AIA Education Department Bibliographies: Historical Novels Bibliographies Historical Novels Archaeological Mysteries Renault, M. 1979. The Nature of Alexander. New York: Praetzellis, A. 2003. Dug to Death: A Tale of Archaeological Vintage Books. Method and Mahem. Walnut Creek, CA: Rowman and Tarr, J. 1993. Lord of the Two Lands. First Edition. Tor Littlefield Publishers. Books. Praetzellis, A. 2000. Death by Theory: A Tale of Mystery and Archaeological Theory. Walnut Creek, CA: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. Greece Alexander the Great Bryher, W. 1958. Gate to the Sea. Random House. Alvear, M. 2004. The Man Who Brought the World to Its Caldwell, T. 1983. Glory and Lightning. Reissue Edition. Knees. Advocate Books. Fawcett. Apostolou, A. 1997. A Murder in Macedon: A Mystery of Cussler, C. 2001. Treasure. Rebound by Sagebrush. Alexander the Great. First Edited Edition. St. Martin’s (library of Alexandria) Press. De Camp, L.S. 1985. The Bronze God of Rhodes. Wals- Bose, P.S. 2003. Alexander the Great’s Art of Strategy: The worth Publishing Company. Timeless Leadership Lessons of History’s Greatest Empire De Camp, L.S. 1982. The Dragon of the Ishtar Gate. Lim- Builder. Gotham Books. ited Edition. Donning Company Pub. Butts, M. 1994. The Classical Novels (Recovered Classics). De Camp, L.S. 1965. The Arrows of Hercules. First Edition. McPherson Books. Doubleday Publishing. Doherty, P.C. 2004. The Godless Man. Ulverscroft Large De Camp, L.S. 1958. An Elephant for Aristotle. First Edi- Print. tion. Doubleday Publishing. Doherty, P.C. 2001. The House of Death: A Mystery of Duggan, A. 1973. Elephants and Castles. Faber and Faber. Alexander the Great. First Carroll Edition. Carrol & (Hellenistic Greece) Graf Publishers. Geras, A. 2004. Troy. San Diego: Harcourt Paperbacks, Gem mell, D. 1993. Dark Prince. First American Edition. Inc. Del Rey. Graves, R. 2001. Homer’s Daughter and the Anger of Achilles. Green, P. 1992. Alexander of Macedon 356-323 B.C.: A Carcanet Press. Historical Biography. Reprint Edition. Graves, R. 1982. Hercules, My Shipmate. Farrar Straus & University of California Press. Giroux. (Odysseus) Lamb, H. 2000. Alexander of Macedon: the Journey to Green, P. 1995. The Laughter of Aphrodite: A Novel about World’s End. Doubleday Publishing. Sappho of Lesbos. Reprint Edition. University of Cali- Kazantzak, N. 1982. Alexander the Great: A Novel. Ohio fornia Press. University Press. Green, P. 1967. Achilles His Armour. First Edition. Dou- Manfredi, V.M. 2002. Alexander: The Ends of the Earth. bleday Publishing. (Alcibiades) Washington Square Press. Jicinski, B. 1964. Diogenes: A Novel Based on an Apochryphal Manfredi, V.M. 2002. Alexander: The Sands of Ammon. Biography of the Greek Philosopher. William-Frederick Washington Square Press. Press. Manfredi, V.M. 2001. Alexander: Child of a Dream. Wash- Lamb, H. 2000. Alexander of Macedon: the Journey to ington Square Press. World’s End. Doubleday Publishing. Nicastro, N. 2004. Empire of Ashes: A Novel of Alexander Mitchison, N. 1994. The Corn King and the Spring Queen. the Great. Signet Books. Reissue Edition. Soho Press. Pressfield, S. 2004. The Virtues of War: A Novel of Alexan- Mitchison, N. 1980. The Barbarian. Popular Library. der the Great. Doubleday Books. Penfield, W. 1960. The Torch. First Edition. Little Brown. Renault, M. 2002. Fire from Heaven. New York: Vintage Powell, R. 1970. Whom the Gods Would Destroy. Scribner. Books. (Trojan War) Renault, M. 2002. Funeral Games. New York: Vintage Radin, M. 1966. Epicures My Master. Reprint Edition. Books. University of North Carolina Press. Renault, M. 1988. The Persian Boy. New York: Vintage Renault, M. 2003. The Charioteer. New York: Vintage Books. Books. Archaeological Institute of America 1 AIA Education Department Bibliographies: Historical Novels Bibliographies Renault, M. 2003. The Praise Singer. New York: Vintage Graves, R. 1983. Claudius the God. Modern Library. Books. Harris, R. 2004. Pompeii. New York: Fawcett, Inc. Renault, M. 2002. Fire from Heaven. New York: Vintage Jaro, B.K. 2002. The Door in the Wall. Wauconda, IL: Books. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc. Renault, M. 2002. Funeral Games. New York: Vintage Jaro, B.K. 2002. The Key. Wauconda, IL: Bolchazy-Car- Books. ducci Publishers, Inc. Renault, M. 2001. The Bull from the Sea. Second Edition. Jaro, B.K. 2002. The Lock. Wauconda, IL: Bolchazy-Car- New York: Vintage Books. ducci Publishers, Inc. Renault, M. 2001. The Last of the Wine. New York: Vintage Kingsley, C. 2004. Hypatia. Kessinger Publishing. (Alex- Books. andria in 5th c.) Renault, M. 1988. The King Must Die. New York: Vintage Koestler, A. 1974. The Gladiators. Arrow Publishing. Books. Lamb, H. 1977. Theodora and the Emperor. Pinnacle Books. Renault, M. 1988. The Mask of Apollo. New York: Vintage Lytton, E.B. 2004. Harold. Kessinger Publishing. (Norman Books. conquest) Renault, M. 1988. The Persian Boy. New York: Vintage Lytton, E.B. 2004. The Last Days of Pompeii. Kessinger Books. Publishing. Rofheart, M. 1975. My Name is Sappho. Berkley Press. McCullough, C. 2003. Caesar. New York: Avon Books. Schmitt, G. 1965. Electra. First Edition. Harcourt, Brace McCullough, C. 1997. Caesar’s Women. New York: Avon & World, Inc. Books. Stone, I. 1987. The Greek Treasure. New American Library. McCullough, C. 1994. Fortune’s Favorites. Reprint Edition. (Heinrich Schliemann) Avon Books. (Julius Caesar) Sutcliff, R. 1986. Flowers of Adonis. Severn House Pub McCullough, C. 1992. The Grass Crown. Reprint Edition. Ltd. (Alcibiades) Avon Books. Treece, H. 1969. Jason. Paperback Library. McCullough, C. 1991. The First Man in Rome. New York: Vidal, G. 2002. Creation: A Novel. Restored Edition. Dou- Avon Books. bleday Publishing. Newman, J.H. 2001. Callista: A Tale of the Third Century. Wolfe, G. 1992. Soldier of the Mist. Literate Ear Publishing. 2nd edition. University of Notre Dame Press. Wolfe, G. 1990. Soldier of Arete. Reprint Edition. Tor (N. Africa persecutions) Books. Pater, W. 2004. Marius the Epicurean. Kessinger Publishing. Yerby, F. 1977. Goat Song. Dell Publishing. Pater, W. 2004. Marius the Epicurean. Digireads.com. (Time of Marcus Aurelius) Rome Peacock, T.L. 2004. Maid Marian. Kessinger Publishing. Bryher, W. 1965. The Coin of Carthage. Harcourt Publish- (Richard I - Robin Hood) ing. (Punic War) Pilpel, R. 1985. Between Eternities. Harcourt Publishing. Bryher, W. 1954. Roman Wall. Random House, Inc. (Marcus Aurelius) Bulwer, L.L. 2004. The Last Days of Pompeii. Ebookslib. Roberts, J.M. 2001. SPQR Mystery Series (1-9). St. Mar- (Time of Vespasian) tin’s Minotaur. (Late Republic) Caldwell, T. 1983. A Pillar of Iron. Reissue Edition. Fawcett Saylor, S. 2005. A Gladiator Dies Only Once. Constable Publishing. (Cicero) and Robinson. (mysteries set in Davis, W.S. 1928. A Friend of Caesar: A tale of the fall of the ancient Rome with a Roman “finder” - detective) Roman republic 50-47 B. C. Macmillan & Co., Ltd. (Fall Saylor, S. 2005. The Judgment of Caesar. Constable and of the Roman Republic) Robinson. De Camp. L.S. 1996. Lest Darkness Fall and Bring the Light. Saylor, S. 2005. A Gladiator Dies Only Once: The Fur- Reissue Edition. Baen. ther Investigations of Gordianus the Finder. St. Martin’s Duggan, A. 2005. Three’s Company. Phoenix. Minotaur. Duggan, A. 2005. Winter Quarters. Phoenix. Saylor, S. 2005. Rome at War: Caesar and His Legacy. Duggan, A. 1959. Children of the Wolf. Putnam Publishing Osprey Publishing. Group. Saylor, S. 2003. Have You Seen Dawn? Simon and Schuster. Fast, H. 2003. Spartacus. Ibooks. Saylor, S. 2003. A Mist of Prophecies. St. Martin’s Minotaur. Flaubert, G. 2004. Salammbo. Kessinger Publishing. (Car- Saylor, S. 2003. Rubicon: A Novel of Ancient Rome. New thage and her mercenaries) York: St. Martin’s Paperbacks. Graves, R. 2004. Count Belisarius And Lawrence Of The Saylor, S. 2002. Catilina’s Riddle: A Novel of Ancient Rome. Arabs. New Edition. Carcanet Press, Ltd. New York: St. Martin’s Paperbacks. Graves, R. 1989. I, Claudius. New York: Vintage Books. Saylor, S. 2002. Honour the Dead. New Edition. Constable Archaeological Institute of America 2 AIA Education Department Bibliographies: Historical Novels Bibliographies and Robinson. edition. Soho Press. Saylor, S. 2001. Arms of Nemesis: A Novel of Ancient Rome. George, Margaret. 1997. The Memoirs of Cleopatra. St. New York: St. Martin’s Paperbacks. Martin’s Press. Saylor, S. 2001. Last Seen in Massilia: A Novel of Ancient Hawkes, J. 1967. King of the Two Lands: The Pharaoh Rome. New York: St. Martin’s Paperbacks. Akhenaten. 1st American edition. Random House. Saylor, S. 2001. A Twist at the End. St. Martin’s Minotaur. Levitin, S. 1994. Escape from Egypt. Little, Brown. (young Saylor, S. 2000. Roman Blood: A Novel of Ancient Rome. adult) New York: St. Martin’s Paperbacks. Mailer, N. 1988. Ancient Evenings. Rei edition. Warner Saylor, S. 1998. The House of Vestals: The Investigations of Books. Gordianus the Finder. New York: St. Martin’s Paperbacks. Peters, E. 2005. Guardian of the Horizon. New York: Wil- Saylor, S. 1997. A Murder on the Appian Way: A Mystery liam Morrow. of Ancient Rome. New York: St. Martin’s Paperbacks. Peters, E. 2005. The Seventh Sinner. New York: Avon Saylor, S. 1996. The Venus Throw: A Mystery of Ancient Books, Inc. Rome. New York: St. Martin’s Paperbacks. Peters, E. 2004. Children of the Storm. New York: Avon Scott, S.W. 2004. Ivanhoe. Ebookslib. (Richard I - England) Books. Scott, S.W. 2004. The Talisman. Kessinger Publishing. Peters, E., and K. Whitbread. 2003. Amelia Peabody’s Egypt: (Richard I - Crusades) A Compendium. New York: Avon Books. Vidal, G. 2003. Julian. Vintage. Peters, E. 2003. The Golden One. New York: Avon Books. Waltari, M. 1994. The Etruscan. Buccaneer Books, Inc. Peters, E. 2002. Lord of the Silent. New York: Avon Books, Warner, R. 1974. Imperial Caesar. Edito-Service. Inc. Warner, R. 1974. Young Caesar. Edito-Service. Peters, E. 2001. He Shall Thunder in the Sky. New York: Wilder, T. 2003. The Ides of March. Perennial. Avon Books.
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