«• 0 ^ o s — 0 Scholar entertains at Hideaway S horts by D u i Dingherty The symposium from 2 to 4:30 Anyone interested in attsnd- First Warm Day Patrona of thè Hideway Ca fi­ p m. in University Library, ing aither or both of ths sympo­ lm a in University Library will Room 318 will focue on “ How sium ensainnn shoukl <*•!! thè "Ths Second Annusi First Warm Day of 9pnng Thmg will enjoy mora lima juat food Democratic Waa Jackaonian Center of American Studiea at bs heid on thè East Lawn of ths Studsnt Umon Building at during their lunchtime Mondai Democracy?'1 284-3759. The evening lecture is 11:30 a.m Tuesday, Aprii 21 It consista of ths tradi botisi Muaic and hiatory will combine Among thooe leading thè dia- open to thè public. Studsot Union Taro-Bit Day and ths apring Fisa Market If thè aa Edward Pessen. diatin- ruasion will be: Christoph K. Pessen. wbo received bis un­ 21at ianot fair, "The Thing will bs hsld tha nsxt wariti day guiahed professor of hiatory at Lohmann, director of thè Ameri­ der gradua te and graduate de­ Orgnnisatioos wanting to rasarvi a Cabla for ths Fisa Market Baruch College (City University can Studiea Program at IU- g ras from Columbia Univer ahould cali Studsot Activitisa bsfors Aprii 20,284-8284 Thsrs of New York), presenta thè Bloomington, Irene D. Neu, pro­ aity, litui written several highly i s a tl fasforsacb table. muaical "disserta tion" "Chatter fessor of hiatory at IU-Bloora ■cclaimed worka on thè Jackson and Pattar from Tin Pan Alley." ington; Sue K. Hammeramith, ian age. Among thooe ara: asaiatant professor of sodology "Jackaonian America: Society, University Theatre According lo thè aprìng 1981 atlUPUI; and Patrick J Personality and politica": iaaue of Convergine* (thè On Aprii 17 and 18 at 8p.m. ths IUPUI University Theatre McGeever, associate professor "Moet Uncommon Jackson» wiD prasont two one-act playa - Iarasi HoroviU "The Indiati IUPU1 bulletin for thè Center of of politicai acience at IUPUI. ana"; and "Riches, Class, and American Studiea). Pessen, a The evening lecture, which will Power before thè Civil War Wanta ths Bronx" and James McOura'a "Lons S u r" - at tha longtime devotee of "Alley" Marott Building Theatre. 902 N Msridian Street concern thè asme Lopic. will be He haa also written in such Ticket# ars 12 for generai admiaaion and $1 far studente loro, will aing and play piano at at 8:15 p.m. in Lecture Hall 101. publications ss thè Ratificai Both showa arili run sach night. They ara adult dramaa and ara 12:30p.m. Aprii 20. A makeahift The following morning thè Science Quarteriy, Journal of not rsoommendsd lor t hildran stage will be aet up for thia symposium will continue at Con- American Hi»tory, Enrxclape- "Indian" wiflhsdirsctsd by' Eric Bryant and "Lons Star" unuaual proaentation. ner Fraine Farm, noted Nobles- dia Britannica, and The New by Jim Tillstt vilk» museum which attempta to York Time». Pessen alao wrote Beaidea hi a musical perfor­ re-create life in Indiana during thè lead artide in thè Journal of mance, Peaaen, an International thè Jackaonian peri od Storting thè Early Repubtic, edited by authority on American democra- at 9:30 a.m., thè diacusaiona will Ralph D. Cray, professor of hit- Going Out of Business cy, will conduci a symposium center on what daily life waa like tory atlUPUI. and a public lecture that day. Ths Lost and Found asrvics at Cavanaugb Hall must go out in that era of buainesa. All Lost and Found Rame not pickad up by Aprii w t w r n i i i H m 20 will be sold (aa ia) in ths Fisa Market Aprii 21. Procaeds will be donated to some worthy studsot project The department at presene bea mora than 30 taxi booèu, 60 artides of ciothin^*, □ve umbrsllaa, and several valuabk itama. In ths futura, ifit itsma ahould be turned in to Houaakseping or to ths Studsot Tfre Q^cquisition & Aaaembly in ths basemeot of Cavanaugh. or, ksya and other valuablsa to thè University Polke. cI{estot‘atioil Corporation Abortion The Metropolitan Indiana)anapolia Campua Miniatry will hohold a diacuaaion on abortion A pril 20. For more Information cali UVE ONLY 5 MINUTES FROM THE CAMPUS 284 2586. Elegant restored Vie tori un apartment buildings and mansions have bedrooms, efficiencies, atudios and one and two-bedroom apartments with high ceilings; oak and cherry woodwork: oak and marble wainscoting; E506 beautiful oak, pine and maple floors; extras include pier mirrare, bay E506 Curriculum in Early Childhood Education (8 ereditai Windows, off-street free parking, individuai sun porches, ftreplaces, brick will bs offered Summsr I which bsgina May 13 and soda June walls, brass chandeliers, dens, loft areas and a courtyard setting— San 24. Thia ia ths firat in a aerine of couraes fai ths mesterà Francisco ambience in Indianapolis! program. For addiUonal Information contact Jacquetins Blackwell 284-8296. ALL Utilities paid. Rents from $150. Immediate and future occupancy. Term of lease negotiable. On-site management. Deposit and references required. Easter The Thornton Houv? The Kothe House____________ An ecu manicai, intercoUegiata. Sunrise Service, sponsor ed 1226Broadway » 1437 Park A venne by thè Campus mi ni strie» at Butler and IUPUI, wiu bs hekl at Old Nonhside Historic Districi 7 a.m on Eaater Sunday Aprii 19. A tight breakfast is Old Northsidc Historic Districi provided for all wbo attend in tha Garden Houae following tha The Lockerbic Court________________ The Plaza________________ aervice. For mora Information cali 284-2686. 332 E. Vermont Street 902 N Pennyslvania Street Corner of Vermont and N. New Jersey Just north of thè Marion Streets, One block west of thè County Central Library Jesus Lockerbie Square Historic Disirict A alide presenta tion will bs given Aprii 15, at 8 p.m. in thè conferance Room of ths Union Buildimg. The show will rsinact thè placsa Jesus walksd in Jaruaalsm from Palm Sunday to The Sylvania________________ The Wilson_____________ Eaater. Jim Stender thè Lutharan Campua Ministar ia tne presentor. 801 N. Pennsylvania Sreet 643 Fort Wayne Avenue 108 East Saint Qair Street Between Pennsylvania and Across from thè Marion County Delibare Streets at North Foodservice Central Library Street The Ovid Butler Mansion and The Campua Food Service and food consultante from "Laventimi and Horwath" will conduci open diacusaiona Aprii Cirriage House (Foresi Home) 21.1981 at 12:16 p.m. and 5:15 p.m. in thè School of Nuraing 1306 Park Avenue in thè Old and Aprii 22.1981 at 12:20 in Rm 101 and 3:45-6:30 p.m. in Northstde Historic Districi Rm. 102 of Lecture HalL Feedback from thase diacusaiona will help determine immediate and future food aervice on campua. Cali 637-1266, 8-8 daily. 10-5 Saturday and Sunday THE ACQUISITICI AND RESTORATION CORPORATION Shorts continued on p 15 s a l i i 2 Sagamore M ailbag Dr, Moore cor info To thè editor: administration according to I am writing in responsi to an which thè School wiil offer a four article in "ObservaLions" for thè year journalism baccalaureate Aprii 8, 1981 issue of thè degree on this campus, subject Sagdmore , in which it is alleged of thè Higher that thè Trustees approviti a Commission and two year journalism program on he legislature The Ibis campus. / ;he program will be The article is incorrect on two 'ear counts. The trustees did not Observadons approvo any journalism ‘•Pro­ gram." Whut they did was to approve thè Indiana University School of Journalism as a system-wide school. As a preciate it if storie* consequence of thè Trustee n academic matterà Student housing questioned action, thè School of Journalism fied with my office has enteriti into an cation since. as you When is an old building habitable? monfchs, including thè installation of a understanding with tfie IUPUI jth seldom catches Recent improvements to IUPUI’s Ball new alarm System. up with erroneous Information Residence have raised questione As of spring recess, thè System had not Very truly yours, concerning thè structure’s safety and yet been connected with thè campus ■Edward C. Moore, cleanliness. operator, n ecey^ting a trip by Ball's Executive Dean As a student residence, Ball seems hostess or guardo thè location of thè * little different from other student alarm for verification. The hostess, Mayor says housing unite at other univergities. however, believed that thè alarm System While thè hall subscribes to a year-round had been wired to thè campus operator To thè editor: Hudnut, to personally thank pest control program, mouse droppings for some time prior to spring recess. A Recently, Mayor Hudnut re those students for their support and dead roaches can stili be found in potential hazard—even though exits ceived a letter signed by a dozen of thè Mayor’s posi tion As thè many of thè kitchenettes. Although from thè hall arg stili clearly marked and IUPUI students commending Mayor has stated already. him for his stand on thè possible should there be sufficient provision is made for thè painting of fire extinguishers stili checked regularly. evidence to warrant a dismissal. infiltration of Indianapolis Pub­ we are prdpared to fight on any rooms, posters and pictures frequently Perhaps thè hahitability of Bàli lic Safety forces by extremist disguise fallen plaster. Residence could be guaranteed by thè ensuing court case- ali thè way organizations. to thè. U.S. Supreme Court, if Records show that no fires have improvement of Communications While it is not possible to needbe. occurredln Ball Residence in many between thè university and its housing thank those who signed thè Sincerely toits.
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