
An Organization Helping people to fi ght against Poverty since 1989 SOLVE NEPAL SOLVE Nepal Annual Report2019-2020 Publication Group: Advisors: Mr. Rajesh Lal Singh Shrestha Mr. Yogendra Subedi Ms. Renuka Karki Ms. Saraswoti Limbu Ms. Jyoti Pradhan Chief Editor Mr. Rajendra Bahadur Pradhan Executive Director Editors Mr. Saroj Pokharel, Coordinator, Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Mr. Himal Raj Ghimire, Project Manager, EESJ Project Ms. Pratigya Neupane, Project Coordinator, SUSASAN Project Ms. Namita Shrestha Finance and Admin offi cer Ms. Naramaya Rana Magar Social Development Offi cer Ms. Basna Mana Marpha Field Coordinator Mr. Yadav Nepal Field Coordinator Special Th anks Inuja Pradhan – Volunteer Cover page: Training of Trainers on Community Score Card to the stakeholders of Konjyosom and Bagmati RMs. I Table of Contents 1. Abbreviations I 2. SOLVE - Nepal Vision, Mission and Goals II 3. sfo{sf/L lgb]{zsaf6 III 4. Important events of the reporting year 1 5. SOLVE- Nepal organizational structure 4 6. SOLVE-Nepal stakeholders analysis 5 7. SOLVE-Nepal strategy wise activities reporting *= ;+:yfsf cfufdL % jif{sf /0fgLltx?M != ;fdflhs Joj;fo k|a4{gsf nflu ljQLo kx'Frdf ;xof]u ^ @= ;fdflhs Gofo tyf zflGtsf nflu dlxnf z;lQms/0f sfo{qmd ;+rfng ug]{ * • SEED/ EESJ kl/of]hgf #= lbuf] lasf;sf nflu k|fs[lts >f]t Aoa:yfkg tyf hnjfo' kl/at{g af6 kg]{ k|efjsf] Go"gLs/0f !# • hnjfo' kl/at{g af6 k/]sf k|efjsf] Go"gLs/0f ul/ dlxnfx?sf] cfodf a[2L ug]{ • ufpFkflnssf] hf]lvd klxrfg ul/ lg/fs/0fsf nflu pkfo k|ab{g ug]{ $= u|fld0f vfg]kfgL, :jf:y tyf ;/;kmfO{ sfo{qmd ;+rfng ug]{ !^ • e"sDk kZrftsf] vfg]kfgL tyf ;/;kmfO{ cfof]hgfsf] dd{t tyf ;'wf/ • sfof{Gjog kZrftsf] vfg]kfgL cfof]hgfx?sf] sfof{Gjog %= :yfgLo ;'zfzg k|a4{g sfo{qmd ;+rfng ug]{ !* • ;'zf;g kl/of]hg (= ;kmntfsf] syf !)= n]vf kl/If0f k|lta]bg – @)&^–)&& @^ !!= lqmofsnfk emNsg] s]lx tl:a/x? #! !@= lgb]{zs ;ldlt ;b:ox?sf] kl/ro II ABMS Audio Based Messaging System AIMS Agricultural Information Management System CAPA Community Adaptation Plan for Action CECI Center for International Studies and Cooperation CRC Citizen Report Card CSC Community Score Card CSOs Community Support Organizations DCC District Coordination Committee DPAC District Project Advisory Committee DRRCCA Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation FCA FinChurh Aid GAC Global Aff airs Canada GESI Gender Equality and Social Inclusion GMALI Grant Management and Local Infrastructure ICT Information Communication and Technology IMS Infrastructure Management System INGO International NonGovernment Organization JAMS JudicialAff airs Management System KAP Knowledge, Attitude and Practice LAPA Local Adaptation Plan for Action LGs Local Governments LRP Local resource Person MPAC Municipality Project Advisory Committee MSMEs Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises NAPA National Adaptation Plan for Action ODF Open Defecation Free ODI Open Data Initiatives PETS Public ExpenditureTracking Survey RM Rural Municipality RWSSFDB Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Fund development Board SEED Socio Economic Empowerment of Disadvantaged Women SOLVE Society Of Local Volunteers' Eff ort WMG Women and Marginalized Group WUC Water User's Committee III “ “ “SOLVE envisions Nepalese xfdLnfO{ ljZjfz 5 ls – communities which are æg]kfnL ;d'bfon] Gofok"0f{ ;dtf equitable and capable of Pj+ ;Ifdtfsf ;fy cf–cfˆgf] ;fwg meeting their basic needs ;|f]tsf] pkof]u u/L cfwf/e"t with their own resources”. cfjZostf k"/f u/]sf] x'g]5 .Æ “ “ “ æ;Nen] ;d'bfodf ;Da4 "SOLVE works with groups “ ;d"xx?nfO{ k|]l/t ub}{ Ifdtf to empower people and clej[l4 Pj+ zzlQms/0fsf nflu encourage capacity growth sfd ug]{5 .Æ “ “ in communities". "Targeting to create gender ædflg;x?sf] cfly{s / equality and social inclusion ;fdflhs lasf;sf nflu Ifdtf in every sector/aspects of clea[l4 ub}{ ;dfhsf x/]s If]qdf n}+lus development initiatives; enhancing ;dfgtf, ;fdflhs ;dfa]zLs/0fsf] people's capacity for economic and aftfa/0f ;[hgf ul/ at{dfg k"jf{wf/sf] social development through utilization plrt pkof]uaf6 gLlt lgdf{0f, ;'zf;g, of available resources and meaningful ;fdflhs pQ/bfoLTj / cy{k"0f{ participation of all in decision and ;xeflutf åf/f lbuf] ljsf; k|fKt ug{ policy making levels for promoting good ;xof]u k'¥ofpg]Æ governance and social accountability to achieve sustainable development". IV . ;g\ @)@) cGo jif{x? eGbf lgtfGt km/s /Xof] / ljsf;sf ultn] km8\sf] lnG5 ls eGg] cfzf sf]/f]gfsf] qf;bLn] g/fd|/L c;/ uof]{ / ;fdflhs ;+:yfx? cem} klg lgl:qmo /xg afWo agfof] eg] b]lv ljZjsf ;a} /fi6«x? k|efljt ePsfn] o; If]qdf cfpg] cGt/ /fli6«o ljsf; ;xof]u klg Ifo ePsf] cj:yf 5 . b]zsf] /fhg}lts cj:yfsf] t/ntfsf sf/0f klg of] If]q k|efljt ePsf] 5 / :yfgLo ;/sf/sf] laleGg ;f]r / nfdf] b'/Lsf] b[li6df b]lvPsf] cndnn] of] If]qsf cleoGtf nfO klg k|efa k/]sf] b]lvG5 . t/ ;dfh sNof0f kl/ifbdf ePsf] dgf]gogn] xfdLnfO{ s]lx pT;flxt kf/]sf] 5 / ;fdflhs If]qsf cleoGtf x?g} g]t[Tjsf lhDd]jf/ kbdf /x]sf] sf/0f of] If]qsf] k'g/;+/rgf x'g]5 eGg]df xfdL cfzfafbL 5f} . t'ngfTds ?kdf :yfgLo ;/sf/sf] ah]6 pNn]vgLo b]lvPtf klg ;du|df a9\b} uPsf] hg cfsf+Iff ;Daf]wg ug{ cem} ljsf;] ;fem]bf/x?sf] pkl:ylt ckl/xfo{ xf] ls eGg] xfd|f] 7DofO{ cem} b/f] 5 / u|fld0f If]qdf a9\b} uPsf] pTkfbg Ifdtf, s[lifsf] cfw'lgsLs/0fsf] cfaZostf, :yfgLo /f]huf/ l;h{gf tyf lgdf{0f ePsf] u|fld0f k'af{wf/nfO{ ;dl:6ut ?kdf lgofNbf :yfgLo lzk tyf sRrf kbfy{df cfwfl/t u|fld0f p4d tyf Aoa;fo ljsf; tyf k|a4{gsf] ;fy ;fy} pTkfbgsf] plrt ahf/ Aoa:yfkg cfhsf] 68\sf/f] cfa:ostf ePsf] 5 . of] b]zs} d]?b08 xf] / ;dfh sNof0f kl/ifb\sf] b[li6 klg ;dfg /x]sf] dx;'; xfdLnfO{ ePsf] 5 . u|fld0f hgtfsf] cfaZostfdf Jofks ?kfGt/0f ePsf] 5 / lzIffsf] dxTj cfTd;ft ub}{ cfTd ;Ddfg o'Qm /f]huf/sf] ck]Iff 5 . nlIft\ ju{df / a}b]lzs /f]huf/af6 :jb]z kmls{Psf o'afx?nfO{ :jb]zd} yfDg ;s] b]zn] km8\sf] df5{ eGg] s'/fdf laZjf; ug{ ;lsG5 / o;sf nflu ;a} txaf6 /f]huf/ nlIft\ sfo{qmdsf] yfngL x'g jf:tjd} h?/L 5 . .;Ne g]kfn åf/f ;+rflnt ljleGg kl/of]hgfx? cal:yt :yfgLo ;/sf/x? qmdzM afudtL ufpFkflnsf, sf]+Hof];f]d ufpFkflnsf, dxf+sfn ufpFkflnsf tyf ;Dk"0f{ j8fsf cWoIf nufot ;+nUg dlxnf ;xsf/L ;b:ox?, dsjfgk'/, nlntk'/ tyf uf]vf{sf vfg]kfgL pkef]Qmfx? / wgs'6f, t]x{y'd, ef]hk'/, kfry/, O{nfd, ;+v'jf;ef, ;'g;/L, tyf df]/+u lhNnfsf ;b:ox? k|lt ;+:yfsf] tkm{af6 xflb{s gdg ub}{ ;xof]uL bfqL lgsfox?, a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx?, :yfgLo ;/sf/ / ;+nUg xfd|f sd{rf/L :jod\ ;]jsx? ;a}nfO{ k'g gdg ub}{ of] phf{nfO{ sfod /fVg k|fKt ;b\efj / z'e]Iofk|lt wGoafb k|s6 ub{5' . COVID-19 nufot cGo ;d:ofx?af6 /fxt lbg xfdf]| k0f| cfufdL jif{x?df klg hfl/ /xg] 5 . …;Ne g]kfnÚ o;sf la:tfl/t kfOnfx? ablnbf] kl/j]z cg';f/ t}of/ kfg{ – xfdL nflu k/]sf 5f} . xfdL xfd|f] cys k|of;af6 ;Dea ;]jfx?nfO{ nlIft ;d"x;Dd k'¥ofpg xfld nflu kg]{ 5f} . kl//xg] 5f} . wGoafb /fh]Gb| axfb'/ k|wfg sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs ;Ne g]kfn 1 Some of the important events of 2019-2020 Completing 31 years of SOLVE - Nepal SOLVE-Nepal celebrated completion of it's 31st (1989-2020) (2046-2077) establishment on October simply with exchanging messages and commitment due to COVID-19 pandemic. Th e historic moment was shared with the key achievements organization has achieved and the way forward. Participation in Social Business Day Bangkok Executive Director Mr. Rajendra Bahadur Pradhan participated the International 9th. Social Business Day (28-29 June, 2019) organized in Bangkok, Th ailand by Yunus Centre in the presence of Nobel laureate Hon. Prof. Mohammad Yunus. Th ere were many session relating to the importance of social business with the motto 'Making Money is Happiness and Making other people happy is Super Happiness.' Participation in International Advocacy Rajendra Bahadur Pradhan, Executive workshop on Climate Change and Director of SOLVE - Nepal has participated in an International Advocacy programme on Adaptation in Berlin, Germany. 'Climate Change Adaptation' organized by BASUG, Germany on 18th.May, 2019. Th e programme was attended by the honorary Ambassador of Nepal to Germany and other distinguish guests. Th e programme was chaired by Mr. Bikash Chaowdhary Barua, BASUG President. SOLVE has partnership with BASUG in climate change project' Women Empowerment in Climate Change Adaptation and generate income' fund supported by GIZ/CIM, Germany. 2 Observation tour to Bangladesh SOLVE support to Government to fi ght A group of SOLVE-Nepal has visited against the effect of COVID-19 Bangladesh to observe the activities of women SOLVE-Nepal donated NCRS 111,000 to cooperatives and micro fi nance activities. Nepal Govt. through District Administration Th e group interacted with the groups of offi ce Dhankuta and Rs. 115,000 to diff erent Brac, Baridhara Women Cooperative Dhaka, Local Governments namely Dhankuta, Monibala Welfare Trust, BASTOB, SERWTCI Terhathum, Chainpur, Pakhribas, Ghoretar, and GRAUK Bangladesh. A total fi ve delegate Mudhe and Tumlingtar Rural/Municipalities. from SOLVE-Namely Mr. Rajendra B. Pradhan, ED, Ms.
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