmark ,, ~a~ibia during after going berserk and <l989I9O, i~ hoping to smashing up two zoos be declared tbe new there. PFesidentofJi'jnland. .. The rampaging rhino employees ; 1n '8 fa~ cry frol,ll r;ntly"'avollrite to has d eve l o~d ~ notori- Namibia s hot an~ wintbetirstballotfor ous reputati on In Den- dusty voting condl- , lhepresldtntialposi- mark after wreak ing ~ns, Finnish voters/ tion. havoc and destructi on in . ,c:sterdaywere bravw ",Opinion polls gave Aalbor~ .a nd Givskud inl extrenle tOld to Seeial ' DemocJ'"8t zoos. VIs itors have ap- Could hit building prospects easttbelrvotes in the Abtisaari 24,2 per paren~ly been fl ocking to b.ndanav.lan couo- .·Y' . .'\ the Glvskud Loevepark Ahtisaari Is cur-' " coOt.. on page 2,',' 2 ASS .is tant general manager of Swabou, Dn,es try. '. cont. on page JOSEF MOTINGA Bornman, said the latest stance of the Goverment not to guarantee the additional costs on houses will CIVIL SERVANTS who want to buy slow down sales as many civil servants will not be homes face extra problems after a able to pay the costs themselves. deadlock in talks between leading Civil servants, Swabou, estate agents and home (\JtltiCl1t:1l 7JJ·C1'~J1t.'f ;4caJ~Ht'f building society Swabou and the developers would all suffer from the resultant an­ I ticipated decline in business. Government on home loans. , M{ 'i~. ,_ill 4 / ('Jt:lHti6ia The deadlock comes after talks began last No­ / 1'!l ,.--/ ~ " The Government has refused to guarantee extra vember between Swabou, the major home-lender, INVITATION TO: transfer and other costs and so civil servants will and the Government to update the building society have to show they have the cash to pay for t/lese on the latest housing scheme regulations. ALL ESTATE AGENTS AND ALL OTHER INTERESTED before they can buy under the Government scheme. The Government guarantees 20 per cent of the PARTIES TO A SEMINAR BY PUBLIC DEMAND ON A hold-up in the Government loan scheme, which purchase price of a house, which home-buyers who "PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT IN WINDHOEK" is responsible for a very large portion of the house are not civil servants have to put up themselves in (By a group of experts from the Windhoek Municipality) market in lower- and middle-income sectors. could cash (10 per cent of the purchase price at some hit prospects for the building and estate industries TOPICS TO BE ADDRESSED IN DETAIL ARE: this year. cont. on page 2 *Guide plans for Windhoek ; *The Town Planning Scheme; Earring pins down suspect *Planning Applications and Enforcement; *Building control procedures; *Current Developments; CHRIS NDIVANGA *Municipality Property Sales. SHARP thinking by a woman has led to the DO NOT MISS THIS ONE ...."" arrest of two suspects in a controversial case involving rape, illegal possession of an AK- DATE:21 JANUARY 1994 47, possession of prohibited drugs and a TIME:08HOO-1 3HOO stolen vehicle. VENUE: SW A WEK HALL Afterthe woman was allegedly raped, she slipped FEE: N$50,OO' one of her earrings under the back seat of the car. The police discovered it under the se at when the TRUi. y 'NAivilBIAN 'TRAVEL car was found on Thursday and it matched the one AGENCY the woman had in her posses ion. The woman. whose named cannot be re leased as Are you planning to travel??? the case is still sub judice. was allegedly raped at from the warm heat of gunpoint on December 14 last year. The incide nt took place near Brakwater outside Namibia to the .. ... Windhock and allegedly happened in the presence Don't hesitate to call of the other two occupants. According to Detective Warrant Officer Cassie (061) 239828/9 ANNETHANDEKAGEBHARD Cronje. thc-police hunted the suspected rapist down WE ARE AT 57 TEL:229881 (W) 227338(H) at a his bm'lher's ht)U se in Katutura on Thursday. A house search for the gun - a pistol used during INDEPENDENCE AVENUE .... -,;---:," . ... the rape - \cd to the discovery of fou r Mandrax The National Team with an )~. f.~· ~ '~~; ~;-:~I FIRST FOR YOU, ta blets. the AK-47 and 28 rounds of live ammuni- , ~~~~ ~~~ : ~~n~n~1.~ Ba ~~ International Touch!!! FIRST FOR HOME LOANS. cont. on page 2 , ~ ~~Qday ~J.~~~ry \l~"',.l. ~ Ahtisaari' Cops finger suspect I FROM PAGE 1 former UN man in Na­ I FROM PAGE 1 ,I Ijft in a car which had mibia. she would ~~ph , lwomale occupants. The . cent support, a slim lead with , SS per cent over tion in a room at the men allegedly promised , 'over his. nearest rival De-' Ahtisaari' s '4S per cent. house. The car in which to drop the women at fence Minister Elisabeth Although the Presi­ the woman was raped their home. Rehn who has 2105 per dent'spowersmainlycon-, was also found at the However, the driver cent. ',: cern foreign policy, do- house with the incrirni- drove to a shebeen in However, Ahtisa,ari ~estic economic issues nating earring under the Katutur.a where he could face problems' if ~ " have domiitated the elec­ has to face-off against "tion campaign. Finland is back seat Further inves- bought reers and then Rehn in the second round saddled with 20 per cent , tigations by the ~lice drovetoOkahandja.Af­ of the elections on Febru- ,unemploymentandaGDP indicated that the car was ter staying there . for a 'ary6.Pollsterspredictthat that has plunged more stolen. while' he decided 'to' re­ if it was a two-way battle than 10 per cent since . The suspect and his turn and stO'pped at between Rehri and the 1991. brother, die ownerofdie Brak'water where ' he --.....,.-------------:-----11 liouse;were arrested and raped the woman';' . will appear today in Cronje ' told , The Home woes court. Namibian that the other • . Cronje said the woman manwhohadbeeninthe FOUND ... The AK-47, its magazine and the four Mandrax tablets I' FROM PAGE 1 IDclud~ ~ additional andherfriendhadhitcli- carhadnotbeenarrested confiscated by the police. They are pictured on top of the car in which a '--------, --' costs, It. IS not allowed hiked from Windhoek as there is no charge woman was allegedly rape. Initial police investigations indicate that the banks). Helped by the under thi~ I~w. West and were given a against him. ' car was also stolen. Government guarantee, On CIvil servants' I-------.:::....--~::..-----------------.------------------ Swabou can give loans for houses, S wabou will only 100 per cent of the cost of include the costs in the Raging rhino for Nam the house, while for bor- 10anifGovernmentispre- Finance fraud ~owersw.ithoutguarantees pared to guarantee 80 per FROM PAGE 1 credited with causing to Namibia. Precautions , It only gives 80 per cent. cen.t of the costs on top of over N$60 000 worth of are being taken to avoiljl , AN alleged member of a fraud syndicate But o~ top of the pur- their guarantee of 20 .per zoo to see the bellicose damage at his last two unpleasant scenes on the chase pnce, thh ere are ~x- cThentofth~ ~urc2hoase pnce. Brutalis. homes in Denmark. active in the Ministry of Finance in 1992 Lufthansa flight - made a brief appearance in the Magistrates tra costs suc .as transler eremammg vpercent However, despite be- Brutalis' problems go Brutalis will be in a steel and stamp duties payable need~ to be pro Ided by ing a source of morbid b k h' h'ldhood cage and accompanied Court on Friday before his case was to the Government, and the chent. Swabou cannot . ' ac to IS c I remanded. transferfeeandbondcosts lend before it is satisfied fascmatlonfortheDanes whenhismotherrejected by a vet prepared to drug , to the attorney processing the borrower has enough the ,zoo's owners ,have him at b~rth and his only or even kill the rhino ,if Gert Hendrik du Plessis from Rehoboth is ac­ the transaction. Accord- money to cover the extra decld~d to .get nd of companion was a dog. he runs amok. A televi­ cused of defrauding the Ministry of N$162 144,28 ing to a Building Socie- costs, Bornman said. Brutahs saymg the.y do Since then offers of a sion crew recording over a period of six months., ties Act, Swabou may not Talks between Govem- not. w~nt" ~n a~lmal rhino girlfriend have Brutalis's journey will The alleged offences included illegal transfer of value a house above its ment and home lenders which IS Sick 10 the failed to mollify also be in tow. funds to South Nrica through the Bank of Namibia purchase value within six have continued for over a mind". Brutalis'destructiveten- "Brutalis's eventual to the Reserve Bank and into Nedbank (South months from the date of yeartodefmewhatisguar- The urge to dispatch dencies'. destination will be the Africa) and four false claims of medical refunds. purchase, Bornman said. anteed. Many civil serv- Brutalis to Namibia may The rhino with a repu­ Ongava Game Lodge Investigating officer Gerrida MagriethaHolloway Even if Swabou was pre- , ants have not been able to also have something to tation is due to arrive in south of Etosha where it alleged in court that Du Plessis was a member of a paredtotaketheextrarisk keep up payments and with the fact that the Windhoek later this is hoped that Namibia's syndicate which gave him instructions to transfer of increasing the loan to have lost their homes.
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