Hinton Independent. Clinton Independent. <ornciAL fiKii of tbs oocvtt .) kAI CS OF ADVERTISING. U Published I •‘try Ihureday, ni W. 1 in. 2 In iin.j 1% c.jH c l col C'onaty Smi of Clinton County. Out* week ...... - $ 1 uu $ i lu |i ui is uu |A uu $• (% Two weeks . Mtt-ir. IW.4W? 90 19 uu Tbrwc weeks.... j «ui ;IU' 4 uu! 5 au io uu 19 uu oorbit "5T ester , Kotir e.itwks. ..] 2 BoJ 8 r. 4 fiu| 6 80 19 U0 M UU riiroe mouths., IW & Oil 7 0U 1« 00 ft) UO JO tft .is months........ 5 ao a u> io nu in uu w uu u uu iilif- Mouths 7 ou 10 <•» 13 UU 90 00 40 U0109 0b TERMS. i’v. Ive mouths ft UO 13 UO 19 U> M 00-40 UOffiU UU laC.ndi Inc poaUjjo. $1 ft.* . In advance. for paper* The Clinton Independent. I ;! Ad\erti* ‘ meuta at statute rates. •vat out of ili« county, and IliUlor thoa. in the mmm y < ringe and I>- aih Notlcwefree. y&~ All matters for publication IB oat be in baud Vtedneeday morning to Insure publication tbt ---------r ■ ■■ aw- . »r «^— G si Hus!ness Notices 10 rents a llu* for Aral fame w ?!5 • Utl 5 r ut* for i-ach subsetyisin insert Ion. .loll ril l!M 1 M ^-‘biMSflrOTUre. M VOL. XVI.—NO. 15. rbn./^WR>SI)AY, JAN. 10. 1882 . WHOLE NO. 706 . du nil kind* of Job Prim H Ur t r » I t Frl/ f n tlior tiiolit r . —00-ccnt tea selling at 30 cents :«t W riling lunlltutr. j and Fowler, and li*§ * stage for passen­ Small-pox U just non giving the .'VUTK A If.—'"blur Into ths siul.Mirt-of ||i« HOME MATTER \ Every young lady mid gentleman __ From the County. sulKM-rU^r. mile* amilh <>f WV»l|4h»litt h«y- Wickes’. ger* at the tame time. people of America considerable alarm, IIs-I, in the tovusliip of W rttplitlia, ( )ioi< u county, — Blackwell’s I Mill i j in lotim-co 64»*ts. j who wish to acquire a rapid, graceful oupimis* I The sale of the |*ews In Si. Mary’s occasioned principally from the late j Michigan, <>u< <lsrk tro«n heifer, slx>Mt tliree — Wjitniil Uol Mlrn «i fatrtl i-uf year. ol«l, with whits tip on her tail Special Dispatch |*»r pound at Wickes’. , sty Ic of w riling should attend 1 leary’s j From Our Faithful Corrojpondent. church here for the ensuing year extensive foreign immigration. Law him h mii.i.iph —Smoke C. P. Wlckea'Orinoco. 32 writing Institute, St. Johns, Michigan. Kum. J.uiunrjr 1«.-Ura. Suu.wi * lnollMMj Io llMrlv ,7 n,„. fbo I>siol January 16. 1SS1*. T.’Owti !>«• iibIIoiii cento per pound. Scholar* may enter ut any time. < ..l.b i. In » lair « iV of recovery. ,mrUh hM .....pi. lon.- BISINEM* N0TI<K8. IS I TIOV.-Mr wife. Mai? A iNtwahoiu, To THE CLINTON INDEPENDENT. — World making at M. E. church, There w ill he a donation at the Grange Mr.. Job,, li.rri. I,„. been coi.«n«l by lhe „f / having left my bed ami board without Ju»t l ow» mi Prisule Kale. C! cause or provor ation, I hereby caution an<1 fo. bid next Saturday evening, hull, Grecnbmdi, on Wednesday even ­ to her be.l .(HUP illII finbn awi-ra,several ,1.)..davs. i Aa , |,„„,... lnilll , florae Our tier* I all (M-rwou* arsinst trusting her cn my account, ss IV. A. Durkee, who lias been con ­ Can get the cheapest and l*e*t hoi >e- I I shall i«y no debts of her coutracting. —C. 1*. Wickes sella 4 g«>otl cigars for ing, January 25th, 1882, for the benefit /.. A. Fonl I. ImiII II.ir a turn on hit ,„|Ve „ llMn| r,ol |,|„K „l a ducting a dairy business on the east hlankctj. at Stephenson ’s. Big pile--I WM |h iWNHAM 10 cents. of the Hev. G. f . Draper, »o which all |,Ue* In lhl« \lll.gf. iie»,,o.t,„MU!r HiDKhaui. January 14ih. 1SS2. 71*6 wa side of tliis village, haling abandoned ; the former one, n Re- closing out lielow cost. —< . I*. Wickes sells good t ousted cof ­ hie cordially invited. K.8|peHtid family, who have hern' tin* business, offers seven new milcli puhik'an, having left for an aUxle in 4 >>t SI. NT.tTI m.VI fee at :t shilling per pound. in the southern part of lid* state for I ii r* ! furs! uano i m i cow * for sale at bargains. 1 ; low s leaving the duties of Id* office TERRIBLE SLAUGHTER G * L low — On Saturday —IV Wickes sells prime plug to ­ time, have returned to this \ ili.ig**. Great sacrifice! Selling out below | last Olive grange elected tin* following ; in a <Hjmty’n hand. bacco at 50 cents per pound. Me M Irncrtl . cost. Look out for splendid bargain*! PEOPLE’S MUTUAL AM >- ofII its, and they were duly installed —Alvin Shaver has Just had his of ­ Ilerl>ert Webster of Maple Hapitls, at Stephenson ’s. by George Smith, P. M. : been \ idling the pa-f week flu* family hiiutct h iring hunted and killed live fice and residence connected by nie.uiA 4 Fire Insurance Co., Thomas W. Baldwin, Mavlci who was tried and convicted in tlie of G. NV. Bate*. in so inmy week*. JKiwu go the prices on huit under- t of a telephone v\ ire. David Plowman, Overseer, circuit court Inst week of having com- ilicic "ere about fifty couples at i Rev. ^uimernian, a missionary from —or — Mu Lester Wart-, Lnlurrr, wear for indies and gentlemen. Knit Great Reduction --All kinds of country produce want­ I^tll YanDyke. Steward milled a felonious assault ti|xmii|»oii tlie Doty ’s ball on Friday evening lust. Africa, .fid a collection in our church jackets, scarf*, w inter caps, mufflers, ed at Bristol, Palmer it Co. ’s new gro ­ Nathan Brewster. Amount Strwiiil, Ionia, Xon ’.calm In Clinton Counties, Fester Ware, t haplaiu, person of Miss Emilia J. IN heat of that Ovid Win pretty well represented, and last Suii^y |or missionary purposes and all kind* of w inter clothing at | cery store, St. Johns. | Mra. J W. hnueat, Treasurer, village, was sentenced on Saturday a good time reported. ‘ and receixjd $162. I'or I he year ending December n, li*l. IN GOODS AT Mr* Clara Mis, Secretary, Stephenson ’*. — Minnesota roller process flour and Athln * Wager, Gatekeeper, Inst by Judge Smltli, to four years in 1 he union protracted etlorf- at the NVm. linden, proprietor of llio I.rrai Sisrrillce J lightning yeast for sale by c. IV Mr*. I.ew|a YanDyke, I’utuoua, ilo* Ionia prison, lie received the -cu- M E. church, In Elders Knapp and freight linefetw bare and Fowler, i NuuiU-r of nieiulK-rs Dw 31, 1M0 2,4L1 Mr* t lara Gillvt, Flora, Gloves and ii)itl* ‘ii*. All tlie liiie-t Number of nu iub« m addM during Wicket. Mr*. I.li/alx lh Dunlap, Cere*. tenee without emotion in tlie presence Allen, continue to excite mud. filter-1 |,«t a viliakl* rwide the other day. i llte |nvwnl year................ •••• Mi*a Lottie Merrihew, Lady Aaaiklant Steward. aty l**- ill i»c klmighteml without tieiie- —A series of revival meetings are of Id* wife and two little boys, ills e-t, the eliurch being crowded » v«*i> ! Hllf ha* our <*‘ ‘ *UU»nco. Total ............................................ 2,*W tit of cl# rgy, a* long a« a snowr-flake i* J No. of me■«ben « an< ri«^l in l».*l. “1 now in progress in the Free MethodUr Deaf li or Jarak SSI I lor. Mtiornsy* it*fc«*d to have the sentence evening. t on . Joseph Wietier wlio split Ids fm.t visible. See for yourselves at Stcplien- A.L.BUTLEE&CO suspended to give them time to prepare No. of ruemhers now i«elonging to f'o '.’,757 church in lids village. “I iicle” Jacob Diller, who lias had 'luitir i«i|*iu% mu * VirtMli|. H* t* 1 an ax Bniplng around again. t •Oil’s. MUU. -----FOR IIK- —The next Congregational social will h residence in Greeiibusli township,this a bill of exeeptIon* w ith a view of tak­ I roiu ihc I*isjaich of January M , Mr*. John Sliitgen has recovered ing tlie case to tlie supreme court. Amount of proi^rty at risk be held at the residence of Mrs. A. O. county, for fifteen years or more, and II. A. Soule* exhibltdl t<• our won-j the injuries received by a fall •wnwMlmTtaaCMl . ......... • In the case of Mr. LaPoint, charged At Sli-pli.-,,.For men or l*n*. Amount of ri.k, .d4*d durl., Hunt, McConnel street, west, on Tues­ w ho moved into New ark township, dering vidon, an old revolutionary l ^dely. »h« present year.. with having maliciously placed ol>- the lies! and cheapest. Boy- -kirt NEXT SIXTY DAYS. day evening next. Gratiot county, a few weeks since, ; HWord, which was carried by Major Mi- A. Elrtltc ha* opened a first-class coat*, IpeniitIfni and line, all h‘.«s Total. ................. $4,404,652 —Messrs. Cutler A Walker have trad ­ died very suddenly of a paralytic stroke striict on* in a cattle guar 1 on the 1>., Brown, a brother of Mr. Sow le’* grand- j "‘^lincry shop in tlie building owned j IH'lH ( IDcrhl iukl.........
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