Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1979-80 The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 2-21-1980 The thI acan, 1980-02-21 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1979-80 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1980-02-21" (1980). The Ithacan, 1979-80. 17. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1979-80/17 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 at Digital Commons @ IC. 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Warwich Lister future programs, ~timulate a policies to enhance the quality tain enrollmenb in the future. Trustees met in Manhattan on and Steven Mauk both from qualitatively improved and reputation of the The Board commended the Friday, Feb. 15. The Board of The School of Music were enrollment, attract financial College's academic prog1ams, President for his diligenc~ and Trustees is the policy-making granted tenure. Arthur support and raise standards plan for future programs, concurs in the actiom he ha, structure of the college and is Ostrander, also from the for the academic and stimulate a qualitatively im­ taken in addre~sing the made up of lawyers, School of Music was professional excellence of the proved enrollment, attract problem. businesspersons, faculty, promoted from Assistant to faculty." financial support for the "These action, ha\'c been in staff, students, administrators Associate Professor and In addition to this the Board College, and raise standard~ full accord \\ith the direction and alumni with President finally, Richard Creel, of the placed a full page ad in the for the academic and gi\ en to the President hy The · Whalen designated as "ex of­ Department of Philosophy Monday Feb. 18 issue of The professionalexcellence of the Board of Trm1ees. · · ficio". and Reiigion received a full Ithaca Journal. This faculty. The Board commend~ According to Bette .\nn Tenure and Promotion professorship. resolution, published at the the Pre~ident and the ad­ ~.;acb, student trmtce, decisions were made at this According to a news release expense of the members of the mini~tration for the manner 111 Pre,iclent Whalen provickd meeting and are as follows: from the administration, "The Executive Comittee of the which they ha\e worked to the Board 1, ith an update l•I' Julian Euell; from Assistant Board reaffirmed its support Board of Trustees is presented carry out the Board's direc­ Unionilation an,l the 1-::.K. K. to Associate Professor of of President Whalen and the here in its entirety. "The Ithaca tion~. rna,q11t:radc incident. Reron, Sociology with Tenure. administration in their efforts College Board of Trustees "The Board deplore~ re..:ent from the tollll\\i11g committee, Jacquelin Green-Smith and to carry out the Board's policy strongly reaffirms its support public ,tatcmenb by a grour \\CIC al,l) he,lid: fru,:·:e~hip, Linday Krasilovsky from in- to enhance the quality and of President Whalen and the of faculty member, not onl) Finan..:,:, R·:,(1 ur,·e,. structors to assistant reputation of the College's administration in their efforts bccau~c they are Llll­ Eclucat1:rnai l'olic:y, Compcn- ;)rofes~ional and raise ,eri"ot1, ,:1tion Bcnclih and the ethical problems, but aho E:-.ecL:ti\'c Cl1111mi1tec. ·1 he because they demean the in­ Board also pa,,ed .. , ·~'l'lutwn Whalen States Views stitution and the facull~ a, a of apprcei:1tio11" to: lth:ka whole. College Football Cnach J:,n by Marie Morrissey feels that "a lot of things were faculty saying that they ,hould "The B0ard al~o deplore•. the l3uttc1 field, and f,)r the former In a Fe.bruary 18 interview not asked that should have have the right to. veto th~· purpor!ed ·c\aluation' or the \'ice Pre,ident fur Colkge \ icw, President Whalen resr: been a~ked" in Faculty Board of Trustees? Well, President and the ad­ RL"latinn, and Rc,L•urcc onded to questions regarding United's questionnaire then clearly we have a dif­ :11inistration by a ~elf appoin­ Development, Charle, \lc­ Faculty C\'aluation of a evaluation. He al~o feels that ference of opinion thcrc ... not ted group and it~ announced Cord. Pre~ident and tenure policie,. there are aspect~ of listing a personality problem.'' plam lO publicize the re~ulh of Co111111en:in!l on the n1 crall Faculty United organized last fund raising and hi~ re,pon­ The Pre~ident said that mo,t tl1i<; purported 'e\ aluation'. at 1110,pherc lit· th,· Board fall in an effort to provide a sibilitie~ in Washington and problems between the f acuity "Such bcha\·ior can only ~cr­ meeting. '.--ad,, t'clt it Ill he platform for more .powerfiil Albany a, examples. and the administration seem \ C to damage Ithaca College .,0111e1\ hat · ·antic\ irnact ic:. · · Shl' ~ho <.:l)l11Jl1cn:cd ihat a, a, participation of faculty The intent and motivation of tcstem from personnel decisions. and member, of The College in relations with the tlli~ evaluation havt: to be In Feb. of I 977, President Community. It ser\'e, no ,tucknt rru,tee ,he"ab,tained administration. Though examined said the President. Whalen appointed members of useful and no producti\ e pur­ from most of the , ot111g .:ot recognized by the ad­ It is unclear whether or not a Tenure and Prornotiom pose. bccau,e nelt her ~idc Cllll\ inccd her of bemg totally nght. ministration or the Board of Faculty United intends to Committee from "a list of "An independent evaluation "Abstainmg i, thc bc,1 wa> Trustees, the group put publicly release the results of people that the faculty dre\\ of governance at the College, for me to e:-.prc,, m~ di,scn­ together a faculty evaluation the questionnaire. If public up." Whalen said that the in­ conducted by The Association s1on without ,:au,1!1!! of the President and his ad· release is a possibility, the. tent of the committee was to of Governing Boards of Colleges and Universities at, aggre\ation." ,aid Sack,. ministration, the results of Pr~sident feels that such in­ have a voice other than the the request of the Board of Board member, iviarjehnc which have not yet been tent should have been stated President's making tenure Trustees, determined that the Hoefer and William Ter­ released. The President said on the questionnaire. Accor­ judgements. actions of the administration, williger, protes,or of English that any evaluation of him or ding to Whalen, if the intent On the subject of faculty in particular those of the both declined comment on an~ his administration should be of the evaluation is to tell the tenure, Whalen said, "We are President, were sound and of the Board', actI\'itie,. Ac­ initiated at the request of the Board of Trustees that the beginning the process of put­ proper. ting Provost Frank Falcone Board of Trustees. Faculty faculty is unhappy with the ting some restraint on tenure. "The Board reaffirms its and President Whalen were points of view and concerns President then "they have "We are doing careful continuing concern with ex­ both unavailable for rnm­ must be represented stated made that point very clear." evaluations of what we can cessive Tenure as we, in com­ ment. Whalen, but a faculty decision He said that specific issues expect for the future ... We are mon with other institutions of to evaluate should be done "a must be dealt with and "not trying very hard to position little bit more formally, a little the vague .generalization of ourselves for the '80's." He bit more objectively" and that 'Jim Whalen as an explained that statistics show a Supreme Court they should "make certain authoritarian personality.' ls projected decrease in student that there is some credibility-­ it that the faculty wants the enrollment in the I 980' s as a Rules on Yeshiva not anonymity--associated last word on who gets tenured result of a decreasing birth Press, the majority opinion of with it." President Whalen and who doesn't? ls, the continued on page J4 by Andrea Herman The Supreme Court ruled, the court, written by Ju,ticc ·ii ,- ~ ., in a 5-4 split deci~ion, that the Powell, said it i~ clear that faculty at Yeshiva University Yeshiva l1as to rely upon it, in New York cannot unionize faculty to make and 1111- because they are managerial plemcnt college pLll i<.:\ ,111d employees of the university, that one cannot ,epa,atc who play a ~ignificant part in profc,\ional 1nt crest, I rulll the the school', decision-making Uni\CI ,ity', 1111c1l''.l, D1,,L·11 procc".
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