Our Lady of Good Counsel, Pray for Us St. Raphael's Council of Catholic Women September 2010 - Year for Priests http://st-raphaels.com/ccw.html CCW Newsletter CCW President’s Message 40 Days for Life Dear Sisters of the St. Raphael Council of The Diocese of St Pete will be pa rci- Catholic Women: Welcome Back....Wow, pang in the largest 40 Da ys for Life our Church ha s gone through a lot of (thus far) “conducted along with hun- changes in just these last few summer dreds of cies across America and months. We ha ve not only one, but two around the globe. The mission is to bring new priests and also a new and excing together the body of Christ in a spirit of season of service to Our Lord, Jesus unity during a focused y40 da campaign St. Raphael Catholic Church Christ through the acvi es of our Coun- of prayer, fasng, and peaceful acvism, cil. I hope all of you had a prayerful sum- with the purpose of repentance, to seek mer filled with God's blessings. It's me God’s fa vo r to turn hearts and minds now to connue to work on from a culture of death our personal journey toward spir- to a culture of life, thus itual growth through the missions bringing an end to CCW OFFICERS of our Council: Leadership, Spirit- aboron in America.” President: uality and Se rvice. The Leader- People will be pra ying Claudia M. Soucy ship Commission needs your in front ofe th Wom- voice to join with other Catholic en’s Health Center at Women and to be a voice for 4131 Central Avenue 1st Vice President: Rosemary Early those who have none. The Spirit- from 7 AM to 5 PM uality Commission serves to fo- Monday-Saturday 7 2nd Vice President: cus us on the spiritual aspects of our AM to 1 PM on Sunday beginning Sep- Lillian McClelland faith. The Service Commission helps us tember 22 to October 31. You can stop remember that we are called by Jesus to by anyme during those hours. Bishop be servants while we are on this earth. Lynch will lead a “kick off” Prayer Service Recording Secretary: Kathy Guckenberger "Jesus did not come to be served but to on Tuesday September 21 at 7 PM in serve and give his life for the ransom of front of the Clinic. St. Ra phae l will be re- Corresponding Secretary: many." Mahew 20:27-28. Thank you sponsible for the enre day on Saturday, all my sisters for your love and service October 2, and Tuesday, October 12. Call Bernadine Quartetti last season. I know we touched many Maggie Moren to sign up 525-6873. hearts. ~ Claudia Soucy Treasurer: Marty Foreman CCW Luncheon Gala Affair with Cards, Games, Jewelry & Opportunities Mark your calendars for October 16. Pat Sippel. Contact Ruth at 526-1258 for Doors open at 11 AM for a more info or to help. We need donaons Newsletter Editor: delicious luncheon for our door priz- es, opportunies Louise Barrett and great fun for on- and any used jewelry. If any- ly $10. We will also one can help, Newsletter & Website Designer: have a used jewelry sale. please bring Bring your friends and what- your donaon to Theresa McCormick ever ga me you want to pla y. Ruth the Gi Shop any Mack is co-chairman with her daughter Sunday. SEPTEMBE R 2010 - YEAR FOR PRIE STS ST. RAP HAE L'S CO UN CI L O F CA THO LI C WOME N PAGE 2 CCW Calendar 2010-2011 Saturday September 18 Fr. Mitch Pacwa St. Patrick’s, Largo; Reservaons needed Tuesday September 21 7 PM; Bishop Lynch “kick off” Prayer Service 40 Days for Life September 22-October 31 40 Days for Life Wednesday September 22 The Relics of St. John Bosco, St. Jude Cathedral Thursday September 23 The Relics of St. John Bosco, St. June Cathedral Saturday-Sunday September 25 -26 Christ Renews His Parish Weekend, St. Raphael's Saturday October 2 General Meeng Saturday October 16 Card Party Thursday-Sunday October 21- 24 Parish Fall Fesval Friday-Sunday October 22-24 FCCW Conference/Tampa Thursday October 28 Pregnancy Plus Banquet at St. Paul’s Saturday November 6 General Meeng Monday November 9 LPD Conference @ Most Holy Name General Meeng Schedule: September-May; 7:35AM Rosary, 8AM Mass, 8:30 Connenta l Breakfast, & Meeng CRHP Fr. Mitch Pacwa The women of Christ Renews His Parish formaon team Fr. Mitch Pacwa will be coming to St. Patrick’s in Largo on extend an invitaon to you to experience a wonderful September 18. There will be Mass at 8 AM, followed by weekend. Come and enjoy the love and wa rmth of Christ talks with the theme “Some heard Thunder, Some heard Jesus as you join us September 25th & 26th for a well de- God”. Bring your own lunch. Retreat over by 3:30 PM. served weekend of faith, fellowship and spiritual renew- Mail your $20 check to St. Patrick’s 1507 Troer Road, ual. Yo will make new friends, rediscover and rekindle the Largo, Fl. 33770. ($10 for students, children under 12 free) fire within, no maer where you are in your fa i th jour- Registraon is necessary to aend the Seminar. Please ney. Contact Celeste Brown 527-3159 or Debbie Craig 526 register early, they expect to be sold out. Call 584-2318 -0806. "Come to Me, all you who labor and are hea vy lad- to see if there is sll room. Your na me will appear on the en, and I will give you rest." Ma 11:28. registra on list which will be at the door of the church on the da y of the event. Relics of St. John Bosco On September 22-23, the relics of St. John Bosco will be in Save the Date our Diocese. This is an amazing chance for us to pray and √ Mahew Kelly will be in Ocala at Blessed Trinity be inspired by the life of a Saint. Instead of us going on Church November 6, 9 AM-4 PM. Contact Marybeth pilgrimage to Rome, St. Bosco’s relics are traveling to us , Finster for more deta ils at 521-1957 $50 the faithful, right where we live. The relics will be at St. Jude beginning Wednesday, September 22 at 7 PM with a √ Thursday, October 28 Pregna ncy Plus banquet at St. welcome prayer service. The Knights of Columbus will be Paul’s. More details next month. honor guards for an all night vigil. Bishop Lynch and √ Dr. Sco Ha hn will be at Light of Christ Church, Clea r- priests from the Diocese will celebrate Mass at 8:15 AM water on January 29, 2011. Contact Julie Mussleman on Thursday, September 23. for more details at 526-5229. September Papal Intentions General: That in less developed parts of the world the proclamaƟon of the Word of God may renew people’s hearts, encouraging them to work acƟvely toward authenƟc social progress. Missionary: That by opening our hearts to love we may put an end to the numerous wars and conflicts which conƟnue to bloody our world. SEPTEMBE R 2010 - YEAR FOR PRIE STS ST. RAP HAE ST. L'S RAP CO HAE UN L'S CI L COO F UN CA CI THO L O LI F CCA WOME THO LI N C WOME N PAGE 3 From our Pastor, Fr. Tim Second Vice President Appointed Dear CCW members , I am reminded of a true story from Lillian McClelland has been appointed as Se cond Vice a television news reporter who told of a situaon she President. Lillian will fill the remainder of the term of experienced while reporng in Iraq. She firs t reported Ava Abner who submied her resignaon in July. We are from Iraq early on in the war, was then given a new as- grateful to Ava who served as CCW's 2nd VP for one signment away from Iraq for a number of years, and then year. She will connue to serve in many ways with the went ba ck again recently. The reporter noted that when CCW and our Parish. Thank you, Ava, for your service to she firs t came to Iraq that the women always walked a the Lord as 2nd VP. Thank you, Lillian for filling this posi- few steps behind the men in public. But aer five years on for our CCW. away, she returned to happily find that ma ny of the re- stricons that were once required of them were no long- Thank You, Lily Riconda er enforced. She was saddened, though, to see that the- CCW member Lily Riconda passed away June 3 and le a se women were sll walking behind the men, somemes $3,000 bequest to CCW. This is the leer sent to lily’s even fa r t he r behind than before. The reporter wa s im- son, John, “Dear Mr. Riconda, On beha lf of our Board of pelled to ask some the local Iraqi women why they were Directors and membership, thank you so much for the sll doing this demeaning act. One of them looked into gi of $3000 from your Mother, Lily Riconda.e Sh was the eyes of the reporter and said in a serious tone: “Land such a lovely lady and we wanted to find the most mean- mines.” Behind every Iraqi ma n is a very smart Iraqi ingful project to honor her memory.
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