~ co ffi . ~ ~ ~ z0 I:QZ CllQ H. ~~ H @8 0 P-<A !> STUDENT GROUP ~$VIEWS THE faculty who find it difficult DOCUMENT to live in the area becuase - of prohibitive rents. The The master plan of the president pointed out that college, a 10 8-page do'cument, the present dorm had ended up was submitted to the student MASTER PLAN REVIEWfD costing $8,500 dollars a bed government for review last while at Brockport, apartment week, A committee of the BY WEBB SMEDLEY type housing built of cheaper Senate was formed to examine material had averaged out at it as carefully as possible better serve in a different brought about some changes in $5,000 a bed. The origiona±­ before meeting with President area. As it stands now, re­ the, and revealed some barri­ plan at Purchase was to build Kaplan. The committee mem­ allocation of funds may not ers to the colleges' unhinder­ apartments, but it had been bers are: seniors Lee Kane occur without the approval of ed development. For e x ample, scratched as being too expen­ and Bill Basta, who are dding Albany. the 60-40 ratio of upper div­ sive. their senior thesis on Pur­ The Senate committee foc­ ision students to lower divis­ Lee Ehrman made a number chase; intermediate, Irene used its attention on some ion studen-ts brought object­ of points, one of which con­ Cohen and this writer; fresh­ of the statements in the doc­ ions from Al Eichner because cerned proficiency examinati­ people Rachael Burrows and ument which refer to pro­ of the difficulty of transfer­ ons. Most of the faculty David Charlop of the Letters grams or philosophies that ing into Purchases' unique present agreed that if a stu­ and Sciences, and Fred Wilson simply aren't getting under­ program. The ratio is a state dent felt he or she didn't of the Visual Arts. way, hoping to take advantage policy . need to take a required Those inspired by the idea of a meeting with the coll­ At the meeting, Kaplan con­ course because he or she was of 108 pages of material ege president to have some ceeded that the Interdiscipli­ familiar with the material, about the school and its fu­ meaningful dialouge. nary Program is difficient ·go an examination should be of­ ture are subject to a letdown far, but he pointed out that fered. upon examination of the docu­ at the California Institute of The students were observ­ ment. Like the catalogue, it FACULTY MEETS WITH KAPLAN Technology, a school with a ers during most of the most is extremely idealistic and PRESIDENT REVEAL PLAN TO similar philosophy to that_. of of the faculty meeting. Bill rather vague. Because of BUILD APARTMENTS Purchase, the gap between rhe­ Basta pointed out that most this the committee had no toric and activity is evan of the faculty were from a concret~ objections to its greater.Purchase, Cal Arts, handful of big-name universi­ being sent to Albany as it and Evergreen State share the ties despite the Master Plan was. The committee assumed A group of tenured faculty problems of establishing contention that an effort that it would be sent to the met with President Kaplan truly intersisciplinary pro­ would be made to insure a Board of Trust~es, along with last week to discuss the Mas­ grams with meaningful evalu­ faculty varied with respect the budget requests. There ter Plan. The four women and ations. Frank Wadsworth, to origin and racial and sex­ are references throughout the eight men were joined by five Vice-President of the College ual breakdown. Lines descri­ document that the various students who wished to hear of L&S, Stated that even bing such intent were subse­ programs being developed or the views of faculty on the H~pshire, highly publicized quently deleted from the doc­ in the planning stages would document. for innovation, is moving to­ ument as they served no pur­ require more money. It clos­ Kaplan pointed out that the wards a more conventional pose. es with a request that Pur­ Master Plan was a political program. The overall attitude of the chase be included within the document and will be sent to Asked about faculty hous­ faculty towards the plan was University program whereby a the BOard of Trustees for ap­ ing, Kaplan stated that the that>:·"it sounds great" as college may juggle its budget proval. If approved it plays next units of housi:ng would Helene Moglen inferred. When within the total allocated to an important supportive role be garden-type apa,-rtment~ ~n will this school really start the school, if it becomes ap­ for budget requests. which students would have a being what it is on so many parent that the money would The faculty criticism priority to live, followed by pieces of paper? could get yourself for a $1. SO store . When 5, 000 people re­ Sure you have to pay for atmos- side on campus, the demand phere, but you" re really pay- for many different books ~nd the CAPITALISM UNCOVERED ing for someone' s big fat cut. will be enormous, , .. To ask a rhetorical question, question of how th~s demand byJOE RICCIARDI thing that kept puzzel~ng me If it costs the publishers so will be met will be an import­ was why were the covers torn little to make the books then ant one. Such a captive audi-­ The bookstore, our favor­ off? Was it supposed to make why don't the son-of-a- bitches ence couldn't be more delight- ite non-profit provider, our the books worth less so it s e ll them cheap. There are rna- ful prey for the capita:}.ist, home of happy prices and oth­ wouldn't look so bad if some- ny poeple on this campus who but it doesn't have to be this erwise bank depository, has one should find them i n the can't afford to pay for school way. It's not just for the done it again. They came garbag~? Or wa~ it so w7 let alone pay for books, and sake of cu~ting p~ices, but and went. wouldn t recogn1ze that 1t here they are fertilizing the for an ent1rely d1fferent way It was sort of like gyps­ really was our course books earth with books that should of carrying out exchanges and ies the way they stole out in in all that garbage? I asked have been given out in the meeting people's needs. In-- the middle of the niqht. one of the men wh? works for first place. For the capital- stead of bi? ~rofits and mana-- They packed their belongings the Forum what th1s was all ist if it doesn't make money gerial myst1c1sm, we could of this little business ad­ replied that some you must throw it out or cut prices and 'open the books' venture with the help of abou~. He the~ publ1shers can m~ke. the books destroy it before you give it so that ~eopl7 woul~ be aware cheap labor that is so abun­ so cheaply that 1t 1s cheaper away. It would be against of the f1nanc1al go1ngs ?n. dant now that chief gypsy, to throw t~em. out than to pay principles to do othen.rise. The store wo';lld be ours ln- Nixon~ has seen fit to sever for the sh1pp1ng charges to Think of what they do with stead of the1rs. If people all student financial aid send them back. The disgust- wheat when it doesn't make a knew they weren't being rip- programs. At any rate our ing part of it is that it is fast buck. They burn it, after ped off and that their books friends at the bookstore cheaper to throw them out all it's not them whose star- were coming to them in the would have left without much than to send them bac~, b';lt vin~. Nonetheless, you can't most direct and efficient way ado nor cause for alarm e x ­ you would never know 1t w1th blame it all on the middle man possible, the quite understan­ cept for one minor embarras­ the prices you pay . for them. even though he does manage to dable impulse to steal would sment. Everything would have I want on to h1m why he get his big fat cut. His mer- not be so great. Then we . been fine: customers happy ~sk bothered to r1~ off the cov- chandise doesn't come to him wouldn't have to put up w1th with new books, our bookie .ers. He replied that they cheap and so he has to keep the indignation of waiting on friends tickled with their have to send back the collecting those bookcovers ridiculous lines, standing profits, and all around co~ers so tha~ the men. and publ1shers like proof of purchase seals like idiots b7h~ng counters square deal had by all. But h1s head be- or box tops of he's going to trying to s?l1c1t somebody on it seems as though our fri­ o~er w1l~ r~ally l1eve that they.d1dn ~ sell cash in for Monda ~ 's bacon. the other s~de to reme~ber ends from the Paper Back For­ the books and w1ll re1mburse Students should plan ahead exactly which of the f1fty um have this .quirk for col­ them for all the books the y d tart thinkin about a books you wanted to look at. lecting bookcovers. This no longer have any use for, an s .
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