' t r DUtatirattm • ' & ' ~- • Register, Inc., ISM. 1 DIAL 7414)010 MONMOUTB COUNTY 3 HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEARS FMUn FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, J966 7C PER COPY PAGE ONE $8 •; ga OHICM. Reds Die in Biggest U.S. Battle ' SAIGON (AP) — U.S. com- tion, named Attleboro, Is "the the ground forces with attacks on provincial capital of Chuong The resignations raised no im- In the southern panhandle and nounced. In a periodic summary mandtri sent another brigade of target-US. action" of the Viet Viet Cong base camps today for TJiien, 102 miles southwest of mediate threat to Ky's govern- the Hanoi and Haiphong areas. of American air losses, he said 4,000 men to die Tay Ninh front Nam War. the second straight day. The Saigon. ment. Ky and the other generals An Air Force A1E Skyraidex four U.S. helicopters have been today ti the reported enemy toll «ight-engtne Stratoforts dropped On the political front, Premier of the junta hold the power, and was shot down by Communist downed over the North during '' U.S: ground ' forces reported their bombs 23 miles northeast the civilians in the cabinet have the war, while U.S. losses In In just over a week of fighting filing 20 Viet Cong in new fight- Nguyen Cao Ky announced that ground fire over North Viet Nam rote to 900 dead: of Tay Ninh City. two more cabinet ministers were a mostly advisory role. today. The pilot of the propeller- South Viet Nam "no total' 133 " ing and' finding 15 more bodies 81 Bombing MlMioas planes, and 215 helicopters. " An estimated 25,000 or more of enemy killed In earlier fight- In the Mekong Delta, the Viet leaving his government. "Ms driven craft bailed out just North ing to bring the ComhiurHst toll ~ Cong launched a mortar, rocket b'rought to four the number ot Bad weather again curtailed the of the demilitarized zone and was The latest unit to join the Tay Americans have been committed rescued unhurt, a U.S. spokes- • to the operation to root out the to 900. U.S. casualties for the end small-arms attack on a ministers who have resigned in air war against North Viet Nam Ninh fighting was the 1st Brigade weeks of dissension between yesterday. U.S. pilots flew 83 man reported. enemy from the .Viet. Cong operation y still .were reported dependents' camp of Vietnamese of the U.S. 1st Infantry Division regional forces and killed or civilian cabinet ministers from bombing missions, about half the The spokesman said the Sky- stronghold CO miles northwest of light over-all, although some This committed the whole divi- Saigon near the Cambodian units were hit hard in the early wounded 46 South Vietnamese, South Viet Nam and the natives usual number on a good day. raider was the 422d American border. An American military fighting. most of them wives or children of North Viet Nam who domi- They concentrated on water traf- plane lost over the North, in- sion — some 15,000 men — to spokesman, .reported the opera- Giant B52 bombers supported of milltamen stationed In tbe nate Y&* military junta. fic, storage and staging areas cluding two not previously an- the action. In Madison and Marlboro Bog Controversies Flare Up By WILLIAM j. ZAORSKI landfill granted to Dotninlck Stiles and Peter Stafflinger, pres- MADISON TOWNSHIP—Mayor charged with "unilateral action"! MARLBORO ~ A new contro- Manzo of Matawan, none of those ident of the Board of Health, went Harry E. Messenger made a fu- in appearing before the Marlboro. versy over Burnt-Fly Bog may asked by a Daily Register re- to the site. But the mayor said tile attempt last night to bail out Township Planning Board in con-; be in the making, A resident porter could explain what tbe ve- he did not enter the dump prop- Planning Board Chairman Joseph nection with a variance request' last night declared that a chemi- hicle was doing there in the first erty. Pandozzi after a citizens' de- for a landfill in Burnt Fly Bog.. cal truck had been seen in the mand at Monday's council meet- place. Mr. Stafflinger, said he did in- The mayor proposed that Madl-. township's dump which lies in Mayor prubb said he. Busi- spect the vehicle but could not ing that be resign. the bog. son be "completely divorced; ness Administrator Sidney 0. find its driver. He found no odor Mr. Pandozzi, who is Demo- from.the landfill and to take no: The truck; found at Edmund Young Jr., Patrolman Robert (See MARLBORO, Page 3) cratic municipal chairman, was ctive part in the status of Burnt ] Emmons' dump last Saturday Fly Bog unless the township: was empty, said Mayor Walter were directly affected." • Grubb Jr., in response to ques- 9 'put of Marlboro' , ;' tions by John Narzowich of He said, "I want to withdraw; Buckley Rd. at the Township Dicln t Kill Donna, Madison and the Planning Board: Council meeting. out of the affairs of Marlboro^! Mr. Narzowich asked the may- We do not have a blanket con-; or if there was any truth to cem for the bog, only with the; statements he heard that a chem- and within our domain. I pro-! ical firm was depositing, wastes Jury Told by Doss pose that our previous resolution; Mt$$ WALLACE HQMQRED ~t NWMS at Riverview Hospital, Rad Bank,- acknowledged in the bog. •-....••.:... asking the state and the Mo'n-; The" mayor replied that, there FREEHOLD — William G. Doss inouth County Planning Board to] thVleadership of their director laif night at a reception for Mist Ruth Wallace, left. Was no evidence that it did. He told a Monmouth County Jury cquire property for Green Acres: Horace Brown, head intensive care nurie, made th* presentation of a portrait in oil. and three others went to the yesterday in the 15th day of his s rescinded."- I Mr*. Louise Mrotz, right, was chairman of the portrait committee. Miss Wallace has dump after being notified of the murder trial that he did not kill He added, "I am primarily; truck by Councilman Charles T. Donna DeRier. concerned with the bog property, been Rivervie'w'i 'director of nurses 15 year* and served 27 months as ah officer in the McCue. ,';..... '. '• /• The Jury was told a story sim- in Madison Townslup." , ' j Navy Nurse Corps. James. S. Parkits, honorary chairman of the board of governors, and No Evidence Pound ilar to the one l\e related to Mr. Pandozzi, who refused to: John H. Daniels, administrator, addressed the gathering at which Miss E. M. Lovely, While no one found evidence of Superior Court Judge Elvln R. sit as chairman until the' mat-- chemical waste dumping In the Siznmitt last week when the jurors ter . was, resolved, turned ' th»' nursing *vperviic-r, j>r#»id»d., . , ' (Register Staff Photo) township diunp which la near the Weren't present. chair over to vice chairman'WP' Judge Simmlll decided Ihat po- Iiarn" Kerr. Before doing so, 1KB lice evidence against him 'should read a statement,- clarifying his' Keyport Marine Killed in Viet be admitted In the trial. actions In appearing at.the Mejr Doss is accused of .killing Son* 3 meeting of the •Marlboro PUn- n» DeRier, >: W-yKfcr M Mont nirtg Board. ' < f«I tJH^Wri! Hfe said, "I bitterly resent th* * spending itU*. turner t statement* made, by *.citi- trftb' her parents Jn TWSirtHflMI* WEST KEANSltURO—Parents even worse, for the government shocking and in very poor taste, poorest person doesn't cans About He wat on-ththe stant d most of type of accusation , influenced of a Marine killed in Viet Nam to discuss how much if will pay fend»nd should come in a second or what the funeral expenses an go- the day following several other council last Monday to ask the " • : severely criticized U.S. toward funeral expenses," he as- third telegram, or Utter of'ex- ing to be," he declared. defense- witnesses. Legislature to take,action to pre- neat policy regarding serted. „ planation. The distressing telegram came His Story vent this (ype of deliberate char- anu on combat fatalities. "Comments of this 'type are "Whenyou loseason.'eVepthe a few hours after a Marine of- He, related the events of Aug. acter assassination." - . '.'If you have a son In Viet ficer broke the news of their 3, when, the murder, allegedly The mayor .agreed, stating that son's death, and a second tele- took place, and Aug. 23* when 1 f smear had run the gamut with Nam, you'd better steel yourself •Jfcuna DeRier William G. for tills kind of telegram. It's gram received yesterday ex- he was arrested, for the crime,' (Sea MADISON, .Page 3) > rough," declared Mr. and Mrs. plained that his body Is being and repeated this • story which Oilman M. McKay, Bayshore flown to the states and will ar- claims David L. (Block) Corwin Mobile Manor. rive within the next two or three killed the DeRier girl: days. , Their son, Marine Lance Cor- Mr. Corwin went to his-House Erhard's Party Chooses poral Gllman W. McKay was Want Humane Policy on the morning of Aug. 3, ajidthe killed in action Nov. 2 la Dang The McKays* said they, wanted two drove to the Avon Knitting Yang. to make the facts' kn^wn 4n hopes Mills plant, Farmingdale, where the government would adopt a Doss worked, to try to get.Mr. Mr. McKay reported, that the Ex-Nazi for ChanceHor more humane policy ot notifying Corwin a job. BONN, Germany (AP) - Ex- 1 first telegram, delivered Wednes- parents of death, adding: majority needed" for election by The socialist leadership wail Later they drove around the Sfazi Kurt Georg Kiesinger, the the Bundestag.
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