THE FIRSTCHAPTER WAVE OF RACIAL VI ANTI- tatorsThe disclosesanalysis of some German rather anti-Semitic SEMITISMunexpected literature, and puzzling movements, facts. The and most agi- dents,kindofifimplacable notthe of hostile,industrial"educated" anti-Semitism enemies to andthe rather ofchurchcommercial wasthe than Jewsspread rather the were employees, "ignorant"throughoutthan urban devout rather petty classes.Germany Christians, thanofficials, The rural; by mostandteachers, professional indifferent, members virulent stu- narrow-mindedthe"backmovements,"people, peasants to and nature" followers or whole-rye thethough builders land-owning of they cultsbreadof bodymight of dietitians, every aristocracyand have soul. variety: been, opponents From or came members the these reactionary theof groups,vivisection, fanatical of "life not clergy,reform haters from and economicanant;annoyance,of To Jews.economic to the the conservative functionone as evil. the the JewishBut Jewof JunkertheJews appeared cattleantagonism within the dealer liberalas the a ofpoliticaland sphere or both middlemanradical wasof danger, agriculture Jewcircumscribed. waswas to the toa had sourcethe other peas-toThe beasof thecompeteproductsfertilizersaccepted cities, asbroughtwith hadof necessary_resentment trading, tothe be toagrarian boughtthe banking, villages. producer.and and sold, Jews or industry, no creditsThey engaged resentment. appeared negotiatedbut in still, these Cattle, asfor andfieldsthe a longgrain, industrialagents did time, andnot of picture.andJewishanimositytheyThe mutual were urban middlemen Insecurity toundoubtedly dependency sectorsome extentofand and the farmers, developedwasinstability oldpart not and of entirelyyet thenew from werean agrarian Mitteistand awareness lacking.the the clash community.dominant ofpresentedof commoninterests notes Friction a differentinterestsbetween of their and newbersexistence. occupationsof the Taking lower which advantagemiddle had classes onlyof easier avigorously 75limited access absorptive to pushed higher their capacity.education, way Compe-up mem- into tition76 was bitterly intenseREHEARSAL and the FOR competitors DESTRUCTION were frequently Jewish. oftureschoolrentwereThat assimilation of complaints aspirantsparticularly pupilsthe struggle and from couldabout sensitive university precludedthe notthe lower bedisproportionatelyto students, this permittedmiddlecompromise. fact classes,is lawyers, testifiedto establish Baptism unsurehigh and to by ratiophysicians. equalityandof numerous, their of other Jewish prospects, of symbols The oppor- recur- high na- toshouldpetitionandseemedtunity eliminate adjustments inenable towere a impoverish limited them Jewssuch Jews altogether.tothatfield gainthemight many whereprospects access be participants Thewilling the to of spherescandidacyinterests all to themake, felt from others. of thatof the pettywhich every noWhateverexigencies individualbourgeois it new was sacrificesclaimantdesirable of com-merithigh nessligiousanders,schoolTo judges, politicians,established gauge andconversion university lawyers,the weredepthcivil and journalists,graduates,equality.at ofpolitical variance this antagonism whoreliability, physicians,with coveted the old-fashioned ithonesty, jobsisengineers, well and andto positions compare administrators,public-minded- notion as that it teach- with re- feltconsequence,stateofanchoredthe the attitudethat was traditional they in the ofhis remainedTreitschkemosta nationalism, Treitschke values worthy aloof ofthought or Westernbutobject Stoecker.from this that ofnationalism the civilization. Jewsan Treitschke'sstate individual's were and was dangerous Forthe stillanti-Semitism Protestanthimdevotion.1 related the because national to mon- some Aswas he a integrationItunitySemitismhadarchy. held brought and He out wasliberty,believed toif about theJewsthey authoritarianconffict that wouldthe they possibilityReich. between but were decision side The undermining the withof frame state andcomplete the andparliamentary of forces thethereference national heroicindividual, of national idealismcompromise. of and thisbetween social self- antithat stitutetionmostnotit,assertion a only goodlaw duty—and "an waswhose Cerrnan act unacceptableassimilation of passionate theirobvious was salvation. assessed injustice, possible, advocateto Treitschke; by The his abutTreitschke ideabreak individual it was this,of with revoking actually hadhe the beliefsargued, become. fine the andtraditions wouldJews'emancipa- As conduct; he fore- con- saw of insteadLikeconflictsourTo state, Treitschke,a lesser he that whichfavored plaguedegree, Stoecker would discriminationus."2 Stoecker's sharpen did not position wantasrather an involvedlegal administrative than emancipation mitigate similar considerations.policy.3 the rescinded; national Bona fide baptism THEwas FIRSTto assureWAVE completeOFRACIAL equalityANTI-SEMITISM between converted Jews77 tremists.church,conservative"Jewishand Christians.is not spirit."and "I also haverule-by-law Protestantism HeNomotivated no wasracism use too forinherent underlaydeeplyby nota amovement deep to committedin beStoecker's the love aware racial thatof to ofthe violent isphilosophythe the merelyGospel," ethical dangers rejection anti-Jewish concepts ofhe to thesaid ofstate, ex-the ofin nothoughtGod.alism,1881, longer "If inhe can an one adid heavenlyaddressbecome makesnot want to dark;anfatherland German toidol rendertoday, out students.4beyond ofinunto themany Caesar worldlythe aHowever worldlymind without fatherland, an one, ardentidea rendering even of his fatherlandif patriotic therenation- unto is turnedittemperedduringand Racialattacked state againstthe prevailsanti-Semitism, by Christianitylast Christian the decades which Conservatives or does hardlyhowever, conservativeof notthe less servenineteenth withwhich violently theconsiderations. the light."5gained battle century, than strengthcry Judaism "against Onwas thein no Germanyand contrary, Junkerslonger often reign"childvestigeandOf Jews." course,in of ofthe Jewish "Jewishness" Somefinal Christian analysisreligion of its Socialextreme byimpliedand destroying Platonism, criticism spokesmen the "Ver/udung withof born Jews wanted it out the hadof of Christian humanity."6to fertilizedwedlock," eradicate religion, the whose every soil ofrowdyStoecker's"plebeian"for anti-Semitism racial anti-Semites anti-Semitism. friendagitation andpreached would of biographer a HenriciWithout hardly by the Oertzenwouldhave theCourt "moderate," appeared have Chaplainconcedes been had respectablethethatunthinkable. not inflammatory, "the Stoecker racial variety Even pre- and racialonlythereJews'viously look wasanti-Semitesinister started littleat the role difference his authoritative Theodor in fight the economy against ofFritsch opinion catalogue Berlin'scompiled and between in of theJewry."T inJewish theAntisemiten-Katechismus8cultural two misdeeds With schools. life regardof the whichOne nation, to need thethe ingUnderto see1. charges Jews thethe numerousengageheading, were listed:in usurious"What points are ofdealings agreement the Jews with really peasants,between guilty artisans, him of'?and theofficials Stoecker. follow- and 3.2. TheymitmakeTheirofficers. to ruin itsharpwage their handicraft slavery.business prey. andpractices cause leadformerly to the independent decline of honest artisans trade tosub-and 784. Theyconstantlycan hardly force grows. wagesexistREHEARSAL any and longer prices FOR and down DESTRUCTION the tothreat a level of awhere bloody honest revolution labor 6.5. TheywrongTheyas to have thedemoralize targets true a monopoly causes(government, the peopleof oftheir the church by misery press feeding Junkers, andand them useto divertpolice, itsensational to deceive discontent officials). and the obscene towardpeople 8.7.Theycrash.news, influencecommitteddegrading legislation ourfraud entire on a throughculture. gigantic Jewish scale atparliamentarians the time of the financial(Lasker, 9.TheyataimBamberger, the of commercializestock furthering exchange; etc.) theirand all thoughfreedomown values: designs paid ofoffices, movement). non-Jewish(fraudulenttitles, prestige,insolvency,underlings, honor, gambling with love; the 10. Theytheslavemakehood.causing few havetrade. ("Thethem moralmen lured the Jews'of devastation character mostinto low theirunscrupulous sensuous especiallywho nets resistand disposition bribedamong seducers.")are mercilessly manythe and nation's their Theyprominent slandered lack youngrun of the persons;decencywoman- whitein the Stoecker11. TheyJewishwithoutthattions, "nodominatehad havepress. being individualvoiced pull set even with muchupon governmentsstate all by the cabinets neighboringcan same dare beliefs throughthrough to states."take about internationalshrewd steps the against financialsocioeconomic contacts the opera- Jews so press,tempttypicalofficial,roleBut of forandthere ofthe the allparliamentary theJews. indebted wereanti-Semites. grief Solicitude also about army significant authority, theSo officer, for waspassing the the innovations theruined fearof hatredstarving the of artisan, oldsocial of in industrial virtues.the therevolution,the influential newunderpaid worker, bill the ofliberal petty con- par-was Jewishticulars.wouldgloomySocial convictions. hetemptation aIts picturehave last spoken two of Neveron Christian points the of wouldpartthe were "fewcorruptibility, of Stoecker "manyentirely men of prominenthave out character" of of thoughtsuch
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