The St'ythian

The St'ythian

THE ST'YTHIAN Eolts newRodeo i In @ Class of its own 4x4 Double cab 3000i A cab 4x4 8. 3000i Double .i"«*1 x\ .. i A CDIT Come in and see it AUTHORISED COLT DEALERS = SANDOWNmottors = When only the best will do. -Village Close, Rivonia Road, Sandown. 1 Telephone (011) 884-9200 Contentsl College Council 8: Staff 2 . 7 IEB Manic Results 3 Prefects & I 9 .- J 1 Day 10 - 11 Photographs from Founders Day Portfolios 12 Speech Day 14 - [9 Prize Winners 20 - 23 Chapel Notes 24 24 " Cenn'e Public ' ' 25 C L 26 27 A ' ' F r '' 27 - 28 Post Mattie 29 Saints Enterprise 7 ' -n 30 - 32 House Reports 33 - 36 Harris Cup Results 37 Camps 38 40 C Tours 42 43 Highlights of1998 44 - 47 Manic Dance 4!? Clubs & Societies 50 - 54 Creative Writing 55 - 57 Cover: "The Quadrangle " painting by Simon Parkin ,7? College Council College Trustees Mr W J Carter Mr I G D MacKenzie Rev, S G Pitts Mr D L Schroenn Bishop P Verryn Members Of Council Bishop H M Dandala (Presiding Bishop ol the Methodist Church ol Southern Africa) (Represented by Proi. I Mosala) Bishop P Verryn (Bishop of the Central District) Chairman Mr D L Schroenn (Representative oi the Trust) Vice-Chairman Mr W J Carter (Representing the Superintendent Central Mission) Methodist Church Representatives Mr P J Laburn, Mr R MCAlllSler, Mr E Mokheihi. Mrs (3 Whitby Parents' Association Representatives Dr J Hoimeyr. Mr JJ 0rd) Mr M Rothbietz, Dr M Wallord Old Boys' Representatlves Mr S Buys. Mr C Jackson. Mr M Ralston, Mr A Urdang Invited Participants Dr D Mingay, Mr C Rowlinson, Prol. C Simpklns, Mr J Strauss, Mr M Wylie Hector & Headmaster of the College Mr D B Wyide Honorary Member Rev. S G Pills By In vitation Imrn St Stithians Mrs | Acquistc, Mr M de Buys. Mr H J Jansen, Mrs J Jones, Mr I McLachlan, Mrs L Rivett-Carnac, Ms J Smith. Mrs A C van Zyi, Mr A H Wyborn Hy Invitation from the Student Body J Seeliger (Head Prelect College), M Kippen (Head Prefect Collegiate) N The Styrhlan 1998 i .lyrhian 1998 Boarding Houses Collins House Mr Dave Pitcarrn Senior l Mr Paddy Moore Senior Assistant House Master Mountstephens House Mr Prel van Yonder Senror Hm Mr Leon Nome Senror Assrstant Housemaster Day1hr Houses Mears House Mr Denzel Wllson Senior HOL Mr Dave Lachenrcht ....... Semor Assrslanl Housemaster Penryn House Mr Geo" Holmes Senror Hm Mr Don Hean Senror Assrslant Housemaster Pitts House Mr Marc Falconer Senror HN Mr John Hutton Semor Assrstant Housemaster Tucker House Mr John Knrght Senror n Mr Matthew Ridgway Senior no t lCl . Webb House Mr Peter anm Semor Housemaster Mr Barry Lambson Senror Assrstant Housemaster Wesley House Mrs Rose Dlack Senror L Mr Ken Krrge Senior Assrstanl Housemaster Heads of Houses Back Row: Mr RWrrghl Mr D Prlcarrn Mr F van Tender Front Row: Mrs R Drack. Mr D,erson, Mr G Holmes Absent: MrM Falconer, MrJ Knrghl thr- Slylhlln runs ' 7 a Staff g Teachers Mr Ian Atterrdge ... ,. ,., ,. ... .,., ,,V. ,. ,. BA(HAU) H Dip Ed(PE)(W<ls) A Maths. Director Grade 10 Ms Deborah Barrett. ..... .V . ., .. Legal Sludres. Classrcal Crvrlrsahon, BAH-(om) , HOD' Latin Mrs Jenny Branch . BNUCT) , Resource Centre Mrs Anne Eredenkamp BSc(NalaU STD(CT) , BIOogy Mrs Marreta Brrnk VV BA HED(Bloemlon|eIn) ~ Amkaans Mrs Ahson Chambers , ., .. .. .. VV. EA(Hons)(Rhodes) HDErers) , Enghsh Mr chk Clarke BA(H0ns) HDE(Na|a|) A Enghsh Mrs Rose Drack BSC H Drp Ed - Broogy Mrs Ursula du Plooy ., BNSieHenbosch) HED , Afrrkaans College Staff Back Row: MrJ Huuon MrB Nozarc Mrl Anendge MrL Haruey MrC Murray MrJ Kruqht Mr M ergway, Mr C Torrance Mr PWrrghl MrV. EHerbEck, Mr D Henn Mr C Marrlon Mr D ersun Founh ROW: MrSFi DraCK,MSL PeasS DrC ermot MS M Knmps MrG Hulrnes MrS MLFGWHM Mr G MLACCdHLHH MrSJ Worth MrD Gear Mrs L Lam. Mr J Verner Third Row: MrH Huggen MrA Lamont,MrG Govmme Mrs H Frankrskns Ms M Snum MrD McGaw MrsA Buulmmmp Mr R Clarke Mrs E Wagener. Mrs U du Prooy Mgr van Achremergh. Mr L Keer Second Row: MYSM Reynolds, MrSL Fourye MrSM Bunk Mr F Rumhn MrSS MilitKeH/m MMA Clmmhms MMC MHML! Mrs Mortr MrsW Kerr MrG Murray MrsJ Forior Ms D Barren FrontRow: Mr D Pncarm Rev J Rasmem. MrG Therolm Mr H Jansen, Mr D Wyde. Mrl MCLacmrm Mr K Hovolmmpr REV D Mrlltgéku Mr P van Tender Absem: Mr D Ryan Mrs D Hoogenhout Hu \nrhmu Wm \ 5" Mr Victor MSc BSc(Hons) ND(Pretoria) NHDE(TSA) - Science Mr Marc Falconer ..... ....BA(Hons)(Natal) MA(Rhodes) - English Mrs Judith Fodor ..... .. MA(Bucharest) Cert FR Alliance - HoD: French Lizelte Fourie ..... BA(Hons)(Stellenbosch) HED MA PU tor CHE(Potcheistroom) - Afrikaans, HoD: Zulu Mrs Mrs Heather . ' . BA(Hons) H Dip Ed(Wits) - Maths Mr Dave Gear BSc(Wits)(Honsi HED(UNISA) - Geography Mr Luke Hartley .. BA(Rhodes) HDE - Geography Mr Don Hean BA(UN|SA) B Ed(Wits) TC(Flhodesiai - HoD: Science Mr Geoft Holmes .. ...BA(RAU) DLC(Loughboroughl Cert Ed(Nottingham) FDE(PretorIa) - Director: Sport. Maths Mr Ken Hovelmeier TDD » Director: Student Affairs Mr Hugh Huggett ...... BA B Ed(UNlSA) TTD Dip Ed Tech(York) M Ed(Wits) - Director: Grade 1, English Mr John Hutton BAtWits)(Hons)(Nata|) HED(UN|SA) - HUD: Art Mr Hennie Jansen BArn, THOD - Afrikaans Ms Marion Kamps Tl'HD(JCE) FDE(PretorIa) - Maths Mr Leon Keet DST CTHE "r, - Director: Grade 12, Afrikaans Mrs Wendy Kerr ..... BA(Natal) HED(UNISA) - HoD: Enterprise Education Mr John Knight MA(Oxon) - Maths Mr Ken Krige BSctHons)(UCT) - HoD: Design & Technology, Computer Science Mr Dave Lachenicht ..... Ort Step Tech Diploma H Dip Ed(Wits) - Design 8. Technology. Maths Mr Barry Lambson BSc(Witsl H Dip Ed - Science Mr Arnold Lamont ...... BSc HDE M Ed FDE - HoD: lT. Computer Science Mrs Lorraine Laut" ESc HDE(Wits) - Maths Mr Graham MacCaIlum ..... BA(Wits) B Ed(FlAU 1'I'HD(JCE) - History Mrs Sue MacKenzie ..... BA(Wits)(Hons)(UNISA) MA(Psychology)(RAU) - Student Attairs Mr Steve McFarland ..... ...... BA H Dip Ed(PG)(Wits)(Hor\s)(HIst)(UNISA) » HoD: History Mr Ian McLachlan BSc HDE(Natal) - Maths Mr Dave McGaw BA UED(Flhodes) HoD: Geography Mr Charles Marriott Dip FA - Art. English Mrs Isabella Mech .................. BSciHons)iWIts) M Ed(Wits) HDE(Wits) - Biology Mr Paddy Moore HDE(Wits) . PE Mrs Caryn Mulder BA HDE(W|ts) A Geography Mr Cliil Murray BA(Rhodes) HDE(Nata|) » English Mr Gareth Murray BSc(chs) HDEtWits) - HoD: Biology Mr Leon Nortje BA HOD PG(OFS) Atrikaans Mr Bruce Nozaic BSC(Hons)(Natal) HDE(Natal) » Science Mr Dave Pitcairn BSc H Dip Ed PG(Wits) » Science Ms Leigh Pleass BA NHOD(RAU) BA(Hons) MSc(Wits) - Maths Mrs Mary Reynolds. ..... BAFA(NataI) H Dip Lib(UNlSA) - HoD: Resource Centre Reva Hasmeni AFrs - HE Mr Matthew Ridgway BSc(Natai) HDEtNatal) - Biology Mrs Sandy Flule BSc(Hons)(Wits) Mr Frank Rumboll BA(Rhodes)(Hons)(WiIs) H Dip Ed - HoD: English s TheStylhinn 1998 Sn Mr Dave Ryan S Ed(Hons)(London) - HoD: Maths MrGreg Theron BA(Hons) HDE PG MSc - Director: Post Matric Mr Piet van Tender i...BAlHons](Flhodesia) Teachers Dip(Bulawayo) - HoD: Alrikaans Mr OJ Torrance E ,, Dip Sport HDE - PE Ms Isabel van Achterbergh BA( .u .., STD - Mr Jimmy Verner ..... ..... OrtStepTech Dip BA UED(Flhodes)(Hons) E Ed(UNISA) - Director: Grade 9, History Mrs Engela Wagener BA(Pretoria) HED - Alrikaans Mrs Isabelle Webb B Mus(UPLM) - HoD: Music Dr Colleen Wilmot BSc(Hons) MSc PhD(Wits) - Science Mr Denzel Wilson Sport . Dip(LBMS) TTHD(JCE) - History Mrs Jill Worth BA(Wits)(Hons)(Rhodes) - Director: Grade 8 Mr Peter Wright BSc(Hons)(W|ts) HDE - Science Administrative Staff Mrs Althea Alford IT Secretary Mrs Roshnee Bhayroo Mrs Ronel Ganten<Bein Debtors Mrs Kirsty Davies School Secretary Ms Jessie Edmiston '' Secretary Mrs Janet Holden Post Matric Secretary Mrs Bev Johnson l 5 Personal Mrs Judy Jones Bursar Mr Jacob Ngubeni Printing Clerk Mr Allred Phori Printing / Mail Clerk Mrs Elaine Pickard Bursar's Secretary Mrs Ponter , Mrs Fiona Schwartz Student Aairs Secretary Mrs Joanie West Personnel Admin Ground Staff Mr Cedric Binns Estate Manager Mr Rob Davidson Mr Tommy Deere Maintenance Mr Wilson Semona Personnel Manager Matrons Sr Linda Pires Mounlstephens House Mrs Monica T Collins House The Styrhian 1998 7 IEB Results WleIll-rns, A Aggregates (Enghsh 521mg Malnsl c Aggregates D Aggregates WkllllmI, Michml Adlml. mun-m sun-m. .mo [EngllsN Argyle, John (Eng/15h. almogy1 Woodlard. SIM 3.1m. cnr1-lopmr 11ml. Clmlron Bred-Hump, Nlcholl: [Eng/15h Mnlns 5mm Blology. Lallll mm 51 sn. 5mm Blumgy. Geograpnyl AddllllmalMamsl Alhcmn. cnmll-n Bull. Loylw Anna, cnrln Browns lEnglrsnSilence Blaragyl alnck. Andrew (Mnllrs , 561 anrnnwn. Guam Grumman!n B Aggregates emu-yrs 1mm; Sale/1m! lznnrluwonnalnlcllry De Keck. Adam Brugwnlns. Hlnl cnrlul.. clnylon Axum JImE: 1Englrsn. Gaoglanhy) mlulvgyl Dial. Rul Clio-r. Dlle ComlIm. Mark Boy/maniac, Jun-mm Dicks. Juno cnno. Mlcml 1111151»: Same, slalogy, mmry (Engllsn; Marnanawmnsr Dqunn. Jlmaa Fyrln, ulmu-l BruceBrllmt Jamey Culhnne. Dylln mlkmlon. 01.» (Enghsh Malns, Same Blalagy Am 16mmy1 Earnulan. Shlun mm, Jun-n oannlx, Nichol-i til-nuns. Jacqui! Edmondl, Tymn (Engllsh Alrlkaans. Ma1ns Solar-to De Zeeuw, Mlehlel Fam- Ryan nolnlner. Ryan French) IMalrls1 Forsdvke. Ruml Jacques. eraq Du Flauls. JIn»N-nrlk Ehden. Craig Fungus. Nlcheln .l-rnlmn. Rob Du 1a". Jan-thin Ev-m. ml lsngnsn M31715 Saar-w Geagmpny ancn. Ryln xr-our-vl. AmrlonalMaths/ Gordon. Roger (Mal/ls - 351 lalolagyl Lumb. Mlcnnl Ella. Jon-n Gllluple, Rowan 1mm: sra1agy1 Hmlnun. 5mm [Maths , 561 Munchllnrlvtl Emmmu Hounlnoll Jlke Nannock.

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