Sadat Joltsthe Kremlin SEE PAGE 2 The PLAIN TRUTH - SUPPORTED BY YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS the The Plam Tru th has no subscrIption or newsstand price II is $upponed through COnlribut/ons Irom our rea ders and those who have chosen, yoluntarily. to become cQ-worke/S with us in thiS worldWIde work The Plain Truth IS nonpro!!t, accepts no commerCial [p[ill~m TIrnrnTIrn advertising, and has noth ing to sell Contllbutlons are gra tefully welcomed and are tax-deductlble In the US. Q magazine of unde r s t anding Th ose who can are encouraged to add their financial support In the spirit 01 helping to make The Plain Trulh Vol. XLI NO. 5 Circulation: 2,912,825 available, With out price. to others Contributions should be sent to Th e Pla;n TrUlh. Pasaden a, CA 911 23 or 10 one 01 our oilices neares t you (see June 1976 addresses betow) ARTICLES Sadat Jolts the Kremlin! 2 Edltor·in-Chlef: HERBERT W ARMSTRONG Editor. GARNER TED ARMSTRONG Communists Who Think for 9 ManagIng Editor: Arthur A Ferdig Themselves News Editor. Gene H Hogberg Fealures Editor: De)[ler H Faulkner Art Direelor: Allen Morager Creation. 16 Alloclale Editors: Robert Glnskey. Srran KnoWles. Product of a Divine Idea RO!:teftl(uhn PublishIng Coordlnetor: Roger G Lrppross Copy Editors: Jim E Lea Peter Moore Five Ways to Enrich Your Marriage 24 Senior Editors: Raymond F McNa" ROdenck C. Mered,tn How to Recognize a Real Christian 28 Senior Wrllefl: Jell Cal",ns Doneld D. Schroeder. Keith Stump Human Survival; 31 Sowing the Seeds of Disaster? Contrlbuto,.: Ron Be,deck. D Paul Graunke. Ron Hor­ swell. Adb Muhladl. GorGon Mu,r Carole Ritter George Rnter. John R Schroeder The Cosmic Connection 36 Bureaus: Bonn WoHgang Thomsen, Brussels Ray Is Man Alone? Kosanke Sydney Don Abraham News Research Siall: Donnalean Clausen. Wemer Jebens, Tom Rogers MarcSlahl Graphics: DesIgn Coordlnalor Monte Wolverton. Asso­ FEATURES c'alill Art OfrectOf Greg S Smith. Slalt AlIiSIS Randall Cole, Garty Haooerty. Ron Lepeska Gary Richardson. Personal from the Editor Gene nl(as,oon. Mille Woodrull Pholography: PhotO SeMC&s Orrecror DaVid Conn, In Brief 5 Charles Buschmann, Ken Evans, Joyce Hedlund, Allred Hennrg. Walfen Watson Worldwatch 6 Photo Flies: Mana{}81 Alan Lener. Janice Neuleld Olltees: AUCkland. NeN Zealand RObert Morton. Bonn Garner Ted Armstrong Speaks Out 42 Wesl Germany Frank Schnee. Sr Aloans, England Frank Brown. Burleigh Heads. AUSlral1B DenniS Luker; Jerusalem. Chrrs Patton, Johannesburg. South A/(Jca Rad io / TV Log 43 Robert Fahey; ManKa. Pn!lrfjpmes. CoHn Adair, UlrfJ(;ht. The NB/Ilerlancfs Roy McCarlhy VenCOUl'8r B C Canada Dean Wilson General COu n. el: Stenley R Rader Business Manager. Raymond L Wnghl Circulation Manager: Jack Mart'n ABOUT OUR COVER Having boldly scrapped his nation 's friendship treaty with the Soviet Union, The PI(Jm Trulh IS published mon thly (e_cept eomblneo April-May ISSue) by Ambassadol College Pasadena CaJ­ Egyptian President Anwar Sadat is "ornla 91 123 eopyr.ghl 1976 Ambassador Cottege All nghls reserve<! Second Class Postage paid at Pasadena, counting on the United States for mili­ CA, andal eddltronaJ mau'ng oHces PRINTED IN USA tary and economic aid. Washington's Umted Slaies P a Bolt 111, Pasadena. Cal"oln,a 91123 re sponse could well determine the future Canada P a Box 44. SIalionA, Vancouver 1, 8.C Mel/lco: !nst!lUClon Ambassadot, Apanado Poslai 5-595 of Egypt - and the entire Middle East. MexICO 5, D F lIIustfar/on by Allen Mefage' ColOmOia ApafladO Ae,fIO 11430. Bogota I. D E Unrted Kmgdom Europe. Indra AfrICa and /fie West Indres P O. Bo)[ 111 . St Albans. Herts , England Soulh Alnca Maull/'us and MalaWI POBox 1060, Johannesburg. RepublIC 01 South AlrlC8 2000 Rhode$liil P 0 80)[ U A 30. LInton Ave , SalrsbtJry Ausrral,a and SoUIhI!t8SI A$la GPO 8<»: 3.5. Sydney NSW 2001. AUSlreha New Zealand and Pacllrc Isles POBox 2709, AUCk­ land 1. New Zealar'ld Crec"'s fOf phoro essay on pages 16 through 2' earth flom The Phr/lppmes P 0 80)[ 1111. Makall, Rllel 0-708 space, NASA t;JluB fsalher, Photo Researchers. micro­ scopic erys/al, General MO IOrs Ras~arclI Labor810nes BE SURE TO NOTIFY US IoIMEOIATElY 01 My change Ifl your address Please loclude YOUI old ma"'ng label and your new add/ass IMPORTANT' The pubirsOer assumes no re­ sponSlbllrly fOI return 01 unsoliCIted art work, photo­ graphs. Of manuscflots ere in Rome the big news is th e Italian pOlitical crisis. Com­ Hbined with other events. this could lead to an explosive world Personal from ... crisis such as never shook this world before. It's not my intention to report the news, but EXPLAIN WHAT IT M EANS. WHERE IT MAY LEAD. and how it may shake lip your life! News re­ porters and newscasters may report the news. But they can not explain it' They do not know what is proph­ esied. Here. first, arc the briefest high­ lights of the explosive situation at the moment. In Rome violence is mounting. Communists are now predicting a win in the forthcoming national ITALY'S CRISIS­ election. It's the struggle between communism and capita lism. SETTING THE STAGE In big print on the cover of News­ week. on newsstands here recc11lly. was the question: "ITALY ON THE FOR AN UPHEAVAL IN EUROPE BRI NK?" with the picture and in­ side cover slory of Communist leader Enrico Berlinguer. Put this together with the Com­ have been unable lO bring about - Allover the world. terrori sm and munist uprisings in Spain, POrl ugaL a politically united Europe. violence are mounting. and other European counlries and The political leaders of Europe Head lin es in a recent English-lan­ you have a more EXPLOSIVE situ­ have been unable to bring this polit­ guage Rome newspaper: '<TER­ ation than is realized! ica l union about. But an offe r from RORISM WAVE H ITS U.S. Put all this together with the the pope to use the power of his PROPERTY IN GREECE. " mounting troubles within the Ro­ office to join the nations together in " P.LA. MOVES INTO BEIRUT man Catholic Church - and put this a resurrection of the "Holy Roman BUFFER ZONE, DIVIDES together \vilh BlllLlCAL PROPHECY - Empire" would bring it about. FOES." " INDIA. BA NG LADES H, a nd the stage is a ll set for the great­ If an tireligion communism wins ACCUSE EACH OTHER OF est crisis of troubles in the history of political dominance of Europe as BORDER ATTACKS:' "WEST this world. the present trend indicates, that BA N K TENSION RISES IN Within the Roman Ca tholic would just about so und the death FOURTH DAY OF ARAB Church. more a nd more priests and knell of Roman Catholicism in Eu­ RIOTS," etc. - all on the front nuns are defying the church's tradi­ rope. page. tional authority and are marrying. This unprecedented situ ation now As I have repeatedly said re­ An ever-increasin g number of lay calls for sudden and draslic action. cently. the governmen ts of nations Ca th olics in America and Europe Il would mean a common currency arc being overthrown at the rate or are defying the church edict on mar­ for a union of ten nations in Europe. one a month around the world . ital sex relations. It could mean one military force. Put all this together with Secre­ The Vatican must know that un­ which would be as strong as the tary of State Kissinger's new "dom­ less this drift away from church au­ armed forces of the U.S.A. or the in o th eory" of Europe: He sees the thority is broken by sharp and U.S.S.R. - or maybe even stronger. possibility o( one European nation drastic action . disintegration threat­ The loss of Europe's faith in after anothe r toppling and going ens the largest church or religion in America to protect her from the So­ communist. If th is begi ns to happen , the world. 0 0 viet Union is another trend leading we can expect an evelllual aggres­ Biblical prophecy indicates the directly to such an eventuality as I sive reaction from the right. The strong possibility right now of a sud­ have described. stage seems set for thi s tremendolls den, sensat ional, world-shaking, Sooner or later such a European event. drastic move by Pope Paul or the union will take place. I have pre­ But what docs all of this mean to possibility of his abdication and the dicted this for 43 years' us? It means IT MAY BE MUCH LATER emergence of a new pope of iron It will astound and dumbfound THAN WE THINK! It means our work will who will propose what the na­ the whole \\/orl d when it happens. may be finished WHEN this hap­ tions or Europe have all wanted, bu t The time is noW RIPE! pens! 0 The PLAIN TRUTH June 1976 SADAT JOLTS THE KREMLIN! by Garner Ted Armstrong Egyptian President Anwar Sa­ dat boldly scrapped his na­ tion 's friendship treaty with the Soviet Union. But will he get the aid he needs from the United States? Here is a first­ hand report by the Editor of The Plain Truth, based on an exclusi ve intervi ew with the president of Egypt. n th e wake of two Sinai dis­ engagement agreements with Israel. the fe eling in Ca iro is Ihal Iwar with Israel is no longer inevi­ table and that a lasting Mideast peace may now be within grasp.
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